We really want to be focused and consider any new features carefully before committing to it. A new idea can be really
relevant to you and we understand it; that's said, we try to reflect on every aspect (maintainability, feature fitting with future evolutions etc...). Don't be too harsh on us if we postpone your proposal, it's for the sake of Hurl!
Linux, macOS, Windows and we support a narrow set of packet manager. [More would be better!].
- IDE Support: everything from color syntax (in VSCode, Vim, IntelliJ, TextMate etc...) would be a good idea. An
integrated way to run Hurl file would be cool also.
- [Documentation] is a never finished work and could be always improved. Don't hesitate to clarify, even fix typos etc...
- Report bugs: if possible some simple repro steps with `hurl --version`, name of the platform etc... PR for bugs fixes are really appreciated. If there is [an integration test] that complement it, it's the cherry on the cake.
## Pull Requests
- [Create a new Git branch], don't use `master` branch for PR.
- All Git commits are [required to be signed] and marked as "Verified": signed with a GPG, SSH, or S/MIME that is successfully verified by GitHub.
- All tests must be green before merge. Our CI/CD will run [a test suite] to insure everything is OK.
- Hurl Git history is linear, so we may rebase your PR on your fork before final merge.
[Create a new Git branch]: https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-and-deleting-branches-within-your-repository
[required to be signed]: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/about-commit-signature-verification