2024-02-28 12:04:15 +00:00

88 lines
4.5 KiB

#compdef hurl
autoload -U is-at-least
_hurl() {
typeset -A opt_args
typeset -a _arguments_options
local ret=1
if is-at-least 5.2; then
_arguments_options=(-s -S -C)
_arguments_options=(-s -C)
local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" '--aws-sigv4[Use AWS V4 signature authentication in the transfer]: : ' \
'--cacert[CA certificate to verify peer against (PEM format)]: : ' \
'--cert[Client certificate file and password]: : ' \
'--key[Private key file name]: : ' \
'--color[Colorize output]: : ' \
'--compressed[Request compressed response (using deflate or gzip)]: : ' \
'--connect-timeout[Maximum time allowed for connection]: : ' \
'--connect-to[For a request to the given HOST1:PORT1 pair, connect to HOST2:PORT2 instead]: : ' \
'--continue-on-error[Continue executing requests even if an error occurs]: : ' \
'--cookie[Read cookies from FILE]: : ' \
'--cookie-jar[Write cookies to FILE after running the session (only for one session)]: : ' \
'--delay[Sets delay before each request.]: : ' \
'--error-format[Control the format of error messages]: : ' \
'--fail-at-end[Fail at end]: : ' \
'--file-root[Set root directory to import files \[default: current directory\]]: : ' \
'--location[Follow redirects]: : ' \
'--location-trusted[Follow redirects but allows sending the name + password to all hosts that the site may redirect to.]: : ' \
'--glob[Specify input files that match the given GLOB. Multiple glob flags may be used]: : ' \
'--http1.0[Tell Hurl to use HTTP version 1.0]: : ' \
'--http1.1[Tell Hurl to use HTTP version 1.1]: : ' \
'--http2[Tell Hurl to use HTTP version 2]: : ' \
'--http3[Tell Hurl to use HTTP version 3]: : ' \
'--ignore-asserts[Ignore asserts defined in the Hurl file]: : ' \
'--include[Include the HTTP headers in the output]: : ' \
'--insecure[Allow insecure SSL connections]: : ' \
'--interactive[Turn on interactive mode]: : ' \
'--ipv4[Tell Hurl to use IPv4 addresses only when resolving host names, and not for example try IPv6]: : ' \
'--ipv6[Tell Hurl to use IPv6 addresses only when resolving host names, and not for example try IPv4]: : ' \
'--json[Output each Hurl file result to JSON]: : ' \
'--max-redirs[Maximum number of redirects allowed, -1 for unlimited redirects]: : ' \
'--max-time[Maximum time allowed for the transfer]: : ' \
'--netrc[Must read .netrc for username and password]: : ' \
'--netrc-file[Specify FILE for .netrc]: : ' \
'--netrc-optional[Use either .netrc or the URL]: : ' \
'--no-color[Do not colorize output]: : ' \
'--no-output[Suppress output. By default, Hurl outputs the body of the last response]: : ' \
'--noproxy[List of hosts which do not use proxy]: : ' \
'--output[Write to FILE instead of stdout]: : ' \
'--path-as-is[Tell Hurl to not handle sequences of /../ or /./ in the given URL path]: : ' \
'--proxy[Use proxy on given PROTOCOL/HOST/PORT]: : ' \
'--report-html[Generate HTML report to DIR]: : ' \
'--report-junit[Write a JUnit XML report to FILE]: : ' \
'--report-tap[Write a TAP report to FILE]: : ' \
'--resolve[Provide a custom address for a specific HOST and PORT pair]: : ' \
'--retry[Maximum number of retries, 0 for no retries, -1 for unlimited retries]: : ' \
'--retry-interval[Interval in milliseconds before a retry]: : ' \
'--ssl-no-revoke[(Windows) Tell Hurl to disable certificate revocation checks. WARNING: this option loosens the SSL security, and by using this flag you ask for exactly that.]: : ' \
'--test[Activate test mode]: : ' \
'--to-entry[Execute Hurl file to ENTRY_NUMBER (starting at 1)]: : ' \
'--unix-socket[(HTTP) Connect through this Unix domain socket, instead of using the network]: : ' \
'--user[Add basic Authentication header to each request]: : ' \
'--user-agent[Specify the User-Agent string to send to the HTTP server]: : ' \
'--variable[Define a variable]: : ' \
'--variables-file[Define a properties file in which you define your variables]: : ' \
'--verbose[Turn on verbose]: : ' \
'--very-verbose[Turn on verbose output, including HTTP response and libcurl logs]: : ' \
'--help[Print help]' '--version[Print version]' '*::params:' \
&& ret=0
(( $+functions[_hurl_commands] )) ||
_hurl_commands() {
local commands; commands=()
_describe -t commands 'hurl commands' commands "$@"
if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_hurl" ]; then
_hurl "$@"
compdef _hurl hurl