something that compiles

This commit is contained in:
Tom Sydney Kerckhove 2021-11-01 14:26:27 +01:00
parent 9dfc1158fa
commit aa0ecdb6ec
4 changed files with 108 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -28,3 +28,15 @@ This is not ready for production, it is not in use in any of my own projects yet
* Would be nice: support for recursive types.
## Fully featured example
## Tests and guarantees
* [Error messages are still good](TODO)
* [Encoding and decoding roundtrips](TODO)
* [Encoding and decoding is still fast](TODO)
* [Generated Human-readible documentation looks good](TODO)
* [Genertaed values are accepted by the corresponding generated Machine-readible schemas](TODO)
* [We try to make sure that backward compatibility is maintained](./autodocodec-api-usage/src/Autodocodec/Usage.hs)

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Autodocodec.Aeson.Document where
import Autodocodec
import Autodocodec.Aeson.Encode
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -54,47 +54,9 @@ data JSONSchema
!JSON.Value -- Machine-readible version of the default value
| CommentSchema !Text !JSONSchema
| ReferenceSchema !Text !JSONSchema
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Show JSONSchema where
show = showJSONSchemaABit
showJSONSchemaABit :: JSONSchema -> String
showJSONSchemaABit = ($ "") . (`evalState` S.empty) . go 0
go :: Int -> JSONSchema -> State (Set Text) ShowS
go d = \case
AnySchema -> pure $ showString "AnySchema"
NullSchema -> pure $ showString "NullSchema"
BoolSchema -> pure $ showString "BoolSchema"
StringSchema -> pure $ showString "StringSchema"
NumberSchema -> pure $ showString "NumberSchema"
ArraySchema c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ArraySchema " . s) <$> go 11 c
ObjectSchema kss -> do
fs <- forM kss $ \(k, (kr, ks, mdoc)) -> do
let f1 = showsPrec d k
let f2 = showsPrec d kr
f3 <- go d ks
let f4 = showsPrec d mdoc
pure $ f1 . showString " " . f2 . showString " " . f3 . showString " " . f4
let s = appEndo $ mconcat $ map Endo fs
pure $ showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ObjectSchema " . s
ValueSchema v -> pure $ showString "ValueSchema " . showsPrec d v
ChoiceSchema jcs -> do
fs <- mapM (go d) (NE.toList jcs)
let s = appEndo $ mconcat $ map Endo fs
pure $ showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ChoiceSchema " . s
DefaultSchema hr mr c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "DefaultSchema " . showsPrec d hr . showString " " . showsPrec d mr . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
CommentSchema comment c -> (\s -> showParen (d > 10) $ showString "CommentSchema " . showsPrec d comment . showString " " . s) <$> go 11 c
ReferenceSchema name c -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (S.member name)
if alreadySeen
then pure $ showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ReferenceSchema " . showsPrec d name
else do
modify (S.insert name)
s <- go d c
pure $ showParen (d > 10) $ showString "ReferenceSchema " . showsPrec d name . showString " " . s
| RefSchema !Text
| WithDefSchema !Text !JSONSchema
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
validateAccordingTo :: JSON.Value -> JSONSchema -> Bool
validateAccordingTo = go
@ -134,7 +96,10 @@ validateAccordingTo = go
ChoiceSchema ss -> any (go value) ss
DefaultSchema _ _ s -> go value s
CommentSchema _ s -> go value s
ReferenceSchema _ s -> go value s
RefSchema _ -> undefined -- TODO Will have to do some state tracking here.
WithDefSchema _ _ -> undefined
-- ReferenceSchema _ s -> go value s
instance Validity JSONSchema where
validate js =
@ -160,68 +125,55 @@ data KeyRequirement
instance Validity KeyRequirement
instance ToJSON JSONSchema where
toJSON = uncurry objectWithDefs . (`runState` M.empty) . go
toJSON = JSON.object . go
objectWithDefs :: [JSON.Pair] -> Map Text JSON.Value -> JSON.Value
objectWithDefs pairs defs =
JSON.object $
( if null defs
then id
else (("$defs" JSON..= defs) :)
go :: JSONSchema -> State (Map Text JSON.Value) [JSON.Pair]
go :: JSONSchema -> [JSON.Pair]
go = \case
AnySchema -> pure []
NullSchema -> pure ["type" JSON..= ("null" :: Text)]
BoolSchema -> pure ["type" JSON..= ("boolean" :: Text)]
StringSchema -> pure ["type" JSON..= ("string" :: Text)]
NumberSchema -> pure ["type" JSON..= ("number" :: Text)]
ArraySchema s -> do
itemSchemaVal <- go s
pure ["type" JSON..= ("array" :: Text), ("items", JSON.object itemSchemaVal)]
ValueSchema v -> pure ["const" JSON..= v]
ObjectSchema os -> do
AnySchema -> []
NullSchema -> ["type" JSON..= ("null" :: Text)]
BoolSchema -> ["type" JSON..= ("boolean" :: Text)]
StringSchema -> ["type" JSON..= ("string" :: Text)]
NumberSchema -> ["type" JSON..= ("number" :: Text)]
ArraySchema s ->
let itemSchemaVal = go s
in ["type" JSON..= ("array" :: Text), ("items", JSON.object itemSchemaVal)]
ValueSchema v -> ["const" JSON..= v]
ObjectSchema os ->
let combine (ps, rps) (k, (r, s, _)) =
( (k, s) : ps,
case r of
Required -> S.insert k rps
Optional _ -> rps
(props, requiredProps) = foldl' combine ([], S.empty) os
propVals <- mapM (fmap JSON.object . go) $ HM.fromList props
let propVal :: JSON.Value
propVal = (JSON.toJSON :: HashMap Text JSON.Value -> JSON.Value) propVals
pure $ case props of
[] -> ["type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text)]
_ ->
if S.null requiredProps
[ "type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text),
"properties" JSON..= propVal
[ "type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text),
"properties" JSON..= propVal,
"required" JSON..= requiredProps
ChoiceSchema jcs -> do
svals <- forM (NE.toList jcs) $ \js -> do
pairs <- go js
pure $ JSON.object pairs
let val :: JSON.Value
(props :: [(Text, JSONSchema)], requiredProps) = foldl' combine ([], S.empty) os
propVals :: HashMap Text JSON.Value
propVals = (JSON.object . go) (HM.fromList props)
propVal :: JSON.Value
propVal = JSON.toJSON propVals
in case props of
[] -> ["type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text)]
_ ->
if S.null requiredProps
[ "type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text),
"properties" JSON..= propVal
[ "type" JSON..= ("object" :: Text),
"properties" JSON..= propVal,
"required" JSON..= requiredProps
ChoiceSchema jcs ->
let svals :: [JSON.Value]
svals = map (JSON.object . go) (NE.toList jcs)
val :: JSON.Value
val = (JSON.toJSON :: [JSON.Value] -> JSON.Value) svals
pure [("anyOf", val)]
DefaultSchema _ value s -> (("default", value) :) <$> go s
CommentSchema comment s -> (("$comment" JSON..= comment) :) <$> go s
ReferenceSchema name s -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (M.member name)
when (not alreadySeen) $ do
modify (M.insert name JSON.Null) -- TODO Dummy value
val <- go s
modify (M.insert name (JSON.object val))
-- Here we don't recurse, on purpose.
pure ["$ref" JSON..= ("#/$defs/" <> name :: Text)]
in [("anyOf", val)]
DefaultSchema _ value s -> ("default", value) : go s
CommentSchema comment s -> ("$comment" JSON..= comment) : go s
RefSchema name -> ["$ref" JSON..= ("#/$defs/" <> name :: Text)]
WithDefSchema name s -> ["$ref" JSON..= ("#/$defs/" <> name :: Text), "$defs" JSON..= JSON.object (go s)]
instance FromJSON JSONSchema where
parseJSON = JSON.withObject "JSONSchema" $ \o -> do
@ -269,23 +221,37 @@ jsonSchemaViaCodec :: forall a. HasCodec a => JSONSchema
jsonSchemaViaCodec = jsonSchemaVia (codec @a)
jsonSchemaVia :: ValueCodec input output -> JSONSchema
jsonSchemaVia = go
jsonSchemaVia = (`evalState` S.empty) . go
go :: ValueCodec input output -> JSONSchema
go :: ValueCodec input output -> State (Set Text) JSONSchema
go = \case
NullCodec -> NullSchema
BoolCodec mname -> maybe id CommentSchema mname BoolSchema
StringCodec mname -> maybe id CommentSchema mname StringSchema
NumberCodec mname -> maybe id CommentSchema mname NumberSchema
ArrayOfCodec mname c -> maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ArraySchema (go c)
ObjectOfCodec mname oc -> maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ObjectSchema (goObject oc)
ObjectCodec -> ObjectSchema []
ValueCodec -> AnySchema
EqCodec value c -> ValueSchema (toJSONVia c value)
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> ChoiceSchema (goChoice (go c1 :| [go c2]))
NullCodec -> pure NullSchema
BoolCodec mname -> pure $ maybe id CommentSchema mname BoolSchema
StringCodec mname -> pure $ maybe id CommentSchema mname StringSchema
NumberCodec mname -> pure $ maybe id CommentSchema mname NumberSchema
ArrayOfCodec mname c -> do
s <- go c
pure $ maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ArraySchema s
ObjectOfCodec mname oc -> do
s <- goObject oc
pure $ maybe id CommentSchema mname $ ObjectSchema s
ObjectCodec -> pure $ ObjectSchema []
ValueCodec -> pure AnySchema
EqCodec value c -> pure $ ValueSchema (toJSONVia c value)
EitherCodec c1 c2 -> do
s1 <- go c1
s2 <- go c2
pure $ ChoiceSchema (goChoice (s1 :| [s2]))
MapCodec _ _ c -> go c
CommentCodec t c -> CommentSchema t (go c)
ReferenceCodec t c -> ReferenceSchema t (go c)
CommentCodec t c -> CommentSchema t <$> go c
ReferenceCodec t c -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (S.member t)
if alreadySeen
then pure $ RefSchema t
else do
modify (S.insert t)
s <- go c
pure $ WithDefSchema t s
goChoice :: NonEmpty JSONSchema -> NonEmpty JSONSchema
goChoice (s :| rest) = case NE.nonEmpty rest of
@ -297,14 +263,20 @@ jsonSchemaVia = go
ChoiceSchema ss -> goChoice ss
s' -> s' :| []
goObject :: ObjectCodec input output -> [(Text, (KeyRequirement, JSONSchema, Maybe Text))]
goObject :: ObjectCodec input output -> State (Set Text) [(Text, (KeyRequirement, JSONSchema, Maybe Text))]
goObject = \case
RequiredKeyCodec k c mdoc -> [(k, (Required, go c, mdoc))]
OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc -> [(k, (Optional Nothing, go c, mdoc))]
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c hr mr mdoc -> [(k, (Optional (Just (hr, toJSONVia c mr)), go c, mdoc))]
RequiredKeyCodec k c mdoc -> do
s <- go c
pure [(k, (Required, s, mdoc))]
OptionalKeyCodec k c mdoc -> do
s <- go c
pure [(k, (Optional Nothing, s, mdoc))]
OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k c hr mr mdoc -> do
s <- go c
pure [(k, (Optional (Just (hr, toJSONVia c mr)), s, mdoc))]
MapCodec _ _ c -> goObject c
PureCodec _ -> [] -- TODO show something ?
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> goObject oc1 ++ goObject oc2
PureCodec _ -> pure [] -- TODO show something ?
ApCodec oc1 oc2 -> liftA2 (++) (goObject oc1) (goObject oc2)
uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> ((a, b, c) -> d)
uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c

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@ -86,9 +86,10 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
CommentSchema k s -> (s :) $ do
(k', s') <- shrinkValid (k, s)
pure $ CommentSchema k' s'
ReferenceSchema k s -> (s :) $ do
(k', s') <- shrinkValid (k, s)
pure $ ReferenceSchema k' s'
RefSchema name -> RefSchema <$> shrinkValid name
WithDefSchema name s -> (s :) $ do
(name', s') <- shrinkValid (name, s)
pure $ CommentSchema name' s'
genValid = sized $ \n ->
if n <= 1
then elements [AnySchema, NullSchema, BoolSchema, StringSchema, NumberSchema]
@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ instance GenValid JSONSchema where
(a, b) <- genSplit (n -1)
(CommentSchema <$> resize a genValid <*> resize b genValid) `suchThat` isValid
-- TODO generate default value schemas
-- TODO generate ref and def schemas
instance GenValid KeyRequirement where

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@ -95,10 +95,5 @@ jsonSchemaChunks = concatMap (\l -> l ++ ["\n"]) . (`evalState` S.empty) . go
in addListAround s
DefaultSchema shownValue _ s -> ([chunk "# default: ", fore magenta $ chunk shownValue] :) <$> go s
CommentSchema comment s -> ([chunk $ "# " <> comment] :) <$> go s
ReferenceSchema name s -> do
alreadySeen <- gets (S.member name)
if alreadySeen
then pure [[fore cyan $ chunk $ "ref: " <> name]]
else do
modify (S.insert name)
([fore cyan $ chunk $ "def: " <> name] :) <$> go s
RefSchema _ -> undefined
WithDefSchema _ _ -> undefined