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synced 2024-12-02 09:52:01 +03:00
Usage documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ module Autodocodec
-- ** Field codecs
-- *** With documentation
@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ module Autodocodec
-- ** Documentation-less versions of field codecs
-- *** Documentation-less versions of field codecs
@ -29,9 +32,6 @@ module Autodocodec
-- ** Writing your own value codecs.
@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ module Autodocodec
-- *** Mapping
-- *** Enums
@ -207,10 +207,7 @@ type ObjectCodec = Codec JSON.Object
-- | A completed autodocodec
-- Note that a value of this type does nothing by itself.
-- You will need a companion library to make something happen.
-- For example:
-- You can use a value of this type to get everything else for free:
-- * Encode values to JSON using 'toJSONViaCodec' from @autodocodec-aeson@
-- * Decode values from JSON using 'parseJSONViaCodec' from @autodocodec-aeson@
@ -290,6 +287,8 @@ lmapCodec g = dimapCodec id g
-- Use this function to supply the rendering side of a codec.
-- > (.=) = flip lmapCodec
-- === Example usage
-- > data Example = Example
@ -302,8 +301,6 @@ lmapCodec g = dimapCodec id g
-- > Example
-- > <$> requiredField "text" .= exampleText
-- > <*> requiredField "bool" .= exampleBool
-- > (.=) = flip lmapCodec
(.=) :: ObjectCodec oldInput output -> (newInput -> oldInput) -> ObjectCodec newInput output
(.=) = flip lmapCodec
@ -339,6 +336,14 @@ instance Applicative (ObjectCodec input) where
-- During decoding, also accept a @null@ value as 'Nothing'.
-- During encoding, encode as usual.
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia (maybeCodec codec) (Just 'a')
-- String "a"
-- >>> toJSONVia (maybeCodec codec) (Nothing :: Maybe Char)
-- Null
maybeCodec :: ValueCodec input output -> ValueCodec (Maybe input) (Maybe output)
maybeCodec = dimapCodec f g . EitherCodec nullCodec
@ -352,6 +357,13 @@ maybeCodec = dimapCodec f g . EitherCodec nullCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'EitherCodec'
-- > eitherCodec = EitherCodec
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia (eitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Left 5)
-- Number 5.0
-- >>> toJSONVia (eitherCodec (codec :: JSONCodec Int) (codec :: JSONCodec String)) (Right "hello")
-- String "hello"
eitherCodec ::
ValueCodec input1 output1 ->
ValueCodec input2 output2 ->
@ -380,10 +392,20 @@ bimapCodec = MapCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'ArrayCodec' without a name
-- > arrayCodec = ArrayOfCodec Nothing
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia (listCodec codec) (Array.fromList ['a','b'])
-- Array [String "a",String "b"]
arrayCodec :: ValueCodec input output -> ValueCodec (Vector input) (Vector output)
arrayCodec = ArrayOfCodec Nothing
-- | Build a codec for lists of values from a codec for a single value.
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia (listCodec codec) ['a','b']
-- Array [String "a",String "b"]
listCodec :: ValueCodec input output -> ValueCodec [input] [output]
listCodec = dimapCodec V.toList V.fromList . arrayCodec
@ -393,9 +415,9 @@ listCodec = dimapCodec V.toList V.fromList . arrayCodec
-- During encoding, the field will always be in the object.
requiredFieldWith ::
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
-- | Documentation
Text ->
@ -404,9 +426,9 @@ requiredFieldWith key c doc = RequiredKeyCodec key c (Just doc)
-- | Like 'requiredFieldWith', but without documentation.
requiredFieldWith' ::
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
ObjectCodec input output
requiredFieldWith' key c = RequiredKeyCodec key c Nothing
@ -417,9 +439,9 @@ requiredFieldWith' key c = RequiredKeyCodec key c Nothing
-- During encoding, the field will be in the object if it is not 'Nothing', and omitted otherwise.
optionalFieldWith ::
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
-- | Documentation
Text ->
@ -428,9 +450,9 @@ optionalFieldWith key c doc = OptionalKeyCodec key c (Just doc)
-- | Like 'optionalFieldWith', but without documentation.
optionalFieldWith' ::
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
ObjectCodec (Maybe input) (Maybe output)
optionalFieldWith' key c = OptionalKeyCodec key c Nothing
@ -444,9 +466,9 @@ optionalFieldWith' key c = OptionalKeyCodec key c Nothing
-- The shown version of the default value will appear in the documentation.
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith ::
Show output =>
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec output output ->
-- | Default value
output ->
@ -458,9 +480,9 @@ optionalFieldWithDefaultWith key c defaultValue doc = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCode
-- | Like 'optionalFieldWithDefaultWith', but without documentation.
optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' ::
Show output =>
-- | The key
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec output output ->
-- | Default value
output ->
@ -476,7 +498,7 @@ optionalFieldWithDefaultWith' key c defaultValue = OptionalKeyWithDefaultCodec k
optionalFieldOrNullWith ::
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
-- | Documentation
Text ->
@ -487,15 +509,18 @@ optionalFieldOrNullWith key c doc = orNullHelper $ OptionalKeyCodec key (maybeCo
optionalFieldOrNullWith' ::
-- | Key
Text ->
-- | The codec for the value
-- | Codec for the value
ValueCodec input output ->
ObjectCodec (Maybe input) (Maybe output)
optionalFieldOrNullWith' key c = orNullHelper $ OptionalKeyCodec key (maybeCodec c) Nothing
-- | Infix version of 'CommentCodec'
-- | Add a comment to a codec
-- This is an infix version of 'CommentCodec'
-- > (<?>) = flip CommentCodec
(<?>) ::
ValueCodec input output ->
-- | The comment
-- | Comment
Text ->
ValueCodec input output
(<?>) = flip CommentCodec
@ -505,7 +530,7 @@ optionalFieldOrNullWith' key c = orNullHelper $ OptionalKeyCodec key (maybeCodec
-- This helps when you use an automated formatter that deals with lists more nicely than with multi-line strings.
(<??>) ::
ValueCodec input output ->
-- | The lines of comments
-- | Lines of comments
[Text] ->
ValueCodec input output
(<??>) c ls = CommentCodec (T.unlines ls) c
@ -524,42 +549,102 @@ valueCodec = ValueCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'NullCodec'
-- > nullCodec = NullCodec
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia nullCodec ()
-- Null
nullCodec :: JSONCodec ()
nullCodec = NullCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'BoolCodec' without a name
-- > boolCodec = BoolCodec Nothing
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia boolCodec True
-- Bool True
boolCodec :: JSONCodec Bool
boolCodec = BoolCodec Nothing
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'StringCodec' without a name
-- > textCodec = StringCodec Nothing
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia textCodec "hello"
-- String "hello"
textCodec :: JSONCodec Text
textCodec = StringCodec Nothing
-- | A 'String' version of 'textCodec'.
-- WARNING: this codec uses 'T.unpack' and 'T.pack' to dimap a 'textCodec', so it DOES NOT ROUNDTRIP.
-- === Example usage
-- >>> toJSONVia stringCodec "hello"
-- String "hello"
-- === WARNING
-- This codec uses 'T.unpack' and 'T.pack' to dimap a 'textCodec', so it DOES NOT ROUNDTRIP.
-- >>> toJSONVia stringCodec "\55296"
-- String "\65533"
stringCodec :: JSONCodec String
stringCodec = dimapCodec T.unpack T.pack textCodec
-- | Forward-compatible version of 'NumberCodec' without a name
-- === Example usage
-- > scientificCodec = NumberCodec Nothing
scientificCodec :: ValueCodec Scientific Scientific
-- >>> toJSONVia scientificCodec 5
-- Number 5.0
-- === WARNING
-- 'Scientific' is a type that is only for JSON parsing and rendering.
-- Do not use it for any calculations.
-- Instead, convert to another number type before doing any calculations.
-- >>> (1 / 3) :: Scientific
-- *** Exception: fromRational has been applied to a repeating decimal which can't be represented as a Scientific! It's better to avoid performing fractional operations on Scientifics and convert them to other fractional types like Double as early as possible.
-- CallStack (from HasCallStack):
-- error, called at src/Data/Scientific.hs:311:23 in scientific-
scientificCodec :: JSONCodec Scientific
scientificCodec = NumberCodec Nothing
-- | An object codec with a given name
-- > object name = ObjectOfCodec (Just name)
-- === Example usage
-- > data Example = Example
-- > { exampleText :: !Text,
-- > exampleBool :: !Bool
-- > }
-- >
-- > instance HasCodec Example where
-- > codec =
-- > object "Example" $
-- > Example
-- > <$> requiredField "text" "a text" .= exampleText
-- > <*> requiredField "bool" "a bool" .= exampleBool
object :: Text -> ObjectCodec input output -> ValueCodec input output
object name = ObjectOfCodec (Just name)
-- | A codec for bounded integers like 'Int', 'Int8', and 'Word'.
-- WARNING: This codec will fail to parse numbers that are too big, for security reasons.
-- === WARNING
-- This codec will fail to parse numbers that are too big, for security reasons.
-- >>> JSON.parseEither( parseJSONVia boundedIntegerCodec) (Number 1e100) :: Either String Int
-- Left "Error in $: Number too big: 1.0e100"
boundedIntegerCodec :: (Integral i, Bounded i) => JSONCodec i
boundedIntegerCodec = bimapCodec go fromIntegral $ NumberCodec Nothing
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