Tom Sydney Kerckhove 18ed00ec2f Fix the killing bug
2024-04-15 10:03:32 +02:00

309 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module FeedbackSpec (spec) where
import Autodocodec.Yaml as Yaml
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Feedback.Common.OptParse
import Path
import Path.IO
import System.IO (hPutChar)
import System.Posix (fdToHandle, openPseudoTerminal, sigKILL, signalProcess)
import System.Process (getPid)
import System.Process.Typed
import Test.Syd
import UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.IO.File
spec :: Spec
spec =
-- We need sequential because commands 'feedback' is run and produces a coverage.dat in the tempdir
sequential . doNotRandomiseExecutionOrder . coverageSpec $ do
it "can show help text" $ \tdir -> do
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["--help"]
runProcess_ cp :: IO ()
it "can start a loop and wait for input" $ \tdir -> do
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["echo", "hi"]
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
-- If the program is still running after 100ms, we assume that it is waiting.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
it "can run a command once, wait for input" $ \tdir ->
withSystemTempDir "somewhere-else" $ \otherTDir -> do
resultFile <- resolveFile otherTDir "result.txt" -- In another dir so the loop doesn't rerun automatically
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["echo hi >" <> fromAbsFile resultFile]
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
result <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile resultFile)
result `shouldBe` "hi\n"
-- If the program is still running after 100ms, we assume that it is waiting.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
it "can run a command once, wait for manual input, and run it again upon input, and then still be running" $ \tdir ->
withSystemTempDir "somewhere-else" $ \otherTDir -> do
-- In another dir so the loop doesn't rerun automatically
dateFile <- resolveFile otherTDir "datefile"
(masterFd, slaveFd) <- openPseudoTerminal
masterHandle <- fdToHandle masterFd
slaveHandle <- fdToHandle slaveFd
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setStdin (useHandleOpen slaveHandle)
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["date +%N >" <> fromAbsFile dateFile]
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
-- Feedback is running.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
beforeContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
hPutChar masterHandle 'r'
hFlush masterHandle
afterContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
afterContents `shouldNotBe` beforeContents
it "can run a command once, wait for a file to change, and run it again upon input, and then still be running" $ \tdir ->
withSystemTempDir "somewhere-else" $ \otherTDir -> do
-- In another dir so the loop doesn't rerun automatically
dateFile <- resolveFile otherTDir "datefile"
-- In the same dir so the loop reruns when we change it
triggerFile <- resolveFile tdir "trigger"
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile triggerFile) "initial"
(_, slaveFd) <- openPseudoTerminal
-- masterHandle <- fdToHandle masterFd
slaveHandle <- fdToHandle slaveFd
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setStdin (useHandleOpen slaveHandle)
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["--no-clear", "--debug", "--", "date +%N >" <> fromAbsFile dateFile]
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
-- Feedback is running.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
-- Make sure the file exists now
beforeContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
-- Change the trigger file, this should cause the loop to rerun.
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile triggerFile) "go go go"
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
afterContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
afterContents `shouldNotBe` beforeContents
it "can run in a git repository and ignore .gitignored files" $ \tdir -> do
-- Set up the repository
let runGit args =
$ setEnv []
. setStdout nullStream
. setStderr nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "git" args
runGit ["init"]
runGit ["config", "", ""]
runGit ["config", "", "Your Name"]
notIgnoredFile <- resolveFile tdir "file.not-ignored"
ignoredFile <- resolveFile tdir "file.ignored"
gitignoreFile <- resolveFile tdir ".gitignore"
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile gitignoreFile) "*.ignored"
runGit ["add", "."]
runGit ["commit", "-m", "Initial commit"]
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile notIgnoredFile) "foo"
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile ignoredFile) "bar"
runGit ["add", "."]
runGit ["commit", "-m", "commit with files."]
(_, slaveFd) <- openPseudoTerminal
-- masterHandle <- fdToHandle masterFd
slaveHandle <- fdToHandle slaveFd
dateFile <- resolveFile tdir "datefile.ignored"
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setStdin (useHandleOpen slaveHandle)
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc "feedback" ["--no-clear", "--debug", "--", "date +%N >" <> fromAbsFile dateFile]
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
-- Feedback is running.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
-- Make sure the file exists now
beforeContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
-- Change the ignored file file, this should _not_ cause the loop to rerun.
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile ignoredFile) "go go go"
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
middleContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
middleContents `shouldBe` beforeContents
-- Change the not-ignored file file, this should cause the loop to rerun.
SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile notIgnoredFile) "go go go"
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
-- Make sure the loop is rerun
afterContents <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile dateFile)
afterContents `shouldNotBe` beforeContents
xdescribe "fails for unknown reason inside nix build" $
it "can run a command, the 'before-all' hook will have run before" $ \tdir ->
withSystemTempDir "somewhere-else" $ \otherTDir -> do
resultFile <- resolveFile otherTDir "result.txt" -- In another dir so the loop doesn't rerun automatically
configFile <- resolveFile tdir "config.yaml"
writeBinaryFileDurableAtomic (fromAbsFile configFile) $
encodeYamlViaCodec $
{ configLoops =
M.singleton "sleep" $
(makeLoopConfiguration (CommandScript "sleep 5"))
{ loopConfigHooksConfiguration =
{ hooksConfigurationBeforeAll =
Just $
(CommandScript ("echo hi > " <> fromAbsFile resultFile))
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc
[ "--config-file",
fromAbsFile configFile,
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
result <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile resultFile)
result `shouldBe` "hi\n"
-- If the program is still running after 100ms, we assume that it is still sleeping.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
xdescribe "fails for unknown reason inside nix build" $
it "can run a command once, wait for input. The after-first hook will have run after" $ \tdir ->
withSystemTempDir "somewhere-else" $ \otherTDir -> do
resultFile <- resolveFile otherTDir "result.txt" -- In another dir so the loop doesn't rerun automatically
configFile <- resolveFile tdir "config.yaml"
writeBinaryFileDurableAtomic (fromAbsFile configFile) $
encodeYamlViaCodec $
{ configLoops =
M.singleton "say" $
(makeLoopConfiguration (CommandScript "echo run"))
{ loopConfigHooksConfiguration =
{ hooksConfigurationAfterFirst =
Just $
(CommandScript ("echo hi > " <> fromAbsFile resultFile))
let cp =
setStdout nullStream
. setWorkingDir (fromAbsDir tdir)
$ proc
[ "--config-file",
fromAbsFile configFile,
withProcessKill cp $ \ph -> do
result <- SB.readFile (fromAbsFile resultFile)
result `shouldBe` "hi\n"
-- If the program is still running after 100ms, we assume that it is waiting.
mExitCode <- getExitCode ph
mExitCode `shouldBe` Nothing
withProcessKill :: ProcessConfig stdin stderr stdout -> (Process stdin stderr stdout -> IO a) -> IO a
withProcessKill cp func = withProcessWait cp $ \ph -> do
func ph `finally` killProcessHandle ph
killProcessHandle :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> IO ()
killProcessHandle ph = do
mPid <- getPid (unsafeProcessHandle ph)
mapM_ (signalProcess sigKILL) mPid
-- It's really annoying that this is necessary, but hear me out.
-- `feedback` is run in a tempdir.
-- When instrumented with coverage tooling, it will output 'coverage.dat' its
-- working dir.
-- We have to copy back the coverage info in order to make the coverage report.
-- It's slow and dirty but it works.
coverageSpec :: SpecWith (Path Abs Dir) -> Spec
coverageSpec = around $ \useTmpdir -> do
topLevelCoverageFile <- resolveFile' "coverage.dat"
mSpecificCoverage <- withSystemTempDir "feedback-test-harness" $ \tdir -> do
specificCoverageFile <- resolveFile tdir "coverage.dat"
useTmpdir tdir
forgivingAbsence $ SB.readFile (fromAbsFile specificCoverageFile)
mTopLevelCoverage <- forgivingAbsence $ SB.readFile (fromAbsFile topLevelCoverageFile)
writeBinaryFileDurableAtomic (fromAbsFile topLevelCoverageFile) $
case (mTopLevelCoverage, mSpecificCoverage) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> mempty
(Just topLevelCoverage, Nothing) -> topLevelCoverage
(Nothing, Just specificCoverage) -> specificCoverage
(Just topLevelCoverage, Just specificCoverage) -> topLevelCoverage <> specificCoverage
waitABit :: IO ()
waitABit = threadDelay 250_000 -- Wait 250 ms