2023-06-02 09:47:35 +02:00

64 lines
2.7 KiB

final: prev:
with final.haskell.lib;
haskellPackages = prev.haskellPackages.override (old: {
overrides = final.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: { }))
self: super:
autodocodecPkg = name:
buildFromSdist (overrideCabal (self.callPackage (../${name}/default.nix) { }) (old: {
doBenchmark = true;
configureFlags = (old.configureFlags or [ ]) ++ [
# Optimisations
# Extra warnings
# Ugly hack because we can't just add flags to the 'test' invocation.
# Show test output as we go, instead of all at once afterwards.
testTarget = (old.testTarget or "") + " --show-details=direct";
# Turn off tests for older GHC's because they use aeson <=1.0
# and that outputs different schemas so the tests would fail
doCheck = final.lib.versionAtLeast self.ghc.version "9.2.7";
autodocodecPackages = {
autodocodec = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec";
autodocodec-api-usage = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-api-usage";
autodocodec-openapi3 = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-openapi3";
autodocodec-schema = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-schema";
autodocodec-servant-multipart = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-servant-multipart";
autodocodec-swagger2 = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-swagger2";
autodocodec-yaml = autodocodecPkg "autodocodec-yaml";
inherit autodocodecPackages;
autodocodecRelease =
final.symlinkJoin {
name = "autodocodec-release";
paths = final.lib.attrValues self.autodocodecPackages;
openapi3 =
if super.openapi3.meta.broken
then dontCheck (unmarkBroken super.openapi3)
else if final.lib.versionAtLeast super.openapi3.version "3.2.3"
then final.lib.warn "Don't need this override openapi3 anymore." super.openapi3
else super.openapi3;
} // autodocodecPackages