# Autodocodec Autodocodec is short for "self(auto)- documenting encoder and decoder". In short: You write a single instance, of the 'Codec' type-class, for your type, and you get: * [A 'ToJSON' instance from 'aeson' with both a `toJSON` and `toEncoding` implementation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson- * [A 'FromJSON' instance from 'aeson'](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson- * [A 'ToYaml' instance from 'yaml'](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/yaml- * [A json schema](http://json-schema.org/) * [A nicely-coloured human-readable yaml schema](./autodocodec-yaml) * [A Swagger schema](https://swagger.io/specification/v2/) * [An Openapi schema](https://swagger.io/specification/) See [the golden test directory](./autodocodec-api-usage/test_resources) directory for example outputs. ## Features * ✓ Correct-by-construction encoding and decoding, without generating code. * ✓ Generate automatically-correct documentation from code. * ✓ Support for recursive types. ## State of this project This project is ready to try out! ## Fully featured example ``` haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main (main) where import Autodocodec import Autodocodec.Yaml import GHC.Generics import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T data Example = Example { exampleTextField :: !Text, exampleIntField :: !Int } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving ( FromJSON, -- <- FromJSON instance for free. ToJSON -- <- ToJSON instance for free. ) via (Autodocodec Example) instance HasCodec Example where codec = object "Example" $ Example <$> requiredField "text" "documentation for the text field" .= exampleTextField <*> requiredField "int" "documentation for the int field" .= exampleIntField main :: IO () main = do let schema = T.unpack $ renderColouredSchemaViaCodec @Example putStrLn schema ``` This will output a nice coloured yaml-schema: ``` # Example text: # required # documentation for the text field int: # required # documentation for the int field # between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 ``` ## Tests While we don't provide any actual guarantees, we do have tests for the following properties that we would like to maintain: * [Encoding and decoding roundtrips through JSON.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/AesonSpec.hs) * [For standard types, encoding behaves in the same way that `aeson` does.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/AesonSpec.hs) * [Error messages for decoding are still good.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/AesonSpec.hs) * [Generated Human-readible documentation looks good.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/Yaml/DocumentSpec.hs) * [Generated JSON schemas look good.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/Aeson/SchemaSpec.hs) * [Generated Swagger schemas look good.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/SwaggerSpec.hs) * [Generated OpenAPI schemas look good.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/OpenAPISpec.hs) * [Generated values are accepted by the corresponding generated JSON schemas.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/Aeson/SchemaSpec.hs) * [Generated values are accepted by the corresponding generated Swagger schemas.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/SwaggerSpec.hs) * [Generated values are accepted by the corresponding generated OpenAPI schemas.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/OpenAPISpec.hs) * [Encoding and decoding roundtrips through YAML.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/YamlSpec.hs) * [We try to make sure that backward compatibility is maintained.](./autodocodec-api-usage/src/Autodocodec/Usage.hs) * [Codecs are more or less inspectable.](./autodocodec-api-usage/test/Autodocodec/ShowSpec.hs) * [Encoding and decoding is still fast](./autodocodec-api-usage/bench/Main.hs)