Stephen Chou 870b0077ce
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MazeGame upload
2023-10-14 01:49:25 -05:00

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This file contains the Maze class that represents the maze in the game.
import random
import tkinter as tk
class Maze:
def __init__(self):
self.rows = 10
self.cols = 10
self.maze = [[0] * self.cols for _ in range(self.rows)]
self.player_row = 0
self.player_col = 0
self.goal_row = self.rows - 1
self.goal_col = self.cols - 1
def generate_maze(self):
# Generate a random maze
for row in range(self.rows):
for col in range(self.cols):
if random.random() < 0.3:
self.maze[row][col] = 1
def move_player(self, direction):
if direction == "up" and self.player_row > 0 and self.maze[self.player_row-1][self.player_col] != 1:
self.player_row -= 1
elif direction == "down" and self.player_row < self.rows-1 and self.maze[self.player_row+1][self.player_col] != 1:
self.player_row += 1
elif direction == "left" and self.player_col > 0 and self.maze[self.player_row][self.player_col-1] != 1:
self.player_col -= 1
elif direction == "right" and self.player_col < self.cols-1 and self.maze[self.player_row][self.player_col+1] != 1:
self.player_col += 1
if self.player_row == self.goal_row and self.player_col == self.goal_col:
print("Congratulations! You have reached the goal!")