2022-06-10 12:11:30 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
2022-06-07 15:17:45 +03:00
# init exit workflow
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# init colors
color_red = $( echo -ne "\033[1;31m" )
color_green = $( echo -ne "\033[1;32m" )
color_yellow = $( echo -ne "\033[1;33m" )
color_blue = $( echo -ne "\033[1;34m" )
color_reset = $( echo -ne "\033[0m" )
# functions
check_args( ) {
# init args
run_mode = " $1 "
# check args
if [ -n " ${ run_mode } " ] && [ " ${ run_mode } " != "--check" ] ; then
echo " ${ color_yellow } "
echo "Usage:"
echo " $( basename " $0 " ) # update all crates to latest version into Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files in actual dir/subdir "
echo " $( basename " $0 " ) --check # display upgradable crates from Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files in actual dir/subdir "
echo " ${ color_reset } "
return 1
convert_toml_crates_to_key_value( ) {
# init args
toml_file = " $1 "
# convert toml crates to key value
sed -n " /dependencies\]/,/^ $/p " " ${ toml_file } " |
grep --extended-regexp --invert-match " ^\[|path|^ $" |
cut --delimiter ',' --field 1 |
sed "s/version//g" |
tr -d '"{=' |
tr -d "'" |
tr -s ' ' |
get_crate_latest_version( ) {
# init args
crate_url = " $1 "
# get crate latest version
crate_object = $( curl -kLs " ${ crate_url } " || true )
crate_max_stable_version = $( echo " ${ crate_object } " | ( jq -r .crate.max_stable_version || true ) )
last_version = $( echo " ${ crate_max_stable_version } " | ( grep --extended-regexp " ^[0-9].*.[0-9].*.[0-9] $" || true ) )
echo " ${ last_version } "
update_crate_version_in_toml( ) {
# init args
crate = " $1 "
actual_version = " $2 "
last_version = " $3 "
toml_file = " $4 "
# update crate version in toml
2022-07-13 15:15:49 +03:00
sed -i -- " s/ ${ crate } = { version = \" ${ actual_version } \"/ ${ crate } = { version = \" ${ last_version } \"/g " " ${ toml_file } "
sed -i -- " s/ ${ crate } = \" ${ actual_version } \"/ ${ crate } = \" ${ last_version } \"/g " " ${ toml_file } "
2022-06-07 15:17:45 +03:00
if grep --extended-regexp --silent " ${ crate } .*=.* ${ last_version } " " ${ toml_file } " ; then
echo " ${ color_blue } updated to ${ last_version } ${ color_reset } "
echo " ${ color_red } error, update to ${ last_version } fails, please check ${ toml_file } format and syntax, then re-run this script ${ color_reset } "
return 1
which_is_the_newest_version( ) {
# init vars
first_version = " $1 "
second_version = " $2 "
# which is the newest version
echo -e " ${ first_version } \n ${ second_version } " |
sort --version-sort |
tail -1
main( ) {
# init vars
crates_api_root_url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates"
arg = " $1 "
check_args " ${ arg } "
updated_count = 0
# update toml
for package in packages/*; do
toml_file = " ${ package } /Cargo.toml "
echo -e " \n=> crates updates for ${ toml_file } \n "
while read -r crate actual_version; do
crate_url = " ${ crates_api_root_url } / ${ crate } "
last_version = $( get_crate_latest_version " ${ crate_url } " )
if [ -z " ${ last_version } " ] ; then
echo " ${ color_red } runtime error ${ color_reset } , i could not get last version from ${ crate_url } "
return 1
echo -n " ${ crate } ${ actual_version } : "
newest_version = $( which_is_the_newest_version " ${ last_version } " " ${ actual_version } " )
if [ " ${ newest_version } " = = " ${ actual_version } " ] ; then
echo " ${ color_green } newest ${ color_reset } "
if [ " ${ arg } " = "--check" ] ; then
echo " ${ color_red } old, please update to latest ${ last_version } ${ color_reset } "
updated_count = $(( updated_count + 1 ))
update_crate_version_in_toml " ${ crate } " " ${ actual_version } " " ${ last_version } " " ${ toml_file } "
done < <( convert_toml_crates_to_key_value " ${ toml_file } " )
# update lock
if [ " ${ arg } " != "--check" ] ; then
echo -e "\n=> crates updates for Cargo.lock\n"
cargo update --color always -vv
echo -e "\n"
# display help if update is needed with --check run_mode
if [ " ${ updated_count } " -gt 0 ] ; then
echo -e " \n ${ color_yellow } ...Consider re-executing $( basename " $0 " ) without --check option to automatically update ${ updated_count } old crates ${ color_reset } \n "
return " ${ updated_count } "
# run
main " $@ "