actual value is <hex, 6c696e65310a6c696e65320d0a6c696e65330a;>actual: byte array <ff> expected: byte array <00>actual: byte array <a8100ae6aa1940d0b663bb31cd466142ebbdbd5187131b92d93818987832eb89> expected: byte array <a8100ae6aa1940d0b663bb31cd466142ebbdbd5187131b92d93818987832eb88>Compression unknown is not supportedCould not uncompress response with gzipactual value is <hex, 48656c6c6f;>This header has not been found in the responseactual value is <text/html; charset=utf-8>actual value is <1.0>actual: string <text/html; charset=utf-8> expected: int <1>The body can not be decoded with charset 'utf-8'actual: none expected: bool <false>actual: unit expected: bool <true> >>> types between actual and expected are not consistentactual: unit expected: not bool <true> >>> types between actual and expected are not consistentRegex expression is not validThe xpath expression is not validactual value is <404>You must set the variable content_typeactual: string <text/html; charset=utf-8> expected: string <XXX>actual: string <text/html; charset=utf-8> expected: string <text/html; charset=utf-8>actual: none expected: string <000001>actual: [int <1>, int <2>, int <3>] expected: includes int <100>actual: [int <1>, int <2>, int <3>] expected: not contains string <Hello> >>> types between actual and expected are not consistentactual: int <2> expected: greater than int <5>actual: int <2> expected: floatactual: byte array <7b202276616c756573223a205b312c322c335d2c2022636f756e74223a20327d> expected: contains byte array <00>actual: none expected: string <tata>You must set the variable unknownactual: int <200> expected: string <text/html; charset=utf-8>actual: int <200> expected: string <0>The xpath expression is not validactual value is <invalid>(28) Connection timed out after 1002 millisecondsFile tests/does_not_exist can not be read(6) Could not resolve host: unknownthe jsonpath expression '' is not valid(3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URLThe Http response is not a valid XMLToo many redirectFile tests/unknown can not be readactual: bool <true> expected: string <true>actual: int <1> expected: int <0>actual: string <0> expected: int <0>actual: string <> expected: int <0>actual: float <1.0> expected: float <1.100000000000000000>actual: string <0> expected: starts with string <hi>actual: string <0> expected: ends with string <hi>actual: string <0> expected: contains string <hi>actual: string <0> expected: matches regex <hi>Type from query result and subquery do not matchactual: none expected: somethingactual: string <0> expected: not somethingactual: int <3> expected: int <2>This header has not been found in the responseThe http response is not a valid jsonThe body can not be decoded with charset 'utf-8'You must set the variable urlvalue [1,2,3] can not be rendered(28) Operation timed out after 1001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received