2024-01-15 18:42:36 +08:00

33 lines
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import tkinter as tk
class TetrisGame(tk.Canvas):
def __init__(self, master):
super().__init__(master, width=300, height=600, bg="black")
self.board = [[0] * 10 for _ in range(20)]
self.current_shape = None
self.score = 0
self.delay = 500
self.is_game_over = False
self.bind_all("<Key>", self.handle_keypress)
self.after(self.delay, self.update)
def update(self):
if not self.is_game_over:
self.after(self.delay, self.update)
def move_shape(self, direction):
pass # Implement shape movement logic
def rotate_shape(self):
pass # Implement shape rotation logic
def handle_keypress(self, event):
pass # Handle keypress events
def draw_board(self):
pass # Draw the game board
def draw_shape(self):
pass # Draw the current shape
def check_collision(self):
pass # Check for collision with other shapes or boundaries
def clear_rows(self):
pass # Clear completed rows and update score
def game_over(self):
pass # Handle game over condition
def draw_score(self):
pass # Draw the current score on the canvas