Added passwordInput Page #57

This commit is contained in:
Lucas Payr 2021-06-04 02:43:28 +02:00
parent 56947e6e26
commit 4d40ecbe5d
6 changed files with 20033 additions and 71 deletions

explorer/index.html Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ import UIExplorer
pages =
UIExplorer.firstPage "Button"
--|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Password Input"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Password Input"
main =

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ create { title, description, book, demo } =
Tile.static []
(\_ _ ->
[ title |> Element.text |> Element.el Typography.h3
, description |> Element.text |> Element.el []
, description |> Element.text |> List.singleton |> Element.paragraph []
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 32 ]

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import Element.Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import Set exposing (Set)
import UIExplorer
import UIExplorer.Story as Story
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile
import Widget exposing (ColumnStyle, PasswordInputStyle)
import UIExplorer exposing (Page)
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Group, Position, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, ColumnStyle, PasswordInputStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon exposing (Icon)
import Widget.Material as Material
@ -27,23 +28,54 @@ import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
page =
Tile.first (intro |> Tile.withTitle "Password Input")
|> Tile.nextGroup book
|> demo
{-| The title of this page
title : String
title =
"Password Input"
intro =
Tile.markdown []
""" An input field for a password. """
{-| The description. I've taken this description directly from the [Material-UI-Specification](
description : String
description =
"If we want to play nicely with a browser's ability to autofill a form, we need to be able to give it a hint about what we're expecting.\n \nThe following inputs are very similar to Input.text, but they give the browser a hint to allow autofill to work correctly."
{-| List of view functions. Essentially, anything that takes a Button as input.
viewFunctions =
viewCurrentPassword palette text placeholder label _ _ =
Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = text
, placeholder = placeholder
, label = label
, onChange = always ()
, show = False
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.currentPasswordInput"
viewNewPassword palette text placeholder label _ _ =
Widget.newPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = text
, placeholder = placeholder
, label = label
, onChange = always ()
, show = False
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.newPasswordInput"
[ viewNewPassword, viewCurrentPassword ]
|> List.foldl Story.addTile
book = (Just "options")
|> Story.addTile viewPassword
) (Just "Options")
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Palette"
@ -74,65 +106,28 @@ book =
type alias Style style msg =
{ style
| passwordInput : PasswordInputStyle msg
, column : ColumnStyle msg
viewLabel : String -> Element msg
viewLabel =
Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.px 250 ] << Element.text
viewPassword palette text placeholder label _ _ =
{ title = Nothing
, position = Tile.LeftColumnTile
, attributes = [ Background.color <| MaterialColor.fromColor palette.surface ]
, body =
[ Element.width Element.fill
, Element.centerY
, Element.Font.color <| MaterialColor.fromColor palette.on.surface
[ viewLabel "Current Password"
, { text = text
, placeholder = placeholder
, label = label
, onChange = always ()
, show = False
|> Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
-- Example
-- Interactive Demonstration
materialStyle : Style {} msg
materialStyle =
{ passwordInput = Material.passwordInput Material.defaultPalette
, column = Material.column
{- This section here is essentially just a normal Elm program. -}
type alias Model =
{ passwordInput : String
, newInput : String
type Msg
= SetPasswordInput String
| SetNewPasswordInput String
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { passwordInput = ""
, newInput = ""
, Cmd.none
@ -144,30 +139,75 @@ update msg model =
SetPasswordInput string ->
( { model | passwordInput = string }, Cmd.none )
SetNewPasswordInput string ->
( { model | newInput = string }, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
view _ model =
view { palette } model =
{ title = Just "Interactive Demo"
, position = Tile.FullWidthTile
, attributes = []
, body =
{ text = model.passwordInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput Material.defaultPalette)
[ "Try fill out these fields using autofill" |> Element.text
, [ "Current Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.passwordInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, [ "New Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.newPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.newInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetNewPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, Element.text <|
if (model.newInput /= "") && (model.newInput == model.passwordInput) then
"Yeay, the two passwords match!"
|> Element.column [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spacing 8 ]
demo : Tile Model Msg ()
demo =
{ init = always init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
page =
{ title = title
, description = description
, book = book
, demo = demo

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ passwordInput palette =
|> Border.color
, Element.mouseOver [ Border.shadow <| MaterialColor.shadow 2 ]
, Element.width <| Element.px <| 280
, content =
{ password =

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ textInput palette =
|> MaterialColor.fromColor
|> Border.color
, Element.width <| Element.px <| 280
, Element.mouseOver [ Border.shadow <| MaterialColor.shadow 2 ]
, content =