2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
from get_release_note import *
Issue ( number = 1 , tags = [ " enhancement " ] , author = " bob " , pulls = [ Pull ( " url1 " , " pull1 " ) ] ) ,
Issue (
number = 2 ,
tags = [ " bug " ] ,
author = " bill " ,
pulls = [ Pull ( " url2 " , " pull2 " ) , Pull ( " url3 " , " pull3 " ) ] ,
) ,
Issue (
number = 3 ,
tags = [ " ignore " , " enhancement " ] ,
author = " bob " ,
pulls = [ Pull ( " url4 " , " pull4 " ) ] ,
) ,
Issue ( number = 4 , tags = [ " enhancement " ] , author = " bob " , pulls = [ Pull ( " url4 " , " pull4 " ) ] ) ,
Pull ( " url1 " , " pull1 " , [ " enhancement " ] , [ 1 ] ) ,
Pull ( " url2 " , " pull2 " , [ " bug " ] , [ 2 ] ) ,
Pull ( " url3 " , " pull3 " , [ " bug " ] , [ 2 ] ) ,
Pull ( " url4 " , " pull4 " , [ " ignore " , " enhancement " ] , [ 3 , 4 ] ) ,
2022-10-29 19:51:21 +03:00
# Example from https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/903
ISSUE_HTML = """ <development-menu data-catalyst= " " >
< ! - - ' " ` --><!-- </textarea></xmp> --><form data-target= " create-branch.developmentForm " data-turbo= " false " class= " js-issue-sidebar-form " aria-label= " Link issues " action= " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/closing_references?source_id=1411443741&source_type=ISSUE " accept-charset= " UTF-8 " method= " post " ><input type= " hidden " name= " _method " value= " put " autocomplete= " off " ><input type= " hidden " name= " authenticity_token " value= " 9x5KgxKfdSMSV4AvkKo8xG2tb4BzMW-ZaZpRZBtx30AGFQE4zYBJEf0oAWEdnepcxG-5dH1Edkm000q_FXXkhw " >
< details class = " details-reset details-overlay position-relative " data - target = " development-menu.details " data - action = " click:development-menu#openSelectedRepoFromStorage " current - user = " fabricereix " repo - nwo = " Orange-OpenSource/hurl " >
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< / svg >
< / summary >
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< header class = " SelectMenu-header " >
< h3 class = " SelectMenu-title color-fg-default " >
Link a branch or pull request
< span class = " text-normal color-fg-muted d-block " >
Select a repository to search for branches and pull requests
< button aria - label = " Create a branch " data - action = " click:create-branch#openDialog " type = " button " data - view - component = " true " class = " btn-link " > create a branch
< / button >
< / span >
< / h3 >
< button class = " SelectMenu-closeButton top-0 right-0 " type = " button " data - action = " click:development-menu#closeMenu " >
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< / svg >
< / button >
< / header >
< div class = " SelectMenu-filter " >
< remote - input aria - owns = " development-menu-repository-list " param = " repositories " src = " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/closing_references/referencing_repositories?source_id=1411443741&source_type=ISSUE " data - action = "
remote - input - success : development - menu #repositoryListLoaded
remote - input - error : development - menu #repositoryListLoadEnd
loadstart : development - menu #repositoryListLoadStart
loadend : development - menu #repositoryListLoadEnd
" >
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< / remote - input >
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< div class = " SelectMenu-list " >
< div class = " SelectMenu-loading " data - target = " development-menu.repositoryListSpinner " >
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< / div >
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< / div >
< / div >
< / details - menu >
< modal - dialog class = " development-menu-component-dialog right-0 hx_rsm-modal-sm " data - target = " development-menu.branchOrPullRequestDialog " data - action = " click:development-menu#stopPropagation " aria - label = " Branch or pull request dialog " role = " dialog " hidden = " " >
< input type = " text " name = " repository_id " data - target = " development-menu.selectedRepoIdInput " value = " " hidden = " " >
< div class = " SelectMenu-modal development-menu-component-dialog-modal " >
< div class = " SelectMenu-header " >
< button class = " SelectMenu-closeButton top-0 left-0 mr-2 " type = " button " data - action = " click:development-menu#closeBranchOrPullRequestDialog " >
< svg aria - label = " Back to repository menu " role = " img " height = " 16 " viewBox = " 0 0 16 16 " version = " 1.1 " width = " 16 " data - view - component = " true " class = " octicon octicon-arrow-left " >
< path fill - rule = " evenodd " d = " M7.78 12.53a.75.75 0 01-1.06 0L2.47 8.28a.75.75 0 010-1.06l4.25-4.25a.75.75 0 011.06 1.06L4.81 7h7.44a.75.75 0 010 1.5H4.81l2.97 2.97a.75.75 0 010 1.06z " > < / path >
< / svg >
< / button >
< h3 class = " SelectMenu-title " >
< div class = " color-fg-default line-clamp-1 " data - target = " development-menu.dialogTitle " > < / div >
< span class = " text-normal color-fg-muted " > Link a branch , pull request , or
< button aria - label = " create a branch " data - action = " click:create-branch#openDialog " type = " button " data - view - component = " true " class = " btn-link " > create a branch
< / button >
< / span >
< / h3 >
< / div >
< div class = " SelectMenu-filter " >
< remote - input aria - owns = " development-menu-branch-and-pull-request-list " param = " linkable_items " data - target = " development-menu.branchAndPullRequestSearch " data - action = "
remote - input - success : development - menu #branchAndPullRequestListLoaded
remote - input - error : development - menu #branchAndPullRequestListLoadEnd
loadstart : development - menu #branchAndPullRequestListLoadStart
loadend : development - menu #branchAndPullRequestListLoadEnd
" src= " " >
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< / remote - input >
< / div >
< div class = " SelectMenu-list " >
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< button disabled = " disabled " aria - label = " Apply " data - target = " development-menu.applyButton " type = " submit " data - view - component = " true " class = " btn-primary btn-sm btn ml-2 " > Apply
< / button >
< button aria - label = " Close " data - action = " click:development-menu#resetForm " type = " button " data - view - component = " true " class = " btn-sm btn " > Cancel
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / modal - dialog >
< div class = " development-menu-component-dialog-overlay " > < / div >
< / details >
< p > Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue . < / p >
< div class = " my-1 " >
< span data - view - component = " true " class = " Truncate truncate-with-responsive-width " >
< a href = " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/pull/904 " data - hydro - click = " { "event_type":"issue_cross_references.click","payload": { "reference_location":"ISSUE_SIDEBAR","user_id":682123,"issue_id":1411443741,"pull_request_id":1089349607,"originating_url":"https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/903"}} " data - hydro - click - hmac = " d05663479c42215476657359e8e93599ac2bf7972f47d0a45f571ae306dbe56c " data - hovercard - type = " pull_request " data - hovercard - url = " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/pull/904/hovercard " data - view - component = " true " class = " Truncate-text Link--primary markdown-title text-bold d-block " > < svg class = " octicon octicon-git-merge merged " title = " Merged " aria - label = " Merged pull request " viewBox = " 0 0 16 16 " version = " 1.1 " width = " 16 " height = " 16 " role = " img " > < path fill - rule = " evenodd " d = " M5 3.254V3.25v.005a.75.75 0 110-.005v.004zm.45 1.9a2.25 2.25 0 10-1.95.218v5.256a2.25 2.25 0 101.5 0V7.123A5.735 5.735 0 009.25 9h1.378a2.251 2.251 0 100-1.5H9.25a4.25 4.25 0 01-3.8-2.346zM12.75 9a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5zm-8.5 4.5a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z " > < / path > < / svg >
< / a >
< / span > < a href = " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl " class = " d-block Link--muted f6 pl-1 ml-3 " >
Orange - OpenSource / hurl
< / a >
< / div >
< / form > < / development - menu >
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
< html >
< head >
< meta charset = " UTF-8 " >
< meta name = " description " content = " 👋 hello " >
< title > Issue < / title >
< / head >
< body >
< development - menu >
< a href = " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/pull/958 " > Issue 958 < / a >
< / development - menu >
< / body >
< / html >
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
class GetReleaseNoteTest ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_authors_from_issues ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( [ " bob " , " bill " ] , authors_from_issues ( ISSUES ) )
def test_pulls_from_issues ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( PULLS , pulls_from_issues ( ISSUES ) )
2022-10-29 19:51:21 +03:00
def test_webscrapping_issue ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
[ Pull ( " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/pull/904 " , " Fix HTTP HEAD " , [ ] , [ ] ) ] ,
webscrapping_linked_pulls ( ISSUE_HTML ) ,
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
def test_webscrapping_issue_with_emoji ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
[ Pull ( " /Orange-OpenSource/hurl/pull/958 " , " Issue 958 " , [ ] , [ ] ) ] ,
webscrapping_linked_pulls ( ISSUE_WITH_EMOJI_HTML ) ,
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
def test_generate_md ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
""" [1.0.0 (2022-01-01)](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1.0.0)
== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Thanks to
[ @bob ] ( https : / / github . com / bob ) ,
[ @bill ] ( https : / / github . com / bill ) ,
Enhancements :
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
* pull1 [ #1](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/1)
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
* pull4 [ #3](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/3) [#4](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/4)
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
Bugs Fixed :
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
* pull2 [ #2](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/2)
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
2022-11-05 17:42:10 +03:00
* pull3 [ #2](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/2)
2022-08-25 14:35:15 +03:00
""" ,
generate_md (
milestone = " 1.0.0 " ,
date = datetime . datetime ( 2022 , 1 , 1 ) ,
pulls = PULLS ,
authors = [ " bob " , " bill " ] ,
) ,
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )