import importlib import os from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from camel.typing import ModelType from chatdev.chat_env import ChatEnv from chatdev.utils import log_visualize def check_bool(s): return s.lower() == "true" class ComposedPhase(ABC): def __init__(self, phase_name: str = None, cycle_num: int = None, composition: list = None, config_phase: dict = None, config_role: dict = None, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, log_filepath: str = "" ): """ Args: phase_name: name of this phase cycle_num: loop times of this phase composition: list of SimplePhases in this ComposePhase config_phase: configuration of all SimplePhases config_role: configuration of all Roles """ self.phase_name = phase_name self.cycle_num = cycle_num self.composition = composition self.model_type = model_type self.log_filepath = log_filepath self.config_phase = config_phase self.config_role = config_role self.phase_env = dict() self.phase_env["cycle_num"] = cycle_num # init chat turn self.chat_turn_limit_default = 10 # init role self.role_prompts = dict() for role in self.config_role: self.role_prompts[role] = "\n".join(self.config_role[role]) # init all SimplePhases instances in this ComposedPhase self.phases = dict() for phase in self.config_phase: assistant_role_name = self.config_phase[phase]['assistant_role_name'] user_role_name = self.config_phase[phase]['user_role_name'] phase_prompt = "\n".join(self.config_phase[phase]['phase_prompt']) phase_module = importlib.import_module("chatdev.phase") phase_class = getattr(phase_module, phase) phase_instance = phase_class(assistant_role_name=assistant_role_name, user_role_name=user_role_name, phase_prompt=phase_prompt, role_prompts=self.role_prompts, phase_name=phase, model_type=self.model_type, log_filepath=self.log_filepath) self.phases[phase] = phase_instance @abstractmethod def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): """ update self.phase_env (if needed) using chat_env, then the chatting will use self.phase_env to follow the context and fill placeholders in phase prompt must be implemented in customized phase the usual format is just like: ``` self.phase_env.update({key:chat_env[key]}) ``` Args: chat_env: global chat chain environment Returns: None """ pass @abstractmethod def update_chat_env(self, chat_env) -> ChatEnv: """ update chan_env based on the results of self.execute, which is self.seminar_conclusion must be implemented in customized phase the usual format is just like: ``` = some_func_for_postprocess(self.seminar_conclusion) ``` Args: chat_env:global chat chain environment Returns: chat_env: updated global chat chain environment """ pass @abstractmethod def break_cycle(self, phase_env) -> bool: """ special conditions for early break the loop in ComposedPhase Args: phase_env: phase environment Returns: None """ pass def execute(self, chat_env) -> ChatEnv: """ similar to Phase.execute, but add control for breaking the loop 1. receive information from environment(ComposedPhase): update the phase environment from global environment 2. for each SimplePhase in ComposedPhase a) receive information from environment(SimplePhase) b) check loop break c) execute the chatting d) change the environment(SimplePhase) e) check loop break 3. change the environment(ComposedPhase): update the global environment using the conclusion Args: chat_env: global chat chain environment Returns: """ self.update_phase_env(chat_env) for cycle_index in range(1, self.cycle_num + 1): for phase_item in self.composition: assert phase_item["phaseType"] == "SimplePhase" # right now we do not support nested composition phase = phase_item['phase'] max_turn_step = phase_item['max_turn_step'] need_reflect = check_bool(phase_item['need_reflect']) self.phase_env["cycle_index"] = cycle_index log_visualize( f"**[Execute Detail]**\n\nexecute SimplePhase:[{phase}] in ComposedPhase:[{self.phase_name}], cycle {cycle_index}") if phase in self.phases: self.phases[phase].phase_env = self.phase_env self.phases[phase].update_phase_env(chat_env) if self.break_cycle(self.phases[phase].phase_env): return chat_env chat_env = self.phases[phase].execute(chat_env, self.chat_turn_limit_default if max_turn_step <= 0 else max_turn_step, need_reflect) if self.break_cycle(self.phases[phase].phase_env): return chat_env else: print(f"Phase '{phase}' is not yet implemented. \ Please write its config in phaseConfig.json \ and implement it in chatdev.phase") chat_env = self.update_chat_env(chat_env) return chat_env class Art(ComposedPhase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): pass def update_chat_env(self, chat_env): return chat_env def break_cycle(self, chat_env) -> bool: return False class CodeCompleteAll(ComposedPhase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): pyfiles = [filename for filename in os.listdir(chat_env.env_dict['directory']) if filename.endswith(".py")] num_tried = defaultdict(int) num_tried.update({filename: 0 for filename in pyfiles}) self.phase_env.update({ "max_num_implement": 5, "pyfiles": pyfiles, "num_tried": num_tried }) def update_chat_env(self, chat_env): return chat_env def break_cycle(self, phase_env) -> bool: if phase_env['unimplemented_file'] == "": return True else: return False class CodeReview(ComposedPhase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): self.phase_env.update({"modification_conclusion": ""}) def update_chat_env(self, chat_env): return chat_env def break_cycle(self, phase_env) -> bool: if " Finished".lower() in phase_env['modification_conclusion'].lower(): return True else: return False class HumanAgentInteraction(ComposedPhase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): self.phase_env.update({"modification_conclusion": "", "comments": ""}) def update_chat_env(self, chat_env): return chat_env def break_cycle(self, phase_env) -> bool: if " Finished".lower() in phase_env['modification_conclusion'].lower() or phase_env["comments"].lower() == "exit": return True else: return False class Test(ComposedPhase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def update_phase_env(self, chat_env): pass def update_chat_env(self, chat_env): return chat_env def break_cycle(self, phase_env) -> bool: if not phase_env['exist_bugs_flag']: log_visualize(f"**[Test Info]**\n\nAI User (Software Test Engineer):\nTest Pass!\n") return True else: return False