2023-10-14 01:50:48 -05:00

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Design a Greedy Snake game with the following rules and features:
1.The game starts with a snake of length 1 and a single food item on the grid.2.The player controls the snake's movement using arrow keys (or swipe gestures in a mobile version).3.The snake moves continuously in the direction it's facing, and the player's goal is to eat as much food as possible to grow longer.4.When the snake consumes a piece of food, its length increases, and a new piece of food appears at a random location on the grid.5.The game ends if the snake collides with the game boundaries or itself 6.Implement a scoring system to keep track of the player's score based on the number of food items eaten.7.Ensure that the game has visually appealing graphics, intuitive controls, and smooth animation.8.Provide options to adjust the game's difficulty level, such as increasing the snake's speed or changing the grid size.8.Include sound effects for actions like eating food or game over.9.Make the game robust by handling edge cases and ensuring it runs smoothly without crashes.10.The player should be able to start a new game or exit the game at any time.Please generate the code and UI elements necessary for this Greedy Snake game, and ensure that it is playable and enjoyable for users.