GET http://localhost:8000/captures HTTP 200 [Captures] param1: header "header1" param2: header "header2" regex "Hello (.*)!" param3: header "header2" regex /Hello (.*)!/ # With the next captures, we test that the captured variable # can be immediatlety used in the next captures + asserts data1: body data2: variable "data1" [Asserts] variable "param1" == "value1" variable "param2" == "Bob" variable "param3" == "Bob" variable "data2" == "Hello world!" GET http://localhost:8000/captures-check [QueryStringParams] param1: {{param1}} param2: {{param2}} HTTP 200 GET http://localhost:8000/captures-json HTTP 200 [Captures] an_object: jsonpath "$['an_object']" a_list: jsonpath "$['a_list']" a_null: jsonpath "$['a_null']" an_integer: jsonpath "$['an_integer']" a_float: jsonpath "$['a_float']" a_bool: jsonpath "$['a_bool']" a_string: jsonpath "$['a_string']" all: jsonpath "$" [Asserts] variable "a_null" exists variable "undefined" not exists variable "a_null" == {{a_null}} variable "an_integer" == {{an_integer}} variable "a_float" == {{a_float}} variable "a_bool" == {{a_bool}} variable "a_string" == {{a_string}} variable "a_string" == "{{a_string}}" variable "a_list" == {{a_list}}