Interactive work report

This commit is contained in:
Tom Sydney Kerckhove 2023-07-01 21:23:00 +02:00
parent eeee23d446
commit d4823bf284
59 changed files with 1270 additions and 215 deletions

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ in
smosPkg = name: buildStrictly (ownPkg name (../. + "/${name}"));
smosPkgWithComp = exeName: name: self.generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions [ exeName ] (smosPkg name);
smosPkgWithOwnComp = name: smosPkgWithComp name name;
withTZData = pkg: (overrideCabal pkg) (old: {
withTZTestData = pkg: (overrideCabal pkg) (old: {
testDepends = (old.testDepends or [ ]) ++ [
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ in
sha256 = "sha256:0cm7wj49qmbi9kp5hs3wc6vcr1h0d5h864pa5bc401nm5kppp958";
} // mapAttrs' (name: value: nameValuePair "casts/${name}.cast" value) final.smosCasts);
smos = overrideCabal (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos") (
smos = overrideCabal (withTZTestData (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos")) (
old: {
postBuild = ''
${old.postBuild or ""}
@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ in
"smos-report-gen" = smosPkg "smos-report-gen";
"smos-report-cursor" = smosPkg "smos-report-cursor";
"smos-report-cursor-gen" = smosPkg "smos-report-cursor-gen";
"smos-query" = withTZData (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-query");
"smos-query" = withTZTestData (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-query");
"smos-single" = smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-single";
"smos-scheduler" = withTZData (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-scheduler");
"smos-scheduler" = withTZTestData (smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-scheduler");
"smos-archive" = smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-archive";
"smos-calendar-import" = smosPkgWithOwnComp "smos-calendar-import";
"smos-api" = smosPkg "smos-api";

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ mkDerivation, base, containers, cursor, cursor-dirforest
, cursor-fuzzy-time, deepseq, dirforest, exceptions, filelock
, fuzzy-time, lib, microlens, path, path-io, resourcet
, smos-archive, smos-data, text, time, validity, validity-time
, smos-archive, smos-data, text, time, tz, validity, validity-time
mkDerivation {
pname = "smos-cursor";
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ mkDerivation {
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base containers cursor cursor-dirforest cursor-fuzzy-time deepseq
dirforest exceptions filelock fuzzy-time microlens path path-io
resourcet smos-archive smos-data text time validity validity-time
resourcet smos-archive smos-data text time tz validity
homepage = "";
license = "unknown";

View File

@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ library:
- smos-data
- text
- time
- tz
- validity
- validity-time

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ library
, smos-data
, text
, time
, tz
, validity
, validity-time
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
@ -179,5 +180,5 @@ instance Validity EntryCursorSelection
instance NFData EntryCursorSelection
entryCursorUpdateTime :: ZonedTime -> EntryCursor -> EntryCursor
entryCursorUpdateTime zt = entryCursorTimestampsCursorL %~ fmap (timestampsCursorUpdateTime zt)
entryCursorUpdateTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> EntryCursor -> EntryCursor
entryCursorUpdateTime zone now = entryCursorTimestampsCursorL %~ fmap (timestampsCursorUpdateTime zone now)

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ smosFileCursorClockOutEverywhereAndClockInHere now sfc =
%~ (\lbc -> fromMaybe lbc $ logbookCursorClockIn now lbc)
& (smosFileCursorSelectedCollapseEntryL . collapseEntryShowLogbookL .~ True)
smosFileCursorUpdateTime :: ZonedTime -> SmosFileCursor -> SmosFileCursor
smosFileCursorUpdateTime zt = smosFileCursorSelectedEntryL %~ entryCursorUpdateTime zt
smosFileCursorUpdateTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> SmosFileCursor -> SmosFileCursor
smosFileCursorUpdateTime zone now = smosFileCursorSelectedEntryL %~ entryCursorUpdateTime zone now
smosFileSubtreeSetTodoState :: UTCTime -> Maybe TodoState -> SmosFileCursor -> SmosFileCursor
smosFileSubtreeSetTodoState now mts = smosFileCursorForestCursorL . forestCursorSelectedTreeL . treeCursorCurrentSubTreeL %~ go

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.Function
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
import Path
@ -139,5 +140,5 @@ smosFileEditorCursorHistoryL = lens smosFileEditorCursorHistory $ \sfec h -> sfe
smosFileEditorCursorPresent :: SmosFileEditorCursor -> Maybe SmosFileCursor
smosFileEditorCursorPresent = historyPresent . smosFileEditorCursorHistory
smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime :: ZonedTime -> SmosFileEditorCursor -> SmosFileEditorCursor
smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime zt = smosFileEditorCursorHistoryL . historyPresentL %~ fmap (smosFileCursorUpdateTime zt)
smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> SmosFileEditorCursor -> SmosFileEditorCursor
smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime zone now = smosFileEditorCursorHistoryL . historyPresentL %~ fmap (smosFileCursorUpdateTime zone now)

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ timestampsCursorSelectOrAdd tsn lt =
(\t _ -> t == tsn)
(makeKeyValueCursorValue tsn (emptyFuzzyLocalTimeCursor (mkImpreciseLocalTime lt)))
timestampsCursorUpdateTime :: ZonedTime -> TimestampsCursor -> TimestampsCursor
timestampsCursorUpdateTime zt = (timestampsCursorMapCursorL . mapCursorElemL) %~ go
timestampsCursorUpdateTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> TimestampsCursor -> TimestampsCursor
timestampsCursorUpdateTime zone now = (timestampsCursorMapCursorL . mapCursorElemL) %~ go
go ::
KeyValueCursor TextCursor FuzzyLocalTimeCursor TimestampName Timestamp ->
@ -204,11 +205,7 @@ timestampsCursorUpdateTime zt = (timestampsCursorMapCursorL . mapCursorElemL) %~
case kvc of
KeyValueCursorKey _ _ -> kvc
KeyValueCursorValue k fztc ->
KeyValueCursorValue k $
{ fuzzyLocalTimeCursorBaseLocalTime =
mkImpreciseLocalTime $ utcToLocalTime (zonedTimeZone zt) (zonedTimeToUTC zt)
KeyValueCursorValue k $ fztc {fuzzyLocalTimeCursorBaseLocalTime = mkImpreciseLocalTime $ utcToLocalTimeTZ zone now}
-- safe because of validity
makeTimestampNameCursor :: TimestampName -> TextCursor

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ packages:
- smos-query
- smos
- smos-archive
- tzdata

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
working-dir: ../../demo-workflow
- smos
- tzdata

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
working-dir: ../../demo-workflow
- smos
- tzdata

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
command: smos example.smos
- smos
- tzdata
file: example.smos
rows: 25
columns: 80

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ environment:
- smos-query
- smos
- tzdata
- type: "smos-query next\n"
- wait: 2000

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ file: projects/interviews/cs-syd.smos
- smos-query
- smos
- tzdata

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: Ongoing
description: Documentation about the smos-query ongoing command, for a report of which entries are currently ongoing.
The ongoing report shows you all of the entries that are ongoing.
I.e. the entries for which the current time is between their `BEGIN` and `END` timestamps.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
* `smos-server`: Booking API: Users can now activate booking and be booked.
* `smos-web-server`: Booking UI: Users can now activate booking and be booked.
* `smos-api` and `smos-client`: An endpoint for deleting smos files.
* `smos-query`: The `ongoing` command: For showing entries that are happening now.
### Changed
@ -29,3 +30,6 @@
* All packages: Upgraded to LTS 20.23 and nixpkgs branch `nixos-23.05`.
* `smos-web-server`: Empty directories are now deleted in the web editor.
* `smos-notify`: The notification now shows the filename of the entry that the notification is about.
* `smos`: Fixed a bug where the cursor would sometimes become invisible in the work report.
* `smos-query`: Added an `ongoing` section to the work report.
* `smos`: Added an `ongoing` section to the interactive work report.

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ extra-source-files:

View File

@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ getSmosKeybindingsR = do
let KeyMap _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
FileKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
BrowserKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
NextActionReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
WaitingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
TimestampsReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
StuckReportKeyMap _ _ = undefined
HelpKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined

View File

@ -96,6 +96,9 @@
<a href=@{SmosQueryCommandR "waiting"}>
Waiting report
<a href=@{SmosQueryCommandR "ongoing"}>
Ongoing report
<a href=@{SmosQueryCommandR "clock"}>
Clock report

View File

@ -117,6 +117,18 @@
^{keyMapTable $ waitingReportAnyMatchers $ reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap $ keyMapReportsKeyMap defaultKeyMap }
Ongoing Report
^{keyMapTable $ ongoingReportMatchers $ reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap $ keyMapReportsKeyMap defaultKeyMap }
^{keyMapTable $ ongoingReportSearchMatchers $ reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap $ keyMapReportsKeyMap defaultKeyMap }
^{keyMapTable $ ongoingReportAnyMatchers $ reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap $ keyMapReportsKeyMap defaultKeyMap }
Agenda Report

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ test-suite smos-query-test

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ execute = \case
DispatchPreparedReport es -> smosQueryPreparedReport es
DispatchWaiting ws -> smosQueryWaiting ws
DispatchNext ns -> smosQueryNext ns
DispatchOngoing ns -> smosQueryOngoing ns
DispatchClock cs -> smosQueryClock cs
DispatchAgenda as -> smosQueryAgenda as
DispatchProjects ps -> smosQueryProjects ps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Smos.Query.Commands.Ongoing (smosQueryOngoing) where
import Conduit
import Smos.Query.Commands.Import
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
smosQueryOngoing :: OngoingSettings -> Q ()
smosQueryOngoing OngoingSettings {..} = do
dc <- asks envDirectorySettings
sp <- getShouldPrint
zone <- liftIO loadLocalTZ
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
report <- liftIO $ produceOngoingReport zone now ongoingSetFilter ongoingSetHideArchive sp dc
colourSettings <- asks envColourSettings
outputChunks $ renderOngoingReport zone now colourSettings report
renderOngoingReport :: TZ -> UTCTime -> ColourSettings -> OngoingReport -> [Chunk]
renderOngoingReport zone now colourSettings =
formatAsBicolourTable colourSettings
. map (formatOngoingEntry zone now)
. ongoingReportEntries

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Smos.Query.Commands.Work
( smosQueryWork,
module Smos.Query.Commands.Work (smosQueryWork) where
import Conduit
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -81,9 +78,14 @@ renderWorkReport cc zone now ctxs waitingThreshold stuckThreshold ne WorkReport
\(f, violations) ->
unlessNull violations [warningHeading ("Check violation for " <> renderFilter f), [entryTable violations]]
[ sectionHeading "Ongoing",
[ sectionHeading "Deadlines",
[ sectionHeading "Upcoming",
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ renderWorkReport cc zone now ctxs waitingThreshold stuckThreshold ne WorkReport
spacer = [formatAsBicolourTable cc [[chunk " "]]]
entryTable = renderEntryReport cc . makeEntryReport ne
agendaTable = formatAsBicolourTable cc $ map (formatAgendaEntry zone now) workReportAgendaEntries
ongoingTable = formatAsBicolourTable cc $ map (formatOngoingEntry zone now) workReportOngoingEntries
waitingTable = formatAsBicolourTable cc $ map (formatWaitingEntry waitingThreshold now) workReportOverdueWaiting
stuckTable = formatAsBicolourTable cc $ map (formatStuckReportEntry stuckThreshold now) workReportOverdueStuck
limboTable = formatAsBicolourTable cc $ map ((: []) . pathChunk) workReportLimboProjects

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import Smos.CLI.Formatting
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Report.Agenda
import Smos.Report.Entry
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.Projection
import Smos.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Report.Time
@ -36,25 +38,29 @@ formatAgendaEntry zone now AgendaEntry {..} =
| d == 0 && agendaEntryTimestampName == "SCHEDULED" -> fore green
| otherwise -> id
in [ func $ chunk $ timestampPrettyText agendaEntryTimestamp,
func $
bold $
chunk $
T.pack $
case agendaEntryTimestamp of
TimestampDay _ ->
renderDaysAgoAuto $ daysAgo d
TimestampLocalTime lt ->
renderTimeAgoAuto $
timeAgo $
(localTimeToUTCTZ zone lt),
func $ relativeTimestampChunk zone now agendaEntryTimestamp,
timestampNameChunk agendaEntryTimestampName,
mTodoStateChunk agendaEntryTodoState,
headerChunk agendaEntryHeader,
func $ pathChunk agendaEntryFilePath
relativeTimestampChunk :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Timestamp -> Chunk
relativeTimestampChunk zone now =
. chunk
. T.pack
. \case
TimestampDay d ->
let ds = diffDays (localDay $ utcToLocalTimeTZ zone now) d
in renderDaysAgoAuto $ daysAgo ds
TimestampLocalTime lt ->
renderTimeAgoAuto $
timeAgo $
(localTimeToUTCTZ zone lt)
formatWaitingEntry :: Time -> UTCTime -> WaitingEntry -> [Chunk]
formatWaitingEntry threshold now WaitingEntry {..} =
[ pathChunk waitingEntryFilePath,
@ -63,6 +69,39 @@ formatWaitingEntry threshold now WaitingEntry {..} =
maybe (chunk "") timeChunk waitingEntryThreshold
formatOngoingEntry :: TZ -> UTCTime -> OngoingEntry -> [Chunk]
formatOngoingEntry zone now OngoingEntry {..} =
[ pathChunk ongoingEntryFilePath,
headerChunk ongoingEntryHeader
++ beginEndChunks zone now ongoingEntryBeginEnd
beginEndChunks :: TZ -> UTCTime -> BeginEnd -> [Chunk]
beginEndChunks zone now = \case
OnlyBegin begin ->
[ fore brown $ chunk $ timestampPrettyText begin,
fore white $ relativeTimestampChunk zone now begin,
OnlyEnd end ->
[ "",
fore white $ relativeTimestampChunk zone now end,
BeginEnd begin end ->
[ fore brown $ chunk $ timestampPrettyText begin,
fore white $ relativeTimestampChunk zone now begin,
fore brown $ chunk $ timestampPrettyText end,
fore white $ relativeTimestampChunk zone now end,
chunk $ T.pack $ beginEndPercentageString (utcToLocalTimeTZ zone now) begin end
formatStuckReportEntry :: Time -> UTCTime -> StuckReportEntry -> [Chunk]
formatStuckReportEntry threshold now StuckReportEntry {..} =
[ pathChunk stuckReportEntryFilePath,

View File

@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ combineToInstructions c Flags {..} Environment {..} mc = do
{ nextSetFilter = nextFlagFilter,
nextSetHideArchive = hideArchiveWithDefault HideArchive nextFlagHideArchive
CommandOngoing OngoingFlags {..} ->
pure $
{ ongoingSetFilter = ongoingFlagFilter,
ongoingSetHideArchive = hideArchiveWithDefault HideArchive ongoingFlagHideArchive
CommandClock ClockFlags {..} ->
pure $
@ -276,6 +283,7 @@ parseCommand =
command "report" parseCommandReport,
command "waiting" parseCommandWaiting,
command "next" parseCommandNext,
command "ongoing" parseCommandOngoing,
command "clock" parseCommandClock,
command "agenda" parseCommandAgenda,
command "projects" parseCommandProjects,
@ -420,6 +428,17 @@ parseCommandNext = info parser modifier
<*> Report.parseHideArchiveFlag
parseCommandOngoing :: ParserInfo Command
parseCommandOngoing = info parser modifier
modifier = fullDesc <> progDesc "Print the ongoing entries"
parser =
<$> ( OngoingFlags
<$> Report.parseFilterArgsRel
<*> Report.parseHideArchiveFlag
parseCommandClock :: ParserInfo Command
parseCommandClock = info parser modifier

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ data Command
| CommandPreparedReport !PreparedReportFlags
| CommandWaiting !WaitingFlags
| CommandNext !NextFlags
| CommandOngoing !OngoingFlags
| CommandClock !ClockFlags
| CommandAgenda !AgendaFlags
| CommandProjects !ProjectsFlags
@ -88,6 +89,12 @@ data NextFlags = NextFlags
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OngoingFlags = OngoingFlags
{ ongoingFlagFilter :: !(Maybe EntryFilter),
ongoingFlagHideArchive :: !(Maybe HideArchive)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClockFlags = ClockFlags
{ clockFlagFilter :: !(Maybe EntryFilter),
clockFlagPeriodFlags :: !(Maybe Period),
@ -234,6 +241,7 @@ data Dispatch
| DispatchPreparedReport !PreparedReportSettings
| DispatchWaiting !WaitingSettings
| DispatchNext !NextSettings
| DispatchOngoing !OngoingSettings
| DispatchClock !ClockSettings
| DispatchAgenda !AgendaSettings
| DispatchProjects !ProjectsSettings
@ -274,6 +282,12 @@ data NextSettings = NextSettings
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data OngoingSettings = OngoingSettings
{ ongoingSetFilter :: !(Maybe EntryFilter),
ongoingSetHideArchive :: !HideArchive
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data ClockSettings = ClockSettings
{ clockSetFilter :: !(Maybe EntryFilter),
clockSetPeriod :: !Period,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Smos.Query.OngoingSpec (spec) where
import Smos.Query.TestUtils
import Test.Syd
import Test.Syd.Validity
spec :: Spec
spec = sequential $
modifyMaxSuccess (`div` 50) $ -- The first test will be empty, the second will not
describe "Ongoing" $
it "'just works' for any InterestingStore" $
forAllValid $
\is -> testSmosQuery is ["ongoing"]

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ library
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ test-suite smos-report-cursor-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing.Gen where
import Data.GenValidity
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry.Gen
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.Ongoing.Gen ()
import Test.QuickCheck
instance GenValid OngoingReportCursor where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
genNonEmptyOngoingReportCursor :: Gen OngoingReportCursor
genNonEmptyOngoingReportCursor = do
zone <- genValid
now <- genValid
OngoingReportCursor <$> genNonEmptyValidEntryReportCursorWith (makeOngoingEntryCursor' zone now) id genValid

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import Data.GenValidity.Path ()
import Data.Maybe
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry.Gen
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing.Gen
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck.Gen
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ instance GenValid WorkReportCursor where
checkViolationsEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorCheckViolations = Nothing} | not $ workReportCheckViolationsEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= CheckViolationsSelected]
entriesWithoutContextEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext = emptyEntryReportCursor} | not $ workReportWithoutContextEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= WithoutContextSelected]
deadlinesEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor = emptyTimestampsReportCursor} | not $ workReportDeadlinesEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= DeadlinesSelected]
ongoingEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorOngoingEntries = emptyOngoingReportCursor} | not $ workReportOngoingEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= OngoingSelected]
waitingEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorOverdueWaiting = emptyWaitingReportCursor} | not $ workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= WaitingSelected]
stuckEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorOverdueStuck = emptyStuckReportCursor} | not $ workReportOverdueStuckEmpty wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= StuckSelected]
limboEmpty = [wrc {workReportCursorLimboProjects = Nothing} | isJust $ workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc, workReportCursorSelection wrc /= LimboSelected]
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ instance GenValid WorkReportCursor where
@ -71,6 +75,12 @@ instance GenValid WorkReportCursor where
tsrc <- genNonEmptyTimestampsReportCursor
pure $ wrc {workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor = tsrc}
else pure wrc
OngoingSelected ->
if workReportOngoingEmpty wrc
then do
erc <- genNonEmptyOngoingReportCursor
pure $ wrc {workReportCursorOngoingEntries = erc}
else pure wrc
WaitingSelected ->
if workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty wrc
then do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Smos.Cursor.Report.OngoingSpec where
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing.Gen ()
import Smos.Directory.Archive.Gen ()
import Smos.Directory.ShouldPrint
import Smos.Directory.TestUtils
import Smos.Report.Filter.Gen ()
import Test.Syd
import Test.Syd.Validity
import Test.Syd.Validity.Lens
spec :: Spec
spec = do
genValidSpec @OngoingReportCursor
describe "ongoingReportCursorNext" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorNext
describe "ongoingReportCursorPrev" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorPrev
describe "ongoingReportCursorFirst" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorFirst
describe "ongoingReportCursorLast" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorLast
describe "ongoingReportCursorSelectReport" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorSelectReport
describe "ongoingReportCursorSelectFilter" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorSelectFilter
describe "ongoingReportCursorInsert" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid2 ongoingReportCursorInsert
describe "ongoingReportCursorAppend" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid2 ongoingReportCursorAppend
describe "ongoingReportCursorRemove" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorRemove
describe "ongoingReportCursorDelete" $ it "produces valid cursors" $ producesValid ongoingReportCursorDelete
describe "ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL" $ lensSpec ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL
describe "makeOngoingEntryCursor" $
it "produces valid cursors" $
forAllValid $ \zone ->
forAllValid $ \now -> producesValid $ makeOngoingEntryCursor zone now
describe "makeOngoingEntryCursor'" $
it "produces valid cursors" $
forAllValid $ \zone ->
forAllValid $ \now -> producesValid2 $ makeOngoingEntryCursor' zone now
modifyMaxSuccess (`div` 10) $
describe "produceOngoingReportCursor" $
it "produces valid reports for interesting stores" $
forAllValid $ \zone ->
forAllValid $ \now ->
forAllValid $ \mf ->
forAllValid $ \ha ->
withInterestingStore $ \dc -> do
wrc <- produceOngoingReportCursor zone now mf ha DontPrint dc
shouldBeValid wrc

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ library

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Cursor.Forest
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import Data.Validity.Path ()
import GHC.Generics
import Lens.Micro
import Path
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.SmosFile
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Directory.Archive
import Smos.Directory.OptParse.Types
import Smos.Directory.ShouldPrint
import Smos.Report.Filter
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
produceOngoingReportCursor :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Maybe EntryFilter -> HideArchive -> ShouldPrint -> DirectorySettings -> IO OngoingReportCursor
produceOngoingReportCursor zone now mf ha sp dc =
<$> produceEntryReportCursor (makeOngoingEntryCursor' zone now) id mf ha sp dc
newtype OngoingReportCursor = OngoingReportCursor
{ ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor :: EntryReportCursor BeginEnd
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Validity OngoingReportCursor
instance NFData OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL :: Lens' OngoingReportCursor (EntryReportCursor BeginEnd)
ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL = lens ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor $ \wrc ne -> wrc {ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor = ne}
emptyOngoingReportCursor :: OngoingReportCursor
emptyOngoingReportCursor = OngoingReportCursor {ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor = emptyEntryReportCursor}
finaliseOngoingReportCursor :: [EntryReportEntryCursor BeginEnd] -> OngoingReportCursor
finaliseOngoingReportCursor = OngoingReportCursor . makeEntryReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorBuildSmosFileCursor :: Path Abs Dir -> OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe (Path Abs File, SmosFileCursor)
ongoingReportCursorBuildSmosFileCursor ad = entryReportCursorBuildSmosFileCursor ad . ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorNext :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorNext = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorNext
ongoingReportCursorPrev :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorPrev = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorPrev
ongoingReportCursorFirst :: OngoingReportCursor -> OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorFirst = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL %~ entryReportCursorFirst
ongoingReportCursorLast :: OngoingReportCursor -> OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorLast = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL %~ entryReportCursorLast
ongoingReportCursorSelectReport :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorSelectReport = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorSelectReport
ongoingReportCursorSelectFilter :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorSelectFilter = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorSelectFilter
ongoingReportCursorInsert :: Char -> OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorInsert c = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL $ entryReportCursorInsert c
ongoingReportCursorAppend :: Char -> OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorAppend c = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL $ entryReportCursorAppend c
ongoingReportCursorRemove :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorRemove = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorRemove
ongoingReportCursorDelete :: OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor
ongoingReportCursorDelete = ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursorL entryReportCursorDelete
makeOngoingEntryCursor' :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Path Rel File -> ForestCursor Entry Entry -> [BeginEnd]
makeOngoingEntryCursor' zone now _ = maybeToList . makeOngoingEntryCursor zone now
makeOngoingEntryCursor :: TZ -> UTCTime -> ForestCursor Entry Entry -> Maybe BeginEnd
makeOngoingEntryCursor zone now = parseMatchingBeginEnd zone now . forestCursorCurrent

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Lens.Micro
import Path
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Waiting
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ data WorkReportCursor = WorkReportCursor
{ workReportCursorNextBeginCursor :: !(Maybe (EntryReportEntryCursor (TimestampName, Timestamp))),
workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext :: !(EntryReportCursor ()),
workReportCursorCheckViolations :: !(Maybe (MapCursor EntryFilter (EntryReportCursor ()))),
workReportCursorOngoingEntries :: !OngoingReportCursor,
workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor :: !TimestampsReportCursor,
workReportCursorOverdueWaiting :: !WaitingReportCursor,
workReportCursorOverdueStuck :: !StuckReportCursor,
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ instance Validity WorkReportCursor where
NextBeginSelected -> not $ workReportNextBeginEmpty wrc
WithoutContextSelected -> not $ workReportWithoutContextEmpty wrc
CheckViolationsSelected -> not $ workReportCheckViolationsEmpty wrc
OngoingSelected -> not $ workReportOngoingEmpty wrc
DeadlinesSelected -> not $ workReportDeadlinesEmpty wrc
WaitingSelected -> not $ workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty wrc
StuckSelected -> not $ workReportOverdueStuckEmpty wrc
@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ emptyWorkReportCursor =
{ workReportCursorNextBeginCursor = Nothing,
workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext = emptyEntryReportCursor,
workReportCursorCheckViolations = Nothing,
workReportCursorOngoingEntries = emptyOngoingReportCursor,
workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor = emptyTimestampsReportCursor,
workReportCursorOverdueWaiting = emptyWaitingReportCursor,
workReportCursorOverdueStuck = emptyStuckReportCursor,
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ emptyWorkReportCursor =
intermediateWorkReportToWorkReportCursor :: WorkReportContext -> IntermediateWorkReport -> WorkReportCursor
intermediateWorkReportToWorkReportCursor WorkReportContext {..} IntermediateWorkReport {..} =
let IntermediateWorkReport _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let IntermediateWorkReport _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
workReportCursorNextBeginCursor = (\(rf, fc, tsn, ts) -> makeEntryReportEntryCursor rf fc (tsn, ts)) <$> intermediateWorkReportNextBegin
workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext = makeEntryReportCursor $
flip map (DList.toList intermediateWorkReportEntriesWithoutContext) $ \(rf, fc) ->
@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ intermediateWorkReportToWorkReportCursor WorkReportContext {..} IntermediateWork
<$> NE.nonEmpty (M.toList intermediateWorkReportCheckViolations)
workReportCursorOngoingEntries =
finaliseOngoingReportCursor $
flip map (DList.toList intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries) $ \(rf, fc, be) ->
makeEntryReportEntryCursor rf fc be
workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor = finaliseTimestampsReportCursor $
flip map (DList.toList intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries) $ \(rf, fc, tsn, ts) ->
makeEntryReportEntryCursor rf fc (TimestampsEntryCursor tsn ts)
@ -135,6 +143,7 @@ data WorkReportCursorSelection
| StuckSelected
| LimboSelected
| DeadlinesSelected
| OngoingSelected
| NextBeginSelected
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
@ -154,6 +163,9 @@ workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContextL = lens workReportCursorEntriesWithoutCont
workReportCursorDeadlinesL :: Lens' WorkReportCursor TimestampsReportCursor
workReportCursorDeadlinesL = lens workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor $ \wrc rc -> wrc {workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor = rc}
workReportCursorOngoingL :: Lens' WorkReportCursor OngoingReportCursor
workReportCursorOngoingL = lens workReportCursorOngoingEntries $ \wrc rc -> wrc {workReportCursorOngoingEntries = rc}
workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL :: Lens' WorkReportCursor WaitingReportCursor
workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL = lens workReportCursorOverdueWaiting $ \wrc rc -> wrc {workReportCursorOverdueWaiting = rc}
@ -178,12 +190,18 @@ workReportCheckViolationsEmpty = isNothing . workReportCursorCheckViolations
workReportDeadlinesEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportDeadlinesEmpty = isNothing . entryReportCursorSelectedEntryReportEntryCursors . timestampsReportCursorEntryReportCursor . workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor
workReportOngoingEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportOngoingEmpty = isNothing . entryReportCursorSelectedEntryReportEntryCursors . ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor . workReportCursorOngoingEntries
workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty = isNothing . entryReportCursorSelectedEntryReportEntryCursors . waitingReportCursorEntryReportCursor . workReportCursorOverdueWaiting
workReportOverdueStuckEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportOverdueStuckEmpty = isNothing . stuckReportCursorNonEmptyCursor . workReportCursorOverdueStuck
workReportLimboEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportLimboEmpty = isNothing . workReportCursorLimboProjects
workReportResultsEmpty :: WorkReportCursor -> Bool
workReportResultsEmpty = isNothing . entryReportCursorSelectedEntryReportEntryCursors . workReportCursorResultEntries
@ -238,18 +256,25 @@ workReportCursorNext wrc = case workReportCursorSelection wrc of
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there were deadlines entries, keep going.
else Just wrc'
CheckViolationsSelected -> case workReportCursorCheckViolationsL checkViolationsNext wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = OngoingSelected}
in if workReportOngoingEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there are no entries without context, keep going.
else Just wrc'
OngoingSelected -> case workReportCursorOngoingL ongoingReportCursorNext wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = DeadlinesSelected}
in if workReportDeadlinesEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there are no entries without context, keep going.
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there were no waiting entries, keep going.
else Just wrc'
DeadlinesSelected -> case workReportCursorDeadlinesL timestampsReportCursorNext wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = WaitingSelected}
in if workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there were no waiting entries, keep going.
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there were no ongoing entries, keep going.
else Just wrc'
WaitingSelected -> case workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL waitingReportCursorNext wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
@ -265,11 +290,9 @@ workReportCursorNext wrc = case workReportCursorSelection wrc of
in if isNothing $ workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc'
then workReportCursorNext wrc' -- If there are no limbo projects, keep going.
else Just wrc'
LimboSelected -> case workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc of
Nothing -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorSelection = ResultsSelected} -- Should not happen
Just nec -> case nonEmptyCursorSelectNext nec of
Nothing -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorSelection = ResultsSelected}
Just nec' -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorLimboProjects = Just nec'}
LimboSelected -> case workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc >>= nonEmptyCursorSelectNext of
Just nec' -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorLimboProjects = Just nec'}
Nothing -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorSelection = ResultsSelected}
-- Even if there are no results, we stay in the results
ResultsSelected -> workReportCursorResultEntriesL entryReportCursorNext wrc
@ -288,11 +311,18 @@ workReportCursorPrev wrc = case workReportCursorSelection wrc of
in if workReportWithoutContextEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no entries without context, keep going.
else Just wrc'
DeadlinesSelected -> case workReportCursorDeadlinesL timestampsReportCursorPrev wrc of
OngoingSelected -> case workReportCursorOngoingL ongoingReportCursorPrev wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = CheckViolationsSelected}
in if workReportCheckViolationsEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no deadlines, keep looking up.
else Just wrc'
DeadlinesSelected -> case workReportCursorDeadlinesL timestampsReportCursorPrev wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = OngoingSelected}
in if workReportOngoingEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no check violations, keep going.
else Just wrc'
WaitingSelected -> case workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL waitingReportCursorPrev wrc of
@ -300,7 +330,7 @@ workReportCursorPrev wrc = case workReportCursorSelection wrc of
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = DeadlinesSelected}
in if workReportDeadlinesEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no deadlines, keep looking up
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no ongoing entries, keep looking up
else Just wrc'
StuckSelected -> case workReportCursorOverdueStuckL stuckReportCursorPrev wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
@ -309,32 +339,31 @@ workReportCursorPrev wrc = case workReportCursorSelection wrc of
in if workReportOverdueWaitingEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no waiting entries, keep looking up
else Just wrc'
LimboSelected -> case workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc of
Nothing -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorSelection = StuckSelected} -- Should not happen
Just nec -> case nonEmptyCursorSelectPrev nec of
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = StuckSelected}
in if workReportOverdueStuckEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no stuck projects, keep looking up.
else Just wrc'
Just nec' -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorLimboProjects = Just nec'}
LimboSelected -> case workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc >>= nonEmptyCursorSelectPrev of
Just nec' -> Just $ wrc {workReportCursorLimboProjects = Just nec'}
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = StuckSelected}
in if workReportOverdueStuckEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no stuck projects, keep looking up.
else Just wrc'
ResultsSelected -> case workReportCursorResultEntriesL entryReportCursorPrev wrc of
Just wrc' -> Just wrc'
Nothing ->
let wrc' = wrc {workReportCursorSelection = LimboSelected}
in if isNothing $ workReportCursorLimboProjects wrc'
in if workReportLimboEmpty wrc'
then workReportCursorPrev wrc' -- If there are no limbo projects, keep looking up
else Just wrc'
workReportCursorFirst :: WorkReportCursor -> WorkReportCursor
workReportCursorFirst wrc =
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
wrc' =
& workReportCursorSelectionL .~ NextBeginSelected
& workReportCursorCheckViolationsL %~ checkViolationsFirst
& workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContextL %~ entryReportCursorFirst
& workReportCursorDeadlinesL %~ timestampsReportCursorFirst
& workReportCursorOngoingL %~ ongoingReportCursorFirst
& workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL %~ waitingReportCursorFirst
& workReportCursorOverdueStuckL %~ stuckReportCursorFirst
& workReportCursorLimboProjectsL %~ fmap nonEmptyCursorSelectFirst
@ -347,12 +376,13 @@ workReportCursorFirst wrc =
workReportCursorLast :: WorkReportCursor -> WorkReportCursor
workReportCursorLast wrc =
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
in wrc
& workReportCursorSelectionL .~ ResultsSelected
& workReportCursorCheckViolationsL %~ checkViolationsLast
& workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContextL %~ entryReportCursorLast
& workReportCursorDeadlinesL %~ timestampsReportCursorLast
& workReportCursorOngoingL %~ ongoingReportCursorLast
& workReportCursorOverdueWaitingL %~ waitingReportCursorLast
& workReportCursorOverdueStuckL %~ stuckReportCursorLast
& workReportCursorLimboProjectsL %~ fmap nonEmptyCursorSelectLast

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ library
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ test-suite smos-report-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Smos.Report.Ongoing.Gen where
import Data.GenValidity
import Data.GenValidity.Path ()
import Smos.Data.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.Period.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Time.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.TimeBlock.Gen ()
instance GenValid OngoingReport where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
instance GenValid OngoingEntry where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering
instance GenValid BeginEnd where
genValid = genValidStructurallyWithoutExtraChecking
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurallyWithoutExtraFiltering

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Smos.Data.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Agenda
import Smos.Report.Agenda.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Filter.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Ongoing.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.OptParse.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Period.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Sorter.Gen ()
@ -42,4 +43,5 @@ instance GenValid WorkReport where
<*> genValid
<*> genValid
<*> genValid
<*> genValid
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurally

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Smos.Report.OngoingSpec where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones.All
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Directory.Archive.Gen ()
import Smos.Directory.ShouldPrint
import Smos.Directory.TestUtils
import Smos.Report.Filter.Gen ()
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.Ongoing.Gen ()
import Test.Syd
import Test.Syd.Validity
import Test.Syd.Validity.Aeson
spec :: Spec
spec = do
genValidSpec @OngoingReport
jsonSpec @OngoingReport
genValidSpec @OngoingEntry
jsonSpec @OngoingEntry
modifyMaxSuccess (`div` 10) $
describe "produceOngoingReport" $
it "produces valid reports for interesting stores" $
forAllValid $ \zone ->
forAllValid $ \now ->
forAllValid $ \mFilter ->
forAllValid $ \ha ->
withInterestingStore $ \dc -> do
wr <- produceOngoingReport zone now mFilter ha DontPrint dc
shouldBeValid wr
describe "parseOngoingEntry" $ do
it "always uses the appropriate filepath and header if it parses something" $
forAllValid $ \zone ->
forAllValid $ \now ->
forAllValid $ \rf ->
forAllValid $ \e -> do
case parseOngoingEntry zone now rf e of
Nothing -> pure () -- Fine
Just OngoingEntry {..} -> do
ongoingEntryFilePath `shouldBe` rf
ongoingEntryHeader `shouldBe` entryHeader e
let zone = tzByLabel Europe__Zurich
now = UTCTime (fromGregorian 2023 09 11) (timeOfDayToTime (TimeOfDay 12 14 00))
it "can parse a OnlyBegin" $
forAllValid $ \rf ->
forAllValid $ \h -> do
let begin = TimestampDay (fromGregorian 2023 09 10)
e = (newEntry h) {entryTimestamps = M.fromList [("BEGIN", begin)]}
case parseOngoingEntry zone now rf e of
Nothing -> expectationFailure "Should have found an OngoingEntry"
Just OngoingEntry {..} -> ongoingEntryBeginEnd `shouldBe` OnlyBegin begin
it "can parse a OnlyEnd" $
forAllValid $ \rf ->
forAllValid $ \h -> do
let end = TimestampDay (fromGregorian 2023 09 15)
e = (newEntry h) {entryTimestamps = M.fromList [("END", end)]}
case parseOngoingEntry zone now rf e of
Nothing -> expectationFailure "Should have found an OngoingEntry"
Just OngoingEntry {..} -> ongoingEntryBeginEnd `shouldBe` OnlyEnd end
it "can parse a BeginEnd" $
forAllValid $ \rf ->
forAllValid $ \h -> do
let begin = TimestampDay (fromGregorian 2023 09 09)
end = TimestampDay (fromGregorian 2023 09 16)
e = (newEntry h) {entryTimestamps = M.fromList [("BEGIN", begin), ("END", end)]}
case parseOngoingEntry zone now rf e of
Nothing -> expectationFailure "Should have found an OngoingEntry"
Just OngoingEntry {..} -> ongoingEntryBeginEnd `shouldBe` BeginEnd begin end

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Smos.Report.Ongoing where
import Autodocodec
import Conduit
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import Data.Validity.Path ()
import GHC.Generics
import Path
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Directory.Archive
import Smos.Directory.OptParse.Types
import Smos.Directory.ShouldPrint
import Smos.Directory.Streaming
import Smos.Report.Filter
import Text.Printf
produceOngoingReport ::
MonadIO m =>
TZ ->
UTCTime ->
Maybe EntryFilter ->
HideArchive ->
ShouldPrint ->
DirectorySettings ->
m OngoingReport
produceOngoingReport zone now ef ha sp dc =
produceReport ha sp dc (ongoingReportConduit zone now ef)
ongoingReportConduit ::
Monad m =>
TZ ->
UTCTime ->
Maybe EntryFilter ->
ConduitT (Path Rel File, SmosFile) void m OngoingReport
ongoingReportConduit zone now ef =
<$> ( smosFileCursors
.| C.filter (maybe (const True) filterPredicate ef)
.| smosCursorCurrents
.| C.concatMap (uncurry (parseOngoingEntry zone now))
.| sinkList
parseOngoingEntry :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Path Rel File -> Entry -> Maybe OngoingEntry
parseOngoingEntry zone now ongoingEntryFilePath e = do
let ongoingEntryHeader = entryHeader e
ongoingEntryBeginEnd <- parseMatchingBeginEnd zone now e
pure $ OngoingEntry {..}
parseMatchingBeginEnd :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Entry -> Maybe BeginEnd
parseMatchingBeginEnd zone now e = do
be <-
(M.lookup "BEGIN" (entryTimestamps e))
(M.lookup "END" (entryTimestamps e))
guard $ beginEndMatches zone now be
guard $ not $ entryIsDone e
pure be
newtype OngoingReport = OngoingReport
{ ongoingReportEntries :: [OngoingEntry]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via (Autodocodec OngoingReport)
instance Validity OngoingReport
instance NFData OngoingReport
instance HasCodec OngoingReport where
codec = dimapCodec OngoingReport ongoingReportEntries codec
data OngoingEntry = OngoingEntry
{ -- The path within the workflow directory
ongoingEntryFilePath :: !(Path Rel File),
ongoingEntryHeader :: !Header,
ongoingEntryBeginEnd :: !BeginEnd
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via (Autodocodec OngoingEntry)
instance Validity OngoingEntry
instance NFData OngoingEntry
instance HasCodec OngoingEntry where
codec =
object "OngoingEntry" $
<$> requiredField "path" "The path of the file in which this entry was found"
.= ongoingEntryFilePath
<*> requiredField "header" "The header of the entry"
.= ongoingEntryHeader
<*> objectCodec
.= ongoingEntryBeginEnd
data BeginEnd
= OnlyBegin !Timestamp
| OnlyEnd !Timestamp
| BeginEnd !Timestamp !Timestamp
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via (Autodocodec BeginEnd)
instance Validity BeginEnd
instance NFData BeginEnd
instance HasCodec BeginEnd where
codec = object "BeginEnd" objectCodec
instance HasObjectCodec BeginEnd where
objectCodec =
( \(mBegin, mEnd) -> case parseBeginEnd mBegin mEnd of
Nothing -> Left "Either begin or end is required."
Just be -> Right be
$ (,)
<$> optionalField "begin" "begin timestamp"
.= fst
<*> optionalField "end" "end timestamp"
.= snd
parseBeginEnd :: Maybe Timestamp -> Maybe Timestamp -> Maybe BeginEnd
parseBeginEnd mBegin mEnd = case (mBegin, mEnd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just begin, Nothing) -> Just $ OnlyBegin begin
(Nothing, Just end) -> Just $ OnlyEnd end
(Just begin, Just end) -> Just $ BeginEnd begin end
renderBeginEnd :: BeginEnd -> (Maybe Timestamp, Maybe Timestamp)
renderBeginEnd = \case
OnlyBegin begin -> (Just begin, Nothing)
OnlyEnd end -> (Nothing, Just end)
BeginEnd begin end -> (Just begin, Just end)
beginEndMatches :: TZ -> UTCTime -> BeginEnd -> Bool
beginEndMatches zone now be =
let localNow = utcToLocalTimeTZ zone now
today = localDay localNow
beginCondition begin =
case begin of
TimestampDay d -> d <= today
TimestampLocalTime lt -> lt <= localNow
endCondition end =
case end of
TimestampDay d -> today <= d
TimestampLocalTime lt -> localNow <= lt
in case be of
OnlyBegin begin -> beginCondition begin
OnlyEnd end -> endCondition end
BeginEnd begin end -> beginCondition begin && endCondition end
beginEndPercentageString :: LocalTime -> Timestamp -> Timestamp -> String
beginEndPercentageString nowLocal begin end =
let today = localDay nowLocal
in case (begin, end) of
(TimestampDay bd, TimestampDay ed) ->
printf "% 3d / % 3d" (diffDays today bd + 1) (diffDays ed bd + 1)
_ ->
let r :: Float
r =
realToFrac (diffLocalTime nowLocal (timestampLocalTime begin))
/ realToFrac (diffLocalTime (timestampLocalTime end) (timestampLocalTime begin))
in printf "% 3.f%%" $ 100 * r

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Smos.Directory.Streaming
import Smos.Report.Agenda
import Smos.Report.Comparison
import Smos.Report.Filter
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.OptParse.Types
import Smos.Report.Projects
import Smos.Report.Sorter
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ intermediateWorkReportConduit wrc =
data IntermediateWorkReport = IntermediateWorkReport
{ intermediateWorkReportResultEntries :: !(DList (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry)),
intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries :: !(DList (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, TimestampName, Timestamp)),
intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries :: !(DList (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, BeginEnd)),
intermediateWorkReportNextBegin :: !(Maybe (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, TimestampName, Timestamp)),
intermediateWorkReportOverdueWaiting :: !(DList (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, UTCTime, Maybe Time)),
intermediateWorkReportOverdueStuck :: !(DList StuckReportEntry),
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ instance Semigroup IntermediateWorkReport where
{ intermediateWorkReportResultEntries = intermediateWorkReportResultEntries wr1 <> intermediateWorkReportResultEntries wr2,
intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries = intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries wr1 <> intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries wr2,
intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries = intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries wr1 <> intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries wr2,
intermediateWorkReportNextBegin = case (intermediateWorkReportNextBegin wr1, intermediateWorkReportNextBegin wr2) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just ae, Nothing) -> Just ae
@ -99,6 +102,7 @@ instance Monoid IntermediateWorkReport where
{ intermediateWorkReportResultEntries = mempty,
intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries = mempty,
intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries = mempty,
intermediateWorkReportNextBegin = Nothing,
intermediateWorkReportOverdueWaiting = mempty,
intermediateWorkReportOverdueStuck = mempty,
@ -202,8 +206,10 @@ makeIntermediateWorkReport WorkReportContext {..} rp fc =
currentFilter :: Maybe EntryFilter
currentFilter = filterMWithBase $ combineMFilter totalCurrent workReportContextAdditionalFilter
e :: Entry
e = forestCursorCurrent fc
nowIsAfterAfter =
case M.lookup "AFTER" (entryTimestamps (forestCursorCurrent fc)) of
case M.lookup "AFTER" (entryTimestamps e) of
Nothing -> True
Just afterTimestamp -> case afterTimestamp of
TimestampDay d -> today > d
@ -227,19 +233,24 @@ makeIntermediateWorkReport WorkReportContext {..} rp fc =
"AFTER" -> False
_ -> day == today
in filter go allAgendaQuadruples
isBusy :: Maybe Bool
isBusy = do
pv <- M.lookup "busy" (entryProperties (forestCursorCurrent fc))
case pv of
"true" -> Just True
"false" -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
mOngoingEntry :: Maybe (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, BeginEnd)
mOngoingEntry = do
beginEnd <- parseMatchingBeginEnd workReportContextTimeZone workReportContextNow e
pure (rp, fc, beginEnd)
beginEntries :: [(Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, TimestampName, Timestamp)]
beginEntries =
let go (_, _, tsn, ts) = case tsn of
"BEGIN" -> fromMaybe True isBusy && timestampLocalTime ts >= nowLocal
_ -> False
in sortAgendaQuadruples $ filter go allAgendaQuadruples
isBusy :: Maybe Bool
isBusy = do
pv <- M.lookup "busy" (entryProperties e)
case pv of
"true" -> Just True
"false" -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
nextBeginEntry :: Maybe (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, TimestampName, Timestamp)
nextBeginEntry = headMay beginEntries
mWaitingEntry :: Maybe (Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry, UTCTime, Maybe Time)
@ -252,6 +263,7 @@ makeIntermediateWorkReport WorkReportContext {..} rp fc =
in IntermediateWorkReport
{ intermediateWorkReportResultEntries = match $ matchesSelectedContext && nowIsAfterAfter,
intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries = DList.fromList agendaQuadruples,
intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries = maybeToDList mOngoingEntry,
intermediateWorkReportNextBegin = nextBeginEntry,
intermediateWorkReportOverdueWaiting = maybeToDList mWaitingEntry,
intermediateWorkReportOverdueStuck = mempty,
@ -275,6 +287,7 @@ makeIntermediateWorkReport WorkReportContext {..} rp fc =
data WorkReport = WorkReport
{ workReportResultEntries :: ![(Path Rel File, ForestCursor Entry)],
workReportAgendaEntries :: ![AgendaEntry],
workReportOngoingEntries :: ![OngoingEntry],
workReportNextBegin :: !(Maybe AgendaEntry),
workReportOverdueWaiting :: ![WaitingEntry],
workReportOverdueStuck :: ![StuckReportEntry],
@ -305,6 +318,12 @@ finishWorkReport zone now mpn mt ms wr =
in WorkReport
{ workReportAgendaEntries = sortAgendaEntries $ map agendaQuadrupleToAgendaEntry $ DList.toList $ intermediateWorkReportAgendaEntries wr,
workReportResultEntries = sortCursorList $ applyAutoFilter $ DList.toList $ intermediateWorkReportResultEntries wr,
workReportOngoingEntries = flip map (DList.toList $ intermediateWorkReportOngoingEntries wr) $ \(rf, fc, be) ->
{ ongoingEntryFilePath = rf,
ongoingEntryHeader = entryHeader (forestCursorCurrent fc),
ongoingEntryBeginEnd = be
workReportNextBegin = agendaQuadrupleToAgendaEntry <$> intermediateWorkReportNextBegin wr,
workReportOverdueWaiting = sortWaitingEntries $ map waitingQuadrupleToWaitingEntry $ DList.toList $ intermediateWorkReportOverdueWaiting wr,
workReportOverdueStuck = sortStuckEntries $ DList.toList $ intermediateWorkReportOverdueStuck wr,

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ library

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Smos.Actions
module Smos.Actions.Report,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Next,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Waiting,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Ongoing,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Timestamps,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Stuck,
module Smos.Actions.Report.Work,
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ import Smos.Actions.Forest
import Smos.Actions.Help
import Smos.Actions.Report
import Smos.Actions.Report.Next
import Smos.Actions.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Actions.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Actions.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Actions.Report.Waiting

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Smos.Actions.Report where
import Smos.Actions.Browser
import Smos.Actions.File
import Smos.Actions.Report.Next
import Smos.Actions.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Actions.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Actions.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Actions.Report.Waiting
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ allPlainReportActions =
[ allPlainReportExitActions,
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ allReportUsingActions =
[ allReportNextActionsUsingActions,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Smos.Actions.Report.Ongoing where
import Smos.Actions.File
import Smos.Actions.Utils
import Smos.Directory.Archive
import Smos.Directory.Resolution
import Smos.Directory.ShouldPrint
import Smos.Report.OptParse.Types
import Smos.Types
allPlainReportOngoingActions :: [Action]
allPlainReportOngoingActions =
[ reportOngoing,
allReportOngoingUsingActions :: [ActionUsing Char]
allReportOngoingUsingActions =
[ insertOngoingFilter,
reportOngoing :: Action
reportOngoing =
{ actionName = "reportOngoing",
actionFunc = modifyEditorCursorS $ \ec -> do
now <- gets smosStateNow
zone <- gets smosStateTimeZone
dc <- asks $ reportSettingDirectorySettings . configReportSettings
narc <- liftIO $ produceOngoingReportCursor zone now Nothing HideArchive DontPrint dc
pure $
{ editorCursorSelection = ReportSelected,
editorCursorReportCursor = Just $ ReportOngoing narc
actionDescription = "Ongoing report"
prevOngoing :: Action
prevOngoing =
{ actionName = "prevOngoing",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorPrev,
actionDescription = "Select the previous entry in the ongoing report"
nextOngoing :: Action
nextOngoing =
{ actionName = "nextOngoing",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorNext,
actionDescription = "Select the next entry in the ongoing report"
firstOngoing :: Action
firstOngoing =
{ actionName = "firstOngoing",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursor ongoingReportCursorFirst,
actionDescription = "Select the first entry in the ongoing report"
lastOngoing :: Action
lastOngoing =
{ actionName = "lastOngoing",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursor ongoingReportCursorLast,
actionDescription = "Select the last entry in the ongoing report"
enterOngoingFile :: Action
enterOngoingFile =
{ actionName = "enterOngoingFile",
actionFunc = do
ss <- get
case editorCursorReportCursor $ smosStateCursor ss of
Just rc -> case rc of
ReportOngoing wrc -> do
dc <- asks $ reportSettingDirectorySettings . configReportSettings
wd <- liftIO $ resolveDirWorkflowDir dc
case ongoingReportCursorBuildSmosFileCursor wd wrc of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (fp, sfc) -> void $ switchToCursor fp (Just sfc)
_ -> pure ()
Nothing -> pure (),
actionDescription = "Enter the currently selected ongoing entry"
insertOngoingFilter :: ActionUsing Char
insertOngoingFilter =
{ actionUsingName = "insertOngoingFilter",
actionUsingDescription = "Insert a character into the filter bar",
actionUsingFunc = \a -> modifyOngoingReportCursorM $ ongoingReportCursorInsert a
appendOngoingFilter :: ActionUsing Char
appendOngoingFilter =
{ actionUsingName = "appendOngoingFilter",
actionUsingDescription = "Append a character onto the filter bar",
actionUsingFunc = \a -> modifyOngoingReportCursorM $ ongoingReportCursorAppend a
removeOngoingFilter :: Action
removeOngoingFilter =
{ actionName = "removeOngoingFilter",
actionDescription = "Remove the character in filter bar before cursor",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorRemove
deleteOngoingFilter :: Action
deleteOngoingFilter =
{ actionName = "deleteOngoingFilter",
actionDescription = "Remove the character in filter bar under cursor",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorDelete
selectOngoingReport :: Action
selectOngoingReport =
{ actionName = "selectOngoingReport",
actionDescription = "Select the ongoing report",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorSelectReport
selectOngoingFilter :: Action
selectOngoingFilter =
{ actionName = "selectOngoingFilter",
actionDescription = "Select the ongoing filter bar",
actionFunc = modifyOngoingReportCursorM ongoingReportCursorSelectFilter

View File

@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ reportWork =
wrc <- liftIO $ produceWorkReportCursor HideArchive DontPrint ds ctx
-- If there are no contexts, we don't care about the entries without context
let wrc' = if null (workReportSettingContexts wc) then wrc {workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext = emptyEntryReportCursor} else wrc
let wrc' =
if null (workReportSettingContexts wc)
then wrc {workReportCursorEntriesWithoutContext = emptyEntryReportCursor}
else wrc
pure $
{ editorCursorSelection = ReportSelected,
@ -144,6 +147,7 @@ enterWorkFile =
erc = foldKeyValueCursor (\_ x -> x) (\_ x -> x) kvc
in switchToSelectedInEntryReportCursor wd erc
DeadlinesSelected -> switchToSelectedInEntryReportCursor wd (timestampsReportCursorEntryReportCursor (workReportCursorDeadlinesCursor wrc))
OngoingSelected -> switchToSelectedInEntryReportCursor wd (ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor (workReportCursorOngoingEntries wrc))
WaitingSelected -> switchToSelectedInEntryReportCursor wd (waitingReportCursorEntryReportCursor (workReportCursorOverdueWaiting wrc))
StuckSelected -> case stuckReportCursorSelectedFile (workReportCursorOverdueStuck wrc) of
Nothing -> pure ()

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module Smos.Actions.Utils
module Smos.Cursor.Properties,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Next,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Waiting,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck,
module Smos.Cursor.Report.Work,
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ import Smos.Cursor.Header
import Smos.Cursor.Logbook
import Smos.Cursor.Properties
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Next
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Waiting
@ -353,6 +355,20 @@ modifyWaitingReportCursorS func =
ReportWaiting narc -> ReportWaiting <$> func narc
_ -> pure rc
modifyOngoingReportCursorM ::
(OngoingReportCursor -> Maybe OngoingReportCursor) -> SmosM ()
modifyOngoingReportCursorM func = modifyOngoingReportCursor $ \hc -> fromMaybe hc $ func hc
modifyOngoingReportCursor :: (OngoingReportCursor -> OngoingReportCursor) -> SmosM ()
modifyOngoingReportCursor func = modifyOngoingReportCursorS $ pure . func
modifyOngoingReportCursorS ::
(OngoingReportCursor -> SmosM OngoingReportCursor) -> SmosM ()
modifyOngoingReportCursorS func =
modifyReportCursorS $ \rc -> case rc of
ReportOngoing narc -> ReportOngoing <$> func narc
_ -> pure rc
modifyTimestampsReportCursorM ::
(TimestampsReportCursor -> Maybe TimestampsReportCursor) -> SmosM ()
modifyTimestampsReportCursorM func = modifyTimestampsReportCursor $ \hc -> fromMaybe hc $ func hc

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Smos.Cursor.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.FileBrowser
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Next
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Waiting
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Work
@ -87,6 +88,15 @@ currentKeyMappings KeyMap {..} EditorCursor {..} =
case entryReportCursorSelection waitingReportCursorEntryReportCursor of
EntryReportSelected -> waitingReportMatchers
EntryReportFilterSelected -> waitingReportSearchMatchers
ReportOngoing OngoingReportCursor {..} ->
let OngoingReportKeyMap {..} = reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap
OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap
ongoingReportAnys = map ((,) AnyMatcher) ongoingReportAnyMatchers
in (++ ongoingReportAnys) $
map ((,) SpecificMatcher) $
case entryReportCursorSelection ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor of
EntryReportSelected -> ongoingReportMatchers
EntryReportFilterSelected -> ongoingReportSearchMatchers
ReportTimestamps TimestampsReportCursor {..} ->
let TimestampsReportKeyMap {..} = reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap
TimestampsReportKeyMap _ _ _ = reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..), (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Path
import Smos.Actions.File
@ -89,12 +90,12 @@ keyMapFunc s e km = handleRaw $ currentKeyMappings km $ smosStateCursor s
case se of
SmosUpdateTime ->
EventActivated $ do
now <- liftIO getZonedTime
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
( \s_ ->
{ smosStateTime = now,
smosStateCursor = editorCursorUpdateTime now $ smosStateCursor s_
{ smosStateNow = now,
smosStateCursor = editorCursorUpdateTime (smosStateTimeZone s_) now $ smosStateCursor s_
SmosSaveFile -> EventActivated saveCurrentSmosFile
@ -125,13 +126,15 @@ buildInitialState p = do
Just errOrEC -> case errOrEC of
Left err -> liftIO $ die err
Right ec -> do
zt <- liftIO getZonedTime
pure $ initStateWithCursor zt ec
zone <- liftIO loadLocalTZ
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
pure $ initStateWithCursor zone now ec
initStateWithCursor :: ZonedTime -> EditorCursor -> SmosState
initStateWithCursor zt ec =
initStateWithCursor :: TZ -> UTCTime -> EditorCursor -> SmosState
initStateWithCursor zone now ec =
{ smosStateTime = zt,
{ smosStateNow = now,
smosStateTimeZone = zone,
smosStateCursor = ec,
smosStateKeyHistory = Empty,
smosStateAsyncs = [],

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Smos.Config
ReportsKeyMap (..),
NextActionReportKeyMap (..),
WaitingReportKeyMap (..),
OngoingReportKeyMap (..),
TimestampsReportKeyMap (..),
StuckReportKeyMap (..),
WorkReportKeyMap (..),

View File

@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ defaultReportsKeyMap =
{ reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap = defaultNextActionReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap = defaultWaitingReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap = defaultOngoingReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap = defaultTimestampsReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap = defaultStuckReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap = defaultWorkReportKeyMap,
@ -374,6 +375,33 @@ defaultWaitingReportKeyMap =
waitingReportAnyMatchers = listMatchers []
defaultOngoingReportKeyMap :: OngoingReportKeyMap
defaultOngoingReportKeyMap =
{ ongoingReportMatchers =
[ exactKey KUp prevOngoing,
exactChar 'k' prevOngoing,
exactKey KDown nextOngoing,
exactChar 'j' nextOngoing,
exactKey KHome firstOngoing,
exactString "gg" firstOngoing,
exactKey KEnd lastOngoing,
exactChar 'G' lastOngoing,
exactKey KEnter enterOngoingFile,
exactChar '/' selectOngoingFilter
ongoingReportSearchMatchers =
[ anyChar insertOngoingFilter,
exactKey KEnter selectOngoingReport,
exactKey KEsc selectOngoingReport,
exactKey KBS removeOngoingFilter,
exactKey KDel deleteOngoingFilter
ongoingReportAnyMatchers = listMatchers []
defaultTimestampsReportKeyMap :: TimestampsReportKeyMap
defaultTimestampsReportKeyMap =
@ -494,6 +522,7 @@ defaultAnyKeyMap =
-- Reports
exactString "rn" reportNextActions,
exactString "rw" reportWaiting,
exactString "ro" reportOngoing,
exactString "ra" reportTimestamps,
exactString "rs" reportStuck,
exactString "rr" reportWork

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Lens.Micro
import Path
@ -68,10 +69,9 @@ smosDraw workflowDir SmosConfig {..} SmosState {..} =
drawEnvStuckThreshold = stuckReportSettingThreshold $ reportSettingStuckSettings configReportSettings,
drawEnvWorkDrawEnv =
let WorkReportSettings {..} = reportSettingWorkSettings configReportSettings
in DrawWorkEnv
{ drawWorkEnvProjection = workReportSettingProjection
drawEnvNow = smosStateTime
in DrawWorkEnv {drawWorkEnvProjection = workReportSettingProjection},
drawEnvNow = smosStateNow,
drawEnvTimeZone = smosStateTimeZone
in [ vBox $
@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ drawStateHistory :: StateHistory -> MDrawer
drawStateHistory (StateHistory ls)
| null ls = pure Nothing
| otherwise = do
zt <- asks drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
pure $
Just $
withAttr todoStateHistoryAttr $
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ drawStateHistory (StateHistory ls)
strWrap $
[ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" stateHistoryEntryTimestamp,
"(" ++ prettyTimeAuto (zonedTimeToUTC zt) stateHistoryEntryTimestamp ++ ")"
"(" ++ prettyTimeAuto now stateHistoryEntryTimestamp ++ ")"
@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ drawLogbookTotal Nothing [] = pure Nothing
drawLogbookTotal mopen lbes = do
openTime <-
forM mopen $ \open -> do
now <- asks $ zonedTimeToUTC . drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
pure $ diffUTCTime now open
let total = fromMaybe 0 openTime + foldl' (+) 0 (map logbookEntryDiffTime lbes)
pure $
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ drawLogbookEntry lbe@LogbookEntry {..} = do
drawLogOpen :: UTCTime -> Drawer
drawLogOpen u = do
now <- asks $ zonedTimeToUTC . drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
sw <- drawLogbookTimestamp u
ew <- drawLogbookTimestamp now
pure $
@ -868,8 +868,8 @@ drawLogbookTimestamp utct = do
drawUTCLocal :: UTCTime -> Drawer
drawUTCLocal utct = do
tz <- asks $ zonedTimeZone . drawEnvNow
let localTime = utcToLocalTime tz utct
zone <- asks drawEnvTimeZone
let localTime = utcToLocalTimeTZ zone utct
pure $ str (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" localTime)
drawActionName :: ActionName -> Widget n

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Smos.Draw.Base where
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import Cursor.TextField
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Path
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Report.Projection
@ -25,9 +27,13 @@ data DrawEnv = DrawEnv
{ drawEnvWaitingThreshold :: !Time,
drawEnvStuckThreshold :: !Time,
drawEnvWorkDrawEnv :: !DrawWorkEnv,
drawEnvNow :: !ZonedTime
drawEnvTimeZone :: !TZ,
drawEnvNow :: !UTCTime
drawEnvNowLocal :: DrawEnv -> LocalTime
drawEnvNowLocal DrawEnv {..} = utcToLocalTimeTZ drawEnvTimeZone drawEnvNow
data DrawWorkEnv = DrawWorkEnv
{ drawWorkEnvProjection :: !(NonEmpty Projection)
@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ drawDay d = str $ formatTimestampDay d
drawDayPrettyRelative :: Day -> Drawer
drawDayPrettyRelative d = do
today <- localDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime <$> asks drawEnvNow
today <- localDay <$> asks drawEnvNowLocal
pure $ str $ prettyDayAuto today d
drawLocalTimeWithPrettyRelative :: LocalTime -> Drawer
@ -195,11 +201,12 @@ drawLocalTime lt = do
drawLocalTimePrettyRelative :: LocalTime -> Drawer
drawLocalTimePrettyRelative lt = do
zt@(ZonedTime _ tz) <- asks drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
zone <- asks drawEnvTimeZone
pure $
str $
prettyTimeAuto (zonedTimeToUTC zt) $
localTimeToUTC tz lt
prettyTimeAuto now $
localTimeToUTCTZ zone lt
drawTime :: Time -> Widget n
drawTime = txt . renderTime

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Data
import Smos.Draw.Base
import Smos.Report.Filter
import Smos.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Report.Projection
import Smos.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Report.Time
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ drawReportCursor :: Select -> ReportCursor -> Drawer
drawReportCursor s = \case
ReportNextActions narc -> drawNextActionReportCursor s narc
ReportWaiting wrc -> drawWaitingReportCursor s wrc
ReportOngoing wrc -> drawOngoingReportCursor s wrc
ReportTimestamps tsrc -> drawTimestampsReportCursor s tsrc
ReportStuck src -> drawStuckReportCursor s src
ReportWork wrc -> drawWorkReportCursor s wrc
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ drawWaitingReportCursor s WaitingReportCursor {..} = do
drawWaitingEntryCursor :: Select -> EntryReportEntryCursor (UTCTime, Maybe Time) -> Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]
drawWaitingEntryCursor s EntryReportEntryCursor {..} = do
now <- asks $ zonedTimeToUTC . drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
let (ts, mThreshold) = entryReportEntryCursorVal
defaultThreshold <- asks drawEnvWaitingThreshold
@ -105,6 +107,15 @@ daysSinceWidget threshold now t = withAttr style $ str $ show i <> " days"
| otherwise = waitingReportNoWait
i = daysSince now t
drawOngoingReportCursor :: Select -> OngoingReportCursor -> Drawer
drawOngoingReportCursor s OngoingReportCursor {..} = do
ercw <-
pure $ withHeading (str "Ongoing Report") $ padAll 1 ercw
drawEntryReportCursorWithHeader ::
[Widget ResourceName] -> (Select -> EntryReportEntryCursor a -> Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]) -> Select -> EntryReportCursor a -> Drawer
drawEntryReportCursorWithHeader h go = drawEntryReportCursor $ \s mnec ->
@ -171,14 +182,14 @@ drawEntryReportCursorFilter s EntryReportCursor {..} =
drawTimestampsReportCursor :: Select -> TimestampsReportCursor -> Drawer
drawTimestampsReportCursor s TimestampsReportCursor {..} = do
lt <- asks drawEnvNowLocal
tsrw <-
( \s' mnec ->
case mnec of
Nothing -> pure $ txtWrap "Empty timestamps report"
Just tsecs -> do
now <- asks drawEnvNow
ws <- mapM (drawTimestampReportLine s') $ makeTimestampReportLines now tsecs
ws <- mapM (drawTimestampReportLine s') $ makeTimestampReportLines lt tsecs
pure $ tableWidget ws
@ -193,9 +204,9 @@ data TimestampsReportLine
| ReportNowLine !LocalTime
| ReportHourLine !Int
makeTimestampReportLines :: ZonedTime -> NonEmptyCursor (EntryReportEntryCursor TimestampsEntryCursor) -> [TimestampsReportLine]
makeTimestampReportLines now = foldNonEmptyCursor $ \befores current afters ->
insertReportNowLine now $ insertReportHourLines now $ concat [map ReportEntryLine befores, [ReportSelectedEntryLine current], map ReportEntryLine afters]
makeTimestampReportLines :: LocalTime -> NonEmptyCursor (EntryReportEntryCursor TimestampsEntryCursor) -> [TimestampsReportLine]
makeTimestampReportLines lt = foldNonEmptyCursor $ \befores current afters ->
insertReportNowLine lt $ insertReportHourLines lt $ concat [map ReportEntryLine befores, [ReportSelectedEntryLine current], map ReportEntryLine afters]
drawTimestampReportLine :: Select -> TimestampsReportLine -> Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]
drawTimestampReportLine s = \case
@ -224,47 +235,40 @@ drawTimestampReportLine s = \case
empty = str " "
insertReportHourLines :: ZonedTime -> [TimestampsReportLine] -> [TimestampsReportLine]
insertReportHourLines now = go [8 .. 18]
insertReportHourLines :: LocalTime -> [TimestampsReportLine] -> [TimestampsReportLine]
insertReportHourLines lt = go [8 .. 18]
ZonedTime lt _ = now
today = localDay lt
go hs [] = map ReportHourLine hs
go [] es = es
go (h : hs) (e : es) =
let alt = timestampsReportLineLocalTime now e
let alt = timestampsReportLineLocalTime lt e
hlt = hourLineLocalTime today h
in if alt < hlt
then e : go (h : hs) es
else ReportHourLine h : go hs (e : es)
timestampsReportLineLocalTime :: ZonedTime -> TimestampsReportLine -> LocalTime
timestampsReportLineLocalTime now = \case
timestampsReportLineLocalTime :: LocalTime -> TimestampsReportLine -> LocalTime
timestampsReportLineLocalTime nowLocal = \case
ReportSelectedEntryLine tec -> timestampLocalTime $ timestampsEntryCursorTimestamp $ entryReportEntryCursorVal tec
ReportEntryLine tec -> timestampLocalTime $ timestampsEntryCursorTimestamp $ entryReportEntryCursorVal tec
ReportNowLine lt -> lt
ReportHourLine h -> hourLineLocalTime (localDay $ zonedTimeToLocalTime now) h
ReportHourLine h -> hourLineLocalTime (localDay nowLocal) h
hourLineLocalTime :: Day -> Int -> LocalTime
hourLineLocalTime d h = LocalTime d (TimeOfDay h 0 0)
insertReportNowLine :: ZonedTime -> [TimestampsReportLine] -> [TimestampsReportLine]
insertReportNowLine now = go
insertReportNowLine :: LocalTime -> [TimestampsReportLine] -> [TimestampsReportLine]
insertReportNowLine lt = go
nowL = ReportNowLine $ zonedTimeToLocalTime now
nowL = ReportNowLine lt
go = \case
[] -> [nowL]
(x : xs) ->
if isBefore now x
if lt <= timestampsReportLineLocalTime lt x
then nowL : x : xs
else x : go xs
isBefore :: ZonedTime -> TimestampsReportLine -> Bool
isBefore now after =
let afterLT = timestampsReportLineLocalTime now after
nowUTC = zonedTimeToUTC now
in nowUTC <= localTimeToUTC (zonedTimeZone now) afterLT
drawTimestampsEntryCursor :: Select -> EntryReportEntryCursor TimestampsEntryCursor -> Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]
drawTimestampsEntryCursor s EntryReportEntryCursor {..} = do
let sel = withVisibleSelected s . withSelPointer s
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ drawStuckReportCursor s StuckReportCursor {..} = do
drawStuckReportEntry :: Select -> StuckReportEntry -> Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]
drawStuckReportEntry s StuckReportEntry {..} = do
now <- asks $ zonedTimeToUTC . drawEnvNow
now <- asks drawEnvNow
threshold <- asks drawEnvStuckThreshold
let sel = withVisibleSelected s . withSelPointer s
@ -307,7 +311,7 @@ drawStuckReportEntry s StuckReportEntry {..} = do
drawWorkReportCursor :: Select -> WorkReportCursor -> Drawer
drawWorkReportCursor s wrc@WorkReportCursor {..} = do
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let WorkReportCursor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
DrawWorkEnv {..} <- asks drawEnvWorkDrawEnv
let selectIf :: WorkReportCursorSelection -> Select
selectIf sel =
@ -321,6 +325,7 @@ drawWorkReportCursor s wrc@WorkReportCursor {..} = do
[ withAttr workReportWarningAttr $ str ("WARNING: " <> title),
titleSection :: String -> Drawer' (Widget ResourceName) -> Drawer' (Widget ResourceName)
titleSection title mkW = do
w <- mkW
pure $
@ -330,7 +335,9 @@ drawWorkReportCursor s wrc@WorkReportCursor {..} = do
let sectionGens =
[ [ titleSection "Next meeting" $
[ -- Helpful for debugging:
-- [titleSection "Selection" $ pure $ str $ show workReportCursorSelection],
[ titleSection "Next meeting" $
drawNextMeetingEntryCursor (selectIf NextBeginSelected) erec
| erec <- maybeToList workReportCursorNextBeginCursor
@ -358,7 +365,14 @@ drawWorkReportCursor s wrc@WorkReportCursor {..} = do
in verticalMapCursorWidgetM go goKVC go mc
| mc <- maybeToList workReportCursorCheckViolations
[ titleSection "Deadlines" $
[ titleSection "Ongoing" $
(selectIf OngoingSelected)
(ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor workReportCursorOngoingEntries)
| not $ workReportOngoingEmpty wrc
[ titleSection "Upcoming" $
(selectIf DeadlinesSelected)
@ -434,6 +448,35 @@ drawWorkReportResultEntryCursor s erc = do
let sel = withVisibleSelected s
map sel . toList <$> drawProjecteeNE s (projectEntryReportEntryCursor drawWorkEnvProjection erc)
drawOngoingEntryCursor ::
Select ->
EntryReportEntryCursor BeginEnd ->
Drawer' [Widget ResourceName]
drawOngoingEntryCursor s EntryReportEntryCursor {..} = do
let sel = withVisibleSelected s
e = forestCursorCurrent entryReportEntryCursorForestCursor
(mBegin, mEnd) = renderBeginEnd entryReportEntryCursorVal
let beginAttr = timestampNameSpecificAttr "BEGIN"
let endAttr = timestampNameSpecificAttr "END"
brtsw <- mapM drawTimestampPrettyRelative mBegin
ertsw <- mapM drawTimestampPrettyRelative mEnd
nowLocal <- asks drawEnvNowLocal
let percentageColumn = case (,) <$> mBegin <*> mEnd of
Nothing -> str " "
Just (begin, end) -> str $ beginEndPercentageString nowLocal begin end
pure $
[ str $ fromRelFile entryReportEntryCursorFilePath,
withSelPointer s $ drawHeader $ entryHeader e,
withAttr beginAttr $ maybe (str " ") drawTimestamp mBegin,
withAttr agendaReportRelativeAttr $ fromMaybe (str " ") brtsw,
str $ if isJust mBegin && isJust mEnd then "-" else " ",
withAttr endAttr $ maybe (str " ") drawTimestamp mEnd,
withAttr agendaReportRelativeAttr $ fromMaybe (str " ") ertsw,
drawProjectionHeaderNE :: NonEmpty Projection -> NonEmpty (Widget n)
drawProjectionHeaderNE = drawProjectionHeader

View File

@ -106,67 +106,69 @@ combineBrowserKeyMap bkm (Just bkc) =
combineReportsKeymap :: ReportsKeyMap -> Maybe ReportsKeyConfigs -> Comb ReportsKeyMap
combineReportsKeymap rkm Nothing = pure rkm
combineReportsKeymap rkm (Just rkc) =
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
in ReportsKeyMap
<$> combineNextActionReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap rkm) (nextActionReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineWaitingReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap rkm) (waitingReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineTimestampsReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap rkm) (timestampsReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineStuckReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap rkm) (stuckReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineWorkReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap rkm) (workReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (reportsKeymapAnyMatchers rkm) (anyReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<$> combineNextActionReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap rkm) (nextActionReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineWaitingReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap rkm) (waitingReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineOngoingReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap rkm) (ongoingReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineTimestampsReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap rkm) (timestampsReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineStuckReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap rkm) (stuckReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineWorkReportKeyMap (reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap rkm) (workReportKeyConfigs rkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (reportsKeymapAnyMatchers rkm) (anyReportKeyConfigs rkc)
combineNextActionReportKeyMap :: NextActionReportKeyMap -> Maybe NextActionReportKeyConfigs -> Comb NextActionReportKeyMap
combineNextActionReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineNextActionReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
let NextActionReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in NextActionReportKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportSearchMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportAnyMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportSearchMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (nextActionReportAnyMatchers narkm) (nextActionReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineWaitingReportKeyMap :: WaitingReportKeyMap -> Maybe WaitingReportKeyConfigs -> Comb WaitingReportKeyMap
combineWaitingReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineWaitingReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
let WaitingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in WaitingReportKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportMatchers narkm) (waitingReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportSearchMatchers narkm) (waitingReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportAnyMatchers narkm) (waitingReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportMatchers narkm) (waitingReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportSearchMatchers narkm) (waitingReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (waitingReportAnyMatchers narkm) (waitingReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineOngoingReportKeyMap :: OngoingReportKeyMap -> Maybe OngoingReportKeyConfigs -> Comb OngoingReportKeyMap
combineOngoingReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineOngoingReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
<$> combineKeyMappings (ongoingReportMatchers narkm) (ongoingReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (ongoingReportSearchMatchers narkm) (ongoingReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (ongoingReportAnyMatchers narkm) (ongoingReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineTimestampsReportKeyMap :: TimestampsReportKeyMap -> Maybe TimestampsReportKeyConfigs -> Comb TimestampsReportKeyMap
combineTimestampsReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineTimestampsReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
let TimestampsReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in TimestampsReportKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportSearchMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportAnyMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportSearchMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (timestampsReportAnyMatchers narkm) (timestampsReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineStuckReportKeyMap :: StuckReportKeyMap -> Maybe StuckReportKeyConfigs -> Comb StuckReportKeyMap
combineStuckReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineStuckReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
let StuckReportKeyMap _ _ = undefined
in StuckReportKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (stuckReportMatchers narkm) (stuckReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (stuckReportAnyMatchers narkm) (stuckReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (stuckReportMatchers narkm) (stuckReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (stuckReportAnyMatchers narkm) (stuckReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineWorkReportKeyMap :: WorkReportKeyMap -> Maybe WorkReportKeyConfigs -> Comb WorkReportKeyMap
combineWorkReportKeyMap narkm Nothing = pure narkm
combineWorkReportKeyMap narkm (Just narkc) =
let WorkReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in WorkReportKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (workReportMatchers narkm) (workReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (workReportSearchMatchers narkm) (workReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (workReportAnyMatchers narkm) (workReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (workReportMatchers narkm) (workReportNormalKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (workReportSearchMatchers narkm) (workReportSearchKeyConfigs narkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (workReportAnyMatchers narkm) (workReportAnyKeyConfigs narkc)
combineHelpKeymap :: HelpKeyMap -> Maybe HelpKeyConfigs -> Comb HelpKeyMap
combineHelpKeymap hkm Nothing = pure hkm
combineHelpKeymap hkm (Just hkc) =
let HelpKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in HelpKeyMap
<$> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapHelpMatchers hkm) (helpHelpKeyConfigs hkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapSearchMatchers hkm) (helpSearchKeyConfigs hkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapAnyMatchers hkm) (helpAnyKeyConfigs hkc)
<$> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapHelpMatchers hkm) (helpHelpKeyConfigs hkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapSearchMatchers hkm) (helpSearchKeyConfigs hkc)
<*> combineKeyMappings (helpKeyMapAnyMatchers hkm) (helpAnyKeyConfigs hkc)
combineKeyMappings :: KeyMappings -> Maybe KeyConfigs -> Comb KeyMappings
combineKeyMappings kms Nothing = pure kms

View File

@ -51,10 +51,14 @@ instance HasCodec Configuration where
codec =
object "Configuration" $
<$> objectCodec .= confReportConf
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "keys" "Keybindings" .= confKeybindingsConf
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "explainer-mode" "Turn on explainer mode where the user can see what is happening" .= confExplainerMode
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "sandbox-mode" "Turn on sandbox mode where smos cannot affect any files other than the workflow files" .= confSandboxMode
<$> objectCodec
.= confReportConf
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "keys" "Keybindings"
.= confKeybindingsConf
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "explainer-mode" "Turn on explainer mode where the user can see what is happening"
.= confExplainerMode
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "sandbox-mode" "Turn on sandbox mode where smos cannot affect any files other than the workflow files"
.= confSandboxMode
backToConfiguration :: SmosConfig -> Configuration
backToConfiguration SmosConfig {..} =
@ -83,12 +87,18 @@ instance HasCodec KeybindingsConfiguration where
codec =
object "KeybindingsConfiguration" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "reset" "Whether to reset all keybindings. Set this to false to add keys, set this to true to replace keys." .= confReset
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "file" "Keybindings for the file context" .= confFileKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "browser" "Keybindings for the file browser context" .= confBrowserKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "reports" "Keybindings for the reports context" .= confReportsKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "help" "Keybindings for the help context" .= confHelpKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for any context" .= confAnyKeyConfig
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "reset" "Whether to reset all keybindings. Set this to false to add keys, set this to true to replace keys."
.= confReset
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "file" "Keybindings for the file context"
.= confFileKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "browser" "Keybindings for the file browser context"
.= confBrowserKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "reports" "Keybindings for the reports context"
.= confReportsKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "help" "Keybindings for the help context"
.= confHelpKeyConfig
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for any context"
.= confAnyKeyConfig
backToKeybindingsConfiguration :: KeyMap -> KeybindingsConfiguration
backToKeybindingsConfiguration KeyMap {..} =
@ -123,16 +133,26 @@ instance HasCodec FileKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "FileKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "empty" "Keybindings for when the file is empty" .= emptyKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "entry" "Keybindings for when an entry is selected" .= entryKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "header" "Keybindings for when an header is selected" .= headerKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "contents" "Keybindings for when an contents is selected" .= contentsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "timestamps" "Keybindings for when a timestamps are selected" .= timestampsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "properties" "Keybindings for when a properties are selected" .= propertiesKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "state-history" "Keybindings for when a state history is selected" .= stateHistoryKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "tags" "Keybindings for when a tags are selected" .= tagsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "logbook" "Keybindings for when a logbook is selected" .= logbookKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings that match in any file subcontext" .= anyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "empty" "Keybindings for when the file is empty"
.= emptyKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "entry" "Keybindings for when an entry is selected"
.= entryKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "header" "Keybindings for when an header is selected"
.= headerKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "contents" "Keybindings for when an contents is selected"
.= contentsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "timestamps" "Keybindings for when a timestamps are selected"
.= timestampsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "properties" "Keybindings for when a properties are selected"
.= propertiesKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "state-history" "Keybindings for when a state history is selected"
.= stateHistoryKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "tags" "Keybindings for when a tags are selected"
.= tagsKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "logbook" "Keybindings for when a logbook is selected"
.= logbookKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings that match in any file subcontext"
.= anyKeyConfigs
backToFileKeyConfigs :: FileKeyMap -> FileKeyConfigs
backToFileKeyConfigs FileKeyMap {..} =
@ -166,11 +186,16 @@ instance HasCodec BrowserKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "BrowserKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "existent" "Keybindings for when an existing file or directory is selected" .= browserExistentKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "in-progress" "Keybindings for when an in-progress file or directory is selected" .= browserInProgressKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "empty" "Keybindings for when the directory being browsed is empty" .= browserEmptyKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "filter" "Keybindings for when file browser's filter bar is selected" .= browserFilterKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for any of the other file browser situations" .= browserAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "existent" "Keybindings for when an existing file or directory is selected"
.= browserExistentKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "in-progress" "Keybindings for when an in-progress file or directory is selected"
.= browserInProgressKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "empty" "Keybindings for when the directory being browsed is empty"
.= browserEmptyKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "filter" "Keybindings for when file browser's filter bar is selected"
.= browserFilterKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for any of the other file browser situations"
.= browserAnyKeyConfigs
backToBrowserKeyConfigs :: BrowserKeyMap -> BrowserKeyConfigs
backToBrowserKeyConfigs BrowserKeyMap {..} =
@ -186,6 +211,7 @@ backToBrowserKeyConfigs BrowserKeyMap {..} =
data ReportsKeyConfigs = ReportsKeyConfigs
{ nextActionReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe NextActionReportKeyConfigs,
waitingReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe WaitingReportKeyConfigs,
ongoingReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe OngoingReportKeyConfigs,
timestampsReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe TimestampsReportKeyConfigs,
stuckReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe StuckReportKeyConfigs,
workReportKeyConfigs :: Maybe WorkReportKeyConfigs,
@ -200,19 +226,28 @@ instance HasCodec ReportsKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "ReportsKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "next-action" "Keybindings for the interactive next action report" .= nextActionReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "waiting" "Keybindings for the interactive waiting report" .= waitingReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "timestamps" "Keybindings for the interactive timestamps report" .= timestampsReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "stuck" "Keybindings for the interactive stuck projects report" .= stuckReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "work" "Keybindings for the interactive work report" .= workReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in any report" .= anyReportKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "next-action" "Keybindings for the interactive next action report"
.= nextActionReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "waiting" "Keybindings for the interactive waiting report"
.= waitingReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "ongoing" "Keybindings for the interactive ongoing report"
.= ongoingReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "timestamps" "Keybindings for the interactive timestamps report"
.= timestampsReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "stuck" "Keybindings for the interactive stuck projects report"
.= stuckReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "work" "Keybindings for the interactive work report"
.= workReportKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in any report"
.= anyReportKeyConfigs
backToReportsKeyConfig :: ReportsKeyMap -> ReportsKeyConfigs
backToReportsKeyConfig ReportsKeyMap {..} =
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
in ReportsKeyConfigs
{ nextActionReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToNextActionReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap,
waitingReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToWaitingReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap,
ongoingReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToOngoingReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap,
timestampsReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToTimestampsReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap,
stuckReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToStuckReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap,
workReportKeyConfigs = Just $ backToWorkReportKeyConfigs reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap,
@ -233,9 +268,12 @@ instance HasCodec NextActionReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "NextActionReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the next-action report" .= nextActionReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the next-action report" .= nextActionReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the next-action report" .= nextActionReportAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the next-action report"
.= nextActionReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the next-action report"
.= nextActionReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the next-action report"
.= nextActionReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToNextActionReportKeyConfigs :: NextActionReportKeyMap -> NextActionReportKeyConfigs
backToNextActionReportKeyConfigs NextActionReportKeyMap {..} =
@ -260,9 +298,12 @@ instance HasCodec WaitingReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "WaitingReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the waiting report" .= waitingReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the waiting report" .= waitingReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the waiting report" .= waitingReportAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the waiting report"
.= waitingReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the waiting report"
.= waitingReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the waiting report"
.= waitingReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToWaitingReportKeyConfigs :: WaitingReportKeyMap -> WaitingReportKeyConfigs
backToWaitingReportKeyConfigs WaitingReportKeyMap {..} =
@ -273,6 +314,36 @@ backToWaitingReportKeyConfigs WaitingReportKeyMap {..} =
waitingReportAnyKeyConfigs = Just $ backToKeyConfigs waitingReportAnyMatchers
data OngoingReportKeyConfigs = OngoingReportKeyConfigs
{ ongoingReportNormalKeyConfigs :: !(Maybe KeyConfigs),
ongoingReportSearchKeyConfigs :: !(Maybe KeyConfigs),
ongoingReportAnyKeyConfigs :: !(Maybe KeyConfigs)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via (Autodocodec OngoingReportKeyConfigs)
instance Validity OngoingReportKeyConfigs
instance HasCodec OngoingReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "OngoingReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the ongoing report"
.= ongoingReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the ongoing report"
.= ongoingReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the ongoing report"
.= ongoingReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToOngoingReportKeyConfigs :: OngoingReportKeyMap -> OngoingReportKeyConfigs
backToOngoingReportKeyConfigs OngoingReportKeyMap {..} =
let OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in OngoingReportKeyConfigs
{ ongoingReportNormalKeyConfigs = Just $ backToKeyConfigs ongoingReportMatchers,
ongoingReportSearchKeyConfigs = Just $ backToKeyConfigs ongoingReportSearchMatchers,
ongoingReportAnyKeyConfigs = Just $ backToKeyConfigs ongoingReportAnyMatchers
data TimestampsReportKeyConfigs = TimestampsReportKeyConfigs
{ timestampsReportNormalKeyConfigs :: !(Maybe KeyConfigs),
timestampsReportSearchKeyConfigs :: !(Maybe KeyConfigs),
@ -287,9 +358,12 @@ instance HasCodec TimestampsReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "TimestampsReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the timestamps report" .= timestampsReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the timestamps report" .= timestampsReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the timestamps report" .= timestampsReportAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the timestamps report"
.= timestampsReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the timestamps report"
.= timestampsReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the timestamps report"
.= timestampsReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToTimestampsReportKeyConfigs :: TimestampsReportKeyMap -> TimestampsReportKeyConfigs
backToTimestampsReportKeyConfigs TimestampsReportKeyMap {..} =
@ -313,8 +387,10 @@ instance HasCodec StuckReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "StuckReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the stuck report" .= stuckReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the stuck report" .= stuckReportAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the stuck report"
.= stuckReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the stuck report"
.= stuckReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToStuckReportKeyConfigs :: StuckReportKeyMap -> StuckReportKeyConfigs
backToStuckReportKeyConfigs StuckReportKeyMap {..} =
@ -338,9 +414,12 @@ instance HasCodec WorkReportKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "WorkReportKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the work report" .= workReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the work report" .= workReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the work report" .= workReportAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "normal" "Keybindings for interacting with the work report"
.= workReportNormalKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for the search in the work report"
.= workReportSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any point in the work report"
.= workReportAnyKeyConfigs
backToWorkReportKeyConfigs :: WorkReportKeyMap -> WorkReportKeyConfigs
backToWorkReportKeyConfigs WorkReportKeyMap {..} =
@ -365,9 +444,12 @@ instance HasCodec HelpKeyConfigs where
codec =
object "HelpKeyConfigs" $
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "help" "Keybindings for when in the help screen" .= helpHelpKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for when the search bar is selected within the help screen" .= helpSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any time in the help screen" .= helpAnyKeyConfigs
<$> optionalFieldOrNull "help" "Keybindings for when in the help screen"
.= helpHelpKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "search" "Keybindings for when the search bar is selected within the help screen"
.= helpSearchKeyConfigs
<*> optionalFieldOrNull "any" "Keybindings for at any time in the help screen"
.= helpAnyKeyConfigs
backToHelpKeyConfigs :: HelpKeyMap -> HelpKeyConfigs
backToHelpKeyConfigs HelpKeyMap {..} =
@ -405,8 +487,10 @@ instance HasCodec KeyConfig where
named "KeyConfig" $
object "KeyConfig" $
<$> requiredField "key" "The key to match" .= keyConfigMatcher
<*> requiredField "action" "The name of the action to perform when the key is matched" .= keyConfigAction
<$> requiredField "key" "The key to match"
.= keyConfigMatcher
<*> requiredField "action" "The name of the action to perform when the key is matched"
.= keyConfigAction
backToKeyConfig :: KeyMapping -> KeyConfig
backToKeyConfig km =

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Zones
import Data.Validity
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import Smos.Cursor.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.FileBrowser
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Entry
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Next
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Ongoing
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Stuck
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Timestamps
import Smos.Cursor.Report.Waiting
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ instance Monoid BrowserKeyMap where
data ReportsKeyMap = ReportsKeyMap
{ reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap :: !NextActionReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap :: !WaitingReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap :: !OngoingReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap :: !TimestampsReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap :: !StuckReportKeyMap,
reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap :: !WorkReportKeyMap,
@ -229,12 +232,14 @@ data ReportsKeyMap = ReportsKeyMap
instance Semigroup ReportsKeyMap where
rkm1 <> rkm2 =
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
in ReportsKeyMap
{ reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap =
reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap rkm1 <> reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap rkm2,
reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap =
reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap rkm1 <> reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap rkm2,
reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap =
reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap rkm1 <> reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap rkm2,
reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap =
reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap rkm1 <> reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap rkm2,
reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap =
@ -250,6 +255,7 @@ instance Monoid ReportsKeyMap where
{ reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap = mempty,
reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap = mempty,
reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap = mempty,
reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap = mempty,
reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap = mempty,
reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap = mempty,
@ -258,10 +264,11 @@ instance Monoid ReportsKeyMap where
reportsKeyMapActions :: ReportsKeyMap -> [AnyAction]
reportsKeyMapActions ReportsKeyMap {..} =
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
let ReportsKeyMap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
in concat
[ nextActionReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapNextActionReportKeyMap,
waitingReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapWaitingReportKeyMap,
ongoingReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap,
timestampsReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap,
stuckReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapStuckReportKeyMap,
workReportKeyMapActions reportsKeymapWorkReportKeyMap,
@ -338,6 +345,41 @@ waitingReportKeyMapActions WaitingReportKeyMap {..} =
data OngoingReportKeyMap = OngoingReportKeyMap
{ ongoingReportMatchers :: KeyMappings,
ongoingReportSearchMatchers :: KeyMappings,
ongoingReportAnyMatchers :: KeyMappings
deriving (Generic)
instance Semigroup OngoingReportKeyMap where
narkm1 <> narkm2 =
let OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in OngoingReportKeyMap
{ ongoingReportMatchers = ongoingReportMatchers narkm1 <> ongoingReportMatchers narkm2,
ongoingReportSearchMatchers = ongoingReportSearchMatchers narkm1 <> ongoingReportSearchMatchers narkm2,
ongoingReportAnyMatchers = ongoingReportAnyMatchers narkm1 <> ongoingReportAnyMatchers narkm2
instance Monoid OngoingReportKeyMap where
mappend = (<>)
mempty =
{ ongoingReportMatchers = mempty,
ongoingReportSearchMatchers = mempty,
ongoingReportAnyMatchers = mempty
ongoingReportKeyMapActions :: OngoingReportKeyMap -> [AnyAction]
ongoingReportKeyMapActions OngoingReportKeyMap {..} =
let OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = undefined
in concatMap
[ ongoingReportMatchers,
data TimestampsReportKeyMap = TimestampsReportKeyMap
{ timestampsReportMatchers :: KeyMappings,
timestampsReportSearchMatchers :: KeyMappings,
@ -551,7 +593,8 @@ runSmosM ::
runSmosM = runMkSmosM
data SmosState = SmosState
{ smosStateTime :: !ZonedTime,
{ smosStateNow :: !UTCTime,
smosStateTimeZone :: !TZ,
smosStateCursor :: !EditorCursor,
smosStateKeyHistory :: !(Seq KeyPress),
smosStateAsyncs :: ![Async ()],
@ -943,6 +986,13 @@ editorCursorSwitchToHelp km@KeyMap {..} ec =
case entryReportCursorSelection waitingReportCursorEntryReportCursor of
EntryReportSelected -> ("Waiting Report", waitingReportMatchers)
EntryReportFilterSelected -> ("Waiting Report, Search", waitingReportSearchMatchers)
ReportOngoing OngoingReportCursor {..} ->
let OngoingReportKeyMap {..} = reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap
OngoingReportKeyMap _ _ _ = reportsKeymapOngoingReportKeyMap
in (\(t, ms) -> (t, ms ++ ongoingReportAnyMatchers)) $
case entryReportCursorSelection ongoingReportCursorEntryReportCursor of
EntryReportSelected -> ("Ongoing Report", ongoingReportMatchers)
EntryReportFilterSelected -> ("Ongoing Report, Search", ongoingReportSearchMatchers)
ReportTimestamps TimestampsReportCursor {..} ->
let TimestampsReportKeyMap {..} = reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap
TimestampsReportKeyMap _ _ _ = reportsKeymapTimestampsReportKeyMap
@ -965,11 +1015,8 @@ editorCursorSwitchToHelp km@KeyMap {..} ec =
editorCursorSelection = HelpSelected
editorCursorUpdateTime :: ZonedTime -> EditorCursor -> EditorCursor
editorCursorUpdateTime zt ec =
{ editorCursorFileCursor = smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime zt <$> editorCursorFileCursor ec
editorCursorUpdateTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> EditorCursor -> EditorCursor
editorCursorUpdateTime zone now ec = ec {editorCursorFileCursor = smosFileEditorCursorUpdateTime zone now <$> editorCursorFileCursor ec}
data EditorSelection
= FileSelected
@ -983,6 +1030,7 @@ instance Validity EditorSelection
data ReportCursor
= ReportNextActions !NextActionReportCursor
| ReportWaiting !WaitingReportCursor
| ReportOngoing !OngoingReportCursor
| ReportTimestamps !TimestampsReportCursor
| ReportStuck !StuckReportCursor
| ReportWork !WorkReportCursor

View File

@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ instance GenValid WaitingReportKeyConfigs where
genValid = genValidStructurally
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurally
instance GenValid OngoingReportKeyConfigs where
genValid = genValidStructurally
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurally
instance GenValid TimestampsReportKeyConfigs where
genValid = genValidStructurally
shrinkValid = shrinkValidStructurally