Clean Up before merge

This commit is contained in:
Lucas Payr 2021-06-09 15:38:38 +02:00
parent 5982c7b81e
commit e8b8990519
12 changed files with 350 additions and 260 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Main exposing (main)
import Element
import Page.AppBar
import Page.Button
import Page.Dialog
import Page.Icon
import Page.Item
import Page.Layout
import Page.Modal
import Page.MultiSelect
import Page.PasswordInput
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pages =
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Item"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "ProgressIndicator"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Modal"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Layout"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "App Bar"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Icon"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Dialog"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ create :
, book : Group ( StorySelectorModel, () ) (TileMsg StorySelectorMsg ()) ()
, demo : Tile model msg ()
-> Page ( ( ( (), () ), ( StorySelectorModel, () ) ), model ) (TileMsg (TileMsg (TileMsg () msg1) (TileMsg StorySelectorMsg ())) msg) ()
-> Page ( ( ( (), () ), model ), ( StorySelectorModel, () ) ) (TileMsg (TileMsg (TileMsg () msg1) msg) (TileMsg StorySelectorMsg ())) ()
create config =
Tile.static []
(\_ _ ->
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ create config =
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 32 ]
|> Tile.first
|> Tile.nextGroup
|> config.demo
|> Tile.nextGroup

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
module Page.Layout exposing (page)
module Page.AppBar exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Browser.Events as Events
import Element exposing (Attribute, DeviceClass(..), Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element exposing (DeviceClass(..), Element)
import Element.Border as Border
import Element.Font as Font
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
@ -15,39 +13,27 @@ import Page
import Time
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget
( AppBarStyle
, ButtonStyle
, ColumnStyle
, DialogStyle
, InsetItemStyle
, ItemStyle
, Modal
, TextInput
, TextInputStyle
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon exposing (Icon)
import Widget exposing (Modal, TextInput)
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Layout as Layout
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
import Widget.Snackbar as Snackbar exposing (Snackbar, SnackbarStyle)
import Widget.Snackbar as Snackbar exposing (Snackbar)
{-| The title of this page
title : String
title =
"App Bar"
{-| The description. I've taken this description directly from the [Material-UI-Specification](
description : String
description =
"Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap."
"The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen."
{-| List of view functions. Essentially, anything that takes a Button as input.

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ book =
[ ( "Outlined", Material.outlinedButton )
, ( "Text", Material.textButton )
, ( "Chip", Material.chip )
, ( "IconButton", Material.iconButton)
, ( "IconButton", Material.iconButton )
--Changing the text of the label

View File

@ -3,21 +3,15 @@ module Page.Dialog exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import FeatherIcons
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, DialogStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page

View File

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ module Page.Icon exposing (page)
import Ant.Icons.Svg
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import FeatherIcons
import FontAwesome.Solid
import FontAwesome.Svg
@ -17,13 +15,10 @@ import Material.Icons.Action
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Octicons
import Page
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, RowStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile)
import Widget
import Widget.Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
import Zondicons
@ -43,8 +38,6 @@ description =
{- This next section is essentially just a normal Elm program. -}
-- Interactive Demonstration
@ -86,51 +79,51 @@ view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view { palette } () =
[ ( Material.Icons.done
|> Widget.Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, "elm-material-icons"
, ( Material.Icons.Action.done
, "elm-material-icons"
, ( Material.Icons.Action.done
|> Widget.Icon.materialIcons
, "material-icons"
, ( FeatherIcons.check
, "material-icons"
, ( FeatherIcons.check
|> Widget.Icon.elmFeather FeatherIcons.toHtml
, "elm-feather"
, ( FontAwesome.Solid.check
, "elm-feather"
, ( FontAwesome.Solid.check
|> Widget.Icon.elmFontawesome FontAwesome.Svg.viewIcon
, "elm-fontawesome"
, ( Ionicon.checkmark
, "elm-fontawesome"
, ( Ionicon.checkmark
|> Widget.Icon.elmIonicons
, "elm-ionicons"
, ( Octicons.check
, "elm-ionicons"
, ( Octicons.check
|> Widget.Icon.elmOcticons
{ withSize = Octicons.size
, withColor = Octicons.color
, defaultOptions = Octicons.defaultOptions
, "elm-octicons"
, ( Heroicons.Solid.check
, "elm-octicons"
, ( Heroicons.Solid.check
|> Widget.Icon.elmHeroicons
, "elm-heroicons"
, ( Ant.Icons.Svg.checkOutlined
, "elm-heroicons"
, ( Ant.Icons.Svg.checkOutlined
|> Widget.Icon.antDesignIconsElm
, "ant-design-icons-elm"
, ( Zondicons.checkmark
, "ant-design-icons-elm"
, ( Zondicons.checkmark
|> Widget.Icon.elmZondicons
, "elm-zondicons"
, "elm-zondicons"
(\( icon, text ) ->
Widget.button (Material.containedButton palette)
{ text = text
, icon = icon
, onPress = Just ()
, onPress = Just ()
|> Element.wrappedRow [ Element.spacing 10 ]

View File

@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
module Page.Item exposing (page)
module Page.Item exposing (page, update)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Font as Font
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, ColumnStyle, HeaderStyle, InsetItemStyle, ItemStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
@ -540,26 +538,36 @@ selectItemBook =
type Model
= IsEnabled Bool
type alias Model =
{ isEnabled : Bool
, isExpanded : Bool
type Msg
= ToggleModal Bool
| ToogleExpand Bool
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( IsEnabled True
( { isEnabled = True
, isExpanded = False
, Cmd.none
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg _ =
update msg model =
case msg of
ToggleModal bool ->
( IsEnabled bool
( { model | isEnabled = bool }
, Cmd.none
ToogleExpand bool ->
( { model | isExpanded = bool }
, Cmd.none
@ -572,43 +580,148 @@ subscriptions _ =
{-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below.
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view { palette } (IsEnabled isEnabled) =
view { palette } model =
Widget.button (Material.containedButton palette)
{ text = "Show Sheet"
, icon = MaterialIcons.visibility |> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress = ToggleModal True |> Just
|> Element.el
([ Element.height <| Element.minimum 200 <| Element.fill
([ Element.height <| Element.minimum 800 <| Element.fill
, Element.width <| Element.minimum 400 <| Element.fill
++ (if isEnabled then
++ (if model.isEnabled then
{ content =
[ "Menu"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el Typography.h6
|> Widget.asItem
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ onPress = Just <| ToggleModal False
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, text = "Home"
[ [ "Section 1"
|> Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette)
, Widget.asItem <| Element.text <| "Custom Item"
, Widget.divider (Material.middleDivider palette)
, Widget.fullBleedItem (Material.fullBleedItem palette)
{ onPress = Nothing
, icon =
\_ ->
, text = "Full Bleed Item"
, "Section 2"
|> Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette)
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ onPress = Nothing
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, text = "Item with Icon"
, content =
\_ ->
, Widget.imageItem (Material.imageItem palette)
{ onPress = Nothing
, image =
Element.image [ Element.width <| Element.px <| 40, Element.height <| Element.px <| 40 ]
{ src = ""
, description = "Elm logo"
, text = "Item with Image"
, content =
\{ size, color } ->
|> Element.text
|> Element.el
[ Font.color <| MaterialColor.fromColor color
, Font.size size
, Widget.divider (Material.insetDivider palette)
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ onPress = not model.isExpanded |> ToogleExpand |> Just
, icon = always Element.none
, text = "Click Me"
, content =
\{ size, color } ->
|> Element.text
|> Element.el
[ Font.color <| MaterialColor.fromColor color
, Font.size size
, Widget.multiLineItem (Material.multiLineItem palette)
{ title = "Item"
, text = "Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description."
, onPress = Nothing
, icon = always Element.none
, content = always Element.none
, Widget.imageItem (Material.imageItem palette)
{ onPress = not model.isExpanded |> ToogleExpand |> Just
, image = Element.none
, text = "Clickable Item with Switch"
, content =
\_ ->
Widget.switch (Material.switch palette)
{ description = "Click Me"
, active = model.isExpanded
, onPress =
not model.isExpanded
|> ToogleExpand
|> Just
, Widget.divider (Material.fullBleedDivider palette)
, Widget.expansionItem (Material.expansionItem palette)
{ onToggle = ToogleExpand
, isExpanded = model.isExpanded
, icon = always Element.none
, text = "Expandable Item"
, content =
\_ ->
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ onPress = Just <| ToggleModal False
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, text = "About"
, content =
\_ ->
[ "Section 3"
|> Widget.headerItem (Material.insetHeader palette)
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ onPress = Nothing
, icon = always Element.none
, text = "Item"
, content =
\{ size, color } ->
|> Element.text
|> Element.el
[ Font.color <| MaterialColor.fromColor color
, Font.size size
, [ "Menu" |> Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette) ]
, { selected =
if model.isExpanded then
Just 1
Just 0
, options =
[ True, False ]
(\bool ->
{ text =
if bool then
, icon = always Element.none
, onSelect =
\int ->
(int == 1)
|> ToogleExpand
|> Just
|> Widget.selectItem (Material.selectItem palette)
|> List.concat
|> Widget.itemList (Material.sideSheet palette)
, onDismiss = Just <| ToggleModal False
@ -645,6 +758,7 @@ page =
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 32 ]
|> Tile.first
|> demo
|> Tile.nextGroup dividerBook
|> Tile.nextGroup headerBook
|> Tile.nextGroup fullBleedItemBook
@ -652,5 +766,4 @@ page =
|> Tile.nextGroup multiLineItemBook
|> Tile.nextGroup expansionItemBook
|> Tile.nextGroup selectItemBook
|> demo

View File

@ -3,20 +3,15 @@ module Page.Modal exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, ColumnStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page

View File

@ -2,24 +2,18 @@ module Page.MultiSelect exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Set exposing (Set)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, RowStyle)
import Widget.Material as Material
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import Set exposing (Set)
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page
@ -41,9 +35,10 @@ viewFunctions =
viewSelectRow style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected =
[ selected1, selected2, selected3] |> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
{ selected =
[ selected1, selected2, selected3 ]
|> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
@ -54,10 +49,12 @@ viewFunctions =
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.buttonRow "
viewTogggleRow style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
viewTogggleRow style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = [ selected1, selected2, selected3] |> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
{ selected =
[ selected1, selected2, selected3 ]
|> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
@ -68,10 +65,12 @@ viewFunctions =
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.toggleRow"
viewWrappedRow style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
viewWrappedRow style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = [ selected1, selected2, selected3] |> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
{ selected =
[ selected1, selected2, selected3 ]
|> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
@ -82,10 +81,12 @@ viewFunctions =
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.wrappedButtonRow"
viewSelectColumn style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
viewSelectColumn style selected1 selected2 selected3 options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = [ selected1, selected2, selected3] |> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
{ selected =
[ selected1, selected2, selected3 ]
|> List.filterMap identity
|> Set.fromList
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
@ -122,17 +123,17 @@ book =
--Changing the text of the label
|> Story.addStory
(Story.boolStory "Selected First"
(Just 0,Nothing)
( Just 0, Nothing )
|> Story.addStory
(Story.boolStory "Selected Second"
(Just 1,Nothing)
( Just 1, Nothing )
|> Story.addStory
|> Story.addStory
(Story.boolStory "Selected Third"
(Just 2,Nothing)
( Just 2, Nothing )
--Change the Icon
@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ book =
{- This next section is essentially just a normal Elm program. -}
-- Interactive Demonstration
@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ subscriptions _ =
{-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below.
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view {palette} (Selected selected) =
view { palette } (Selected selected) =
{ selected = selected
, options =
[ 1, 2, 42 ]
@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ view {palette} (Selected selected) =
@ -246,4 +249,3 @@ page =
, book = book
, demo = demo

View File

@ -2,23 +2,14 @@ module Page.ProgressIndicator exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Widget exposing (ProgressIndicatorStyle)
import Widget.Material as Material
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page
@ -41,10 +32,9 @@ viewFunctions =
viewIndicator style progress indeterminate { palette } () =
Widget.circularProgressIndicator (style palette)
(indeterminate (toFloat progress/ 100 ))
(indeterminate (toFloat progress / 100))
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.circularProgressIndicator"
[ viewIndicator ]
|> List.foldl Story.addTile
@ -62,13 +52,12 @@ book =
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Style"
( "ProgressIndicator", Material.progressIndicator )
[ ]
--Changing the text of the label
|> Story.addStory
(Story.rangeStory "Progress"
{ unit = "%", min = 0, max = 100, default = 50 }
--Should an event be triggered when pressing the button?
|> Story.addStory
@ -118,9 +107,9 @@ subscriptions _ =
{-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below.
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view {palette} (MaybeProgress maybeProgress) =
Widget.circularProgressIndicator (Material.progressIndicator palette)
view { palette } (MaybeProgress maybeProgress) =
Widget.circularProgressIndicator (Material.progressIndicator palette)
@ -145,5 +134,3 @@ page =
, book = book
, demo = demo

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Browser
import Browser.Dom
import Browser.Events
import Browser.Navigation
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element exposing (DeviceClass(..), Element)
import Element.Background
import Element.Font
import Element.Input
@ -303,33 +303,37 @@ type PageSizeOption
| Native
allPageSizeOptions : List PageSizeOption
allPageSizeOptions =
[ Iphone5
, Iphone6
, IpadVertical
, IpadHorizontal
, Native
{- }
allPageSizeOptions : List PageSizeOption
allPageSizeOptions =
[ Iphone5
, Iphone6
, IpadVertical
, IpadHorizontal
, Native
pageSizeOptionToString : PageSizeOption -> String
pageSizeOptionToString pageSizeOption =
case pageSizeOption of
Iphone5 ->
"iPhone 5/SE"
pageSizeOptionToString : PageSizeOption -> String
pageSizeOptionToString pageSizeOption =
case pageSizeOption of
Iphone5 ->
"iPhone 5/SE"
Iphone6 ->
"iPhone 6/7/8"
Iphone6 ->
"iPhone 6/7/8"
IpadVertical ->
"iPad (vertical)"
IpadVertical ->
"iPad (vertical)"
IpadHorizontal ->
"iPad (horizontal)"
IpadHorizontal ->
"iPad (horizontal)"
Native ->
"Native width"
Native ->
"Native width"
pageSizeOptionWidth : PageSizeOption -> Maybe (Quantity Int Pixels)
@ -449,7 +453,7 @@ init config (PageBuilder pages) flagsJson url key =
, pageSizeOption = Native
, expandColorBlindOptions = False
, colorBlindOption = Nothing
, darkThemeEnabled = True
, darkThemeEnabled = False
, Cmd.batch
[ navigationCmd
@ -687,38 +691,60 @@ viewSuccess :
-> Browser.Document (Msg pageMsg)
viewSuccess config ((PageBuilder pages) as pages_) model =
actualSidebarWidth =
{--actualSidebarWidth =
if model.minimizeSidebar then
palette =
if model.darkThemeEnabled then
{ title = "UI Explorer"
, body =
[ Element.layoutWith { options = config.layoutOptions }
(Element.width Element.fill
:: Element.inFront
[ Element.height <| Element.px (Pixels.inPixels model.windowSize.height)
, Element.scrollbarY
:: (Element.Background.color <|
if model.darkThemeEnabled then
:: config.layoutAttributes
(Element.column [ Element.width Element.fill, Element.height Element.fill ]
[ Widget.menuBar (Material.menuBar palette)
{ title =
|> Element.el Typography.h6
, deviceClass = Desktop
, openLeftSheet = Just PressedToggleSidebar
, openRightSheet = Nothing
, openTopSheet = Nothing
, primaryActions = []
, search = Nothing
, Element.row
[ Element.width Element.fill
, Element.height Element.fill
, Element.behindContent (Element.html colorblindnessSvg)
, Element.behindContent (Element.html colorblindnessCss)
, Element.Font.color (textColor model.darkThemeEnabled)
[ -- Element.el [ Element.width (Element.px (Pixels.inPixels actualSidebarWidth)) ] Element.none
[ Element.height <| Element.fill --Element.px (Pixels.inPixels model.windowSize.height)
, Element.Font.size 16
(viewSidebar pages_ config model)
:: Element.behindContent (Element.html colorblindnessSvg)
:: Element.behindContent (Element.html colorblindnessCss)
:: Element.Font.color (textColor model.darkThemeEnabled)
:: config.layoutAttributes
[ Element.width Element.fill
, Element.height Element.fill
[ Element.el [ Element.width (Element.px (Pixels.inPixels actualSidebarWidth)) ] Element.none
, Element.el
:: Element.width
, Element.el
([ Element.alignTop
, Element.width
(case pageSizeOptionWidth model.pageSizeOption of
Just width ->
Element.px (Pixels.inPixels width)
@ -726,40 +752,31 @@ viewSuccess config ((PageBuilder pages) as pages_) model =
Nothing ->
Element.fillPortion 999999999
:: Element.height Element.fill
:: Element.Region.mainContent
:: (if model.darkThemeEnabled then
Element.Background.color <| Element.rgb255 30 30 30
, Element.centerX
, Element.paddingXY 0 56
, Element.height Element.fill
, Element.Region.mainContent
, if model.darkThemeEnabled then
Element.Background.color <| Element.rgb255 30 30 30
Element.Background.color <| Element.rgb255 225 225 225
:: (case model.colorBlindOption of
Nothing ->
Element.Background.color <| Element.rgb255 225 225 225
++ (case model.colorBlindOption of
Nothing ->
Just colorBlindOption ->
colorBlindOptionToCssClass colorBlindOption
|> Html.Attributes.class
|> Element.htmlAttribute
|> List.singleton
(pages.view (contentSize model) model.darkThemeEnabled model.pageModel
|> PageMsg
, Element.el
[ Element.Background.color <|
if model.darkThemeEnabled then
, Element.alpha 0.9
, Element.width Element.fill
, Element.height Element.fill
Just colorBlindOption ->
colorBlindOptionToCssClass colorBlindOption
|> Html.Attributes.class
|> Element.htmlAttribute
|> List.singleton
(pages.view (contentSize model) model.darkThemeEnabled model.pageModel
|> PageMsg
@ -783,13 +800,12 @@ viewSidebar :
-> Element (Msg pageMsg)
viewSidebar pages config model =
bgColor =
{--bgColor =
if model.darkThemeEnabled then
palette =
if model.darkThemeEnabled then
@ -798,7 +814,8 @@ viewSidebar pages config model =
if model.minimizeSidebar then
[ Element.height Element.fill ]
[ Element.width (Element.px (Pixels.inPixels sidebarMinimizedWidth))
@ -808,33 +825,29 @@ viewSidebar pages config model =
{ onPress = Just PressedToggleSidebar
, label = Element.el [ Element.moveRight 3 ] (Element.text "")
[ [ Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ text = ""
, onPress = Just PressedToggleSidebar
, icon =
\_ ->
|> Element.el Typography.h6
, content =
\{ size } ->
Element.text ""
|> Element.el [ Element.Font.size size ]
, Widget.divider (Material.fullBleedDivider palette)
, Widget.fullBleedItem (Material.fullBleedItem palette)
[ [ Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette) "Device Toolbar"
, Widget.insetItem (Material.insetItem palette)
{ text = "Dark Theme"
, onPress = Just <| ChangeDarkTheme <| not <| model.darkThemeEnabled
, icon =
, content =
\_ ->
Widget.switch (Material.switch palette)
{ description = "Toggle Theme"
, onPress = Just <| ChangeDarkTheme <| not <| model.darkThemeEnabled
, active = model.darkThemeEnabled
, icon = always Element.none
--Having different screen sized is nice, but not very useful in the current implementation.
--, pageSizeOptionView model.darkThemeEnabled model.expandPageSizeOptions model.pageSizeOption
--, [ Widget.divider (Material.insetDivider palette) ]
, colorBlindOptionView model.darkThemeEnabled model.expandColorBlindOptions model.colorBlindOption
, [ Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette) "Widgets"
, Widget.textInput (Material.textInput palette)
{ chips = []
, text = model.searchText
@ -842,15 +855,9 @@ viewSidebar pages config model =
, label = "Search pages"
, onChange = TypingSearchText
|> Element.el [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ]
|> Element.el [ Element.paddingXY 8 0 ]
|> Element.el [ Element.height <| Element.px 70, Element.width <| Element.fill ]
|> Widget.asItem
, Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette) "Device Toolbar"
, pageSizeOptionView model.darkThemeEnabled model.expandPageSizeOptions model.pageSizeOption
, [ Widget.divider (Material.insetDivider palette) ]
, colorBlindOptionView model.darkThemeEnabled model.expandColorBlindOptions model.colorBlindOption
, [ Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette) "Widgets"
, Widget.asItem <|
if showSearchResults model.searchText then
Element.Lazy.lazy5 viewSearchResults model.darkThemeEnabled pages config model.searchText
@ -863,6 +870,10 @@ viewSidebar pages config model =
|> Widget.itemList (Material.sideSheet palette)
--|> Element.el [ Element.scrollbarY ]
colorblindnessCss : Html msg
colorblindnessCss =
Html.node "style"
@ -1052,6 +1063,8 @@ colorblindnessSvg =
pageSizeOptionView : Bool -> Bool -> PageSizeOption -> List (Item (Msg pageMsg))
pageSizeOptionView dark isExpanded selectedPageSize =
optionGroupView dark
@ -1061,6 +1074,7 @@ pageSizeOptionView dark isExpanded selectedPageSize =
colorBlindOptionView : Bool -> Bool -> Maybe ColorBlindOption -> List (Item (Msg pageMsg))
@ -1255,9 +1269,12 @@ lightBlue =
Element.rgb255 176 208 225
lightGray : Element.Color
lightGray =
Element.rgb255 228 234 241
gray : Element.Color

View File

@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ layoutView palette _ view =
, view.body |> Element.el [ Element.width Element.fill ] |> Widget.asItem
|> Widget.itemList (Material.cardColumn palette)
|> Element.el [ Element.height Element.shrink ]
Nothing ->
@ -319,7 +320,8 @@ layoutRowView palette row =
(layoutView palette [ Element.height Element.fill ])
(layoutView palette [])
--[ Element.height Element.fill ])
List.reverse right
@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ page (Builder config) =
|> List.concatMap (layoutRowView palette)
|> Element.column
([ Element.padding 16
, Element.height Element.fill
, Element.spacing 32
, Element.px 800 |> Element.width
, Element.centerX