''' This is the main file for the Life Restart Simulator application. ''' import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox from simulator import Simulator import random import sys class Application(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title("Life Restart Simulator") self.simulator = Simulator() self.age_label = tk.Label(self, text="\n\n 欢迎,你来到了 5岁 的时候~ \n\n") self.age_label.pack() self.money_label = tk.Label(self, text="\n\n 你现在身上有 $1000 \n 点击GoOn开始模拟人生 \n\n") self.money_label.pack() self.go_on_button = tk.Button(self, text="Go On", command=self.go_on) self.go_on_button.pack() def go_on(self): age, money, event = self.simulator.go_on() message = '' if event == 'earn_money': message = random.choice(["你遇到幸运的事情大赚了一笔!!", "你升职加薪,财富增加!!", "你突然中了彩票"]) elif event == 'lose_money': message = random.choice(["你遇到难受的事情财富减少...", "你回家路上不小心丢了一大笔钱..."]) elif event == 'sick': message = random.choice(["你生了一场大病, 财产减少..."]) self.age_label.config(text=f"\n\n 你现在来到了: {age} 岁 \n {message} \n") self.money_label.config(text=f"\n\n 你现在拥有的财富是: ${money} \n\n") if event == "death": self.go_on_button.config(state=tk.DISABLED) messagebox.showinfo("Game Over", f"你一直活到 {age} 岁, 你积攒的财富有 ${money}.") sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": app = Application() app.mainloop()