#!/bin/bash set -Eeuo pipefail color_red=$(echo -e "\033[1;31m") color_reset=$(echo -e "\033[0m") errors_count=0 # Check *.rs Orange Copyright echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" while read -r rust_file ; do if [ "$(grep -c "Copyright (C) 2022 Orange" "$rust_file" || true)" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing [Copyright (C) 2022 Orange] in ${color_red}${rust_file}${color_reset}" ((errors_count++)) fi done < <(find packages -type f -name "*.rs") # Check *sh bash shebang at line 1 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" while read -r script ; do if [ "$(head -1 "$script" | grep -c "#!/bin/bash" || true)" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing [#!/bin/bash] shebang in ${color_red}${script}${color_reset}" ((errors_count++)) fi done < <(find . -type f -name "*.sh") # Check *sh error handling at line 2 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" while read -r script ; do if [ "$(head -2 "$script" | tail -1 | grep -c "set -Eeuo pipefail" || true)" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing [set -Eeuo pipefail] in ${color_red}${script}${color_reset}" ((errors_count++)) fi done < <(find . -type f -name "*.sh") # Check *PS1 error handling at line 2 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" while read -r script ; do if [ "$(head -1 "$script" | grep -c "Set-StrictMode -Version latest" || true)" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing [Set-StrictMode -Version latest] in first line of ${color_red}${script}${color_reset}" ((errors_count++)) fi if [ "$(head -2 "$script" | tail -1 | grep -c "\$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'" || true)" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Missing [\$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'] in second line of ${color_red}${script}${color_reset}" ((errors_count++)) fi done < <(find . -type f -name "*.PS1") # Control errors count if [ "${errors_count}" -gt 0 ] ; then exit 1 fi