(function(scope){ 'use strict'; function F(arity, fun, wrapper) { wrapper.a = arity; wrapper.f = fun; return wrapper; } function F2(fun) { return F(2, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return fun(a,b); }; }) } function F3(fun) { return F(3, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return fun(a, b, c); }; }; }); } function F4(fun) { return F(4, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return fun(a, b, c, d); }; }; }; }); } function F5(fun) { return F(5, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e); }; }; }; }; }); } function F6(fun) { return F(6, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F7(fun) { return F(7, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F8(fun) { return F(8, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return function(h) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F9(fun) { return F(9, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return function(h) { return function(i) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function A2(fun, a, b) { return fun.a === 2 ? fun.f(a, b) : fun(a)(b); } function A3(fun, a, b, c) { return fun.a === 3 ? fun.f(a, b, c) : fun(a)(b)(c); } function A4(fun, a, b, c, d) { return fun.a === 4 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d); } function A5(fun, a, b, c, d, e) { return fun.a === 5 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e); } function A6(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f) { return fun.a === 6 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f); } function A7(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return fun.a === 7 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g); } function A8(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return fun.a === 8 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h); } function A9(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return fun.a === 9 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i); } // EQUALITY function _Utils_eq(x, y) { for ( var pair, stack = [], isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, 0, stack); isEqual && (pair = stack.pop()); isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(pair.a, pair.b, 0, stack) ) {} return isEqual; } function _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, depth, stack) { if (x === y) { return true; } if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null || y === null) { typeof x === 'function' && _Debug_crash(5); return false; } if (depth > 100) { stack.push(_Utils_Tuple2(x,y)); return true; } /**_UNUSED/ if (x.$ === 'Set_elm_builtin') { x = $elm$core$Set$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Set$toList(y); } if (x.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || x.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y); } //*/ /**/ if (x.$ < 0) { x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y); } //*/ for (var key in x) { if (!_Utils_eqHelp(x[key], y[key], depth + 1, stack)) { return false; } } return true; } var _Utils_equal = F2(_Utils_eq); var _Utils_notEqual = F2(function(a, b) { return !_Utils_eq(a,b); }); // COMPARISONS // Code in Generate/JavaScript.hs, Basics.js, and List.js depends on // the particular integer values assigned to LT, EQ, and GT. function _Utils_cmp(x, y, ord) { if (typeof x !== 'object') { return x === y ? /*EQ*/ 0 : x < y ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*GT*/ 1; } /**_UNUSED/ if (x instanceof String) { var a = x.valueOf(); var b = y.valueOf(); return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } //*/ /**/ if (typeof x.$ === 'undefined') //*/ /**_UNUSED/ if (x.$[0] === '#') //*/ { return (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a)) ? ord : (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.b, y.b)) ? ord : _Utils_cmp(x.c, y.c); } // traverse conses until end of a list or a mismatch for (; x.b && y.b && !(ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a)); x = x.b, y = y.b) {} // WHILE_CONSES return ord || (x.b ? /*GT*/ 1 : y.b ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*EQ*/ 0); } var _Utils_lt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 0; }); var _Utils_le = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 1; }); var _Utils_gt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) > 0; }); var _Utils_ge = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) >= 0; }); var _Utils_compare = F2(function(x, y) { var n = _Utils_cmp(x, y); return n < 0 ? $elm$core$Basics$LT : n ? $elm$core$Basics$GT : $elm$core$Basics$EQ; }); // COMMON VALUES var _Utils_Tuple0 = 0; var _Utils_Tuple0_UNUSED = { $: '#0' }; function _Utils_Tuple2(a, b) { return { a: a, b: b }; } function _Utils_Tuple2_UNUSED(a, b) { return { $: '#2', a: a, b: b }; } function _Utils_Tuple3(a, b, c) { return { a: a, b: b, c: c }; } function _Utils_Tuple3_UNUSED(a, b, c) { return { $: '#3', a: a, b: b, c: c }; } function _Utils_chr(c) { return c; } function _Utils_chr_UNUSED(c) { return new String(c); } // RECORDS function _Utils_update(oldRecord, updatedFields) { var newRecord = {}; for (var key in oldRecord) { newRecord[key] = oldRecord[key]; } for (var key in updatedFields) { newRecord[key] = updatedFields[key]; } return newRecord; } // APPEND var _Utils_append = F2(_Utils_ap); function _Utils_ap(xs, ys) { // append Strings if (typeof xs === 'string') { return xs + ys; } // append Lists if (!xs.b) { return ys; } var root = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys); xs = xs.b for (var curr = root; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS { curr = curr.b = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys); } return root; } var _List_Nil = { $: 0 }; var _List_Nil_UNUSED = { $: '[]' }; function _List_Cons(hd, tl) { return { $: 1, a: hd, b: tl }; } function _List_Cons_UNUSED(hd, tl) { return { $: '::', a: hd, b: tl }; } var _List_cons = F2(_List_Cons); function _List_fromArray(arr) { var out = _List_Nil; for (var i = arr.length; i--; ) { out = _List_Cons(arr[i], out); } return out; } function _List_toArray(xs) { for (var out = []; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS { out.push(xs.a); } return out; } var _List_map2 = F3(function(f, xs, ys) { for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A2(f, xs.a, ys.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map3 = F4(function(f, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A3(f, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map4 = F5(function(f, ws, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A4(f, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map5 = F6(function(f, vs, ws, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; vs.b && ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; vs = vs.b, ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A5(f, vs.a, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_sortBy = F2(function(f, xs) { return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(f(a), f(b)); })); }); var _List_sortWith = F2(function(f, xs) { return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) { var ord = A2(f, a, b); return ord === $elm$core$Basics$EQ ? 0 : ord === $elm$core$Basics$LT ? -1 : 1; })); }); var _JsArray_empty = []; function _JsArray_singleton(value) { return [value]; } function _JsArray_length(array) { return array.length; } var _JsArray_initialize = F3(function(size, offset, func) { var result = new Array(size); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { result[i] = func(offset + i); } return result; }); var _JsArray_initializeFromList = F2(function (max, ls) { var result = new Array(max); for (var i = 0; i < max && ls.b; i++) { result[i] = ls.a; ls = ls.b; } result.length = i; return _Utils_Tuple2(result, ls); }); var _JsArray_unsafeGet = F2(function(index, array) { return array[index]; }); var _JsArray_unsafeSet = F3(function(index, value, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = array[i]; } result[index] = value; return result; }); var _JsArray_push = F2(function(value, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length + 1); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = array[i]; } result[length] = value; return result; }); var _JsArray_foldl = F3(function(func, acc, array) { var length = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { acc = A2(func, array[i], acc); } return acc; }); var _JsArray_foldr = F3(function(func, acc, array) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { acc = A2(func, array[i], acc); } return acc; }); var _JsArray_map = F2(function(func, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = func(array[i]); } return result; }); var _JsArray_indexedMap = F3(function(func, offset, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = A2(func, offset + i, array[i]); } return result; }); var _JsArray_slice = F3(function(from, to, array) { return array.slice(from, to); }); var _JsArray_appendN = F3(function(n, dest, source) { var destLen = dest.length; var itemsToCopy = n - destLen; if (itemsToCopy > source.length) { itemsToCopy = source.length; } var size = destLen + itemsToCopy; var result = new Array(size); for (var i = 0; i < destLen; i++) { result[i] = dest[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < itemsToCopy; i++) { result[i + destLen] = source[i]; } return result; }); // LOG var _Debug_log = F2(function(tag, value) { return value; }); var _Debug_log_UNUSED = F2(function(tag, value) { console.log(tag + ': ' + _Debug_toString(value)); return value; }); // TODOS function _Debug_todo(moduleName, region) { return function(message) { _Debug_crash(8, moduleName, region, message); }; } function _Debug_todoCase(moduleName, region, value) { return function(message) { _Debug_crash(9, moduleName, region, value, message); }; } // TO STRING function _Debug_toString(value) { return ''; } function _Debug_toString_UNUSED(value) { return _Debug_toAnsiString(false, value); } function _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, value ? 'True' : 'False'); } if (typeof value === 'number') { return _Debug_numberColor(ansi, value + ''); } if (value instanceof String) { return _Debug_charColor(ansi, "'" + _Debug_addSlashes(value, true) + "'"); } if (typeof value === 'string') { return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '"' + _Debug_addSlashes(value, false) + '"'); } if (typeof value === 'object' && '$' in value) { var tag = value.$; if (typeof tag === 'number') { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } if (tag[0] === '#') { var output = []; for (var k in value) { if (k === '$') continue; output.push(_Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[k])); } return '(' + output.join(',') + ')'; } if (tag === 'Set_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Set') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Set$toList(value)); } if (tag === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || tag === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Dict') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Dict$toList(value)); } if (tag === 'Array_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Array') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Array$toList(value)); } if (tag === '::' || tag === '[]') { var output = '['; value.b && (output += _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a), value = value.b) for (; value.b; value = value.b) // WHILE_CONS { output += ',' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a); } return output + ']'; } var output = ''; for (var i in value) { if (i === '$') continue; var str = _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[i]); var c0 = str[0]; var parenless = c0 === '{' || c0 === '(' || c0 === '[' || c0 === '<' || c0 === '"' || str.indexOf(' ') < 0; output += ' ' + (parenless ? str : '(' + str + ')'); } return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, tag) + output; } if (typeof DataView === 'function' && value instanceof DataView) { return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '<' + value.byteLength + ' bytes>'); } if (typeof File !== 'undefined' && value instanceof File) { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<' + value.name + '>'); } if (typeof value === 'object') { var output = []; for (var key in value) { var field = key[0] === '_' ? key.slice(1) : key; output.push(_Debug_fadeColor(ansi, field) + ' = ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[key])); } if (output.length === 0) { return '{}'; } return '{ ' + output.join(', ') + ' }'; } return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } function _Debug_addSlashes(str, isChar) { var s = str .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') .replace(/\t/g, '\\t') .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') .replace(/\v/g, '\\v') .replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); if (isChar) { return s.replace(/\'/g, '\\\''); } else { return s.replace(/\"/g, '\\"'); } } function _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[96m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_numberColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[95m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_stringColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[93m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_charColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[92m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[37m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_internalColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[36m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_toHexDigit(n) { return String.fromCharCode(n < 10 ? 48 + n : 55 + n); } // CRASH function _Debug_crash(identifier) { throw new Error('https://github.com/elm/core/blob/1.0.0/hints/' + identifier + '.md'); } function _Debug_crash_UNUSED(identifier, fact1, fact2, fact3, fact4) { switch(identifier) { case 0: throw new Error('What node should I take over? In JavaScript I need something like:\n\n Elm.Main.init({\n node: document.getElementById("elm-node")\n })\n\nYou need to do this with any Browser.sandbox or Browser.element program.'); case 1: throw new Error('Browser.application programs cannot handle URLs like this:\n\n ' + document.location.href + '\n\nWhat is the root? The root of your file system? Try looking at this program with `elm reactor` or some other server.'); case 2: var jsonErrorString = fact1; throw new Error('Problem with the flags given to your Elm program on initialization.\n\n' + jsonErrorString); case 3: var portName = fact1; throw new Error('There can only be one port named `' + portName + '`, but your program has multiple.'); case 4: var portName = fact1; var problem = fact2; throw new Error('Trying to send an unexpected type of value through port `' + portName + '`:\n' + problem); case 5: throw new Error('Trying to use `(==)` on functions.\nThere is no way to know if functions are "the same" in the Elm sense.\nRead more about this at https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/Basics#== which describes why it is this way and what the better version will look like.'); case 6: var moduleName = fact1; throw new Error('Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named ' + moduleName + '. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which!'); case 8: var moduleName = fact1; var region = fact2; var message = fact3; throw new Error('TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` ' + _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\n' + message); case 9: var moduleName = fact1; var region = fact2; var value = fact3; var message = fact4; throw new Error( 'TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` from the `case` expression ' + _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\nIt received the following value:\n\n ' + _Debug_toString(value).replace('\n', '\n ') + '\n\nBut the branch that handles it says:\n\n ' + message.replace('\n', '\n ') ); case 10: throw new Error('Bug in https://github.com/elm/virtual-dom/issues'); case 11: throw new Error('Cannot perform mod 0. Division by zero error.'); } } function _Debug_regionToString(region) { if (region.ci.a6 === region.cJ.a6) { return 'on line ' + region.ci.a6; } return 'on lines ' + region.ci.a6 + ' through ' + region.cJ.a6; } // MATH var _Basics_add = F2(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); var _Basics_sub = F2(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var _Basics_mul = F2(function(a, b) { return a * b; }); var _Basics_fdiv = F2(function(a, b) { return a / b; }); var _Basics_idiv = F2(function(a, b) { return (a / b) | 0; }); var _Basics_pow = F2(Math.pow); var _Basics_remainderBy = F2(function(b, a) { return a % b; }); // https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/divmodnote-letter.pdf var _Basics_modBy = F2(function(modulus, x) { var answer = x % modulus; return modulus === 0 ? _Debug_crash(11) : ((answer > 0 && modulus < 0) || (answer < 0 && modulus > 0)) ? answer + modulus : answer; }); // TRIGONOMETRY var _Basics_pi = Math.PI; var _Basics_e = Math.E; var _Basics_cos = Math.cos; var _Basics_sin = Math.sin; var _Basics_tan = Math.tan; var _Basics_acos = Math.acos; var _Basics_asin = Math.asin; var _Basics_atan = Math.atan; var _Basics_atan2 = F2(Math.atan2); // MORE MATH function _Basics_toFloat(x) { return x; } function _Basics_truncate(n) { return n | 0; } function _Basics_isInfinite(n) { return n === Infinity || n === -Infinity; } var _Basics_ceiling = Math.ceil; var _Basics_floor = Math.floor; var _Basics_round = Math.round; var _Basics_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var _Basics_log = Math.log; var _Basics_isNaN = isNaN; // BOOLEANS function _Basics_not(bool) { return !bool; } var _Basics_and = F2(function(a, b) { return a && b; }); var _Basics_or = F2(function(a, b) { return a || b; }); var _Basics_xor = F2(function(a, b) { return a !== b; }); var _String_cons = F2(function(chr, str) { return chr + str; }); function _String_uncons(string) { var word = string.charCodeAt(0); return !isNaN(word) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF ? _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0] + string[1]), string.slice(2)) : _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0]), string.slice(1)) ) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } var _String_append = F2(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); function _String_length(str) { return str.length; } var _String_map = F2(function(func, string) { var len = string.length; var array = new Array(len); var i = 0; while (i < len) { var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i] + string[i+1])); i += 2; continue; } array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i])); i++; } return array.join(''); }); var _String_filter = F2(function(isGood, str) { var arr = []; var len = str.length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var char = str[i]; var word = str.charCodeAt(i); i++; if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { char += str[i]; i++; } if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { arr.push(char); } } return arr.join(''); }); function _String_reverse(str) { var len = str.length; var arr = new Array(len); var i = 0; while (i < len) { var word = str.charCodeAt(i); if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { arr[len - i] = str[i + 1]; i++; arr[len - i] = str[i - 1]; i++; } else { arr[len - i] = str[i]; i++; } } return arr.join(''); } var _String_foldl = F3(function(func, state, string) { var len = string.length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); i++; if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { char += string[i]; i++; } state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state); } return state; }); var _String_foldr = F3(function(func, state, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state); } return state; }); var _String_split = F2(function(sep, str) { return str.split(sep); }); var _String_join = F2(function(sep, strs) { return strs.join(sep); }); var _String_slice = F3(function(start, end, str) { return str.slice(start, end); }); function _String_trim(str) { return str.trim(); } function _String_trimLeft(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, ''); } function _String_trimRight(str) { return str.replace(/\s+$/, ''); } function _String_words(str) { return _List_fromArray(str.trim().split(/\s+/g)); } function _String_lines(str) { return _List_fromArray(str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)); } function _String_toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); } function _String_toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } var _String_any = F2(function(isGood, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { return true; } } return false; }); var _String_all = F2(function(isGood, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } if (!isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { return false; } } return true; }); var _String_contains = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.indexOf(sub) > -1; }); var _String_startsWith = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.indexOf(sub) === 0; }); var _String_endsWith = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.length >= sub.length && str.lastIndexOf(sub) === str.length - sub.length; }); var _String_indexes = F2(function(sub, str) { var subLen = sub.length; if (subLen < 1) { return _List_Nil; } var i = 0; var is = []; while ((i = str.indexOf(sub, i)) > -1) { is.push(i); i = i + subLen; } return _List_fromArray(is); }); // TO STRING function _String_fromNumber(number) { return number + ''; } // INT CONVERSIONS function _String_toInt(str) { var total = 0; var code0 = str.charCodeAt(0); var start = code0 == 0x2B /* + */ || code0 == 0x2D /* - */ ? 1 : 0; for (var i = start; i < str.length; ++i) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code < 0x30 || 0x39 < code) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } total = 10 * total + code - 0x30; } return i == start ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : $elm$core$Maybe$Just(code0 == 0x2D ? -total : total); } // FLOAT CONVERSIONS function _String_toFloat(s) { // check if it is a hex, octal, or binary number if (s.length === 0 || /[\sxbo]/.test(s)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } var n = +s; // faster isNaN check return n === n ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(n) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } function _String_fromList(chars) { return _List_toArray(chars).join(''); } function _Char_toCode(char) { var code = char.charCodeAt(0); if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) { return (code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + char.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00 + 0x10000 } return code; } function _Char_fromCode(code) { return _Utils_chr( (code < 0 || 0x10FFFF < code) ? '\uFFFD' : (code <= 0xFFFF) ? String.fromCharCode(code) : (code -= 0x10000, String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(code / 0x400) + 0xD800, code % 0x400 + 0xDC00) ) ); } function _Char_toUpper(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toUpperCase()); } function _Char_toLower(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLowerCase()); } function _Char_toLocaleUpper(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleUpperCase()); } function _Char_toLocaleLower(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleLowerCase()); } /**_UNUSED/ function _Json_errorToString(error) { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error); } //*/ // CORE DECODERS function _Json_succeed(msg) { return { $: 0, a: msg }; } function _Json_fail(msg) { return { $: 1, a: msg }; } function _Json_decodePrim(decoder) { return { $: 2, b: decoder }; } var _Json_decodeInt = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value !== 'number') ? _Json_expecting('an INT', value) : (-2147483647 < value && value < 2147483647 && (value | 0) === value) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : (isFinite(value) && !(value % 1)) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('an INT', value); }); var _Json_decodeBool = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'boolean') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('a BOOL', value); }); var _Json_decodeFloat = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'number') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('a FLOAT', value); }); var _Json_decodeValue = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return $elm$core$Result$Ok(_Json_wrap(value)); }); var _Json_decodeString = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'string') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : (value instanceof String) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value + '') : _Json_expecting('a STRING', value); }); function _Json_decodeList(decoder) { return { $: 3, b: decoder }; } function _Json_decodeArray(decoder) { return { $: 4, b: decoder }; } function _Json_decodeNull(value) { return { $: 5, c: value }; } var _Json_decodeField = F2(function(field, decoder) { return { $: 6, d: field, b: decoder }; }); var _Json_decodeIndex = F2(function(index, decoder) { return { $: 7, e: index, b: decoder }; }); function _Json_decodeKeyValuePairs(decoder) { return { $: 8, b: decoder }; } function _Json_mapMany(f, decoders) { return { $: 9, f: f, g: decoders }; } var _Json_andThen = F2(function(callback, decoder) { return { $: 10, b: decoder, h: callback }; }); function _Json_oneOf(decoders) { return { $: 11, g: decoders }; } // DECODING OBJECTS var _Json_map1 = F2(function(f, d1) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1]); }); var _Json_map2 = F3(function(f, d1, d2) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2]); }); var _Json_map3 = F4(function(f, d1, d2, d3) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3]); }); var _Json_map4 = F5(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4]); }); var _Json_map5 = F6(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5]); }); var _Json_map6 = F7(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6]); }); var _Json_map7 = F8(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7]); }); var _Json_map8 = F9(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8]); }); // DECODE var _Json_runOnString = F2(function(decoder, string) { try { var value = JSON.parse(string); return _Json_runHelp(decoder, value); } catch (e) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'This is not valid JSON! ' + e.message, _Json_wrap(string))); } }); var _Json_run = F2(function(decoder, value) { return _Json_runHelp(decoder, _Json_unwrap(value)); }); function _Json_runHelp(decoder, value) { switch (decoder.$) { case 2: return decoder.b(value); case 5: return (value === null) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.c) : _Json_expecting('null', value); case 3: if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('a LIST', value); } return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _List_fromArray); case 4: if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value); } return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _Json_toElmArray); case 6: var field = decoder.d; if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || !(field in value)) { return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT with a field named `' + field + '`', value); } var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[field]); return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, field, result.a)); case 7: var index = decoder.e; if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value); } if (index >= value.length) { return _Json_expecting('a LONGER array. Need index ' + index + ' but only see ' + value.length + ' entries', value); } var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[index]); return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, index, result.a)); case 8: if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || _Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT', value); } var keyValuePairs = _List_Nil; // TODO test perf of Object.keys and switch when support is good enough for (var key in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[key]); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, key, result.a)); } keyValuePairs = _List_Cons(_Utils_Tuple2(key, result.a), keyValuePairs); } } return $elm$core$Result$Ok($elm$core$List$reverse(keyValuePairs)); case 9: var answer = decoder.f; var decoders = decoder.g; for (var i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoders[i], value); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return result; } answer = answer(result.a); } return $elm$core$Result$Ok(answer); case 10: var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value); return (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : _Json_runHelp(decoder.h(result.a), value); case 11: var errors = _List_Nil; for (var temp = decoder.g; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS { var result = _Json_runHelp(temp.a, value); if ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return result; } errors = _List_Cons(result.a, errors); } return $elm$core$Result$Err($elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf($elm$core$List$reverse(errors))); case 1: return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, decoder.a, _Json_wrap(value))); case 0: return $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.a); } } function _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder, value, toElmValue) { var len = value.length; var array = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, value[i]); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, i, result.a)); } array[i] = result.a; } return $elm$core$Result$Ok(toElmValue(array)); } function _Json_isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) || (typeof FileList !== 'undefined' && value instanceof FileList); } function _Json_toElmArray(array) { return A2($elm$core$Array$initialize, array.length, function(i) { return array[i]; }); } function _Json_expecting(type, value) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'Expecting ' + type, _Json_wrap(value))); } // EQUALITY function _Json_equality(x, y) { if (x === y) { return true; } if (x.$ !== y.$) { return false; } switch (x.$) { case 0: case 1: return x.a === y.a; case 2: return x.b === y.b; case 5: return x.c === y.c; case 3: case 4: case 8: return _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 6: return x.d === y.d && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 7: return x.e === y.e && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 9: return x.f === y.f && _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g); case 10: return x.h === y.h && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 11: return _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g); } } function _Json_listEquality(aDecoders, bDecoders) { var len = aDecoders.length; if (len !== bDecoders.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!_Json_equality(aDecoders[i], bDecoders[i])) { return false; } } return true; } // ENCODE var _Json_encode = F2(function(indentLevel, value) { return JSON.stringify(_Json_unwrap(value), null, indentLevel) + ''; }); function _Json_wrap_UNUSED(value) { return { $: 0, a: value }; } function _Json_unwrap_UNUSED(value) { return value.a; } function _Json_wrap(value) { return value; } function _Json_unwrap(value) { return value; } function _Json_emptyArray() { return []; } function _Json_emptyObject() { return {}; } var _Json_addField = F3(function(key, value, object) { object[key] = _Json_unwrap(value); return object; }); function _Json_addEntry(func) { return F2(function(entry, array) { array.push(_Json_unwrap(func(entry))); return array; }); } var _Json_encodeNull = _Json_wrap(null); // TASKS function _Scheduler_succeed(value) { return { $: 0, a: value }; } function _Scheduler_fail(error) { return { $: 1, a: error }; } function _Scheduler_binding(callback) { return { $: 2, b: callback, c: null }; } var _Scheduler_andThen = F2(function(callback, task) { return { $: 3, b: callback, d: task }; }); var _Scheduler_onError = F2(function(callback, task) { return { $: 4, b: callback, d: task }; }); function _Scheduler_receive(callback) { return { $: 5, b: callback }; } // PROCESSES var _Scheduler_guid = 0; function _Scheduler_rawSpawn(task) { var proc = { $: 0, e: _Scheduler_guid++, f: task, g: null, h: [] }; _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); return proc; } function _Scheduler_spawn(task) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Scheduler_rawSpawn(task))); }); } function _Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg) { proc.h.push(msg); _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); } var _Scheduler_send = F2(function(proc, msg) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg); callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); }); function _Scheduler_kill(proc) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var task = proc.f; if (task.$ === 2 && task.c) { task.c(); } proc.f = null; callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); } /* STEP PROCESSES type alias Process = { $ : tag , id : unique_id , root : Task , stack : null | { $: SUCCEED | FAIL, a: callback, b: stack } , mailbox : [msg] } */ var _Scheduler_working = false; var _Scheduler_queue = []; function _Scheduler_enqueue(proc) { _Scheduler_queue.push(proc); if (_Scheduler_working) { return; } _Scheduler_working = true; while (proc = _Scheduler_queue.shift()) { _Scheduler_step(proc); } _Scheduler_working = false; } function _Scheduler_step(proc) { while (proc.f) { var rootTag = proc.f.$; if (rootTag === 0 || rootTag === 1) { while (proc.g && proc.g.$ !== rootTag) { proc.g = proc.g.i; } if (!proc.g) { return; } proc.f = proc.g.b(proc.f.a); proc.g = proc.g.i; } else if (rootTag === 2) { proc.f.c = proc.f.b(function(newRoot) { proc.f = newRoot; _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); }); return; } else if (rootTag === 5) { if (proc.h.length === 0) { return; } proc.f = proc.f.b(proc.h.shift()); } else // if (rootTag === 3 || rootTag === 4) { proc.g = { $: rootTag === 3 ? 0 : 1, b: proc.f.b, i: proc.g }; proc.f = proc.f.d; } } } function _Process_sleep(time) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = setTimeout(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }, time); return function() { clearTimeout(id); }; }); } // PROGRAMS var _Platform_worker = F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.eR, impl.ge, impl.fV, function() { return function() {} } ); }); // INITIALIZE A PROGRAM function _Platform_initialize(flagDecoder, args, init, update, subscriptions, stepperBuilder) { var result = A2(_Json_run, flagDecoder, _Json_wrap(args ? args['flags'] : undefined)); $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(2 /**_UNUSED/, _Json_errorToString(result.a) /**/); var managers = {}; var initPair = init(result.a); var model = initPair.a; var stepper = stepperBuilder(sendToApp, model); var ports = _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp); function sendToApp(msg, viewMetadata) { var pair = A2(update, msg, model); stepper(model = pair.a, viewMetadata); _Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, pair.b, subscriptions(model)); } _Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, initPair.b, subscriptions(model)); return ports ? { ports: ports } : {}; } // TRACK PRELOADS // // This is used by code in elm/browser and elm/http // to register any HTTP requests that are triggered by init. // var _Platform_preload; function _Platform_registerPreload(url) { _Platform_preload.add(url); } // EFFECT MANAGERS var _Platform_effectManagers = {}; function _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp) { var ports; // setup all necessary effect managers for (var key in _Platform_effectManagers) { var manager = _Platform_effectManagers[key]; if (manager.a) { ports = ports || {}; ports[key] = manager.a(key, sendToApp); } managers[key] = _Platform_instantiateManager(manager, sendToApp); } return ports; } function _Platform_createManager(init, onEffects, onSelfMsg, cmdMap, subMap) { return { b: init, c: onEffects, d: onSelfMsg, e: cmdMap, f: subMap }; } function _Platform_instantiateManager(info, sendToApp) { var router = { g: sendToApp, h: undefined }; var onEffects = info.c; var onSelfMsg = info.d; var cmdMap = info.e; var subMap = info.f; function loop(state) { return A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, _Scheduler_receive(function(msg) { var value = msg.a; if (msg.$ === 0) { return A3(onSelfMsg, router, value, state); } return cmdMap && subMap ? A4(onEffects, router, value.i, value.j, state) : A3(onEffects, router, cmdMap ? value.i : value.j, state); })); } return router.h = _Scheduler_rawSpawn(A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, info.b)); } // ROUTING var _Platform_sendToApp = F2(function(router, msg) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { router.g(msg); callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); }); var _Platform_sendToSelf = F2(function(router, msg) { return A2(_Scheduler_send, router.h, { $: 0, a: msg }); }); // BAGS function _Platform_leaf(home) { return function(value) { return { $: 1, k: home, l: value }; }; } function _Platform_batch(list) { return { $: 2, m: list }; } var _Platform_map = F2(function(tagger, bag) { return { $: 3, n: tagger, o: bag } }); // PIPE BAGS INTO EFFECT MANAGERS // // Effects must be queued! // // Say your init contains a synchronous command, like Time.now or Time.here // // - This will produce a batch of effects (FX_1) // - The synchronous task triggers the subsequent `update` call // - This will produce a batch of effects (FX_2) // // If we just start dispatching FX_2, subscriptions from FX_2 can be processed // before subscriptions from FX_1. No good! Earlier versions of this code had // this problem, leading to these reports: // // https://github.com/elm/core/issues/980 // https://github.com/elm/core/pull/981 // https://github.com/elm/compiler/issues/1776 // // The queue is necessary to avoid ordering issues for synchronous commands. // Why use true/false here? Why not just check the length of the queue? // The goal is to detect "are we currently dispatching effects?" If we // are, we need to bail and let the ongoing while loop handle things. // // Now say the queue has 1 element. When we dequeue the final element, // the queue will be empty, but we are still actively dispatching effects. // So you could get queue jumping in a really tricky category of cases. // var _Platform_effectsQueue = []; var _Platform_effectsActive = false; function _Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, cmdBag, subBag) { _Platform_effectsQueue.push({ p: managers, q: cmdBag, r: subBag }); if (_Platform_effectsActive) return; _Platform_effectsActive = true; for (var fx; fx = _Platform_effectsQueue.shift(); ) { _Platform_dispatchEffects(fx.p, fx.q, fx.r); } _Platform_effectsActive = false; } function _Platform_dispatchEffects(managers, cmdBag, subBag) { var effectsDict = {}; _Platform_gatherEffects(true, cmdBag, effectsDict, null); _Platform_gatherEffects(false, subBag, effectsDict, null); for (var home in managers) { _Scheduler_rawSend(managers[home], { $: 'fx', a: effectsDict[home] || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil } }); } } function _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag, effectsDict, taggers) { switch (bag.$) { case 1: var home = bag.k; var effect = _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, bag.l); effectsDict[home] = _Platform_insert(isCmd, effect, effectsDict[home]); return; case 2: for (var list = bag.m; list.b; list = list.b) // WHILE_CONS { _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, list.a, effectsDict, taggers); } return; case 3: _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag.o, effectsDict, { s: bag.n, t: taggers }); return; } } function _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, value) { function applyTaggers(x) { for (var temp = taggers; temp; temp = temp.t) { x = temp.s(x); } return x; } var map = isCmd ? _Platform_effectManagers[home].e : _Platform_effectManagers[home].f; return A2(map, applyTaggers, value) } function _Platform_insert(isCmd, newEffect, effects) { effects = effects || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil }; isCmd ? (effects.i = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.i)) : (effects.j = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.j)); return effects; } // PORTS function _Platform_checkPortName(name) { if (_Platform_effectManagers[name]) { _Debug_crash(3, name) } } // OUTGOING PORTS function _Platform_outgoingPort(name, converter) { _Platform_checkPortName(name); _Platform_effectManagers[name] = { e: _Platform_outgoingPortMap, u: converter, a: _Platform_setupOutgoingPort }; return _Platform_leaf(name); } var _Platform_outgoingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, value) { return value; }); function _Platform_setupOutgoingPort(name) { var subs = []; var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].u; // CREATE MANAGER var init = _Process_sleep(0); _Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init; _Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, cmdList, state) { for ( ; cmdList.b; cmdList = cmdList.b) // WHILE_CONS { // grab a separate reference to subs in case unsubscribe is called var currentSubs = subs; var value = _Json_unwrap(converter(cmdList.a)); for (var i = 0; i < currentSubs.length; i++) { currentSubs[i](value); } } return init; }); // PUBLIC API function subscribe(callback) { subs.push(callback); } function unsubscribe(callback) { // copy subs into a new array in case unsubscribe is called within a // subscribed callback subs = subs.slice(); var index = subs.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { subs.splice(index, 1); } } return { subscribe: subscribe, unsubscribe: unsubscribe }; } // INCOMING PORTS function _Platform_incomingPort(name, converter) { _Platform_checkPortName(name); _Platform_effectManagers[name] = { f: _Platform_incomingPortMap, u: converter, a: _Platform_setupIncomingPort }; return _Platform_leaf(name); } var _Platform_incomingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, finalTagger) { return function(value) { return tagger(finalTagger(value)); }; }); function _Platform_setupIncomingPort(name, sendToApp) { var subs = _List_Nil; var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].u; // CREATE MANAGER var init = _Scheduler_succeed(null); _Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init; _Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, subList, state) { subs = subList; return init; }); // PUBLIC API function send(incomingValue) { var result = A2(_Json_run, converter, _Json_wrap(incomingValue)); $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(4, name, result.a); var value = result.a; for (var temp = subs; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS { sendToApp(temp.a(value)); } } return { send: send }; } // EXPORT ELM MODULES // // Have DEBUG and PROD versions so that we can (1) give nicer errors in // debug mode and (2) not pay for the bits needed for that in prod mode. // function _Platform_export(exports) { scope['Elm'] ? _Platform_mergeExportsProd(scope['Elm'], exports) : scope['Elm'] = exports; } function _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj, exports) { for (var name in exports) { (name in obj) ? (name == 'init') ? _Debug_crash(6) : _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj[name], exports[name]) : (obj[name] = exports[name]); } } function _Platform_export_UNUSED(exports) { scope['Elm'] ? _Platform_mergeExportsDebug('Elm', scope['Elm'], exports) : scope['Elm'] = exports; } function _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName, obj, exports) { for (var name in exports) { (name in obj) ? (name == 'init') ? _Debug_crash(6, moduleName) : _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName + '.' + name, obj[name], exports[name]) : (obj[name] = exports[name]); } } // HELPERS var _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp; var _VirtualDom_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {}; function _VirtualDom_appendChild(parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); } var _VirtualDom_init = F4(function(virtualNode, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { // NOTE: this function needs _Platform_export available to work /**/ var node = args['node']; //*/ /**_UNUSED/ var node = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0); //*/ node.parentNode.replaceChild( _VirtualDom_render(virtualNode, function() {}), node ); return {}; }); // TEXT function _VirtualDom_text(string) { return { $: 0, a: string }; } // NODE var _VirtualDom_nodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag) { return F2(function(factList, kidList) { for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var kid = kidList.a; descendantsCount += (kid.b || 0); kids.push(kid); } descendantsCount += kids.length; return { $: 1, c: tag, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), e: kids, f: namespace, b: descendantsCount }; }); }); var _VirtualDom_node = _VirtualDom_nodeNS(undefined); // KEYED NODE var _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag) { return F2(function(factList, kidList) { for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var kid = kidList.a; descendantsCount += (kid.b.b || 0); kids.push(kid); } descendantsCount += kids.length; return { $: 2, c: tag, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), e: kids, f: namespace, b: descendantsCount }; }); }); var _VirtualDom_keyedNode = _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS(undefined); // CUSTOM function _VirtualDom_custom(factList, model, render, diff) { return { $: 3, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), g: model, h: render, i: diff }; } // MAP var _VirtualDom_map = F2(function(tagger, node) { return { $: 4, j: tagger, k: node, b: 1 + (node.b || 0) }; }); // LAZY function _VirtualDom_thunk(refs, thunk) { return { $: 5, l: refs, m: thunk, k: undefined }; } var _VirtualDom_lazy = F2(function(func, a) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a], function() { return func(a); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy2 = F3(function(func, a, b) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b], function() { return A2(func, a, b); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy3 = F4(function(func, a, b, c) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c], function() { return A3(func, a, b, c); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy4 = F5(function(func, a, b, c, d) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d], function() { return A4(func, a, b, c, d); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy5 = F6(function(func, a, b, c, d, e) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e], function() { return A5(func, a, b, c, d, e); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy6 = F7(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f], function() { return A6(func, a, b, c, d, e, f); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy7 = F8(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g], function() { return A7(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy8 = F9(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h], function() { return A8(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }); }); // FACTS var _VirtualDom_on = F2(function(key, handler) { return { $: 'a0', n: key, o: handler }; }); var _VirtualDom_style = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a1', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_property = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a2', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_attribute = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a3', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_attributeNS = F3(function(namespace, key, value) { return { $: 'a4', n: key, o: { f: namespace, o: value } }; }); // XSS ATTACK VECTOR CHECKS function _VirtualDom_noScript(tag) { return tag == 'script' ? 'p' : tag; } function _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key) { return /^(on|formAction$)/i.test(key) ? 'data-' + key : key; } function _VirtualDom_noInnerHtmlOrFormAction(key) { return key == 'innerHTML' || key == 'formAction' ? 'data-' + key : key; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri(value) { return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,'')) ? '' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri_UNUSED(value) { return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,'')) ? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value) { return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value) ? '' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri_UNUSED(value) { return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value) ? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")' : value; } // MAP FACTS var _VirtualDom_mapAttribute = F2(function(func, attr) { return (attr.$ === 'a0') ? A2(_VirtualDom_on, attr.n, _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, attr.o)) : attr; }); function _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, handler) { var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler); // 0 = Normal // 1 = MayStopPropagation // 2 = MayPreventDefault // 3 = Custom return { $: handler.$, a: !tag ? A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, func, handler.a) : A3($elm$json$Json$Decode$map2, tag < 3 ? _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple : _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord, $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(func), handler.a ) }; } var _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple = F2(function(func, tuple) { return _Utils_Tuple2(func(tuple.a), tuple.b); }); var _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord = F2(function(func, record) { return { ae: func(record.ae), cj: record.cj, cc: record.cc } }); // ORGANIZE FACTS function _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList) { for (var facts = {}; factList.b; factList = factList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var entry = factList.a; var tag = entry.$; var key = entry.n; var value = entry.o; if (tag === 'a2') { (key === 'className') ? _VirtualDom_addClass(facts, key, _Json_unwrap(value)) : facts[key] = _Json_unwrap(value); continue; } var subFacts = facts[tag] || (facts[tag] = {}); (tag === 'a3' && key === 'class') ? _VirtualDom_addClass(subFacts, key, value) : subFacts[key] = value; } return facts; } function _VirtualDom_addClass(object, key, newClass) { var classes = object[key]; object[key] = classes ? classes + ' ' + newClass : newClass; } // RENDER function _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode) { var tag = vNode.$; if (tag === 5) { return _VirtualDom_render(vNode.k || (vNode.k = vNode.m()), eventNode); } if (tag === 0) { return _VirtualDom_doc.createTextNode(vNode.a); } if (tag === 4) { var subNode = vNode.k; var tagger = vNode.j; while (subNode.$ === 4) { typeof tagger !== 'object' ? tagger = [tagger, subNode.j] : tagger.push(subNode.j); subNode = subNode.k; } var subEventRoot = { j: tagger, p: eventNode }; var domNode = _VirtualDom_render(subNode, subEventRoot); domNode.elm_event_node_ref = subEventRoot; return domNode; } if (tag === 3) { var domNode = vNode.h(vNode.g); _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d); return domNode; } // at this point `tag` must be 1 or 2 var domNode = vNode.f ? _VirtualDom_doc.createElementNS(vNode.f, vNode.c) : _VirtualDom_doc.createElement(vNode.c); if (_VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp && vNode.c == 'a') { domNode.addEventListener('click', _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp(domNode)); } _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d); for (var kids = vNode.e, i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { _VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, _VirtualDom_render(tag === 1 ? kids[i] : kids[i].b, eventNode)); } return domNode; } // APPLY FACTS function _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, facts) { for (var key in facts) { var value = facts[key]; key === 'a1' ? _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, value) : key === 'a0' ? _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, value) : key === 'a3' ? _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, value) : key === 'a4' ? _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, value) : ((key !== 'value' && key !== 'checked') || domNode[key] !== value) && (domNode[key] = value); } } // APPLY STYLES function _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, styles) { var domNodeStyle = domNode.style; for (var key in styles) { domNodeStyle[key] = styles[key]; } } // APPLY ATTRS function _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, attrs) { for (var key in attrs) { var value = attrs[key]; typeof value !== 'undefined' ? domNode.setAttribute(key, value) : domNode.removeAttribute(key); } } // APPLY NAMESPACED ATTRS function _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, nsAttrs) { for (var key in nsAttrs) { var pair = nsAttrs[key]; var namespace = pair.f; var value = pair.o; typeof value !== 'undefined' ? domNode.setAttributeNS(namespace, key, value) : domNode.removeAttributeNS(namespace, key); } } // APPLY EVENTS function _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, events) { var allCallbacks = domNode.elmFs || (domNode.elmFs = {}); for (var key in events) { var newHandler = events[key]; var oldCallback = allCallbacks[key]; if (!newHandler) { domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback); allCallbacks[key] = undefined; continue; } if (oldCallback) { var oldHandler = oldCallback.q; if (oldHandler.$ === newHandler.$) { oldCallback.q = newHandler; continue; } domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback); } oldCallback = _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, newHandler); domNode.addEventListener(key, oldCallback, _VirtualDom_passiveSupported && { passive: $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(newHandler) < 2 } ); allCallbacks[key] = oldCallback; } } // PASSIVE EVENTS var _VirtualDom_passiveSupported; try { window.addEventListener('t', null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function() { _VirtualDom_passiveSupported = true; } })); } catch(e) {} // EVENT HANDLERS function _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, initialHandler) { function callback(event) { var handler = callback.q; var result = _Json_runHelp(handler.a, event); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return; } var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler); // 0 = Normal // 1 = MayStopPropagation // 2 = MayPreventDefault // 3 = Custom var value = result.a; var message = !tag ? value : tag < 3 ? value.a : value.ae; var stopPropagation = tag == 1 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.cj; var currentEventNode = ( stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(), (tag == 2 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.cc) && event.preventDefault(), eventNode ); var tagger; var i; while (tagger = currentEventNode.j) { if (typeof tagger == 'function') { message = tagger(message); } else { for (var i = tagger.length; i--; ) { message = tagger[i](message); } } currentEventNode = currentEventNode.p; } currentEventNode(message, stopPropagation); // stopPropagation implies isSync } callback.q = initialHandler; return callback; } function _VirtualDom_equalEvents(x, y) { return x.$ == y.$ && _Json_equality(x.a, y.a); } // DIFF // TODO: Should we do patches like in iOS? // // type Patch // = At Int Patch // | Batch (List Patch) // | Change ... // // How could it not be better? // function _VirtualDom_diff(x, y) { var patches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, 0); return patches; } function _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, type, index, data) { var patch = { $: type, r: index, s: data, t: undefined, u: undefined }; patches.push(patch); return patch; } function _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, index) { if (x === y) { return; } var xType = x.$; var yType = y.$; // Bail if you run into different types of nodes. Implies that the // structure has changed significantly and it's not worth a diff. if (xType !== yType) { if (xType === 1 && yType === 2) { y = _VirtualDom_dekey(y); yType = 1; } else { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } } // Now we know that both nodes are the same $. switch (yType) { case 5: var xRefs = x.l; var yRefs = y.l; var i = xRefs.length; var same = i === yRefs.length; while (same && i--) { same = xRefs[i] === yRefs[i]; } if (same) { y.k = x.k; return; } y.k = y.m(); var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x.k, y.k, subPatches, 0); subPatches.length > 0 && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 1, index, subPatches); return; case 4: // gather nested taggers var xTaggers = x.j; var yTaggers = y.j; var nesting = false; var xSubNode = x.k; while (xSubNode.$ === 4) { nesting = true; typeof xTaggers !== 'object' ? xTaggers = [xTaggers, xSubNode.j] : xTaggers.push(xSubNode.j); xSubNode = xSubNode.k; } var ySubNode = y.k; while (ySubNode.$ === 4) { nesting = true; typeof yTaggers !== 'object' ? yTaggers = [yTaggers, ySubNode.j] : yTaggers.push(ySubNode.j); ySubNode = ySubNode.k; } // Just bail if different numbers of taggers. This implies the // structure of the virtual DOM has changed. if (nesting && xTaggers.length !== yTaggers.length) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } // check if taggers are "the same" if (nesting ? !_VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(xTaggers, yTaggers) : xTaggers !== yTaggers) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 2, index, yTaggers); } // diff everything below the taggers _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xSubNode, ySubNode, patches, index + 1); return; case 0: if (x.a !== y.a) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 3, index, y.a); } return; case 1: _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKids); return; case 2: _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids); return; case 3: if (x.h !== y.h) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d); factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff); var patch = y.i(x.g, y.g); patch && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 5, index, patch); return; } } // assumes the incoming arrays are the same length function _VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(as, bs) { for (var i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { if (as[i] !== bs[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, diffKids) { // Bail if obvious indicators have changed. Implies more serious // structural changes such that it's not worth it to diff. if (x.c !== y.c || x.f !== y.f) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d); factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff); diffKids(x, y, patches, index); } // DIFF FACTS // TODO Instead of creating a new diff object, it's possible to just test if // there *is* a diff. During the actual patch, do the diff again and make the // modifications directly. This way, there's no new allocations. Worth it? function _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x, y, category) { var diff; // look for changes and removals for (var xKey in x) { if (xKey === 'a1' || xKey === 'a0' || xKey === 'a3' || xKey === 'a4') { var subDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x[xKey], y[xKey] || {}, xKey); if (subDiff) { diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = subDiff; } continue; } // remove if not in the new facts if (!(xKey in y)) { diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = !category ? (typeof x[xKey] === 'string' ? '' : null) : (category === 'a1') ? '' : (category === 'a0' || category === 'a3') ? undefined : { f: x[xKey].f, o: undefined }; continue; } var xValue = x[xKey]; var yValue = y[xKey]; // reference equal, so don't worry about it if (xValue === yValue && xKey !== 'value' && xKey !== 'checked' || category === 'a0' && _VirtualDom_equalEvents(xValue, yValue)) { continue; } diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = yValue; } // add new stuff for (var yKey in y) { if (!(yKey in x)) { diff = diff || {}; diff[yKey] = y[yKey]; } } return diff; } // DIFF KIDS function _VirtualDom_diffKids(xParent, yParent, patches, index) { var xKids = xParent.e; var yKids = yParent.e; var xLen = xKids.length; var yLen = yKids.length; // FIGURE OUT IF THERE ARE INSERTS OR REMOVALS if (xLen > yLen) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 6, index, { v: yLen, i: xLen - yLen }); } else if (xLen < yLen) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 7, index, { v: xLen, e: yKids }); } // PAIRWISE DIFF EVERYTHING ELSE for (var minLen = xLen < yLen ? xLen : yLen, i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { var xKid = xKids[i]; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xKid, yKids[i], patches, ++index); index += xKid.b || 0; } } // KEYED DIFF function _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids(xParent, yParent, patches, rootIndex) { var localPatches = []; var changes = {}; // Dict String Entry var inserts = []; // Array { index : Int, entry : Entry } // type Entry = { tag : String, vnode : VNode, index : Int, data : _ } var xKids = xParent.e; var yKids = yParent.e; var xLen = xKids.length; var yLen = yKids.length; var xIndex = 0; var yIndex = 0; var index = rootIndex; while (xIndex < xLen && yIndex < yLen) { var x = xKids[xIndex]; var y = yKids[yIndex]; var xKey = x.a; var yKey = y.a; var xNode = x.b; var yNode = y.b; var newMatch = undefined; var oldMatch = undefined; // check if keys match if (xKey === yKey) { index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNode, localPatches, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex++; yIndex++; continue; } // look ahead 1 to detect insertions and removals. var xNext = xKids[xIndex + 1]; var yNext = yKids[yIndex + 1]; if (xNext) { var xNextKey = xNext.a; var xNextNode = xNext.b; oldMatch = yKey === xNextKey; } if (yNext) { var yNextKey = yNext.a; var yNextNode = yNext.b; newMatch = xKey === yNextKey; } // swap x and y if (newMatch && oldMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNextNode, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 2; continue; } // insert y if (newMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex += 1; yIndex += 2; continue; } // remove x if (oldMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNode, localPatches, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 1; continue; } // remove x, insert y if (xNext && xNextKey === yNextKey) { index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index); _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 2; continue; } break; } // eat up any remaining nodes with removeNode and insertNode while (xIndex < xLen) { index++; var x = xKids[xIndex]; var xNode = x.b; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, x.a, xNode, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex++; } while (yIndex < yLen) { var endInserts = endInserts || []; var y = yKids[yIndex]; _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, y.a, y.b, undefined, endInserts); yIndex++; } if (localPatches.length > 0 || inserts.length > 0 || endInserts) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 8, rootIndex, { w: localPatches, x: inserts, y: endInserts }); } } // CHANGES FROM KEYED DIFF var _VirtualDom_POSTFIX = '_elmW6BL'; function _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, yIndex, inserts) { var entry = changes[key]; // never seen this key before if (!entry) { entry = { c: 0, z: vnode, r: yIndex, s: undefined }; inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry }); changes[key] = entry; return; } // this key was removed earlier, a match! if (entry.c === 1) { inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry }); entry.c = 2; var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(entry.z, vnode, subPatches, entry.r); entry.r = yIndex; entry.s.s = { w: subPatches, A: entry }; return; } // this key has already been inserted or moved, a duplicate! _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, yIndex, inserts); } function _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, index) { var entry = changes[key]; // never seen this key before if (!entry) { var patch = _VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, undefined); changes[key] = { c: 1, z: vnode, r: index, s: patch }; return; } // this key was inserted earlier, a match! if (entry.c === 0) { entry.c = 2; var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(vnode, entry.z, subPatches, index); _VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, { w: subPatches, A: entry }); return; } // this key has already been removed or moved, a duplicate! _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, index); } // ADD DOM NODES // // Each DOM node has an "index" assigned in order of traversal. It is important // to minimize our crawl over the actual DOM, so these indexes (along with the // descendantsCount of virtual nodes) let us skip touching entire subtrees of // the DOM if we know there are no patches there. function _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode, patches, eventNode) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, 0, 0, vNode.b, eventNode); } // assumes `patches` is non-empty and indexes increase monotonically. function _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, i, low, high, eventNode) { var patch = patches[i]; var index = patch.r; while (index === low) { var patchType = patch.$; if (patchType === 1) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode.k, patch.s, eventNode); } else if (patchType === 8) { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; var subPatches = patch.s.w; if (subPatches.length > 0) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode); } } else if (patchType === 9) { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; var data = patch.s; if (data) { data.A.s = domNode; var subPatches = data.w; if (subPatches.length > 0) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode); } } } else { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; } i++; if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high) { return i; } } var tag = vNode.$; if (tag === 4) { var subNode = vNode.k; while (subNode.$ === 4) { subNode = subNode.k; } return _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, subNode, patches, i, low + 1, high, domNode.elm_event_node_ref); } // tag must be 1 or 2 at this point var vKids = vNode.e; var childNodes = domNode.childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < vKids.length; j++) { low++; var vKid = tag === 1 ? vKids[j] : vKids[j].b; var nextLow = low + (vKid.b || 0); if (low <= index && index <= nextLow) { i = _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(childNodes[j], vKid, patches, i, low, nextLow, eventNode); if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high) { return i; } } low = nextLow; } return i; } // APPLY PATCHES function _VirtualDom_applyPatches(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode) { if (patches.length === 0) { return rootDomNode; } _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode); return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches); } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches) { for (var i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { var patch = patches[i]; var localDomNode = patch.t var newNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatch(localDomNode, patch); if (localDomNode === rootDomNode) { rootDomNode = newNode; } } return rootDomNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatch(domNode, patch) { switch (patch.$) { case 0: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, patch.s, patch.u); case 4: _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, patch.u, patch.s); return domNode; case 3: domNode.replaceData(0, domNode.length, patch.s); return domNode; case 1: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, patch.s); case 2: if (domNode.elm_event_node_ref) { domNode.elm_event_node_ref.j = patch.s; } else { domNode.elm_event_node_ref = { j: patch.s, p: patch.u }; } return domNode; case 6: var data = patch.s; for (var i = 0; i < data.i; i++) { domNode.removeChild(domNode.childNodes[data.v]); } return domNode; case 7: var data = patch.s; var kids = data.e; var i = data.v; var theEnd = domNode.childNodes[i]; for (; i < kids.length; i++) { domNode.insertBefore(_VirtualDom_render(kids[i], patch.u), theEnd); } return domNode; case 9: var data = patch.s; if (!data) { domNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode); return domNode; } var entry = data.A; if (typeof entry.r !== 'undefined') { domNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode); } entry.s = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w); return domNode; case 8: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch); case 5: return patch.s(domNode); default: _Debug_crash(10); // 'Ran into an unknown patch!' } } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, vNode, eventNode) { var parentNode = domNode.parentNode; var newNode = _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode); if (!newNode.elm_event_node_ref) { newNode.elm_event_node_ref = domNode.elm_event_node_ref; } if (parentNode && newNode !== domNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, domNode); } return newNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch) { var data = patch.s; // remove end inserts var frag = _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(data.y, patch); // removals domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w); // inserts var inserts = data.x; for (var i = 0; i < inserts.length; i++) { var insert = inserts[i]; var entry = insert.A; var node = entry.c === 2 ? entry.s : _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u); domNode.insertBefore(node, domNode.childNodes[insert.r]); } // add end inserts if (frag) { _VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, frag); } return domNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(endInserts, patch) { if (!endInserts) { return; } var frag = _VirtualDom_doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < endInserts.length; i++) { var insert = endInserts[i]; var entry = insert.A; _VirtualDom_appendChild(frag, entry.c === 2 ? entry.s : _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u) ); } return frag; } function _VirtualDom_virtualize(node) { // TEXT NODES if (node.nodeType === 3) { return _VirtualDom_text(node.textContent); } // WEIRD NODES if (node.nodeType !== 1) { return _VirtualDom_text(''); } // ELEMENT NODES var attrList = _List_Nil; var attrs = node.attributes; for (var i = attrs.length; i--; ) { var attr = attrs[i]; var name = attr.name; var value = attr.value; attrList = _List_Cons( A2(_VirtualDom_attribute, name, value), attrList ); } var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var kidList = _List_Nil; var kids = node.childNodes; for (var i = kids.length; i--; ) { kidList = _List_Cons(_VirtualDom_virtualize(kids[i]), kidList); } return A3(_VirtualDom_node, tag, attrList, kidList); } function _VirtualDom_dekey(keyedNode) { var keyedKids = keyedNode.e; var len = keyedKids.length; var kids = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { kids[i] = keyedKids[i].b; } return { $: 1, c: keyedNode.c, d: keyedNode.d, e: kids, f: keyedNode.f, b: keyedNode.b }; } // ELEMENT var _Debugger_element; var _Browser_element = _Debugger_element || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.eR, impl.ge, impl.fV, function(sendToApp, initialModel) { var view = impl.gg; /**/ var domNode = args['node']; //*/ /**_UNUSED/ var domNode = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0); //*/ var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(domNode); return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model) { var nextNode = view(model); var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode); domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(domNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp); currNode = nextNode; }); } ); }); // DOCUMENT var _Debugger_document; var _Browser_document = _Debugger_document || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.eR, impl.ge, impl.fV, function(sendToApp, initialModel) { var divertHrefToApp = impl.cf && impl.cf(sendToApp) var view = impl.gg; var title = _VirtualDom_doc.title; var bodyNode = _VirtualDom_doc.body; var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(bodyNode); return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model) { _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = divertHrefToApp; var doc = view(model); var nextNode = _VirtualDom_node('body')(_List_Nil)(doc.cw); var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode); bodyNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(bodyNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp); currNode = nextNode; _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = 0; (title !== doc.bU) && (_VirtualDom_doc.title = title = doc.bU); }); } ); }); // ANIMATION var _Browser_cancelAnimationFrame = typeof cancelAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' ? cancelAnimationFrame : function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; var _Browser_requestAnimationFrame = typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' ? requestAnimationFrame : function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; function _Browser_makeAnimator(model, draw) { draw(model); var state = 0; function updateIfNeeded() { state = state === 1 ? 0 : ( _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded), draw(model), 1 ); } return function(nextModel, isSync) { model = nextModel; isSync ? ( draw(model), state === 2 && (state = 1) ) : ( state === 0 && _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded), state = 2 ); }; } // APPLICATION function _Browser_application(impl) { var onUrlChange = impl.fg; var onUrlRequest = impl.fh; var key = function() { key.a(onUrlChange(_Browser_getUrl())); }; return _Browser_document({ cf: function(sendToApp) { key.a = sendToApp; _Browser_window.addEventListener('popstate', key); _Browser_window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') < 0 || _Browser_window.addEventListener('hashchange', key); return F2(function(domNode, event) { if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && event.button < 1 && !domNode.target && !domNode.hasAttribute('download')) { event.preventDefault(); var href = domNode.href; var curr = _Browser_getUrl(); var next = $elm$url$Url$fromString(href).a; sendToApp(onUrlRequest( (next && curr.di === next.di && curr.cT === next.cT && curr.de.a === next.de.a ) ? $elm$browser$Browser$Internal(next) : $elm$browser$Browser$External(href) )); } }); }, eR: function(flags) { return A3(impl.eR, flags, _Browser_getUrl(), key); }, gg: impl.gg, ge: impl.ge, fV: impl.fV }); } function _Browser_getUrl() { return $elm$url$Url$fromString(_VirtualDom_doc.location.href).a || _Debug_crash(1); } var _Browser_go = F2(function(key, n) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { n && history.go(n); key(); })); }); var _Browser_pushUrl = F2(function(key, url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { history.pushState({}, '', url); key(); })); }); var _Browser_replaceUrl = F2(function(key, url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { history.replaceState({}, '', url); key(); })); }); // GLOBAL EVENTS var _Browser_fakeNode = { addEventListener: function() {}, removeEventListener: function() {} }; var _Browser_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : _Browser_fakeNode; var _Browser_window = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : _Browser_fakeNode; var _Browser_on = F3(function(node, eventName, sendToSelf) { return _Scheduler_spawn(_Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { function handler(event) { _Scheduler_rawSpawn(sendToSelf(event)); } node.addEventListener(eventName, handler, _VirtualDom_passiveSupported && { passive: true }); return function() { node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler); }; })); }); var _Browser_decodeEvent = F2(function(decoder, event) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, event); return $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(result.a) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }); // PAGE VISIBILITY function _Browser_visibilityInfo() { return (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.hidden !== 'undefined') ? { eJ: 'hidden', d7: 'visibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.mozHidden !== 'undefined') ? { eJ: 'mozHidden', d7: 'mozvisibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.msHidden !== 'undefined') ? { eJ: 'msHidden', d7: 'msvisibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') ? { eJ: 'webkitHidden', d7: 'webkitvisibilitychange' } : { eJ: 'hidden', d7: 'visibilitychange' }; } // ANIMATION FRAMES function _Browser_rAF() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(Date.now())); }); return function() { _Browser_cancelAnimationFrame(id); }; }); } function _Browser_now() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(Date.now())); }); } // DOM STUFF function _Browser_withNode(id, doStuff) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { var node = document.getElementById(id); callback(node ? _Scheduler_succeed(doStuff(node)) : _Scheduler_fail($elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound(id)) ); }); }); } function _Browser_withWindow(doStuff) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(doStuff())); }); }); } // FOCUS and BLUR var _Browser_call = F2(function(functionName, id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { node[functionName](); return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // WINDOW VIEWPORT function _Browser_getViewport() { return { dn: _Browser_getScene(), gh: { dB: _Browser_window.pageXOffset, dC: _Browser_window.pageYOffset, S: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth, cQ: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight } }; } function _Browser_getScene() { var body = _Browser_doc.body; var elem = _Browser_doc.documentElement; return { S: Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, elem.scrollWidth, elem.offsetWidth, elem.clientWidth), cQ: Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, elem.scrollHeight, elem.offsetHeight, elem.clientHeight) }; } var _Browser_setViewport = F2(function(x, y) { return _Browser_withWindow(function() { _Browser_window.scroll(x, y); return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // ELEMENT VIEWPORT function _Browser_getViewportOf(id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { return { dn: { S: node.scrollWidth, cQ: node.scrollHeight }, gh: { dB: node.scrollLeft, dC: node.scrollTop, S: node.clientWidth, cQ: node.clientHeight } }; }); } var _Browser_setViewportOf = F3(function(id, x, y) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { node.scrollLeft = x; node.scrollTop = y; return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // ELEMENT function _Browser_getElement(id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var x = _Browser_window.pageXOffset; var y = _Browser_window.pageYOffset; return { dn: _Browser_getScene(), gh: { dB: x, dC: y, S: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth, cQ: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight }, T: { dB: x + rect.left, dC: y + rect.top, S: rect.width, cQ: rect.height } }; }); } // LOAD and RELOAD function _Browser_reload(skipCache) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _VirtualDom_doc.location.reload(skipCache); })); } function _Browser_load(url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { try { _Browser_window.location = url; } catch(err) { // Only Firefox can throw a NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI exception here. // Other browsers reload the page, so let's be consistent about that. _VirtualDom_doc.location.reload(false); } })); } function _Url_percentEncode(string) { return encodeURIComponent(string); } function _Url_percentDecode(string) { try { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(decodeURIComponent(string)); } catch (e) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } var _Bitwise_and = F2(function(a, b) { return a & b; }); var _Bitwise_or = F2(function(a, b) { return a | b; }); var _Bitwise_xor = F2(function(a, b) { return a ^ b; }); function _Bitwise_complement(a) { return ~a; }; var _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a << offset; }); var _Bitwise_shiftRightBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a >> offset; }); var _Bitwise_shiftRightZfBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a >>> offset; }); function _Time_now(millisToPosix) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(millisToPosix(Date.now()))); }); } var _Time_setInterval = F2(function(interval, task) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = setInterval(function() { _Scheduler_rawSpawn(task); }, interval); return function() { clearInterval(id); }; }); }); function _Time_here() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$customZone, -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), _List_Nil) )); }); } function _Time_getZoneName() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { try { var name = $elm$time$Time$Name(Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone); } catch (e) { var name = $elm$time$Time$Offset(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()); } callback(_Scheduler_succeed(name)); }); } var $author$project$UIExplorer$LinkClicked = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$UrlChanged = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$EQ = 1; var $elm$core$Basics$GT = 2; var $elm$core$Basics$LT = 0; var $elm$core$List$cons = _List_cons; var $elm$core$Dict$foldr = F3( function (func, acc, t) { foldr: while (true) { if (t.$ === -2) { return acc; } else { var key = t.b; var value = t.c; var left = t.d; var right = t.e; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A3( func, key, value, A3($elm$core$Dict$foldr, func, acc, right)), $temp$t = left; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; t = $temp$t; continue foldr; } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$toList = function (dict) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldr, F3( function (key, value, list) { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2(key, value), list); }), _List_Nil, dict); }; var $elm$core$Dict$keys = function (dict) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldr, F3( function (key, value, keyList) { return A2($elm$core$List$cons, key, keyList); }), _List_Nil, dict); }; var $elm$core$Set$toList = function (_v0) { var dict = _v0; return $elm$core$Dict$keys(dict); }; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr = _JsArray_foldr; var $elm$core$Array$foldr = F3( function (func, baseCase, _v0) { var tree = _v0.c; var tail = _v0.d; var helper = F2( function (node, acc) { if (!node.$) { var subTree = node.a; return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, helper, acc, subTree); } else { var values = node.a; return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, acc, values); } }); return A3( $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, helper, A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, baseCase, tail), tree); }); var $elm$core$Array$toList = function (array) { return A3($elm$core$Array$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, array); }; var $elm$core$Result$Err = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Field = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Index = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$core$Result$Ok = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$False = 1; var $elm$core$Basics$add = _Basics_add; var $elm$core$Maybe$Just = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing = {$: 1}; var $elm$core$String$all = _String_all; var $elm$core$Basics$and = _Basics_and; var $elm$core$Basics$append = _Utils_append; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$encode = _Json_encode; var $elm$core$String$fromInt = _String_fromNumber; var $elm$core$String$join = F2( function (sep, chunks) { return A2( _String_join, sep, _List_toArray(chunks)); }); var $elm$core$String$split = F2( function (sep, string) { return _List_fromArray( A2(_String_split, sep, string)); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent = function (str) { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n ', A2($elm$core$String$split, '\n', str)); }; var $elm$core$List$foldl = F3( function (func, acc, list) { foldl: while (true) { if (!list.b) { return acc; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A2(func, x, acc), $temp$list = xs; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; list = $temp$list; continue foldl; } } }); var $elm$core$List$length = function (xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, i) { return i + 1; }), 0, xs); }; var $elm$core$List$map2 = _List_map2; var $elm$core$Basics$le = _Utils_le; var $elm$core$Basics$sub = _Basics_sub; var $elm$core$List$rangeHelp = F3( function (lo, hi, list) { rangeHelp: while (true) { if (_Utils_cmp(lo, hi) < 1) { var $temp$lo = lo, $temp$hi = hi - 1, $temp$list = A2($elm$core$List$cons, hi, list); lo = $temp$lo; hi = $temp$hi; list = $temp$list; continue rangeHelp; } else { return list; } } }); var $elm$core$List$range = F2( function (lo, hi) { return A3($elm$core$List$rangeHelp, lo, hi, _List_Nil); }); var $elm$core$List$indexedMap = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$map2, f, A2( $elm$core$List$range, 0, $elm$core$List$length(xs) - 1), xs); }); var $elm$core$Char$toCode = _Char_toCode; var $elm$core$Char$isLower = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (97 <= code) && (code <= 122); }; var $elm$core$Char$isUpper = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (code <= 90) && (65 <= code); }; var $elm$core$Basics$or = _Basics_or; var $elm$core$Char$isAlpha = function (_char) { return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char); }; var $elm$core$Char$isDigit = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (code <= 57) && (48 <= code); }; var $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum = function (_char) { return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || ($elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isDigit(_char)); }; var $elm$core$List$reverse = function (list) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, list); }; var $elm$core$String$uncons = _String_uncons; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf = F2( function (i, error) { return '\n\n(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i + 1) + (') ' + $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent( $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error)))); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString = function (error) { return A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp, error, _List_Nil); }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp = F2( function (error, context) { errorToStringHelp: while (true) { switch (error.$) { case 0: var f = error.a; var err = error.b; var isSimple = function () { var _v1 = $elm$core$String$uncons(f); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return false; } else { var _v2 = _v1.a; var _char = _v2.a; var rest = _v2.b; return $elm$core$Char$isAlpha(_char) && A2($elm$core$String$all, $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum, rest); } }(); var fieldName = isSimple ? ('.' + f) : ('[\'' + (f + '\']')); var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, fieldName, context); error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; case 1: var i = error.a; var err = error.b; var indexName = '[' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ']'); var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, indexName, context); error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; case 2: var errors = error.a; if (!errors.b) { return 'Ran into a Json.Decode.oneOf with no possibilities' + function () { if (!context.b) { return '!'; } else { return ' at json' + A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)); } }(); } else { if (!errors.b.b) { var err = errors.a; var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = context; error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; } else { var starter = function () { if (!context.b) { return 'Json.Decode.oneOf'; } else { return 'The Json.Decode.oneOf at json' + A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)); } }(); var introduction = starter + (' failed in the following ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$List$length(errors)) + ' ways:')); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n\n', A2( $elm$core$List$cons, introduction, A2($elm$core$List$indexedMap, $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf, errors))); } } default: var msg = error.a; var json = error.b; var introduction = function () { if (!context.b) { return 'Problem with the given value:\n\n'; } else { return 'Problem with the value at json' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)) + ':\n\n '); } }(); return introduction + ($elm$json$Json$Decode$indent( A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$encode, 4, json)) + ('\n\n' + msg)); } } }); var $elm$core$Array$branchFactor = 32; var $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty = _JsArray_empty; var $elm$core$Basics$ceiling = _Basics_ceiling; var $elm$core$Basics$fdiv = _Basics_fdiv; var $elm$core$Basics$logBase = F2( function (base, number) { return _Basics_log(number) / _Basics_log(base); }); var $elm$core$Basics$toFloat = _Basics_toFloat; var $elm$core$Array$shiftStep = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling( A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, 2, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor)); var $elm$core$Array$empty = A4($elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, 0, $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize = _JsArray_initialize; var $elm$core$Array$Leaf = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$apL = F2( function (f, x) { return f(x); }); var $elm$core$Basics$apR = F2( function (x, f) { return f(x); }); var $elm$core$Basics$eq = _Utils_equal; var $elm$core$Basics$floor = _Basics_floor; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length = _JsArray_length; var $elm$core$Basics$gt = _Utils_gt; var $elm$core$Basics$max = F2( function (x, y) { return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) > 0) ? x : y; }); var $elm$core$Basics$mul = _Basics_mul; var $elm$core$Array$SubTree = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList = _JsArray_initializeFromList; var $elm$core$Array$compressNodes = F2( function (nodes, acc) { compressNodes: while (true) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodes); var node = _v0.a; var remainingNodes = _v0.b; var newAcc = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$core$Array$SubTree(node), acc); if (!remainingNodes.b) { return $elm$core$List$reverse(newAcc); } else { var $temp$nodes = remainingNodes, $temp$acc = newAcc; nodes = $temp$nodes; acc = $temp$acc; continue compressNodes; } } }); var $elm$core$Tuple$first = function (_v0) { var x = _v0.a; return x; }; var $elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder = F2( function (nodeList, nodeListSize) { treeFromBuilder: while (true) { var newNodeSize = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling(nodeListSize / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor); if (newNodeSize === 1) { return A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodeList).a; } else { var $temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$Array$compressNodes, nodeList, _List_Nil), $temp$nodeListSize = newNodeSize; nodeList = $temp$nodeList; nodeListSize = $temp$nodeListSize; continue treeFromBuilder; } } }); var $elm$core$Array$builderToArray = F2( function (reverseNodeList, builder) { if (!builder.h) { return A4( $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(builder.j), $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty, builder.j); } else { var treeLen = builder.h * $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; var depth = $elm$core$Basics$floor( A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, treeLen - 1)); var correctNodeList = reverseNodeList ? $elm$core$List$reverse(builder.n) : builder.n; var tree = A2($elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder, correctNodeList, builder.h); return A4( $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(builder.j) + treeLen, A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 5, depth * $elm$core$Array$shiftStep), tree, builder.j); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$idiv = _Basics_idiv; var $elm$core$Basics$lt = _Utils_lt; var $elm$core$Array$initializeHelp = F5( function (fn, fromIndex, len, nodeList, tail) { initializeHelp: while (true) { if (fromIndex < 0) { return A2( $elm$core$Array$builderToArray, false, {n: nodeList, h: (len / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor) | 0, j: tail}); } else { var leaf = $elm$core$Array$Leaf( A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, fromIndex, fn)); var $temp$fn = fn, $temp$fromIndex = fromIndex - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, $temp$len = len, $temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$List$cons, leaf, nodeList), $temp$tail = tail; fn = $temp$fn; fromIndex = $temp$fromIndex; len = $temp$len; nodeList = $temp$nodeList; tail = $temp$tail; continue initializeHelp; } } }); var $elm$core$Basics$remainderBy = _Basics_remainderBy; var $elm$core$Array$initialize = F2( function (len, fn) { if (len <= 0) { return $elm$core$Array$empty; } else { var tailLen = len % $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; var tail = A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, tailLen, len - tailLen, fn); var initialFromIndex = (len - tailLen) - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; return A5($elm$core$Array$initializeHelp, fn, initialFromIndex, len, _List_Nil, tail); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$True = 0; var $elm$core$Result$isOk = function (result) { if (!result.$) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map = _Json_map1; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2 = _Json_map2; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed = _Json_succeed; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt = function (handler) { switch (handler.$) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; default: return 3; } }; var $elm$browser$Browser$External = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Internal = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$identity = function (x) { return x; }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$url$Url$Http = 0; var $elm$url$Url$Https = 1; var $elm$url$Url$Url = F6( function (protocol, host, port_, path, query, fragment) { return {cO: fragment, cT: host, dc: path, de: port_, di: protocol, dj: query}; }); var $elm$core$String$contains = _String_contains; var $elm$core$String$length = _String_length; var $elm$core$String$slice = _String_slice; var $elm$core$String$dropLeft = F2( function (n, string) { return (n < 1) ? string : A3( $elm$core$String$slice, n, $elm$core$String$length(string), string); }); var $elm$core$String$indexes = _String_indexes; var $elm$core$String$isEmpty = function (string) { return string === ''; }; var $elm$core$String$left = F2( function (n, string) { return (n < 1) ? '' : A3($elm$core$String$slice, 0, n, string); }); var $elm$core$String$toInt = _String_toInt; var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath = F5( function (protocol, path, params, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str) || A2($elm$core$String$contains, '@', str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, ':', str); if (!_v0.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A6($elm$url$Url$Url, protocol, str, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, path, params, frag)); } else { if (!_v0.b.b) { var i = _v0.a; var _v1 = $elm$core$String$toInt( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var port_ = _v1; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A6( $elm$url$Url$Url, protocol, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str), port_, path, params, frag)); } } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery = F4( function (protocol, params, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '/', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A5($elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath, protocol, '/', params, frag, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A5( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath, protocol, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i, str), params, frag, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment = F3( function (protocol, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '?', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A4($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, frag, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A4( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)), frag, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol = F2( function (protocol, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '#', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A3($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A3( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)), A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$core$String$startsWith = _String_startsWith; var $elm$url$Url$fromString = function (str) { return A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'http://', str) ? A2( $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol, 0, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 7, str)) : (A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'https://', str) ? A2( $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol, 1, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 8, str)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); }; var $elm$core$Basics$never = function (_v0) { never: while (true) { var nvr = _v0; var $temp$_v0 = nvr; _v0 = $temp$_v0; continue never; } }; var $elm$core$Task$Perform = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$core$Task$succeed = _Scheduler_succeed; var $elm$core$Task$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed(0); var $elm$core$List$foldrHelper = F4( function (fn, acc, ctr, ls) { if (!ls.b) { return acc; } else { var a = ls.a; var r1 = ls.b; if (!r1.b) { return A2(fn, a, acc); } else { var b = r1.a; var r2 = r1.b; if (!r2.b) { return A2( fn, a, A2(fn, b, acc)); } else { var c = r2.a; var r3 = r2.b; if (!r3.b) { return A2( fn, a, A2( fn, b, A2(fn, c, acc))); } else { var d = r3.a; var r4 = r3.b; var res = (ctr > 500) ? A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, fn, acc, $elm$core$List$reverse(r4)) : A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, ctr + 1, r4); return A2( fn, a, A2( fn, b, A2( fn, c, A2(fn, d, res)))); } } } } }); var $elm$core$List$foldr = F3( function (fn, acc, ls) { return A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, 0, ls); }); var $elm$core$List$map = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (x, acc) { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, f(x), acc); }), _List_Nil, xs); }); var $elm$core$Task$andThen = _Scheduler_andThen; var $elm$core$Task$map = F2( function (func, taskA) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (a) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( func(a)); }, taskA); }); var $elm$core$Task$map2 = F3( function (func, taskA, taskB) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (a) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (b) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2(func, a, b)); }, taskB); }, taskA); }); var $elm$core$Task$sequence = function (tasks) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$Task$map2($elm$core$List$cons), $elm$core$Task$succeed(_List_Nil), tasks); }; var $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp = _Platform_sendToApp; var $elm$core$Task$spawnCmd = F2( function (router, _v0) { var task = _v0; return _Scheduler_spawn( A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp(router), task)); }); var $elm$core$Task$onEffects = F3( function (router, commands, state) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$map, function (_v0) { return 0; }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Task$spawnCmd(router), commands))); }); var $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg = F3( function (_v0, _v1, _v2) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(0); }); var $elm$core$Task$cmdMap = F2( function (tagger, _v0) { var task = _v0; return A2($elm$core$Task$map, tagger, task); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Task'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$core$Task$init, $elm$core$Task$onEffects, $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg, $elm$core$Task$cmdMap); var $elm$core$Task$command = _Platform_leaf('Task'); var $elm$core$Task$perform = F2( function (toMessage, task) { return $elm$core$Task$command( A2($elm$core$Task$map, toMessage, task)); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$application = _Browser_application; var $author$project$UIExplorer$FlagsDidNotParse = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$FlagsParsed = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Native = 4; var $author$project$UIExplorer$PageBuilder = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$UIExplorer$PageMsg = function (a) { return {$: 6, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$WindowResized = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch = _Platform_batch; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeValue = _Json_run; var $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin = {$: -2}; var $elm$core$Dict$empty = $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; var $elm$core$Set$empty = $elm$core$Dict$empty; var $elm$core$List$drop = F2( function (n, list) { drop: while (true) { if (n <= 0) { return list; } else { if (!list.b) { return list; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; var $temp$n = n - 1, $temp$list = xs; n = $temp$n; list = $temp$list; continue drop; } } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$Black = 1; var $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: -1, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $elm$core$Dict$Red = 0; var $elm$core$Dict$balance = F5( function (color, key, value, left, right) { if ((right.$ === -1) && (!right.a)) { var _v1 = right.a; var rK = right.b; var rV = right.c; var rLeft = right.d; var rRight = right.e; if ((left.$ === -1) && (!left.a)) { var _v3 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var lLeft = left.d; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, key, value, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, rK, rV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, key, value, left, rLeft), rRight); } } else { if ((((left.$ === -1) && (!left.a)) && (left.d.$ === -1)) && (!left.d.a)) { var _v5 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var _v6 = left.d; var _v7 = _v6.a; var llK = _v6.b; var llV = _v6.c; var llLeft = _v6.d; var llRight = _v6.e; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, llK, llV, llLeft, llRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, key, value, lRight, right)); } else { return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, left, right); } } }); var $elm$core$Basics$compare = _Utils_compare; var $elm$core$Dict$insertHelp = F3( function (key, value, dict) { if (dict.$ === -2) { return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin); } else { var nColor = dict.a; var nKey = dict.b; var nValue = dict.c; var nLeft = dict.d; var nRight = dict.e; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, key, nKey); switch (_v1) { case 0: return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nLeft), nRight); case 1: return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, nColor, nKey, value, nLeft, nRight); default: return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, nLeft, A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nRight)); } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$insert = F3( function (key, value, dict) { var _v0 = A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, dict); if ((_v0.$ === -1) && (!_v0.a)) { var _v1 = _v0.a; var k = _v0.b; var v = _v0.c; var l = _v0.d; var r = _v0.e; return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, l, r); } else { var x = _v0; return x; } }); var $elm$core$Set$insert = F2( function (key, _v0) { var dict = _v0; return A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, 0, dict); }); var $elm$core$Set$fromList = function (list) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Set$insert, $elm$core$Set$empty, list); }; var $elm$url$Url$Builder$toQueryPair = function (_v0) { var key = _v0.a; var value = _v0.b; return key + ('=' + value); }; var $elm$url$Url$Builder$toQuery = function (parameters) { if (!parameters.b) { return ''; } else { return '?' + A2( $elm$core$String$join, '&', A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$url$Url$Builder$toQueryPair, parameters)); } }; var $elm$url$Url$Builder$absolute = F2( function (pathSegments, parameters) { return '/' + (A2($elm$core$String$join, '/', pathSegments) + $elm$url$Url$Builder$toQuery(parameters)); }); var $elm$url$Url$percentEncode = _Url_percentEncode; var $author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl = F2( function (path, pageId) { return A2( $elm$url$Url$Builder$absolute, _Utils_ap( path, A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$url$Url$percentEncode, pageId)), _List_Nil); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$pageGroupToString = $author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl(_List_Nil); var $elm$core$Dict$foldl = F3( function (func, acc, dict) { foldl: while (true) { if (dict.$ === -2) { return acc; } else { var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A3( func, key, value, A3($elm$core$Dict$foldl, func, acc, left)), $temp$dict = right; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; dict = $temp$dict; continue foldl; } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$union = F2( function (t1, t2) { return A3($elm$core$Dict$foldl, $elm$core$Dict$insert, t2, t1); }); var $elm$core$Set$union = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var dict1 = _v0; var dict2 = _v1; return A2($elm$core$Dict$union, dict1, dict2); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$expandPage = F2( function (page, expandedGroups) { return A2( $elm$core$Set$union, expandedGroups, $elm$core$Set$fromList( A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$pageGroupToString, A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (segment, state) { return A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (a) { return A2($elm$core$List$cons, segment, a); }, A2($elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, state)); }), _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$reverse( A2( $elm$core$List$drop, 1, $elm$core$List$reverse(page))))))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$getViewport = _Browser_withWindow(_Browser_getViewport); var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map = _Platform_map; var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none = $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch(_List_Nil); var $elm$core$List$head = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$State = F5( function (visited, unvisited, params, frag, value) { return {ao: frag, au: params, aj: unvisited, F: value, aC: visited}; }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$getFirstMatch = function (states) { getFirstMatch: while (true) { if (!states.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var state = states.a; var rest = states.b; var _v1 = state.aj; if (!_v1.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(state.F); } else { if ((_v1.a === '') && (!_v1.b.b)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(state.F); } else { var $temp$states = rest; states = $temp$states; continue getFirstMatch; } } } } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty = function (segments) { if (!segments.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { if ((segments.a === '') && (!segments.b.b)) { return _List_Nil; } else { var segment = segments.a; var rest = segments.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, segment, $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(rest)); } } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$preparePath = function (path) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$split, '/', path); if (_v0.b && (_v0.a === '')) { var segments = _v0.b; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(segments); } else { var segments = _v0; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(segments); } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$addToParametersHelp = F2( function (value, maybeList) { if (maybeList.$ === 1) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _List_fromArray( [value])); } else { var list = maybeList.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$List$cons, value, list)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$percentDecode = _Url_percentDecode; var $elm$core$Dict$get = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { get: while (true) { if (dict.$ === -2) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, targetKey, key); switch (_v1) { case 0: var $temp$targetKey = targetKey, $temp$dict = left; targetKey = $temp$targetKey; dict = $temp$dict; continue get; case 1: return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(value); default: var $temp$targetKey = targetKey, $temp$dict = right; targetKey = $temp$targetKey; dict = $temp$dict; continue get; } } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$getMin = function (dict) { getMin: while (true) { if ((dict.$ === -1) && (dict.d.$ === -1)) { var left = dict.d; var $temp$dict = left; dict = $temp$dict; continue getMin; } else { return dict; } } }; var $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft = function (dict) { if (((dict.$ === -1) && (dict.d.$ === -1)) && (dict.e.$ === -1)) { if ((dict.e.d.$ === -1) && (!dict.e.d.a)) { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v1 = dict.d; var lClr = _v1.a; var lK = _v1.b; var lV = _v1.c; var lLeft = _v1.d; var lRight = _v1.e; var _v2 = dict.e; var rClr = _v2.a; var rK = _v2.b; var rV = _v2.c; var rLeft = _v2.d; var _v3 = rLeft.a; var rlK = rLeft.b; var rlV = rLeft.c; var rlL = rLeft.d; var rlR = rLeft.e; var rRight = _v2.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rlK, rlV, A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), rlL), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, rK, rV, rlR, rRight)); } else { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v4 = dict.d; var lClr = _v4.a; var lK = _v4.b; var lV = _v4.c; var lLeft = _v4.d; var lRight = _v4.e; var _v5 = dict.e; var rClr = _v5.a; var rK = _v5.b; var rV = _v5.c; var rLeft = _v5.d; var rRight = _v5.e; if (clr === 1) { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } } } else { return dict; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight = function (dict) { if (((dict.$ === -1) && (dict.d.$ === -1)) && (dict.e.$ === -1)) { if ((dict.d.d.$ === -1) && (!dict.d.d.a)) { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v1 = dict.d; var lClr = _v1.a; var lK = _v1.b; var lV = _v1.c; var _v2 = _v1.d; var _v3 = _v2.a; var llK = _v2.b; var llV = _v2.c; var llLeft = _v2.d; var llRight = _v2.e; var lRight = _v1.e; var _v4 = dict.e; var rClr = _v4.a; var rK = _v4.b; var rV = _v4.c; var rLeft = _v4.d; var rRight = _v4.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, llK, llV, llLeft, llRight), A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, lRight, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight))); } else { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v5 = dict.d; var lClr = _v5.a; var lK = _v5.b; var lV = _v5.c; var lLeft = _v5.d; var lRight = _v5.e; var _v6 = dict.e; var rClr = _v6.a; var rK = _v6.b; var rV = _v6.c; var rLeft = _v6.d; var rRight = _v6.e; if (clr === 1) { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } } } else { return dict; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpPrepEQGT = F7( function (targetKey, dict, color, key, value, left, right) { if ((left.$ === -1) && (!left.a)) { var _v1 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var lLeft = left.d; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, lK, lV, lLeft, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 0, key, value, lRight, right)); } else { _v2$2: while (true) { if ((right.$ === -1) && (right.a === 1)) { if (right.d.$ === -1) { if (right.d.a === 1) { var _v3 = right.a; var _v4 = right.d; var _v5 = _v4.a; return $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight(dict); } else { break _v2$2; } } else { var _v6 = right.a; var _v7 = right.d; return $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight(dict); } } else { break _v2$2; } } return dict; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$removeMin = function (dict) { if ((dict.$ === -1) && (dict.d.$ === -1)) { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var lColor = left.a; var lLeft = left.d; var right = dict.e; if (lColor === 1) { if ((lLeft.$ === -1) && (!lLeft.a)) { var _v3 = lLeft.a; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(left), right); } else { var _v4 = $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft(dict); if (_v4.$ === -1) { var nColor = _v4.a; var nKey = _v4.b; var nValue = _v4.c; var nLeft = _v4.d; var nRight = _v4.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(nLeft), nRight); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(left), right); } } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelp = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { if (dict.$ === -2) { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } else { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; if (_Utils_cmp(targetKey, key) < 0) { if ((left.$ === -1) && (left.a === 1)) { var _v4 = left.a; var lLeft = left.d; if ((lLeft.$ === -1) && (!lLeft.a)) { var _v6 = lLeft.a; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, left), right); } else { var _v7 = $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft(dict); if (_v7.$ === -1) { var nColor = _v7.a; var nKey = _v7.b; var nValue = _v7.c; var nLeft = _v7.d; var nRight = _v7.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, nLeft), nRight); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, left), right); } } else { return A2( $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpEQGT, targetKey, A7($elm$core$Dict$removeHelpPrepEQGT, targetKey, dict, color, key, value, left, right)); } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpEQGT = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { if (dict.$ === -1) { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; if (_Utils_eq(targetKey, key)) { var _v1 = $elm$core$Dict$getMin(right); if (_v1.$ === -1) { var minKey = _v1.b; var minValue = _v1.c; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, color, minKey, minValue, left, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(right)); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, color, key, value, left, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, right)); } } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$remove = F2( function (key, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, key, dict); if ((_v0.$ === -1) && (!_v0.a)) { var _v1 = _v0.a; var k = _v0.b; var v = _v0.c; var l = _v0.d; var r = _v0.e; return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, 1, k, v, l, r); } else { var x = _v0; return x; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$update = F3( function (targetKey, alter, dictionary) { var _v0 = alter( A2($elm$core$Dict$get, targetKey, dictionary)); if (!_v0.$) { var value = _v0.a; return A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, targetKey, value, dictionary); } else { return A2($elm$core$Dict$remove, targetKey, dictionary); } }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$addParam = F2( function (segment, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$split, '=', segment); if ((_v0.b && _v0.b.b) && (!_v0.b.b.b)) { var rawKey = _v0.a; var _v1 = _v0.b; var rawValue = _v1.a; var _v2 = $elm$url$Url$percentDecode(rawKey); if (_v2.$ === 1) { return dict; } else { var key = _v2.a; var _v3 = $elm$url$Url$percentDecode(rawValue); if (_v3.$ === 1) { return dict; } else { var value = _v3.a; return A3( $elm$core$Dict$update, key, $elm$url$Url$Parser$addToParametersHelp(value), dict); } } } else { return dict; } }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$prepareQuery = function (maybeQuery) { if (maybeQuery.$ === 1) { return $elm$core$Dict$empty; } else { var qry = maybeQuery.a; return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$url$Url$Parser$addParam, $elm$core$Dict$empty, A2($elm$core$String$split, '&', qry)); } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$parse = F2( function (_v0, url) { var parser = _v0; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$getFirstMatch( parser( A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, _List_Nil, $elm$url$Url$Parser$preparePath(url.dc), $elm$url$Url$Parser$prepareQuery(url.dj), url.cO, $elm$core$Basics$identity))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$replaceUrl = _Browser_replaceUrl; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$mapState = F2( function (func, _v0) { var visited = _v0.aC; var unvisited = _v0.aj; var params = _v0.au; var frag = _v0.ao; var value = _v0.F; return A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, visited, unvisited, params, frag, func(value)); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$map = F2( function (subValue, _v0) { var parseArg = _v0; return function (_v1) { var visited = _v1.aC; var unvisited = _v1.aj; var params = _v1.au; var frag = _v1.ao; var value = _v1.F; return A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$url$Url$Parser$mapState(value), parseArg( A5($elm$url$Url$Parser$State, visited, unvisited, params, frag, subValue))); }; }); var $elm$core$List$append = F2( function (xs, ys) { if (!ys.b) { return xs; } else { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, ys, xs); } }); var $elm$core$List$concat = function (lists) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$append, _List_Nil, lists); }; var $elm$core$List$concatMap = F2( function (f, list) { return $elm$core$List$concat( A2($elm$core$List$map, f, list)); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$oneOf = function (parsers) { return function (state) { return A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, function (_v0) { var parser = _v0; return parser(state); }, parsers); }; }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$s = function (str) { return function (_v0) { var visited = _v0.aC; var unvisited = _v0.aj; var params = _v0.au; var frag = _v0.ao; var value = _v0.F; if (!unvisited.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { var next = unvisited.a; var rest = unvisited.b; return _Utils_eq(next, str) ? _List_fromArray( [ A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, A2($elm$core$List$cons, next, visited), rest, params, frag, value) ]) : _List_Nil; } }; }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var parseBefore = _v0; var parseAfter = _v1; return function (state) { return A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, parseAfter, parseBefore(state)); }; }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$top = function (state) { return _List_fromArray( [state]); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$urlParser = F2( function (_v0, rootPath) { var pages = _v0; var pathParser = function (path) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (segment, state) { return A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash, state, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s( $elm$url$Url$percentEncode(segment))); }), $elm$url$Url$Parser$top, path); }; var allPagePaths = A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (path) { return A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(path), pathParser( _Utils_ap(rootPath, path))); }, A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v1) { var pageId = _v1._; var pageGroup = _v1.p; return _Utils_ap( pageGroup, _List_fromArray( [pageId])); }, pages.ar)); return $elm$url$Url$Parser$oneOf( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$url$Url$Parser$top), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, pathParser(rootPath)), allPagePaths))); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$pageFromUrl = F4( function (_v0, rootPath, key, url) { var pages = _v0; var _v1 = A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$parse, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$urlParser, pages, rootPath), url); if (!_v1.$) { if (_v1.a.$ === 1) { var _v2 = _v1.a; var _v3 = $elm$core$List$head( $elm$core$List$reverse(pages.ar)); if (!_v3.$) { var pageId = _v3.a._; var pageGroup = _v3.a.p; return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$replaceUrl, key, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl, rootPath, _Utils_ap( pageGroup, _List_fromArray( [pageId]))))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } else { var page = _v1.a.a; return _Utils_Tuple2(page, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Quantity$Quantity = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels = function (numPixels) { return numPixels; }; var $elm$core$Basics$round = _Basics_round; var $author$project$UIExplorer$init = F5( function (config, _v0, flagsJson, url, key) { var pages = _v0; var _v1 = A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeValue, config.ez, flagsJson); if (!_v1.$) { var flags = _v1.a; var _v2 = pages.eR(flags); var pageModels = _v2.a; var pageCmds = _v2.b; var _v3 = A4($author$project$UIExplorer$pageFromUrl, pages, flags.ee.ft, key, url); var page = _v3.a; var navigationCmd = _v3.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$UIExplorer$FlagsParsed( { a$: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, t: flags.fG.a1, an: false, aG: false, C: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$expandPage, page, $elm$core$Set$empty), aH: flags, aJ: key, aK: false, af: page, aN: pageModels, aO: 4, bO: '', aD: { cQ: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(1080), S: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(1920) } }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ navigationCmd, A2( $elm$core$Task$perform, $author$project$UIExplorer$WindowResized, A2( $elm$core$Task$map, function (_v4) { var viewport = _v4.gh; return { cQ: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels( $elm$core$Basics$round(viewport.cQ)), S: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels( $elm$core$Basics$round(viewport.S)) }; }, $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$getViewport)), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$PageMsg, pageCmds) ]))); } else { var error = _v1.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$UIExplorer$FlagsDidNotParse( $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error)), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch = _Platform_batch; var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map = _Platform_map; var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none = $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch(_List_Nil); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$Window = 1; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$field = _Json_decodeField; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$int = _Json_decodeInt; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$State = F2( function (subs, pids) { return {dd: pids, dt: subs}; }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$browser$Browser$Events$State, _List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty)); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$nodeToKey = function (node) { if (!node) { return 'd_'; } else { return 'w_'; } }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$addKey = function (sub) { var node = sub.a; var name = sub.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_ap( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$nodeToKey(node), name), sub); }; var $elm$core$Dict$fromList = function (assocs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, dict) { var key = _v0.a; var value = _v0.b; return A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, value, dict); }), $elm$core$Dict$empty, assocs); }; var $elm$core$Process$kill = _Scheduler_kill; var $elm$core$Dict$merge = F6( function (leftStep, bothStep, rightStep, leftDict, rightDict, initialResult) { var stepState = F3( function (rKey, rValue, _v0) { stepState: while (true) { var list = _v0.a; var result = _v0.b; if (!list.b) { return _Utils_Tuple2( list, A3(rightStep, rKey, rValue, result)); } else { var _v2 = list.a; var lKey = _v2.a; var lValue = _v2.b; var rest = list.b; if (_Utils_cmp(lKey, rKey) < 0) { var $temp$rKey = rKey, $temp$rValue = rValue, $temp$_v0 = _Utils_Tuple2( rest, A3(leftStep, lKey, lValue, result)); rKey = $temp$rKey; rValue = $temp$rValue; _v0 = $temp$_v0; continue stepState; } else { if (_Utils_cmp(lKey, rKey) > 0) { return _Utils_Tuple2( list, A3(rightStep, rKey, rValue, result)); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( rest, A4(bothStep, lKey, lValue, rValue, result)); } } } } }); var _v3 = A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldl, stepState, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Dict$toList(leftDict), initialResult), rightDict); var leftovers = _v3.a; var intermediateResult = _v3.b; return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v4, result) { var k = _v4.a; var v = _v4.b; return A3(leftStep, k, v, result); }), intermediateResult, leftovers); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$Event = F2( function (key, event) { return {cL: event, aJ: key}; }); var $elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf = _Platform_sendToSelf; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$spawn = F3( function (router, key, _v0) { var node = _v0.a; var name = _v0.b; var actualNode = function () { if (!node) { return _Browser_doc; } else { return _Browser_window; } }(); return A2( $elm$core$Task$map, function (value) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, value); }, A3( _Browser_on, actualNode, name, function (event) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Events$Event, key, event)); })); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onEffects = F3( function (router, subs, state) { var stepRight = F3( function (key, sub, _v6) { var deads = _v6.a; var lives = _v6.b; var news = _v6.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( deads, lives, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3($elm$browser$Browser$Events$spawn, router, key, sub), news)); }); var stepLeft = F3( function (_v4, pid, _v5) { var deads = _v5.a; var lives = _v5.b; var news = _v5.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($elm$core$List$cons, pid, deads), lives, news); }); var stepBoth = F4( function (key, pid, _v2, _v3) { var deads = _v3.a; var lives = _v3.b; var news = _v3.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( deads, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, pid, lives), news); }); var newSubs = A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$addKey, subs); var _v0 = A6( $elm$core$Dict$merge, stepLeft, stepBoth, stepRight, state.dd, $elm$core$Dict$fromList(newSubs), _Utils_Tuple3(_List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty, _List_Nil)); var deadPids = _v0.a; var livePids = _v0.b; var makeNewPids = _v0.c; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (pids) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$State, newSubs, A2( $elm$core$Dict$union, livePids, $elm$core$Dict$fromList(pids)))); }, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$sequence(makeNewPids); }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Process$kill, deadPids)))); }); var $elm$core$List$maybeCons = F3( function (f, mx, xs) { var _v0 = f(mx); if (!_v0.$) { var x = _v0.a; return A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs); } else { return xs; } }); var $elm$core$List$filterMap = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$maybeCons(f), _List_Nil, xs); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onSelfMsg = F3( function (router, _v0, state) { var key = _v0.aJ; var event = _v0.cL; var toMessage = function (_v2) { var subKey = _v2.a; var _v3 = _v2.b; var node = _v3.a; var name = _v3.b; var decoder = _v3.c; return _Utils_eq(subKey, key) ? A2(_Browser_decodeEvent, decoder, event) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }; var messages = A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, toMessage, state.dt); return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp(router), messages))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subMap = F2( function (func, _v0) { var node = _v0.a; var name = _v0.b; var decoder = _v0.c; return A3( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub, node, name, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, func, decoder)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Browser.Events'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$browser$Browser$Events$init, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onEffects, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onSelfMsg, 0, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subMap); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subscription = _Platform_leaf('Browser.Events'); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$on = F3( function (node, name, decoder) { return $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subscription( A3($elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub, node, name, decoder)); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onResize = function (func) { return A3( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$on, 1, 'resize', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'target', A3( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2, func, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'innerWidth', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int), A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'innerHeight', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int)))); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$subscriptions = F2( function (_v0, model) { var pages = _v0; return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onResize( F2( function (width, height) { return $author$project$UIExplorer$WindowResized( { cQ: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(height), S: $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(width) }); })), function () { if (!model.$) { var successModel = model.a; return A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$PageMsg, pages.fV(successModel.aN)); } else { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; } }() ])); }); var $elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst = F2( function (func, _v0) { var x = _v0.a; var y = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( func(x), y); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$NoOp = {$: 5}; var $elm$core$Basics$always = F2( function (a, _v0) { return a; }); var $elm$core$Basics$composeL = F3( function (g, f, x) { return g( f(x)); }); var $elm$core$Task$onError = _Scheduler_onError; var $elm$core$Task$attempt = F2( function (resultToMessage, task) { return $elm$core$Task$command( A2( $elm$core$Task$onError, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$core$Task$succeed, resultToMessage), $elm$core$Result$Err), A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$core$Task$succeed, resultToMessage), $elm$core$Result$Ok), task))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$focus = _Browser_call('focus'); var $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$load = _Browser_load; var $elm$core$Dict$member = F2( function (key, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, key, dict); if (!_v0.$) { return true; } else { return false; } }); var $elm$core$Set$member = F2( function (key, _v0) { var dict = _v0; return A2($elm$core$Dict$member, key, dict); }); var $elm$core$Basics$not = _Basics_not; var $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl = _Browser_pushUrl; var $elm$core$Set$remove = F2( function (key, _v0) { var dict = _v0; return A2($elm$core$Dict$remove, key, dict); }); var $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool = _Json_wrap; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$object = function (pairs) { return _Json_wrap( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, obj) { var k = _v0.a; var v = _v0.b; return A3(_Json_addField, k, v, obj); }), _Json_emptyObject(0), pairs)); }; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$string = _Json_wrap; var $author$project$Ports$saveSettings = _Platform_outgoingPort('saveSettings', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string); var $author$project$UIExplorer$saveSettings = function (settings) { return $author$project$Ports$saveSettings( A2( $elm$json$Json$Encode$encode, 0, $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'dark', $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(settings.a1)) ])))); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$showSearchResults = function (searchText) { return $elm$core$String$length(searchText) > 1; }; var $elm$url$Url$addPort = F2( function (maybePort, starter) { if (maybePort.$ === 1) { return starter; } else { var port_ = maybePort.a; return starter + (':' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(port_)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed = F3( function (prefix, maybeSegment, starter) { if (maybeSegment.$ === 1) { return starter; } else { var segment = maybeSegment.a; return _Utils_ap( starter, _Utils_ap(prefix, segment)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$toString = function (url) { var http = function () { var _v0 = url.di; if (!_v0) { return 'http://'; } else { return 'https://'; } }(); return A3( $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed, '#', url.cO, A3( $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed, '?', url.dj, _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$url$Url$addPort, url.de, _Utils_ap(http, url.cT)), url.dc))); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$updateSuccess = F4( function (_v0, config, msg, model) { var pages = _v0; switch (msg.$) { case 0: var url = msg.a; var _v2 = A4($author$project$UIExplorer$pageFromUrl, pages, model.aH.ee.ft, model.aJ, url); var page = _v2.a; var pageCmd = _v2.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {af: page}), pageCmd); case 1: var urlRequest = msg.a; if (!urlRequest.$) { var url = urlRequest.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.aJ, $elm$url$Url$toString(url))); } else { var url = urlRequest.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$load(url)); } case 5: return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 2: var size = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {aD: size}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {aK: !model.aK}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 6: var pageMsg = msg.a; var _v4 = A2(pages.ge, pageMsg, model.aN); var pageModel = _v4.a; var pageCmd = _v4.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {aN: pageModel}), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$PageMsg, pageCmd)); case 7: var pageId = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.aJ, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl, model.aH.ee.ft, pageId)), A2( $elm$core$Task$attempt, $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$UIExplorer$NoOp), $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$focus( $author$project$UIExplorer$pageGroupToString(pageId))) ]))); case 8: var path = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { C: function () { var pathString = $author$project$UIExplorer$pageGroupToString(path); return A2($elm$core$Set$member, pathString, model.C) ? A2($elm$core$Set$remove, pathString, model.C) : A2($elm$core$Set$insert, pathString, model.C); }() }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 9: var text = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { C: $author$project$UIExplorer$showSearchResults(model.bO) ? model.C : A2($author$project$UIExplorer$expandPage, model.af, model.C), bO: text }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 10: return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { C: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$expandPage, model.af, model.C), bO: '' }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 11: var pageSizeOption = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {aG: false, aO: pageSizeOption}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 12: return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {an: false, aG: !model.aG}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 13: var colorBlindOption = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {a$: colorBlindOption, an: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 14: return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {an: !model.an, aG: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 4: var enabled = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {t: enabled}), $author$project$UIExplorer$saveSettings( {a1: enabled})); default: var string = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.aJ, string)); } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$update = F4( function (pages, config, msg, model) { if (!model.$) { var successModel = model.a; return A2( $elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $author$project$UIExplorer$FlagsParsed, A4($author$project$UIExplorer$updateSuccess, pages, config, msg, successModel)); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite = {$: 6}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 4, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 4, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Bitwise$shiftLeftBy = _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag = function (i) { return (i > 31) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second(1 << (i - 32)) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag(1 << i); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(8); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass = function (x) { return $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(x * 255)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass = function (_v0) { var red = _v0.a; var green = _v0.b; var blue = _v0.c; var alpha = _v0.d; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(red) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(green) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(blue) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(alpha)))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color = function (clr) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr), 'background-color', clr)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(14); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color = function (fontColor) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(fontColor), 'color', fontColor)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsColumn = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes = {dE: 'a', cp: 'atv', dG: 'ab', dH: 'cx', dI: 'cy', dJ: 'acb', dK: 'accx', dL: 'accy', dM: 'acr', cr: 'al', cs: 'ar', dN: 'at', bY: 'ah', bZ: 'av', dP: 's', dU: 'bh', dV: 'b', dY: 'w7', d$: 'bd', d0: 'bdt', bn: 'bn', d1: 'bs', br: 'cpe', ea: 'cp', eb: 'cpx', ec: 'cpy', cB: 'c', bu: 'ctr', bv: 'cb', bw: 'ccx', ac: 'ccy', a0: 'cl', bx: 'cr', eh: 'ct', ei: 'cptr', ej: 'ctxt', eC: 'fcs', cN: 'focus-within', eD: 'fs', eG: 'g', b4: 'hbh', b5: 'hc', cR: 'he', b6: 'hf', cS: 'hfp', eK: 'hv', eN: 'ic', eP: 'fr', bD: 'lbl', eS: 'iml', eT: 'imlf', eU: 'imlp', eV: 'implw', eW: 'it', eY: 'i', c$: 'lnk', aL: 'nb', c4: 'notxt', fe: 'ol', ff: 'or', at: 'oq', fm: 'oh', af: 'pg', da: 'p', fn: 'ppe', fx: 'ui', bM: 'r', fC: 'sb', fD: 'sbx', fE: 'sby', fF: 'sbt', fJ: 'e', fK: 'cap', fM: 'sev', fS: 'sk', aS: 't', fY: 'tc', fZ: 'w8', f_: 'w2', f$: 'w9', f0: 'tj', bT: 'tja', f1: 'tl', f2: 'w3', f3: 'w5', f4: 'w4', f5: 'tr', f6: 'w6', f7: 'w1', f8: 'tun', dw: 'ts', aB: 'clr', gc: 'u', ck: 'wc', dz: 'we', cl: 'wf', dA: 'wfp', cn: 'wrp'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoNearbyChildren = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eG); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.af); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.da); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$contextClasses = function (context) { switch (context) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass; case 1: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass; case 2: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass; case 3: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass; case 4: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass; default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren = F2( function (existing, nearbyChildren) { switch (nearbyChildren.$) { case 0: return existing; case 1: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap(behind, existing); case 2: var inFront = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap(existing, inFront); default: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; var inFront = nearbyChildren.b; return _Utils_ap( behind, _Utils_ap(existing, inFront)); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren = F3( function (key, existing, nearbyChildren) { switch (nearbyChildren.$) { case 0: return existing; case 1: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, behind), existing); case 2: var inFront = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap( existing, A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, inFront)); default: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; var inFront = nearbyChildren.b; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, behind), _Utils_ap( existing, A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, inFront))); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsEl = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsParagraph = 4; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph = 4; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(41); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(40); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(42); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(43); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty = F2( function (key, string) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, key, $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(string)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('className'); var $elm$html$Html$div = _VirtualDom_node('div'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName = function (x) { switch (x.$) { case 0: var px = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; case 1: return 'auto'; case 2: var i = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr'; case 3: var min = x.a; var len = x.b; return 'min' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(min) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len)); default: var max = x.a; var len = x.b; return 'max' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(max) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len)); } }; var $elm$core$Tuple$second = function (_v0) { var y = _v0.b; return y; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass = function (transform) { switch (transform.$) { case 0: return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; case 1: var _v1 = transform.a; var x = _v1.a; var y = _v1.b; var z = _v1.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'mv-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(x) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(y) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(z)))))); default: var _v2 = transform.a; var tx = _v2.a; var ty = _v2.b; var tz = _v2.c; var _v3 = transform.b; var sx = _v3.a; var sy = _v3.b; var sz = _v3.c; var _v4 = transform.c; var ox = _v4.a; var oy = _v4.b; var oz = _v4.c; var angle = transform.d; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'tfrm-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ty) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ox) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oz) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(angle)))))))))))))))))))); } }; var $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault = F2( function (_default, maybe) { if (!maybe.$) { var value = maybe.a; return value; } else { return _default; } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName = function (style) { switch (style.$) { case 13: var name = style.a; return name; case 12: var name = style.a; var o = style.b; return name; case 0: var _class = style.a; return _class; case 1: var name = style.a; return name; case 2: var i = style.a; return 'font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i); case 3: var _class = style.a; return _class; case 4: var _class = style.a; return _class; case 5: var cls = style.a; var x = style.b; var y = style.c; return cls; case 7: var cls = style.a; var top = style.b; var right = style.c; var bottom = style.d; var left = style.e; return cls; case 6: var cls = style.a; var top = style.b; var right = style.c; var bottom = style.d; var left = style.e; return cls; case 8: var template = style.a; return 'grid-rows-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.fz)) + ('-cols-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.bt)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.fN.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.fN.b))))))); case 9: var pos = style.a; return 'gp grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.bM) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.ed) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.S) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.cQ))))))); case 11: var selector = style.a; var subStyle = style.b; var name = function () { switch (selector) { case 0: return 'fs'; case 1: return 'hv'; default: return 'act'; } }(); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (sty) { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(sty); if (_v1 === '') { return ''; } else { var styleName = _v1; return styleName + ('-' + name); } }, subStyle)); default: var x = style.a; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, '', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(x)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles = F2( function (style, nevermind) { var cache = nevermind.a; var existing = nevermind.b; var styleName = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style); return A2($elm$core$Set$member, styleName, cache) ? nevermind : _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$Set$insert, styleName, cache), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, existing)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot = function (c) { return '.' + c; }; var $elm$core$String$fromFloat = _String_fromNumber; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor = function (_v0) { var red = _v0.a; var green = _v0.b; var blue = _v0.c; var alpha = _v0.d; return 'rgba(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(red * 255)) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(green * 255))) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(blue * 255))) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(alpha) + ')'))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow = function (shadow) { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ shadow.cX ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just('inset') : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.fc.a) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.fc.b) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.dX) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.aw) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(shadow.a_)) ]))); }; var $elm$core$Maybe$map = F2( function (f, maybe) { if (!maybe.$) { var value = maybe.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( f(value)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }); var $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond = F2( function (func, _v0) { var x = _v0.a; var y = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( x, func(y)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle = function (focus) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cN) + ':focus-within', A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.d_), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'background-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.dS), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (shadow) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow( { dX: shadow.dX, a_: shadow.a_, cX: false, fc: A2( $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.fc)), aw: shadow.aw })); }, focus.fH), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none')) ]))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + (':focus .focusable, ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + '.focusable:focus')), A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.d_), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'background-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.dS), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (shadow) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow( { dX: shadow.dX, a_: shadow.a_, cX: false, fc: A2( $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.fc)), aw: shadow.aw })); }, focus.fH), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none')) ]))) ]); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node = function (tag) { return _VirtualDom_node( _VirtualDom_noScript(tag)); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property = F2( function (key, value) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, _VirtualDom_noInnerHtmlOrFormAction(key), _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$AllChildren = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch = function (a) { return {$: 6, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 4, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left = 3; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Supports = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Content = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Bottom = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterX = 4; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterY = 5; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Top = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments = _List_fromArray( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$contentName = function (desc) { switch (desc) { case 0: var _v1 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eh); case 1: var _v2 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bv); case 2: var _v3 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bx); case 3: var _v4 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0); case 4: var _v5 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bw); default: var _v6 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName = function (desc) { switch (desc) { case 0: var _v1 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dN); case 1: var _v2 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dG); case 2: var _v3 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cs); case 3: var _v4 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cr); case 4: var _v5 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dH); default: var _v6 = desc; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment = function (values) { var createDescription = function (alignment) { var _v0 = values(alignment); var content = _v0.a; var indiv = _v0.b; return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$contentName(alignment), content), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(alignment), indiv) ])) ]); }; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription = _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b4), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dU), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fF), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'auto !important') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b5), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dA), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important') ])); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important') ])); case 2: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 4: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto') ])) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])); } }) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$gridAlignments = function (values) { var createDescription = function (alignment) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(alignment), values(alignment)) ])) ]); }; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Behind = 5; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Below = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnLeft = 3; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnRight = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Within = 4; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations = function () { var loc = 0; var _v0 = function () { switch (loc) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 0; case 2: return 0; case 3: return 0; case 4: return 0; default: return 0; } }(); return _List_fromArray( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet = _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, 'html,body', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eN))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'img', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'max-height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'object-fit', 'cover') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'img', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'max-width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'object-fit', 'cover') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'outline', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fx), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'min-height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eP), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( function (fn) { return A2($elm$core$List$map, fn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations); }( function (loc) { switch (loc) { case 0: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dE), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 1: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dV), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])) ])); case 2: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ff), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 3: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fe), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'right', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 4: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); default: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dU), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); } })) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'resize', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'box-sizing', 'border-box'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-size', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-family', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'inherit'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cn), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-wrap', 'wrap') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.c4), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-moz-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-webkit-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-ms-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'user-select', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ei), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'pointer') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ej), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fn), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.br), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aB), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.at), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eK, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aB)) + ':hover', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eK, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.at)) + ':hover', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eC, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aB)) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eC, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.at)) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cp, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aB)) + ':active', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cp, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.at)) + ':active', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dw), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'transition', A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return x + ' 160ms'; }, _List_fromArray( ['transform', 'opacity', 'filter', 'background-color', 'color', 'font-size'])))) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fC), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fD), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fE), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ea), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eb), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ec), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bn), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.d$), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dashed') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.d0), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dotted') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.d1), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-block') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eW), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1.05'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background', 'transparent'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'inherit') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', '0%'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dz), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.c$), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dM, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dH), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-left', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dH), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-right', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK + ' ~ u'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dM + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 2: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_Nil); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_Nil); case 4: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]), _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); } }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fM), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bD), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'baseline') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dA), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dJ, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL + ' ~ u'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dJ + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto') ])); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto') ])); case 2: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 4: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]), _List_Nil); } }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fM), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eG), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', '-ms-grid'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '.gp', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Supports, _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid'), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$gridAlignments( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]); case 1: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]); case 2: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]); case 3: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]); case 4: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.af), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ':first-child'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(3) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(2) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 2: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::after', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both') ])) ])); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::after', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both') ])) ])); case 4: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background-color', 'transparent') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eV), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eU), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eT), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'transparent') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.da), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-wrap', 'break-word'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b4), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dU), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$AllChildren, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$AllChildren, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.da), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::after', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::before', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', 'none') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$AllChildren, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dz), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-block') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eP), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dU), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dE), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dV), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ff), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fe), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eG), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-grid') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 0: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 2: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right') ])); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left') ])); case 4: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '.hidden', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f7), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '100') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f_), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '200') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f2), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '300') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f4), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '400') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f3), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '500') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f6), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '600') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '700') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fZ), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '800') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f$), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '900') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'italic') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fS), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.gc), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'underline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.gc), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fS)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through underline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f8), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'normal') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f0), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bT), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify-all') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'center') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f5), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'right') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f1), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'left') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '.modal', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none') ])) ])) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant = function (_var) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-' + _var, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\"')) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-' + (_var + '-off'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\" 0')) ])) ]); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues = $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.border-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 6)), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 8, 32)), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 24)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-smcp', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'small-caps') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-smcp-off', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'normal') ])) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('zero'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('onum'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('liga'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('dlig'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('ordn'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('tnum'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('afrc'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('frac') ])); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer = '\n.explain {\n border: 6px solid rgb(174, 121, 15) !important;\n}\n.explain > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n.ctr {\n border: none !important;\n}\n.explain > .ctr > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n'))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset = '\ninput[type="search"],\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance:none;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset = '\ninput[type=range] {\n -webkit-appearance: none; \n background: transparent;\n position:absolute;\n left:0;\n top:0;\n z-index:10;\n width: 100%;\n outline: dashed 1px;\n height: 100%;\n opacity: 0;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range][orient=vertical]{\n writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */\n -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical; /* WebKit */\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$overrides = '@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; } ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; }}' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer))))))))))))))); var $elm$core$String$concat = function (strings) { return A2($elm$core$String$join, '', strings); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate = F2( function (selector, closing) { return {bs: closing, s: _List_Nil, ah: _List_Nil, P: selector}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules = F2( function (_v0, rulesToRender) { var parent = _v0; var generateIntermediates = F2( function (rule, rendered) { switch (rule.$) { case 0: var name = rule.a; var val = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { ah: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2(name, val), rendered.ah) }); case 3: var _v2 = rule.a; var prop = _v2.a; var value = _v2.b; var props = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, {bs: '\n}', s: _List_Nil, ah: props, P: '@supports (' + (prop + (':' + (value + (') {' + parent.P))))}, rendered.s) }); case 5: var selector = rule.a; var adjRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.P + (' + ' + selector), ''), adjRules), rendered.s) }); case 1: var child = rule.a; var childRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.P + (' > ' + child), ''), childRules), rendered.s) }); case 2: var child = rule.a; var childRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.P + (' ' + child), ''), childRules), rendered.s) }); case 4: var descriptor = rule.a; var descriptorRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, _Utils_ap(parent.P, descriptor), ''), descriptorRules), rendered.s) }); default: var batched = rule.a; return _Utils_update( rendered, { s: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.P, ''), batched), rendered.s) }); } }); return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, generateIntermediates, parent, rulesToRender); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderCompact = function (styleClasses) { var renderValues = function (values) { return $elm$core$String$concat( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v3) { var x = _v3.a; var y = _v3.b; return x + (':' + (y + ';')); }, values)); }; var renderClass = function (rule) { var _v2 = rule.ah; if (!_v2.b) { return ''; } else { return rule.P + ('{' + (renderValues(rule.ah) + (rule.bs + '}'))); } }; var renderIntermediate = function (_v0) { var rule = _v0; return _Utils_ap( renderClass(rule), $elm$core$String$concat( A2($elm$core$List$map, renderIntermediate, rule.s))); }; return $elm$core$String$concat( A2( $elm$core$List$map, renderIntermediate, A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (_v1, existing) { var name = _v1.a; var styleRules = _v1.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, name, ''), styleRules), existing); }), _List_Nil, styleClasses))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules = _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$overrides, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderCompact( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues))); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text = _VirtualDom_text; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot = function (opts) { var _v0 = opts.e8; switch (_v0) { case 0: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules) ])) ])); case 1: return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text(''); default: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'elm-ui-static-rules', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property, 'rules', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules)) ]), _List_Nil); } }; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$list = F2( function (func, entries) { return _Json_wrap( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, _Json_addEntry(func), _Json_emptyArray(0), entries)); }); var $elm$core$List$any = F2( function (isOkay, list) { any: while (true) { if (!list.b) { return false; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; if (isOkay(x)) { return true; } else { var $temp$isOkay = isOkay, $temp$list = xs; isOkay = $temp$isOkay; list = $temp$list; continue any; } } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName = function (font) { switch (font.$) { case 0: return 'serif'; case 1: return 'sans-serif'; case 2: return 'monospace'; case 3: var name = font.a; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); case 4: var name = font.a; var url = font.b; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); default: var name = font.a.L; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps = function (_var) { switch (_var.$) { case 0: var name = _var.a; return name === 'smcp'; case 1: var name = _var.a; return false; default: var name = _var.a; var index = _var.b; return (name === 'smcp') && (index === 1); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps = function (typeface) { if (typeface.$ === 5) { var font = typeface.a; return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps, font.dx); } else { return false; } }; var $elm$core$Basics$min = F2( function (x, y) { return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) < 0) ? x : y; }); var $elm$core$Basics$negate = function (n) { return -n; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps = F3( function (force, _v0, existing) { var key = _v0.a; var val = _v0.b; return force ? (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ' !important;'))))) : (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ';'))))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle = F4( function (options, maybePseudo, selector, props) { if (maybePseudo.$ === 1) { return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('{' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } else { var pseudo = maybePseudo.a; switch (pseudo) { case 1: var _v2 = options.eK; switch (_v2) { case 0: return _List_Nil; case 2: return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-hv {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(true), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-hv:hover {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } case 0: var renderedProps = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props); return _List_fromArray( [selector + ('-fs:focus {' + (renderedProps + '\n}')), ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (':focus ' + (selector + '-fs {')))) + (renderedProps + '\n}'), (selector + '-fs:focus-within {') + (renderedProps + '\n}'), ('.focusable-parent:focus ~ ' + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + (selector + '-fs {'))))) + (renderedProps + '\n}')]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-act:active {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant = function (_var) { switch (_var.$) { case 0: var name = _var.a; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); case 1: var name = _var.a; return '\"' + (name + '\" 0'); default: var name = _var.a; var index = _var.b; return '\"' + (name + ('\" ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(index))); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants = function (typeface) { if (typeface.$ === 5) { var font = typeface.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant, font.dx))); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue = function (transform) { switch (transform.$) { case 0: return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; case 1: var _v1 = transform.a; var x = _v1.a; var y = _v1.b; var z = _v1.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(x) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(y) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(z) + 'px)')))))); default: var _v2 = transform.a; var tx = _v2.a; var ty = _v2.b; var tz = _v2.c; var _v3 = transform.b; var sx = _v3.a; var sy = _v3.b; var sz = _v3.c; var _v4 = transform.c; var ox = _v4.a; var oy = _v4.b; var oz = _v4.c; var angle = transform.d; var translate = 'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tx) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ty) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tz) + 'px)'))))); var scale = 'scale3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sx) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sz) + ')'))))); var rotate = 'rotate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ox) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oz) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(angle) + 'rad)'))))))); return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(translate + (' ' + (scale + (' ' + rotate)))); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule = F3( function (options, rule, maybePseudo) { switch (rule.$) { case 0: var selector = rule.a; var props = rule.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, selector, props); case 13: var name = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', prop) ])); case 12: var name = rule.a; var transparency = rule.b; var opacity = A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, A2($elm$core$Basics$min, 1, 1 - transparency)); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'opacity', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(opacity)) ])); case 2: var i = rule.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); case 1: var name = rule.a; var typefaces = rule.b; var features = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants, typefaces)); var families = _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-family', A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName, typefaces))), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-feature-settings', features), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-variant', A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps, typefaces) ? 'small-caps' : 'normal') ]); return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, families); case 3: var _class = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; var val = rule.c; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, prop, val) ])); case 4: var _class = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; var color = rule.c; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, prop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)) ])); case 5: var cls = rule.a; var x = rule.b; var y = rule.c; var yPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px'; var xPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px'; var single = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ; var row = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM; var wrappedRow = '.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cn + row); var right = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cs; var paragraph = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.da; var page = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.af; var left = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cr; var halfY = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(y / 2) + 'px'; var halfX = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(x / 2) + 'px'; var column = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB; var _class = '.' + cls; var any = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP; return $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (row + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (wrappedRow + (' > ' + any)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin', halfY + (' ' + halfX)) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (column + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + left)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + right)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _Utils_ap(_class, paragraph), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'line-height', 'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, 'textarea' + (any + _class), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'line-height', 'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + (' > ' + left)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + (' > ' + right)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + '::after'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', $elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px') ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + '::before'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-bottom', $elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px') ])) ])); case 7: var cls = rule.a; var top = rule.b; var right = rule.c; var bottom = rule.d; var left = rule.e; var _class = '.' + cls; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'padding', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(left) + 'px'))))))) ])); case 6: var cls = rule.a; var top = rule.b; var right = rule.c; var bottom = rule.d; var left = rule.e; var _class = '.' + cls; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px'))))))) ])); case 8: var template = rule.a; var toGridLengthHelper = F3( function (minimum, maximum, x) { toGridLengthHelper: while (true) { switch (x.$) { case 0: var px = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; case 1: var _v2 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum); if (_v2.a.$ === 1) { if (_v2.b.$ === 1) { var _v3 = _v2.a; var _v4 = _v2.b; return 'max-content'; } else { var _v6 = _v2.a; var maxSize = _v2.b.a; return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'); } } else { if (_v2.b.$ === 1) { var minSize = _v2.a.a; var _v5 = _v2.b; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + 'max-content)')); } else { var minSize = _v2.a.a; var maxSize = _v2.b.a; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'))); } } case 2: var i = x.a; var _v7 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum); if (_v7.a.$ === 1) { if (_v7.b.$ === 1) { var _v8 = _v7.a; var _v9 = _v7.b; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr'; } else { var _v11 = _v7.a; var maxSize = _v7.b.a; return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'); } } else { if (_v7.b.$ === 1) { var minSize = _v7.a.a; var _v10 = _v7.b; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ('fr' + 'fr)')))); } else { var minSize = _v7.a.a; var maxSize = _v7.b.a; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'))); } } case 3: var m = x.a; var len = x.b; var $temp$minimum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m), $temp$maximum = maximum, $temp$x = len; minimum = $temp$minimum; maximum = $temp$maximum; x = $temp$x; continue toGridLengthHelper; default: var m = x.a; var len = x.b; var $temp$minimum = minimum, $temp$maximum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m), $temp$x = len; minimum = $temp$minimum; maximum = $temp$maximum; x = $temp$x; continue toGridLengthHelper; } } }); var toGridLength = function (x) { return A3(toGridLengthHelper, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, x); }; var xSpacing = toGridLength(template.fN.a); var ySpacing = toGridLength(template.fN.b); var rows = function (x) { return 'grid-template-rows: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.fz))); var msRows = function (x) { return '-ms-grid-rows: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ySpacing, A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.bt))); var msColumns = function (x) { return '-ms-grid-columns: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ySpacing, A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.bt))); var gapY = 'grid-row-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.fN.b) + ';'); var gapX = 'grid-column-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.fN.a) + ';'); var columns = function (x) { return 'grid-template-columns: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.bt))); var _class = '.grid-rows-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.fz)) + ('-cols-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.bt)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.fN.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.fN.b))))))); var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (columns + (rows + (gapX + (gapY + '}'))))); var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}'); var base = _class + ('{' + (msColumns + (msRows + '}'))); return _List_fromArray( [base, supports]); case 9: var position = rule.a; var msPosition = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ '-ms-grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.bM) + ';'), '-ms-grid-row-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.cQ) + ';'), '-ms-grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.ed) + ';'), '-ms-grid-column-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.S) + ';') ])); var modernPosition = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ 'grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.bM) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.bM + position.cQ) + ';'))), 'grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.ed) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.ed + position.S) + ';'))) ])); var _class = '.grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.bM) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.ed) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.S) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(position.cQ))))))); var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (modernPosition + '}')); var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}'); var base = _class + ('{' + (msPosition + '}')); return _List_fromArray( [base, supports]); case 11: var _class = rule.a; var styles = rule.b; var renderPseudoRule = function (style) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(_class)); }; return A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, renderPseudoRule, styles); default: var transform = rule.a; var val = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue(transform); var _class = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform); var _v12 = _Utils_Tuple2(_class, val); if ((!_v12.a.$) && (!_v12.b.$)) { var cls = _v12.a.a; var v = _v12.b.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + cls, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'transform', v) ])); } else { return _List_Nil; } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles = F2( function (options, stylesheet) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (style) { var styled = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); return _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style), A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$list, $elm$json$Json$Encode$string, styled)); }, stylesheet)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket = F2( function (selector, rules) { var renderPair = function (_v0) { var name = _v0.a; var val = _v0.b; return name + (': ' + (val + ';')); }; return selector + (' {' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2($elm$core$List$map, renderPair, rules)) + '}')); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule = F3( function (name, modifier, _v0) { var parentAdj = _v0.a; var textAdjustment = _v0.b; return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + modifier))))))), parentAdj), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS + (', .' + (name + (' .' + (modifier + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS)))))))))), textAdjustment) ]); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule = F3( function (fontToAdjust, _v0, otherFontName) { var full = _v0.a; var capital = _v0.b; var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust)); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _Utils_ap( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fK, capital), A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eD, full))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderNullAdjustmentRule = F2( function (fontToAdjust, otherFontName) { var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust)); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fK + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fK))))))), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fK + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS + (', .' + (name + (' .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fK + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS)))))))))), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('vertical-align', '0'), _Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1') ])) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust = F3( function (size, height, vertical) { return {cQ: height / size, aw: size, dy: vertical}; }); var $elm$core$List$filter = F2( function (isGood, list) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (x, xs) { return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs; }), _List_Nil, list); }); var $elm$core$List$maximum = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$max, x, xs)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $elm$core$List$minimum = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$min, x, xs)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $elm$core$Basics$neq = _Utils_notEqual; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment = function (adjustment) { var lines = _List_fromArray( [adjustment.d5, adjustment.dT, adjustment.eq, adjustment.e2]); var lineHeight = 1.5; var normalDescender = (lineHeight - 1) / 2; var oldMiddle = lineHeight / 2; var descender = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.eq, $elm$core$List$minimum(lines)); var newBaseline = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.dT, $elm$core$List$minimum( A2( $elm$core$List$filter, function (x) { return !_Utils_eq(x, descender); }, lines))); var base = lineHeight; var ascender = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.d5, $elm$core$List$maximum(lines)); var capitalSize = 1 / (ascender - newBaseline); var capitalVertical = 1 - ascender; var fullSize = 1 / (ascender - descender); var fullVertical = 1 - ascender; var newCapitalMiddle = ((ascender - newBaseline) / 2) + newBaseline; var newFullMiddle = ((ascender - descender) / 2) + descender; return { d5: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, capitalSize, ascender - newBaseline, capitalVertical), cP: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, fullSize, ascender - descender, fullVertical) }; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules = function (converted) { return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'block') ]), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'inline-block'), _Utils_Tuple2( 'line-height', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.cQ)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'vertical-align', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.dy) + 'em'), _Utils_Tuple2( 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.aw) + 'em') ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment = function (typefaces) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (face, found) { if (found.$ === 1) { if (face.$ === 5) { var _with = face.a; var _v2 = _with.dF; if (_v2.$ === 1) { return found; } else { var adjustment = _v2.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules( function ($) { return $.cP; }( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment(adjustment))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules( function ($) { return $.d5; }( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment(adjustment))))); } } else { return found; } } else { return found; } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, typefaces); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderTopLevelValues = function (rules) { var withImport = function (font) { if (font.$ === 4) { var url = font.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just('@import url(\'' + (url + '\');')); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var fontImports = function (_v2) { var name = _v2.a; var typefaces = _v2.b; var imports = A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, withImport, typefaces)); return imports; }; var allNames = A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, rules); var fontAdjustments = function (_v1) { var name = _v1.a; var typefaces = _v1.b; var _v0 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment(typefaces); if (_v0.$ === 1) { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderNullAdjustmentRule(name), allNames)); } else { var adjustment = _v0.a; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2( $elm$core$List$map, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule, name, adjustment), allNames)); } }; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$map, fontImports, rules)), A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$map, fontAdjustments, rules))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue = function (rule) { if (rule.$ === 1) { var name = rule.a; var typefaces = rule.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2(name, typefaces)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString = F2( function (options, stylesheet) { var combine = F2( function (style, rendered) { return { bN: _Utils_ap( rendered.bN, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), bi: function () { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue(style); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return rendered.bi; } else { var topLevel = _v1.a; return A2($elm$core$List$cons, topLevel, rendered.bi); } }() }; }); var _v0 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, combine, {bN: _List_Nil, bi: _List_Nil}, stylesheet); var topLevel = _v0.bi; var rules = _v0.bN; return _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderTopLevelValues(topLevel), $elm$core$String$concat(rules)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet = F2( function (options, styleSheet) { var _v0 = options.e8; switch (_v0) { case 0: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet)) ])) ])); case 1: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet)) ])) ])); default: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'elm-ui-rules', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property, 'rules', A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles, options, styleSheet)) ]), _List_Nil); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed = F4( function (_static, opts, styles, children) { var dynamicStyleSheet = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet, opts, A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Set$empty, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle(opts.eC)), styles).b); return _static ? A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( 'static-stylesheet', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot(opts)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet), children)) : A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet), children); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith = F4( function (_static, opts, styles, children) { var dynamicStyleSheet = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet, opts, A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Set$empty, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle(opts.eC)), styles).b); return _static ? A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot(opts), A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children)) : A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(45); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(37); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$keyedNode = function (tag) { return _VirtualDom_keyedNode( _VirtualDom_noScript(tag)); }; var $elm$html$Html$p = _VirtualDom_node('p'); var $elm$core$Bitwise$and = _Bitwise_and; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present = F2( function (myFlag, _v0) { var fieldOne = _v0.a; var fieldTwo = _v0.b; if (!myFlag.$) { var first = myFlag.a; return _Utils_eq(first & fieldOne, first); } else { var second = myFlag.a; return _Utils_eq(second & fieldTwo, second); } }); var $elm$html$Html$s = _VirtualDom_node('s'); var $elm$html$Html$u = _VirtualDom_node('u'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(44); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(39); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode = F6( function (has, node, attributes, children, embedMode, parentContext) { var createNode = F2( function (nodeName, attrs) { if (children.$ === 1) { var keyed = children.a; return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$keyedNode, nodeName, attrs, function () { switch (embedMode.$) { case 0: return keyed; case 2: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, false, opts, styles, keyed); default: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, true, opts, styles, keyed); } }()); } else { var unkeyed = children.a; return A2( function () { switch (nodeName) { case 'div': return $elm$html$Html$div; case 'p': return $elm$html$Html$p; default: return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node(nodeName); } }(), attrs, function () { switch (embedMode.$) { case 0: return unkeyed; case 2: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, false, opts, styles, unkeyed); default: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, true, opts, styles, unkeyed); } }()); } }); var html = function () { switch (node.$) { case 0: return A2(createNode, 'div', attributes); case 1: var nodeName = node.a; return A2(createNode, nodeName, attributes); default: var nodeName = node.a; var internal = node.b; return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, nodeName, attributes, _List_fromArray( [ A2( createNode, internal, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ)) ])) ])); } }(); switch (parentContext) { case 0: return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$u, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dM]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$s, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dK]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : html)); case 1: return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$s, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dL]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$u, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dJ]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : html)); default: return html; } }); var $elm$core$List$isEmpty = function (xs) { if (!xs.b) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $elm$html$Html$text = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b5))))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement = function (str) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementClasses) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(str) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFillClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aS + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6))))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill = function (str) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFillClasses) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(str) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$createElement = F3( function (context, children, rendered) { var gatherKeyed = F2( function (_v8, _v9) { var key = _v8.a; var child = _v8.b; var htmls = _v9.a; var existingStyles = _v9.b; switch (child.$) { case 0: var html = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, html(context)), htmls), existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, html(context)), htmls), existingStyles); case 1: var styled = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, A2(styled.eL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.fT : _Utils_ap(styled.fT, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, A2(styled.eL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.fT : _Utils_ap(styled.fT, existingStyles)); case 2: var str = child.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str)), htmls), existingStyles); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles); } }); var gather = F2( function (child, _v6) { var htmls = _v6.a; var existingStyles = _v6.b; switch (child.$) { case 0: var html = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, html(context), htmls), existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, html(context), htmls), existingStyles); case 1: var styled = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2(styled.eL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.fT : _Utils_ap(styled.fT, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2(styled.eL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.fT : _Utils_ap(styled.fT, existingStyles)); case 2: var str = child.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str), htmls), existingStyles); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles); } }); if (children.$ === 1) { var keyedChildren = children.a; var _v1 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, gatherKeyed, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil), keyedChildren); var keyed = _v1.a; var styles = _v1.b; var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.fT : _Utils_ap(rendered.fT, styles); if (!newStyles.b) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.aq, rendered.as, rendered.cu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.al)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet)); } else { var allStyles = newStyles; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { eL: A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.aq, rendered.as, rendered.cu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.al))), fT: allStyles }); } } else { var unkeyedChildren = children.a; var _v3 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, gather, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil), unkeyedChildren); var unkeyed = _v3.a; var styles = _v3.b; var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.fT : _Utils_ap(rendered.fT, styles); if (!newStyles.b) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.aq, rendered.as, rendered.cu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.al)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet)); } else { var allStyles = newStyles; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { eL: A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.aq, rendered.as, rendered.cu, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.al))), fT: allStyles }); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform = function (a) { return {$: 10, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$core$Bitwise$or = _Bitwise_or; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add = F2( function (myFlag, _v0) { var one = _v0.a; var two = _v0.b; if (!myFlag.$) { var first = myFlag.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, first | one, two); } else { var second = myFlag.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one, second | two); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement = F2( function (location, elem) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( function () { switch (location) { case 0: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dE])); case 1: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dV])); case 2: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ff])); case 3: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fe])); case 4: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eP])); default: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.aL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dU])); } }()) ]), _List_fromArray( [ function () { switch (elem.$) { case 3: return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text(''); case 2: var str = elem.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str); case 0: var html = elem.a; return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); default: var styled = elem.a; return A2(styled.eL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); } }() ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement = F3( function (location, elem, existing) { var nearby = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement, location, elem); switch (existing.$) { case 0: if (location === 5) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind( _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront( _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } case 1: var existingBehind = existing.a; if (location === 5) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind( A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind)); } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, existingBehind, _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } case 2: var existingInFront = existing.a; if (location === 5) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, _List_fromArray( [nearby]), existingInFront); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront( A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront)); } default: var existingBehind = existing.a; var existingInFront = existing.b; if (location === 5) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind), existingInFront); } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, existingBehind, A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront)); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName = F2( function (newNode, old) { switch (old.$) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName(newNode); case 1: var name = old.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, name, newNode); default: var x = old.a; var y = old.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, x, y); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName = function (align) { switch (align) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cr); case 2: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cs); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dH); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName = function (align) { switch (align) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bZ + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dN); case 2: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bZ + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dG); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bZ + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dI); } }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute = F2( function (key, value) { return A2( _VirtualDom_attribute, _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key), _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation = F2( function (transform, component) { switch (transform.$) { case 0: switch (component.$) { case 0: var x = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, 0, 0)); case 1: var y = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(0, y, 0)); case 2: var z = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, z)); case 3: var xyz = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz); case 4: var xyz = component.a; var angle = component.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0), _Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1), xyz, angle); default: var xyz = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0), xyz, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1), 0); } case 1: var moved = transform.a; var x = moved.a; var y = moved.b; var z = moved.c; switch (component.$) { case 0: var newX = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z)); case 1: var newY = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z)); case 2: var newZ = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ)); case 3: var xyz = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz); case 4: var xyz = component.a; var angle = component.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, _Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1), xyz, angle); default: var scale = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, scale, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1), 0); } default: var moved = transform.a; var x = moved.a; var y = moved.b; var z = moved.c; var scaled = transform.b; var origin = transform.c; var angle = transform.d; switch (component.$) { case 0: var newX = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z), scaled, origin, angle); case 1: var newY = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z), scaled, origin, angle); case 2: var newZ = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ), scaled, origin, angle); case 3: var newMove = component.a; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, newMove, scaled, origin, angle); case 4: var newOrigin = component.a; var newAngle = component.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, scaled, newOrigin, newAngle); default: var newScale = component.a; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, newScale, origin, angle); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(7); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(36); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var one = _v0.a; var two = _v0.b; var three = _v1.a; var four = _v1.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one | three, two | four); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, 0, 0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight = function (h) { switch (h.$) { case 0: var px = h.a; var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px); var name = 'height-px-' + val; return _Utils_Tuple3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cR + (' ' + name), _List_fromArray( [ A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height', val + 'px') ])); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b5, _List_Nil); case 2: var portion = h.a; return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6, _List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cS + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)) ])); case 3: var minSize = h.a; var len = h.b; var cls = 'min-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'min-height', $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px'); var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len); var newFlag = _v1.a; var newAttrs = _v1.b; var newStyle = _v1.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); default: var maxSize = h.a; var len = h.b; var cls = 'max-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'max-height', $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px'); var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len); var newFlag = _v2.a; var newAttrs = _v2.b; var newStyle = _v2.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(38); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth = function (w) { switch (w.$) { case 0: var px = w.a; return _Utils_Tuple3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dz + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px), 'width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px') ])); case 1: return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck, _List_Nil); case 2: var portion = w.a; return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl, _List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dA + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)) ])); case 3: var minSize = w.a; var len = w.b; var cls = 'min-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'min-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px'); var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len); var newFlag = _v1.a; var newAttrs = _v1.b; var newStyle = _v1.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); default: var maxSize = w.a; var len = w.b; var cls = 'max-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'max-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px'); var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len); var newFlag = _v2.a; var newAttrs = _v2.b; var newStyle = _v2.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(27); var $elm$core$Basics$ge = _Utils_ge; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable = F2( function (flag, style) { if (_Utils_eq(flag, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth)) { if (style.$ === 3) { var val = style.c; switch (val) { case '0px': return true; case '1px': return true; case '2px': return true; case '3px': return true; case '4px': return true; case '5px': return true; case '6px': return true; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } else { switch (style.$) { case 2: var i = style.a; return (i >= 8) && (i <= 32); case 7: var name = style.a; var t = style.b; var r = style.c; var b = style.d; var l = style.e; return _Utils_eq(t, b) && (_Utils_eq(t, r) && (_Utils_eq(t, l) && ((t >= 0) && (t <= 24)))); default: return false; } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(6); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(30); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(29); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gatherAttrRecursive = F8( function (classes, node, has, transform, styles, attrs, children, elementAttrs) { gatherAttrRecursive: while (true) { if (!elementAttrs.b) { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return { cu: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(classes), attrs), al: children, aq: has, as: node, fT: styles }; } else { var _class = _v1.a; return { cu: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(classes + (' ' + _class)), attrs), al: children, aq: has, as: node, fT: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform(transform), styles) }; } } else { var attribute = elementAttrs.a; var remaining = elementAttrs.b; switch (attribute.$) { case 0: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 3: var flag = attribute.a; var exactClassName = attribute.b; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = exactClassName + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } case 1: var actualAttribute = attribute.a; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2($elm$core$List$cons, actualAttribute, attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 4: var flag = attribute.a; var style = attribute.b; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable, flag, style)) { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 10: var flag = attribute.a; var component = attribute.b; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation, transform, component), $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 7: var width = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { switch (width.$) { case 0: var px = width.a; var $temp$classes = ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dz + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px))) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px), 'width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 1: var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ck), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 2: var portion = width.a; if (portion === 1) { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cl), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dA + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bM + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var _v4 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(width); var addToFlags = _v4.a; var newClass = _v4.b; var newStyles = _v4.c; var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge, addToFlags, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 8: var height = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { switch (height.$) { case 0: var px = height.a; var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; var name = 'height-px-' + val; var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cR + (' ' + (name + (' ' + classes))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height ', val), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 1: var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b5 + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 2: var portion = height.a; if (portion === 1) { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.b6 + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cS + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cB + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var _v6 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(height); var addToFlags = _v6.a; var newClass = _v6.b; var newStyles = _v6.c; var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge, addToFlags, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 2: var description = attribute.a; switch (description.$) { case 0: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'main', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 1: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'nav', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 2: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'footer', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 3: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'aside', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 4: var i = description.a; if (i <= 1) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h1', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { if (i < 7) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h6', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 9: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 8: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'role', 'button'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 5: var label = description.a; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-label', label), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 6: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'polite'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; default: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'assertive'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } case 9: var location = attribute.a; var elem = attribute.b; var newStyles = function () { switch (elem.$) { case 3: return styles; case 2: var str = elem.a; return styles; case 0: var html = elem.a; return styles; default: var styled = elem.a; return _Utils_ap(styles, styled.fT); } }(); var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = newStyles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement, location, elem, children), $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 6: var x = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName(x) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = function (flags) { switch (x) { case 1: return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, flags); case 2: return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, flags); default: return flags; } }( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var y = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName(y) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = function (flags) { switch (y) { case 1: return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, flags); case 2: return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, flags); default: return flags; } }( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$untransformed = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element = F4( function (context, node, attributes, children) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$createElement, context, children, A8( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gatherAttrRecursive, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$contextClasses(context), node, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$untransformed, _List_Nil, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoNearbyChildren, $elm$core$List$reverse(attributes))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height = function (a) { return {$: 8, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass = function (cls) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(cls)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content = {$: 1}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width = function (a) { return {$: 7, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eh + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el = F2( function (attrs, child) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [child]))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill(1); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled, $elm$core$Basics$always); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 7, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(2); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding = function (x) { var f = x; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), f, f, f, f)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255 = F3( function (red, green, blue) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 1); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(4); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size = function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize(i)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 5, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(3); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName = F2( function (x, y) { return 'spacing-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing = function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName, x, x), x, x)); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style = _VirtualDom_style; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text = function (content) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text(content); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$gray = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 206, 215, 225); var $author$project$UIExplorer$textColor = function (dark) { return dark ? $author$project$UIExplorer$gray : A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 56, 60, 67); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$errorView = F2( function (dark, errorMessage) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 250, 237, 236)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$UIExplorer$textColor(dark)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(16) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(20) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Failed to parse flags')), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap'), A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'line-height', '1.25'), A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'padding-top', '0'), A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'width', '100%'), A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'word-break', 'break-word') ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(errorMessage) ])))) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AllowHover = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Layout = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle = { dS: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, d_: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fH: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { dX: 0, a_: A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 155 / 255, 203 / 255, 1, 1), fc: _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0), aw: 3 }) }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord = function (options) { var combine = F2( function (opt, record) { switch (opt.$) { case 0: var hoverable = opt.a; var _v4 = record.eK; if (_v4.$ === 1) { return _Utils_update( record, { eK: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(hoverable) }); } else { return record; } case 1: var focusStyle = opt.a; var _v5 = record.eC; if (_v5.$ === 1) { return _Utils_update( record, { eC: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(focusStyle) }); } else { return record; } default: var renderMode = opt.a; var _v6 = record.e8; if (_v6.$ === 1) { return _Utils_update( record, { e8: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(renderMode) }); } else { return record; } } }); var andFinally = function (record) { return { eC: function () { var _v0 = record.eC; if (_v0.$ === 1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle; } else { var focusable = _v0.a; return focusable; } }(), eK: function () { var _v1 = record.eK; if (_v1.$ === 1) { return 1; } else { var hoverable = _v1.a; return hoverable; } }(), e8: function () { var _v2 = record.e8; if (_v2.$ === 1) { return 0; } else { var actualMode = _v2.a; return actualMode; } }() }; }; return andFinally( A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, combine, {eC: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, eK: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, e8: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing}, options)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toHtml = F2( function (mode, el) { switch (el.$) { case 0: var html = el.a; return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); case 1: var styles = el.a.fT; var html = el.a.eL; return A2( html, mode(styles), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); case 2: var text = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(text); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(''); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderRoot = F3( function (optionList, attributes, child) { var options = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord(optionList); var embedStyle = function () { var _v0 = options.e8; if (_v0 === 1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic(options); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic(options); } }(); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toHtml, embedStyle, A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [child])))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif = {$: 1}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface = function (a) { return {$: 3, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(5); var $elm$core$String$toLower = _String_toLower; var $elm$core$String$words = _String_words; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName = F2( function (font, current) { return _Utils_ap( current, function () { switch (font.$) { case 0: return 'serif'; case 1: return 'sans-serif'; case 2: return 'monospace'; case 3: var name = font.a; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); case 4: var name = font.a; var url = font.b; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); default: var name = font.a.L; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); } }()); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle = function () { var families = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Open Sans'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Helvetica'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Verdana'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif ]); return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0)), 'background-color', A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1)), 'color', A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize(20)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily, A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName, 'font-', families), families)) ]); }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith = F3( function (_v0, attrs, child) { var options = _v0.bI; return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderRoot, options, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fx, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.dP, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fJ]))), _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle, attrs)), child); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Desktop = 2; var $author$project$UIExplorer$PressedToggleSidebar = {$: 3}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY = function (a) { return {$: 5, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Top = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignTop = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Behind = 5; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 9, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby = F2( function (loc, element) { if (element.$ === 3) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } else { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, loc, element); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent = function (element) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, 5, element); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb = F3( function (r, g, b) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, r, g, b, 1); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$black = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 0, 0, 0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX = function (a) { return {$: 6, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterX = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(1); var $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass = function (colorBlindOption) { switch (colorBlindOption) { case 0: return 'uie-a'; case 1: return 'uie-b'; case 2: return 'uie-c'; case 3: return 'uie-d'; case 4: return 'uie-e'; case 5: return 'uie-f'; case 6: return 'uie-g'; case 7: return 'uie-h'; default: return 'uie-i'; } }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Achromatomaly = 7; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Achromatopsia = 6; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Blind = 8; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Deuteranomaly = 3; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Deuteranopia = 2; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Protanomaly = 1; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Protanopia = 0; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tritanomaly = 5; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tritanopia = 4; var $author$project$UIExplorer$allColorBlindOptions = _List_fromArray( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); var $elm$html$Html$node = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node; var $author$project$UIExplorer$colorblindnessCss = A3( $elm$html$Html$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text( $elm$core$String$concat( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (option) { var className = $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(option); return '.' + (className + (' { filter: url(#' + (className + ') }\n'))); }, $author$project$UIExplorer$allColorBlindOptions))) ])); var $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode = _VirtualDom_nodeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); var $elm$svg$Svg$defs = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('defs'); var $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('feColorMatrix'); var $elm$svg$Svg$filter = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('filter'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id = _VirtualDom_attribute('id'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_ = _VirtualDom_attribute('in'); var $elm$svg$Svg$svg = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('svg'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values = function (value) { return A2( _VirtualDom_attribute, 'values', _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri(value)); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$colorblindnessSvg = A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$defs, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(0)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.567, 0.433, 0, 0, 0 0.558, 0.442, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.242, 0.758, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(1)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.817, 0.183, 0, 0, 0 0.333, 0.667, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.125, 0.875, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(2)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.625, 0.375, 0, 0, 0 0.7, 0.3, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.3, 0.7, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(3)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.8, 0.2, 0, 0, 0 0.258, 0.742, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.142, 0.858, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(4)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.95, 0.05, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.433, 0.567, 0, 0 0, 0.475, 0.525, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(5)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.967, 0.033, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.733, 0.267, 0, 0 0, 0.183, 0.817, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(6)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0, 0 0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0, 0 0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(7)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0.618, 0.320, 0.062, 0, 0 0.163, 0.775, 0.062, 0, 0 0.163, 0.320, 0.516, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$filter, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$id( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(8)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$feColorMatrix, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$in_('SourceGraphic'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0') ]), _List_Nil) ])) ])) ])); var $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Quantity$minus = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var y = _v0; var x = _v1; return x - y; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$pageSizeOptionWidth = function (pageSizeOption) { switch (pageSizeOption) { case 0: return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(320)); case 1: return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(375)); case 2: return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(768)); case 3: return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(1024)); default: return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$sidebarMinimizedWidth = $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(16); var $author$project$UIExplorer$sidebarWidth = $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$pixels(210); var $author$project$UIExplorer$contentSize = function (model) { return model.aK ? { cQ: model.aD.cQ, S: A2( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Quantity$minus, $author$project$UIExplorer$sidebarMinimizedWidth, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, model.aD.S, $author$project$UIExplorer$pageSizeOptionWidth(model.aO))) } : { cQ: model.aD.cQ, S: A2( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Quantity$minus, $author$project$UIExplorer$sidebarWidth, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, model.aD.S, $author$project$UIExplorer$pageSizeOptionWidth(model.aO))) }; }; var $avh4$elm_color$Color$RgbaSpace = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $avh4$elm_color$Color$scaleFrom255 = function (c) { return c / 255; }; var $avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255 = F3( function (r, g, b) { return A4( $avh4$elm_color$Color$RgbaSpace, $avh4$elm_color$Color$scaleFrom255(r), $avh4$elm_color$Color$scaleFrom255(g), $avh4$elm_color$Color$scaleFrom255(b), 1.0); }); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$darkPalette = { aY: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 18, 18, 18), a3: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 207, 102, 121), o: { aY: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255), a3: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0), aa: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0), bb: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0), d: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255) }, aa: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 187, 134, 252), bb: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 3, 218, 198), d: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 18, 18, 18) }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette = $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$darkPalette; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$defaultPalette = { aY: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255), a3: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 176, 0, 32), o: { aY: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0), a3: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255), aa: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255), bb: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0), d: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0) }, aa: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 98, 0, 238), bb: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 3, 218, 198), d: A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255) }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette = $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$defaultPalette; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$letterSpacing = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(16); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing = function (offset) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$letterSpacing, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'ls-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(offset), 'letter-spacing', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(offset) + 'px')); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontWeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(13); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$semiBold = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontWeight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.f6); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(20), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$semiBold, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.15) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr; var $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$inPixels = function (_v0) { var numPixels = _v0; return numPixels; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Main = {$: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$mainContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Main); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty = {$: 3}; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map = _VirtualDom_map; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map = F2( function (fn, el) { switch (el.$) { case 1: var styled = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { eL: F2( function (add, context) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map, fn, A2(styled.eL, add, context)); }), fT: styled.fT }); case 0: var html = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map(fn), html)); case 2: var str = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text(str); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty; } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Button = {$: 8}; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty = F2( function (key, bool) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, key, $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(bool)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$disabled = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('disabled'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle = function (attr) { if (((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 11)) && (!attr.b.a)) { var _v1 = attr.b; var _v2 = _v1.a; return true; } else { return false; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusDefault = function (attrs) { return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, attrs) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass('focusable'); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$Normal = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on = _VirtualDom_on; var $elm$html$Html$Events$on = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$Normal(decoder)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick = function (msg) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$on, 'click', $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter = 'Enter'; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen = _Json_andThen; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail = _Json_fail; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayPreventDefault = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$preventDefaultOn = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayPreventDefault(decoder)); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$string = _Json_decodeString; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKey = F2( function (desiredCode, msg) { var decode = function (code) { return _Utils_eq(code, desiredCode) ? $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg) : $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail('Not the enter key'); }; var isKey = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen, decode, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'key', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)); return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$preventDefaultOn, 'keyup', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, function (fired) { return _Utils_Tuple2(fired, true); }, isKey))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onEnter = function (msg) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKey, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter, msg); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(21); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ei); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex = function (n) { return A2( _VirtualDom_attribute, 'tabIndex', $elm$core$String$fromInt(n)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var label = _v0.b8; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bw + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fF + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.c4)))))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusDefault(attrs), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Button), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex(0)), function () { if (onPress.$ === 1) { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$disabled(true)), attrs); } else { var msg = onPress.a; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick(msg), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onEnter(msg), attrs)); } }()))))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [label]))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label = function (a) { return {$: 5, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label); var $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; var icon = _v0.bC; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_ap( _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description(text) ]))), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.B, icon( _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a.a.bC.a5 : style.a.a.bC.a8)), bG: onPress }); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Phone = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Tablet = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsRow = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0 + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $author$project$Internal$Button$button = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; var icon = _v0.bC; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_ap( _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description(text) ]))), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ icon( _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a.a.bC.a5 : style.a.a.bC.a8), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.aS.eg, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text)) ])), bG: onPress }); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementButton = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { b2: fun(a.b2) }); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton = F2( function (list, a) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementButton, function (b) { return _Utils_ap(b, list); }, a); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea = {$: 1}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel = F3( function (attrs, label, input) { if (label.$ === 1) { var labelText = label.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input]))); } else { var position = label.a; var labelAttrs = label.b; var labelChild = label.c; var labelElement = A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, labelAttrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelChild]))); switch (position) { case 2: return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bD), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelElement, input]))); case 3: return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bD), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input, labelElement]))); case 0: return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bD), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input, labelElement]))); default: return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bD), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelElement, input]))); } } }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill = A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute('autocomplete')); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 10, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(26); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp = function (y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY(-y)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$calcMoveToCompensateForPadding = function (attrs) { var gatherSpacing = F2( function (attr, found) { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 5)) { var _v2 = attr.b; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; if (found.$ === 1) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(y); } else { return found; } } else { return found; } }); var _v0 = A3($elm$core$List$foldr, gatherSpacing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs); if (_v0.$ === 1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } else { var vSpace = _v0.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp( $elm$core$Basics$floor(vSpace / 2)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(20); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ea); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(28); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color = function (clr) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr), 'border-color', clr)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$darkGrey = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 186 / 255, 189 / 255, 182 / 255); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY = F2( function (x, y) { if (_Utils_eq(x, y)) { var f = x; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), f, f, f, f)); } else { var yFloat = y; var xFloat = x; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))), yFloat, xFloat, yFloat, xFloat)); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextPadding = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 12, 12); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(17); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded = function (radius) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'br-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(radius), 'border-radius', $elm$core$String$fromInt(radius) + 'px')); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 1, 1, 1); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 6, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width = function (v) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(v), v, v, v, v)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextPadding, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(3), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$darkGrey), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight = function (attr) { if (attr.$ === 8) { var h = attr.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(h); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute = function (label) { if (label.$ === 1) { var textLabel = label.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label(textLabel)); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$InFront = 4; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront = function (element) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, 4, element); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isConstrained = function (len) { isConstrained: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 1: return false; case 0: return true; case 2: return true; case 3: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isConstrained; default: var l = len.b; return true; } } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel = function (label) { if (label.$ === 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isStacked = function (label) { if (!label.$) { var loc = label.a; switch (loc) { case 0: return false; case 1: return false; case 2: return true; default: return true; } } else { return true; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$negateBox = function (box) { return {d2: -box.d2, e$: -box.e$, fv: -box.fv, ga: -box.ga}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$alwaysStop = function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(x, true); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayStopPropagation = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$stopPropagationOn = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayStopPropagation(decoder)); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$at = F2( function (fields, decoder) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, decoder, fields); }); var $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['target', 'value']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string); var $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput = function (tagger) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$stopPropagationOn, 'input', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $elm$html$Html$Events$alwaysStop, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, tagger, $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName = F4( function (top, right, bottom, left) { return 'pad-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(left))))))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach = function (_v0) { var top = _v0.ga; var right = _v0.fv; var bottom = _v0.d2; var left = _v0.e$; if (_Utils_eq(top, right) && (_Utils_eq(top, bottom) && _Utils_eq(top, left))) { var topFloat = top; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(top), topFloat, topFloat, topFloat, topFloat)); } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName, top, right, bottom, left), top, right, bottom, left)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill = function (len) { isFill: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 2: return true; case 1: return false; case 0: return false; case 3: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isFill; default: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isFill; } } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel = function (len) { isPixel: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 1: return false; case 0: return true; case 2: return false; case 3: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isPixel; default: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isPixel; } } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingNameFloat = F4( function (top, right, bottom, left) { return 'pad-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(top) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(right) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(bottom) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(left))))))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver = F4( function (isMultiline, stacked, attr, els) { switch (attr.$) { case 9: return _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); case 7: var width = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(width) ? _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g), r: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.r), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }) : (stacked ? _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g) }) : _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) })); case 8: var height = attr.a; return (!stacked) ? _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(height) ? _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel(height) ? _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }) : _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }))); case 6: return _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g) }); case 5: return _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g) }); case 4: switch (attr.b.$) { case 5: var _v1 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g), r: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.r), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c), aW: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.aW) }); case 7: var cls = attr.a; var _v2 = attr.b; var pad = _v2.a; var t = _v2.b; var r = _v2.c; var b = _v2.d; var l = _v2.e; if (isMultiline) { return _Utils_update( els, { A: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.A), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); } else { var newTop = t - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b); var newLineHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'line-height', 'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat( 2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)'))); var newHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'height', 'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat( 2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)'))); var newBottom = b - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b); var reducedVerticalPadding = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingNameFloat, newTop, r, newBottom, l), newTop, r, newBottom, l)); return _Utils_update( els, { A: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.A), r: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, newHeight, A2($elm$core$List$cons, newLineHeight, els.r)), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, reducedVerticalPadding, els.c) }); } case 6: var _v3 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { A: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.A), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); case 10: return _Utils_update( els, { A: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.A), c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); case 2: return _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g) }); case 1: var _v4 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { g: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.g) }); default: var flag = attr.a; var cls = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); } case 0: return els; case 1: var a = attr.a; return _Utils_update( els, { r: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.r) }); case 2: return _Utils_update( els, { r: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.r) }); case 3: return _Utils_update( els, { c: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.c) }); default: return _Utils_update( els, { r: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.r) }); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistribute = F3( function (isMultiline, stacked, attrs) { return function (redist) { return { A: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.A), g: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.g), r: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.r), c: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.c), aW: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.aW) }; }( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver, isMultiline, stacked), {A: _List_Nil, g: _List_Nil, r: _List_Nil, c: _List_Nil, aW: _List_Nil}, attrs)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderBox = function (_v0) { var top = _v0.ga; var right = _v0.fv; var bottom = _v0.d2; var left = _v0.e$; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px')))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transparency = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 12, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$transparency = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha = function (o) { var transparency = function (x) { return 1 - x; }( A2( $elm$core$Basics$min, 1.0, A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 0.0, o))); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$transparency, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transparency, 'transparency-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(transparency), transparency)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$charcoal = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 136 / 255, 138 / 255, 133 / 255); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder = F3( function (_v0, forPlaceholder, on) { var placeholderAttrs = _v0.a; var placeholderEl = _v0.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( forPlaceholder, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$charcoal), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.c4 + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fn)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha( on ? 1 : 0) ]), placeholderAttrs)), placeholderEl); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fE); var $elm$html$Html$span = _VirtualDom_node('span'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('spellcheck'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$spellcheck = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_ = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('type'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('value'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$value = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper = F3( function (textInput, attrs, textOptions) { var withDefaults = _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle, attrs); var redistributed = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistribute, _Utils_eq(textInput.w, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isStacked(textOptions.b8), withDefaults); var onlySpacing = function (attr) { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 5)) { var _v9 = attr.b; return true; } else { return false; } }; var heightConstrained = function () { var _v7 = textInput.w; if (!_v7.$) { var inputType = _v7.a; return false; } else { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, false, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isConstrained, $elm$core$List$head( $elm$core$List$reverse( A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight, withDefaults))))); } }(); var getPadding = function (attr) { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 7)) { var cls = attr.a; var _v6 = attr.b; var pad = _v6.a; var t = _v6.b; var r = _v6.c; var b = _v6.d; var l = _v6.e; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { d2: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(b - 3)), e$: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(l - 3)), fv: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(r - 3)), ga: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(t - 3)) }); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var parentPadding = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, {d2: 0, e$: 0, fv: 0, ga: 0}, $elm$core$List$head( $elm$core$List$reverse( A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, getPadding, withDefaults)))); var inputElement = A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, function () { var _v3 = textInput.w; if (!_v3.$) { var inputType = _v3.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('input'); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('textarea'); } }(), _Utils_ap( function () { var _v4 = textInput.w; if (!_v4.$) { var inputType = _v4.a; return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_(inputType)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eW) ]); } else { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eS), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$calcMoveToCompensateForPadding(withDefaults), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach(parentPadding), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'margin', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderBox( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$negateBox(parentPadding)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'box-sizing', 'content-box')) ]); } }(), _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$value(textOptions.aS), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput(textOptions.c5)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute(textOptions.b8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$spellcheck(textInput.Q), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute, A2($elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill, textInput.I)) ]), redistributed.r)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(_List_Nil)); var wrappedInput = function () { var _v0 = textInput.w; if (_v0.$ === 1) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, _Utils_ap( (heightConstrained ? $elm$core$List$cons($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY) : $elm$core$Basics$identity)( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cN), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eV) ])), redistributed.c), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(inputElement), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eU), redistributed.aW)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( function () { if (textOptions.aS === '') { var _v1 = textOptions.fp; if (_v1.$ === 1) { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('\u00A0') ]); } else { var place = _v1.a; return _List_fromArray( [ A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, _List_Nil, textOptions.aS === '') ]); } } else { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled( A2( $elm$html$Html$span, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eT) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(textOptions.aS + '\u00A0') ]))) ]); } }())) ]))); } else { var inputType = _v0.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cN), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ redistributed.c, function () { var _v2 = textOptions.fp; if (_v2.$ === 1) { return _List_Nil; } else { var place = _v2.a; return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, redistributed.A, textOptions.aS === '')) ]); } }() ])))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [inputElement]))); } }(); return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ej), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel(textOptions.b8) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), A2($elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, redistributed.g))), textOptions.b8, wrappedInput); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper( { I: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, Q: false, w: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode('text') }); var $author$project$Internal$TextInput$textInput = F2( function (style, _v0) { var chips = _v0.d8; var placeholder = _v0.fp; var label = _v0.b8; var text = _v0.aS; var onChange = _v0.c5; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.B, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$core$List$isEmpty(chips) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.d8.B, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Internal$Button$button(style.a.d8.a), chips)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, style.a.aS.cI, { b8: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden(label), c5: onChange, fp: placeholder, aS: text }) ])); }); var $author$project$Internal$AppBar$internalNav = F3( function (menuElements, style, _v0) { var deviceClass = _v0.er; var openRightSheet = _v0.fk; var openTopSheet = _v0.fl; var primaryActions = _v0.fr; var search = _v0.aQ; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _Utils_ap( style.B, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignTop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ])), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.K.B, menuElements), ((!deviceClass) || (deviceClass === 1)) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none : A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (_v1) { var onChange = _v1.c5; var text = _v1.aS; var label = _v1.b8; return A2( $author$project$Internal$TextInput$textInput, style.a.aQ, { d8: _List_Nil, b8: label, c5: onChange, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(label))), aS: text }); }, search)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.v.B, $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _List_Nil, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (_v2) { var label = _v2.b8; return (deviceClass === 1) ? _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$button, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]), style.a.v.a.aE), {bC: style.a.v.a.$7, bG: openTopSheet, aS: label}) ]) : ((!deviceClass) ? _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton, style.a.v.a.aE, {bC: style.a.v.a.$7, bG: openTopSheet, aS: label}) ]) : _List_Nil); }, search)), A2( $elm$core$List$map, (!deviceClass) ? $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton(style.a.v.a.aE) : $author$project$Internal$Button$button( A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]), style.a.v.a.aE)), primaryActions), function () { if (openRightSheet.$ === 1) { return _List_Nil; } else { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton, style.a.v.a.aE, {bC: style.a.v.a.e9, bG: openRightSheet, aS: 'More'}) ]); } }() ]))) ])); }); var $author$project$Internal$AppBar$menuBar = F2( function (style, m) { return A3( $author$project$Internal$AppBar$internalNav, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton, style.a.v.a.aE, {bC: style.a.K.a.e5, bG: m.fj, aS: 'Menu'}), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.K.a.bU, m.bU) ]), { a: { v: style.a.v, K: {B: style.a.K.B}, aQ: style.a.aQ }, B: style.B }, m); }); var $author$project$Widget$menuBar = $author$project$Internal$AppBar$menuBar; var $elm$core$Basics$pow = _Basics_pow; var $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba = function (_v0) { var r = _v0.a; var g = _v0.b; var b = _v0.c; var a = _v0.d; return {ak: a, b$: b, b3: g, cd: r}; }; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Accessibility$luminance = function (cl) { var f = function (intensity) { return (intensity <= 0.03928) ? (intensity / 12.92) : A2($elm$core$Basics$pow, (intensity + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; var _v0 = function (a) { return _Utils_Tuple3( f(a.cd), f(a.b3), f(a.b$)); }( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(cl)); var r = _v0.a; var g = _v0.b; var b = _v0.c; return ((0.2126 * r) + (0.7152 * g)) + (0.0722 * b); }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor = function (color) { var l = 1 + ($avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(color).ak * ($noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Accessibility$luminance(color) - 1)); var ratioBlack = 1.05 / (l + 0.05); var ratioWhite = (l + 0.05) / 0.05; return (_Utils_cmp(ratioBlack, ratioWhite) < 0) ? A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 0, 0, 0) : A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 255, 255, 255); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Right = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(2); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$button = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'text-transform', 'uppercase')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$semiBold, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(1.25) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterY = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(1); var $elm$core$Basics$composeR = F3( function (f, g, x) { return g( f(x)); }); var $elm$core$Basics$cos = _Basics_cos; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToXyz = function (_v0) { var l = _v0.Y; var a = _v0.co; var b = _v0.cv; var y = (l + 16) / 116; var c = function (ch) { var ch_ = (ch * ch) * ch; return (ch_ > 8.856e-3) ? ch_ : ((ch - (16 / 116)) / 7.787); }; return { dB: c(y + (a / 500)) * 95.047, dC: c(y) * 100, bl: c(y - (b / 200)) * 108.883 }; }; var $elm$core$Basics$clamp = F3( function (low, high, number) { return (_Utils_cmp(number, low) < 0) ? low : ((_Utils_cmp(number, high) > 0) ? high : number); }); var $avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb = F3( function (r, g, b) { return A4($avh4$elm_color$Color$RgbaSpace, r, g, b, 1.0); }); var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$xyzToColor = function (_v0) { var x = _v0.dB; var y = _v0.dC; var z = _v0.bl; var z_ = z / 100; var y_ = y / 100; var x_ = x / 100; var r = ((x_ * 3.2404542) + (y_ * (-1.5371385))) + (z_ * (-0.4986)); var g = ((x_ * (-0.969266)) + (y_ * 1.8760108)) + (z_ * 4.1556e-2); var c = function (ch) { var ch_ = (ch > 3.1308e-3) ? ((1.055 * A2($elm$core$Basics$pow, ch, 1 / 2.4)) - 5.5e-2) : (12.92 * ch); return A3($elm$core$Basics$clamp, 0, 1, ch_); }; var b = ((x_ * 5.56434e-2) + (y_ * (-0.2040259))) + (z_ * 1.0572252); return A3( $avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb, c(r), c(g), c(b)); }; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToColor = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToXyz, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$xyzToColor); var $elm$core$Basics$sin = _Basics_sin; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromCIELCH = A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function (_v0) { var l = _v0.Y; var c = _v0.aZ; var h = _v0.a4; return { co: c * $elm$core$Basics$cos(h), cv: c * $elm$core$Basics$sin(h), Y: l }; }, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToColor); var $avh4$elm_color$Color$fromRgba = function (components) { return A4($avh4$elm_color$Color$RgbaSpace, components.cd, components.b3, components.b$, components.ak); }; var $elm$core$Basics$atan2 = _Basics_atan2; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToXyz = function (cl) { var c = function (ch) { var ch_ = (ch > 4.045e-2) ? A2($elm$core$Basics$pow, (ch + 5.5e-2) / 1.055, 2.4) : (ch / 12.92); return ch_ * 100; }; var _v0 = $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(cl); var red = _v0.cd; var green = _v0.b3; var blue = _v0.b$; var b = c(blue); var g = c(green); var r = c(red); return {dB: ((r * 0.4124) + (g * 0.3576)) + (b * 0.1805), dC: ((r * 0.2126) + (g * 0.7152)) + (b * 7.22e-2), bl: ((r * 1.93e-2) + (g * 0.1192)) + (b * 0.9505)}; }; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$xyzToLab = function (_v0) { var x = _v0.dB; var y = _v0.dC; var z = _v0.bl; var c = function (ch) { return (ch > 8.856e-3) ? A2($elm$core$Basics$pow, ch, 1 / 3) : ((7.787 * ch) + (16 / 116)); }; var x_ = c(x / 95.047); var y_ = c(y / 100); var z_ = c(z / 108.883); return {co: 500 * (x_ - y_), cv: 200 * (y_ - z_), Y: (116 * y_) - 16}; }; var $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToLab = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToXyz, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$xyzToLab); var $elm$core$Basics$sqrt = _Basics_sqrt; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$toCIELCH = A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToLab, function (_v0) { var l = _v0.Y; var a = _v0.co; var b = _v0.cv; return { aZ: $elm$core$Basics$sqrt((a * a) + (b * b)), a4: A2($elm$core$Basics$atan2, b, a), Y: l }; }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade = F3( function (c2, amount, c1) { var fun = F2( function (a, b) { return {aZ: ((a.aZ * (1 - amount)) + (b.aZ * amount)) / 1, a4: ((a.a4 * (1 - amount)) + (b.a4 * amount)) / 1, Y: ((a.Y * (1 - amount)) + (b.Y * amount)) / 1}; }); var alpha = $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(c1).ak; return $avh4$elm_color$Color$fromRgba( function (color) { return _Utils_update( color, {ak: alpha}); }( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromCIELCH( A2( fun, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$toCIELCH(c1), $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$toCIELCH(c2)))))); }); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray = function (palette) { return A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, 0.5, palette.d); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Min = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum = F2( function (i, l) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Min, i, l); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 } }, aS: { eg: _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 32, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(36)), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4) ])), eM: _List_Nil, a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'not-allowed')) ]), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity = 0.24; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity = 0.08; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity = 0.32; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Focus = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 11, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$focus = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(31); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$mapAttribute = _VirtualDom_mapAttribute; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttrFromStyle = F2( function (fn, attr) { switch (attr.$) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; case 2: var description = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe(description); case 6: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(x); case 5: var y = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(y); case 7: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width(x); case 8: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height(x); case 3: var x = attr.a; var y = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, x, y); case 4: var flag = attr.a; var style = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, flag, style); case 9: var location = attr.a; var elem = attr.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, location, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map, fn, elem)); case 1: var htmlAttr = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$mapAttribute, fn, htmlAttr)); default: var fl = attr.a; var trans = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, fl, trans); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$removeNever = function (style) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttrFromStyle, $elm$core$Basics$never, style); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecsHelper = F2( function (attr, _v0) { var styles = _v0.a; var trans = _v0.b; var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$removeNever(attr); switch (_v1.$) { case 4: var style = _v1.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, styles), trans); case 10: var flag = _v1.a; var component = _v1.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( styles, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation, trans, component)); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(styles, trans); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations = function (attrs) { var _v0 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecsHelper, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed), attrs); var styles = _v0.a; var transform = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform(transform), styles); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused = function (decs) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$focus, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector, 0, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations(decs))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fromRgb = function (clr) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, clr.cd, clr.b3, clr.b$, clr.ak); }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fromRgb); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Active = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$active = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(32); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown = function (decs) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$active, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector, 2, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations(decs))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Hover = 1; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$hover = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(33); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver = function (decs) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$hover, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector, 1, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations(decs))); }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity = function (opacity) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function (color) { return _Utils_update( color, {ak: color.ak * opacity}); }, $avh4$elm_color$Color$fromRgba)); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$iconButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18}, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18} }, aS: { eg: _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX ]) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).b2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(48)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 48, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(24), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.d))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.d))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.d))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.d))) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { a: fun(a.a) }); }); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d = _VirtualDom_attribute('d'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill = _VirtualDom_attribute('fill'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height = _VirtualDom_attribute('height'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke'); var $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString = function (_v0) { var r = _v0.a; var g = _v0.b; var b = _v0.c; var a = _v0.d; var roundTo = function (x) { return $elm$core$Basics$round(x * 1000) / 1000; }; var pct = function (x) { return $elm$core$Basics$round(x * 10000) / 100; }; return $elm$core$String$concat( _List_fromArray( [ 'rgba(', $elm$core$String$fromFloat( pct(r)), '%,', $elm$core$String$fromFloat( pct(g)), '%,', $elm$core$String$fromFloat( pct(b)), '%,', $elm$core$String$fromFloat( roundTo(a)), ')' ])); }; var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox = _VirtualDom_attribute('viewBox'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width = _VirtualDom_attribute('width'); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon = function (_v0) { var viewBox = _v0.aV; var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$svg$Svg$svg( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox(viewBox), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)) ])), A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el(_List_Nil))); }; var $elm$svg$Svg$path = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('path'); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$more_vert = function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon, {a_: color, aw: size, aV: '0 0 48 48'}, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M24 16c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 4 4 4zm0 4c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4zm0 12c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$search = function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon, {a_: color, aw: size, aV: '0 0 48 48'}, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M31 28h-1.59l-.55-.55C30.82 25.18 32 22.23 32 19c0-7.18-5.82-13-13-13S6 11.82 6 19s5.82 13 13 13c3.23 0 6.18-1.18 8.45-3.13l.55.55V31l10 9.98L40.98 38 31 28zm-12 0c-4.97 0-9-4.03-9-9s4.03-9 9-9 9 4.03 9 9-4.03 9-9 9z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementTextInput = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { cI: fun(a.cI) }); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementTextInput = F2( function (list, a) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementTextInput, function (b) { return _Utils_ap(b, list); }, a); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementRow = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { B: fun(a.B) }); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Max = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 4, a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum = F2( function (i, l) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Max, i, l); }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonDisabledOpacity = 0.38; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonSelectedOpacity = 0.16; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray = function (palette) { return A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, 0.14, palette.d); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$boxShadowClass = function (shadow) { return $elm$core$String$concat( _List_fromArray( [ shadow.cX ? 'box-inset' : 'box-', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.fc.a) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.fc.b) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.dX) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.aw) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(shadow.a_) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$shadows = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(19); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow = function (almostShade) { var shade = {dX: almostShade.dX, a_: almostShade.a_, cX: false, fc: almostShade.fc, aw: almostShade.aw}; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$shadows, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$boxShadowClass(shade), 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow(shade))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba255 = F4( function (red, green, blue, a) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, a); }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow = function (_float) { return { dX: _float, a_: A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2), fc: _Utils_Tuple2(0, _float), aw: 0 }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground = function (color) { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(color)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(color))) ]); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Chip$chip = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)), aw: 18 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)), aw: 18 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)), aw: 18 } }, aS: {eg: _List_Nil} }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 8, fv: 0, ga: 0}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(32)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 4, fv: 12, ga: 0}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))) ])) ]), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonSelectedOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(4)) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonDisabledOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ]))), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette)))) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$textInputBase = function (palette) { return { a: { d8: { a: $author$project$Internal$Material$Chip$chip(palette), B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }, aS: { cI: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])) } }, B: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d) }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$searchInput = function (palette) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, function (record) { return _Utils_update( record, { aS: A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementTextInput, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(32)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]), record.aS) }); }, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementRow, $elm$core$Basics$always( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4) ])), $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$textInputBase(palette))); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$internalBar = F2( function (content, palette) { return { a: { v: { a: { aE: A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent( function (record) { return _Utils_update( record, { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: record.bC.eM.aw }, a5: record.bC.a5, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: record.bC.a8.aw } } }); }), $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$iconButton(palette)), e9: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$more_vert, $7: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$search }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]) }, K: { a: content, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }, aQ: $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$searchInput(palette) }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.aa), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(56)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ])) }; }); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$menu = function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon, {a_: color, aw: size, aV: '0 0 48 48'}, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M6 36h36v-4H6v4zm0-10h36v-4H6v4zm0-14v4h36v-4H6z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$menuBar = $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$internalBar( { e5: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$menu, bU: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ])) }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$menuBar = $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$menuBar; var $elm$core$List$singleton = function (value) { return _List_fromArray( [value]); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$ChangeDarkTheme = function (a) { return {$: 4, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$TypingSearchText = function (a) { return {$: 9, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem = F2( function (style, element) { return function (attr) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap(attr, style.T), element(style.a)); }; }); var $author$project$Internal$Item$asItem = function (element) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, {a: 0, T: _List_Nil}, $elm$core$Basics$always(element)); }; var $author$project$Widget$asItem = $author$project$Internal$Item$asItem; var $author$project$UIExplorer$PressedColorBlindOption = function (a) { return {$: 13, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$ToggledColorBlindGroup = {$: 14}; var $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToString = function (colorBlindOption) { switch (colorBlindOption) { case 0: return 'Protanopia'; case 1: return 'Protanomaly'; case 2: return 'Deuteranopia'; case 3: return 'Deuteranomaly'; case 4: return 'Tritanopia'; case 5: return 'Tritanomaly'; case 6: return 'Achromatopsia'; case 7: return 'Achromatomaly'; default: return 'Blind'; } }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$darkerGray = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 20, 30, 40); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Paragraph = {$: 9}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Paragraph), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $author$project$Internal$Item$insetItem = F2( function (s, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; var icon = _v0.bC; var content = _v0.a; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, s, function (style) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.bC.T, icon(style.a.a.bC.a)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.aS.a2, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text)))), content(style.a.a.a) ])), bG: onPress }); }); }); var $author$project$Internal$Item$expansionItem = F2( function (s, _v0) { var icon = _v0.bC; var text = _v0.aS; var onToggle = _v0.c6; var content = _v0.a; var isExpanded = _v0.cY; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$insetItem, s.cZ, { a: isExpanded ? s.cA : s.cM, bC: icon, bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( onToggle(!isExpanded)), aS: text }), isExpanded ? content : _List_Nil); }); var $author$project$Widget$expansionItem = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Item$expansionItem; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_less = function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon, {a_: color, aw: size, aV: '0 0 48 48'}, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M24 16L12 28l2.83 2.83L24 21.66l9.17 9.17L36 28z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_more = function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$icon, {a_: color, aw: size, aV: '0 0 48 48'}, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M33.17 17.17L24 26.34l-9.17-9.17L12 20l12 12 12-12z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetItem = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { a: { a: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 24 }, bC: { a: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 24 }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(24)) ]) }, aS: { a2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(16) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'default')) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$expansionItem = function (palette) { return { cA: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_less, cM: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_more, cZ: $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetItem(palette) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$expansionItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$expansionItem; var $author$project$Widget$insetItem = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Item$insetItem; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetItem; var $author$project$UIExplorer$lightBlue = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 176, 208, 225); var $author$project$UIExplorer$optionGroupView = F7( function (dark, isExpanded, selectedItem, items, itemToString, onPress, toggleExpand) { var palette = dark ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; var _v0 = dark ? $author$project$UIExplorer$darkerGray : $author$project$UIExplorer$lightBlue; return A2( $author$project$Widget$expansionItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$expansionItem(palette), { a: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (option) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), { a: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( onPress(option)), aS: itemToString(option) }); }, isExpanded ? items : _List_Nil), bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), cY: isExpanded, c6: $elm$core$Basics$always(toggleExpand), aS: itemToString(selectedItem) }); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionView = F3( function (dark, isExpanded, selectedColorBlindOption) { return A7( $author$project$UIExplorer$optionGroupView, dark, isExpanded, selectedColorBlindOption, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Maybe$Just, $author$project$UIExplorer$allColorBlindOptions)), A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Maybe$map($author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToString), $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault('No color blindness')), $author$project$UIExplorer$PressedColorBlindOption, $author$project$UIExplorer$ToggledColorBlindGroup); }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$subtitle2 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$semiBold, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.1) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthXY = F2( function (x, y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))), y, x, y, x)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach = function (_v0) { var bottom = _v0.d2; var top = _v0.ga; var left = _v0.e$; var right = _v0.fv; return (_Utils_eq(top, bottom) && _Utils_eq(left, right)) ? (_Utils_eq(top, right) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(top) : A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthXY, left, top)) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(left))))))), top, right, bottom, left)); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedHeader = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { et: {T: _List_Nil}, bU: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$subtitle2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 16, 8) ])) }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( {d2: 0, e$: 0, fv: 0, ga: 1}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedHeader; var $author$project$Internal$Item$headerItem = F2( function (style, title) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, style, function (_v0) { var elementColumn = _v0.cG; var content = _v0.a; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, elementColumn, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, content.et.T, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, content.bU, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(title)) ])); }); }); var $author$project$Widget$headerItem = $author$project$Internal$Item$headerItem; var $author$project$Internal$List$internal = F2( function (style, list) { return A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (i, fun) { return fun( _Utils_ap( style.T, ($elm$core$List$length(list) === 1) ? style.X : ((!i) ? style.V : (_Utils_eq( i, $elm$core$List$length(list) - 1) ? style.W : style.a8)))); }), list); }); var $author$project$Internal$List$itemList = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Internal$List$internal(style.a), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column(style.cG)); }; var $author$project$Widget$itemList = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$List$itemList; return fun; }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$embed = function (x) { switch (x.$) { case 0: var html = x.a; return html; case 1: var styled = x.a; return styled.eL( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic, { eC: {dS: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, d_: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fH: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing}, eK: 1, e8: 0 }, styled.fT)); case 2: var text = x.a; return $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text(text)); default: return $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text('')); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$apply5 = F6( function (fn, a, b, c, d, e) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$embed( A5(fn, a, b, c, d, e)); }); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$lazy7 = _VirtualDom_lazy7; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$lazy5 = F6( function (fn, a, b, c, d, e) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A7($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$lazy7, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$apply5, fn, a, b, c, d, e)); }); var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$sideSheet = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))) ]), V: _List_Nil, W: _List_Nil, X: _List_Nil, a8: _List_Nil }, cG: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 0, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))) ])) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$sideSheet; var $author$project$Internal$Switch$switch = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var description = _v0.b0; var active = _v0.cp; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description(description), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( style.ef.T, active ? style.ef.eM : (_Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.ef.a5 : style.ef.a8)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( style.ef.a.T, active ? style.ef.a.eM : (_Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.ef.a.a5 : style.ef.a.a8)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none))) ])), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( style.a.T, active ? style.a.eM : (_Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a.a5 : style.a.a8)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: onPress }); }); var $author$project$Widget$switch = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Switch$switch; return fun; }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Left = 0; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(0); var $avh4$elm_color$Color$gray = A4($avh4$elm_color$Color$RgbaSpace, 211 / 255, 215 / 255, 207 / 255, 1.0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveX = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(25); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveLeft = function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveX(-x)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight = function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveX(x)); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Switch$switch = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(14)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(34)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(10) ]), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.5, palette.aa))) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'not-allowed')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), 0.5 * $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonDisabledOpacity, palette.d))) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.5, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ]) }, ef: { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(2)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.d)) ]), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, $avh4$elm_color$Color$gray, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonDisabledOpacity, palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.d))) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(38)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(38)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(19) ]), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight(8) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'not-allowed')) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, $avh4$elm_color$Color$gray))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, $avh4$elm_color$Color$gray))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, $avh4$elm_color$Color$gray))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveLeft(8) ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(38)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(58 - 18)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$switch = $author$project$Internal$Material$Switch$switch; var $author$project$Widget$textInput = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$TextInput$textInput; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$textInput = function (palette) { return { a: { d8: { a: $author$project$Internal$Material$Chip$chip(palette), B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }, aS: { cI: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ])) } }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(4)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(280)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(2)) ])) ])) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput = $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$textInput; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Load = function (a) { return {$: 15, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Array$fromListHelp = F3( function (list, nodeList, nodeListSize) { fromListHelp: while (true) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, list); var jsArray = _v0.a; var remainingItems = _v0.b; if (_Utils_cmp( $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(jsArray), $elm$core$Array$branchFactor) < 0) { return A2( $elm$core$Array$builderToArray, true, {n: nodeList, h: nodeListSize, j: jsArray}); } else { var $temp$list = remainingItems, $temp$nodeList = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$core$Array$Leaf(jsArray), nodeList), $temp$nodeListSize = nodeListSize + 1; list = $temp$list; nodeList = $temp$nodeList; nodeListSize = $temp$nodeListSize; continue fromListHelp; } } }); var $elm$core$Array$fromList = function (list) { if (!list.b) { return $elm$core$Array$empty; } else { return A3($elm$core$Array$fromListHelp, list, _List_Nil, 0); } }; var $elm$core$Array$filter = F2( function (isGood, array) { return $elm$core$Array$fromList( A3( $elm$core$Array$foldr, F2( function (x, xs) { return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs; }), _List_Nil, array)); }); var $elm$core$Bitwise$shiftRightZfBy = _Bitwise_shiftRightZfBy; var $elm$core$Array$bitMask = 4294967295 >>> (32 - $elm$core$Array$shiftStep); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet = _JsArray_unsafeGet; var $elm$core$Array$getHelp = F3( function (shift, index, tree) { getHelp: while (true) { var pos = $elm$core$Array$bitMask & (index >>> shift); var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, pos, tree); if (!_v0.$) { var subTree = _v0.a; var $temp$shift = shift - $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $temp$index = index, $temp$tree = subTree; shift = $temp$shift; index = $temp$index; tree = $temp$tree; continue getHelp; } else { var values = _v0.a; return A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, values); } } }); var $elm$core$Array$tailIndex = function (len) { return (len >>> 5) << 5; }; var $elm$core$Array$get = F2( function (index, _v0) { var len = _v0.a; var startShift = _v0.b; var tree = _v0.c; var tail = _v0.d; return ((index < 0) || (_Utils_cmp(index, len) > -1)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : ((_Utils_cmp( index, $elm$core$Array$tailIndex(len)) > -1) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, tail)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($elm$core$Array$getHelp, startShift, index, tree))); }); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldl = _JsArray_foldl; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$indexedMap = _JsArray_indexedMap; var $elm$core$Array$indexedMap = F2( function (func, _v0) { var len = _v0.a; var tree = _v0.c; var tail = _v0.d; var initialBuilder = { n: _List_Nil, h: 0, j: A3( $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$indexedMap, func, $elm$core$Array$tailIndex(len), tail) }; var helper = F2( function (node, builder) { if (!node.$) { var subTree = node.a; return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldl, helper, builder, subTree); } else { var leaf = node.a; var offset = builder.h * $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; var mappedLeaf = $elm$core$Array$Leaf( A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$indexedMap, func, offset, leaf)); return { n: A2($elm$core$List$cons, mappedLeaf, builder.n), h: builder.h + 1, j: builder.j }; } }); return A2( $elm$core$Array$builderToArray, true, A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldl, helper, initialBuilder, tree)); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$listNeighborsHelper = F3( function (list, _v0, newList) { listNeighborsHelper: while (true) { var current = _v0.ad; var next = _v0.a7; if (list.b) { var head = list.a; var rest = list.b; var newState = { ad: next, a7: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(head), bK: current }; if (!next.$) { var next_ = next.a; var $temp$list = rest, $temp$_v0 = newState, $temp$newList = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, { ad: next_, a7: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(head), bK: current }, newList); list = $temp$list; _v0 = $temp$_v0; newList = $temp$newList; continue listNeighborsHelper; } else { var $temp$list = rest, $temp$_v0 = newState, $temp$newList = newList; list = $temp$list; _v0 = $temp$_v0; newList = $temp$newList; continue listNeighborsHelper; } } else { if (!next.$) { var next_ = next.a; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, {ad: next_, a7: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, bK: current}, newList); } else { return newList; } } } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$listNeighbors = function (list) { return $elm$core$List$reverse( A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$listNeighborsHelper, list, {ad: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, a7: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, bK: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing}, _List_Nil)); }; var $elm$core$Tuple$pair = F2( function (a, b) { return _Utils_Tuple2(a, b); }); var $author$project$Internal$Select$select = function (_v0) { var selected = _v0.bP; var options = _v0.bI; var onSelect = _v0.bH; return A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (i, a) { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_eq( selected, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(i)), { bC: a.bC, bG: onSelect(i), aS: a.aS }); }), options); }; var $author$project$Internal$Select$selectButton = F2( function (style, _v0) { var selected = _v0.a; var b = _v0.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_ap( _Utils_eq(b.bG, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : (selected ? style.eM : style.a8), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description(b.aS) ]))), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ b.bC( _Utils_eq(b.bG, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a.a.bC.a5 : (selected ? style.a.a.bC.eM : style.a.a.bC.a8)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.aS.eg, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(b.aS)) ])), bG: b.bG }); }); var $author$project$Internal$Item$selectItem = F2( function (s, select) { return A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (b) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, s, function (style) { return A2($author$project$Internal$Select$selectButton, style, b); }); }, $author$project$Internal$Select$select(select)); }); var $author$project$Widget$selectItem = $author$project$Internal$Item$selectItem; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$selectItem = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d), aw: 18 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d), aw: 18 } }, aS: { eg: _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 32, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$semiBold, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.25), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(36)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])) ]), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }, T: _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 4) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$selectItem; var $elm$core$List$sortBy = _List_sortBy; var $elm$core$List$sort = function (xs) { return A2($elm$core$List$sortBy, $elm$core$Basics$identity, xs); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSearchResults = F5( function (dark, _v0, relativeUrlPath, currentPage, searchText) { var pages = _v0; var palette = dark ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; var options = $elm$core$Array$fromList( $author$project$UIExplorer$listNeighbors( $elm$core$List$sort( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, function (_v1) { var pageId = _v1._; var pageGroup = _v1.p; return A2( $elm$core$String$contains, $elm$core$String$toLower(searchText), $elm$core$String$toLower( A2($elm$core$String$join, ' ', pageGroup) + (' ' + pageId))) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_ap( pageGroup, _List_fromArray( [pageId]))) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }, pages.ar)))); return A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette), A2( $author$project$Widget$selectItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem(palette), { bH: function (_int) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$UIExplorer$Load( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl, relativeUrlPath, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _List_Nil, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function ($) { return $.ad; }, A2($elm$core$Array$get, _int, options)))))); }, bI: A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function ($) { return $.ad; }, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$reverse, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$head, $elm$core$Maybe$map( function (text) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: text }; })))), $elm$core$Array$toList(options)), bP: A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, A2( $elm$core$Array$get, 0, A2( $elm$core$Array$filter, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Tuple$second, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function ($) { return $.ad; }, $elm$core$Basics$eq(currentPage))), A2($elm$core$Array$indexedMap, $elm$core$Tuple$pair, options)))) })); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Group = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$TempLeaf = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$List$partition = F2( function (pred, list) { var step = F2( function (x, _v0) { var trues = _v0.a; var falses = _v0.b; return pred(x) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, trues), falses) : _Utils_Tuple2( trues, A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, falses)); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, step, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil), list); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$gatherWith = F2( function (testFn, list) { var helper = F2( function (scattered, gathered) { if (!scattered.b) { return $elm$core$List$reverse(gathered); } else { var toGather = scattered.a; var population = scattered.b; var _v1 = A2( $elm$core$List$partition, testFn(toGather), population); var gathering = _v1.a; var remaining = _v1.b; return A2( helper, remaining, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2(toGather, gathering), gathered)); } }); return A2(helper, list, _List_Nil); }); var $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$Tree = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$singleton = function (v) { return A2($zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$Tree, v, _List_Nil); }; var $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$tree = $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$Tree; var $author$project$UIExplorer$buildTree = function (items) { var helper = function (items_) { return A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v2) { var head = _v2.a; var rest = _v2.b; if (!head.$) { var leaf = head.a; return $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$singleton(leaf); } else { var pageGroupHead = head.a.bJ; return A2( $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$tree, pageGroupHead, helper( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, function (a) { if (a.$ === 1) { var pageId = a.a._; var pageGroup = a.a.p; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( {p: pageGroup, _: pageId}); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }, A2($elm$core$List$cons, head, rest)))); } }, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$gatherWith, F2( function (a, b) { var _v1 = _Utils_Tuple2(a, b); if ((_v1.a.$ === 1) && (_v1.b.$ === 1)) { var groupA = _v1.a.a; var groupB = _v1.b.a; return _Utils_eq(groupA.bJ, groupB.bJ); } else { return false; } }), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (item) { var _v0 = item.p; if (_v0.b) { var head = _v0.a; var rest = _v0.b; return $author$project$UIExplorer$Group( {p: rest, bJ: head, _: item._}); } else { return $author$project$UIExplorer$TempLeaf(item._); } }, items_))); }; return helper(items); }; var $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$children = function (_v0) { var c = _v0.b; return c; }; var $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$label = function (_v0) { var v = _v0.a; return v; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebarLinksHelper = F6( function (dark, relativeUrlPath, page, expandedGroups, path, trees) { return A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, function (tree) { var label = $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$label(tree); var newPath = _Utils_ap( path, _List_fromArray( [label])); var _v0 = $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$children(tree); if (!_v0.b) { return _List_fromArray( [newPath]); } else { var children = _v0; return A6($author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebarLinksHelper, dark, relativeUrlPath, page, expandedGroups, newPath, children); } }, A2($elm$core$List$sortBy, $zwilias$elm_rosetree$Tree$label, trees)); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebarLinks = F5( function (dark, _v0, relativeUrlPath, page, expandedGroups) { var pages = _v0; var palette = dark ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; var options = $elm$core$Array$fromList( A6( $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebarLinksHelper, dark, relativeUrlPath, page, expandedGroups, _List_Nil, $author$project$UIExplorer$buildTree(pages.ar))); return A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette), A2( $author$project$Widget$selectItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem(palette), { bH: function (_int) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$UIExplorer$Load( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$uiUrl, relativeUrlPath, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _List_Nil, A2($elm$core$Array$get, _int, options))))); }, bI: A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$reverse, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$head, $elm$core$Maybe$map( function (text) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: text }; }))), $elm$core$Array$toList(options)), bP: A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, A2( $elm$core$Array$get, 0, A2( $elm$core$Array$filter, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Tuple$second, $elm$core$Basics$eq(page)), A2($elm$core$Array$indexedMap, $elm$core$Tuple$pair, options)))) })); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebar = F3( function (pages, config, model) { var palette = model.t ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; return model.aK ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none : A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), 'Device Toolbar'), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), { a: function (_v0) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$switch, $author$project$Widget$Material$switch(palette), { cp: model.t, b0: 'Toggle Theme', bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$UIExplorer$ChangeDarkTheme(!model.t)) }); }, bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$UIExplorer$ChangeDarkTheme(!model.t)), aS: 'Dark Theme' }) ]), A3($author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionView, model.t, model.an, model.a$), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), 'Widgets'), $author$project$Widget$asItem( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(70)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$textInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput(palette), { d8: _List_Nil, b8: 'Search pages', c5: $author$project$UIExplorer$TypingSearchText, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Search pages'))), aS: model.bO })))), $author$project$Widget$asItem( $author$project$UIExplorer$showSearchResults(model.bO) ? A6($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$lazy5, $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSearchResults, model.t, pages, model.aH.ee.ft, model.af, model.bO) : A6($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$lazy5, $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebarLinks, model.t, pages, model.aH.ee.ft, model.af, model.C)) ]) ]))); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$viewSuccess = F3( function (config, pages_, model) { var pages = pages_; var palette = model.t ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; return { cw: _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith, {bI: config.e_}, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( model.t ? $author$project$UIExplorer$black : $author$project$UIExplorer$gray), config.eZ)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$menuBar, $author$project$Widget$Material$menuBar(palette), { er: 2, fj: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$UIExplorer$PressedToggleSidebar), fk: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fl: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fr: _List_Nil, aQ: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, bU: A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6, config.fI) }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html($author$project$UIExplorer$colorblindnessSvg)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html($author$project$UIExplorer$colorblindnessCss)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$UIExplorer$textColor(model.t)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16) ]), A3($author$project$UIExplorer$viewSidebar, pages_, config, model)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignTop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( function () { var _v0 = $author$project$UIExplorer$pageSizeOptionWidth(model.aO); if (!_v0.$) { var width = _v0.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px( $ianmackenzie$elm_units$Pixels$inPixels(width)); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion(999999999); } }()), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 0, 56), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$mainContent, model.t ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 30, 30, 30)) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 225, 225, 225)) ]), function () { var _v1 = model.a$; if (_v1.$ === 1) { return _List_Nil; } else { var colorBlindOption = _v1.a; return $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( $author$project$UIExplorer$colorBlindOptionToCssClass(colorBlindOption)))); } }()), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$PageMsg, A4( pages.gg, model.af, $author$project$UIExplorer$contentSize(model), model.t, model.aN))) ])) ]))) ]), bU: 'UI Explorer' }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$view = F3( function (config, pages, model) { if (!model.$) { var successModel = model.a; return A3($author$project$UIExplorer$viewSuccess, config, pages, successModel); } else { var errorMessage = model.a; return { cw: _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith, {bI: config.e_}, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), config.eZ)), A2($author$project$UIExplorer$errorView, false, errorMessage)) ]), bU: 'Error' }; } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$application = F2( function (config, pages) { return $elm$browser$Browser$application( { eR: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$init, config, pages), fg: $author$project$UIExplorer$UrlChanged, fh: $author$project$UIExplorer$LinkClicked, fV: $author$project$UIExplorer$subscriptions(pages), ge: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$update, pages, config), gg: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$view, config, pages) }); }); var $author$project$Main$Flags = F2( function (settings, config) { return {ee: config, fG: settings}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Config = function (relativeUrlPath) { return {ft: relativeUrlPath}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$list = _Json_decodeList; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf = _Json_oneOf; var $author$project$UIExplorer$decodeConfig = function (defaults) { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'config', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Config, $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'relativeUrlPath', $elm$json$Json$Decode$list($elm$json$Json$Decode$string)), $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(defaults.ft) ])))), $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(defaults) ])); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Settings = function (dark) { return {a1: dark}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool = _Json_decodeBool; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeString = _Json_runOnString; var $author$project$UIExplorer$decodeSettings = $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'settings', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen, function (s) { var _v0 = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeString, A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Settings, $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'dark', $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool), $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(true) ]))), s); if (!_v0.$) { var settings = _v0.a; return $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(settings); } else { var err = _v0.a; return $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail( $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(err)); } }, $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)), $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed( {a1: false}) ])); var $author$project$Main$decodeFlags = A3( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2, $author$project$Main$Flags, $author$project$UIExplorer$decodeSettings, $author$project$UIExplorer$decodeConfig( {ft: _List_Nil})); var $author$project$Main$config = { ez: $author$project$Main$decodeFlags, eZ: _List_Nil, e_: _List_Nil, fI: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Elm UI Widgets') }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Current = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Previous = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$apply3 = F4( function (fn, a, b, c) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$embed( A3(fn, a, b, c)); }); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$lazy5 = _VirtualDom_lazy5; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$lazy3 = F4( function (fn, a, b, c) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A5($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$lazy5, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$apply3, fn, a, b, c)); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage = F3( function (id, config, _v0) { var previous = _v0; var view_ = F4( function (pageId, windowSize, darkTheme, _v8) { var previousModel = _v8.a; var model = _v8.b; return _Utils_eq( _Utils_ap( previous.p, _List_fromArray( [id])), pageId) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Current, A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Lazy$lazy3, config.gg, windowSize, darkTheme, model)) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Previous, A4(previous.gg, pageId, windowSize, darkTheme, previousModel)); }); var update_ = F2( function (msg, _v7) { var previousModel = _v7.a; var model = _v7.b; if (!msg.$) { var previousMsg = msg.a; var _v5 = A2(previous.ge, previousMsg, previousModel); var newPreviousModel = _v5.a; var previousCmds = _v5.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(newPreviousModel, model), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Previous, previousCmds)); } else { var currentMsg = msg.a; var _v6 = A2(config.ge, currentMsg, model); var newModel = _v6.a; var cmds = _v6.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(previousModel, newModel), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Current, cmds)); } }); var subscriptions_ = function (_v3) { var previousModel = _v3.a; var model = _v3.b; return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Current, config.fV(model)), A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Previous, previous.fV(previousModel)) ])); }; var init_ = function (flags) { var _v1 = previous.eR(flags); var previousModel = _v1.a; var previousCmds = _v1.b; var _v2 = config.eR(flags); var model = _v2.a; var cmds = _v2.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(previousModel, model), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Previous, previousCmds), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Current, cmds) ]))); }; return { ar: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, {p: previous.p, _: id}, previous.ar), eR: init_, p: previous.p, fV: subscriptions_, ge: update_, gg: view_ }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$firstPage = F2( function (id, config) { return A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, id, config, { ar: _List_Nil, eR: $elm$core$Basics$always( _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none)), p: _List_Nil, fV: function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }, ge: F2( function (_v1, m) { return _Utils_Tuple2(m, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }), gg: F4( function (_v2, _v3, _v4, _v5) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(28) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Page not found')); }) }); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$BigDesktop = 3; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStoryToGroup = function (builder) { return { eR: builder.eR, fV: builder.fV, ge: builder.ge, z: function (_v0) { var a = _v0.a; var previous = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (view) { return view(a); }, builder.z(previous)); } }; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory = F2( function (_v0, builder) { var info = _v0.aI; var toValue = _v0.aT; var storiesToValue = function (key) { if (key.b) { var head = key.a; var tail = key.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( toValue(head), builder.aA(tail)); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( toValue(''), builder.aA(_List_Nil)); } }; return { bd: A2($elm$core$List$cons, info, builder.bd), aA: storiesToValue, ai: $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStoryToGroup(builder.ai), bU: builder.bU }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book = F2( function (title, tilelist) { return { bd: _List_Nil, aA: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), ai: { eR: tilelist.eR, fV: tilelist.fV, ge: tilelist.ge, z: $elm$core$Basics$always(tilelist.z) }, bU: title }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$BoolStory = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory = F3( function (label, _v0, _default) { var ifTrue = _v0.a; var ifFalse = _v0.b; return { aI: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$BoolStory, label, _default), aT: function (s) { return (s === 't') ? ifTrue : ifFalse; } }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttr = F2( function (fn, attr) { switch (attr.$) { case 0: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; case 2: var description = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe(description); case 6: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(x); case 5: var y = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(y); case 7: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width(x); case 8: var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height(x); case 3: var x = attr.a; var y = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, x, y); case 4: var flag = attr.a; var style = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, flag, style); case 9: var location = attr.a; var elem = attr.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, location, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map, fn, elem)); case 1: var htmlAttr = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$mapAttribute, fn, htmlAttr)); default: var fl = attr.a; var trans = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, fl, trans); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mapAttribute = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttr; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapView = F2( function (map, view) { return { cu: A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mapAttribute(map), view.cu), cw: A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map, map, view.cw), df: view.df, bU: view.bU }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapViewList = function (map) { return $elm$core$List$map( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapView(map)); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$linkGroup = F2( function (linked, parent) { var views_ = F2( function (pageSize, _v7) { var sharedModel = _v7.a; var model = _v7.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$append, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapViewList, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, A2(parent.z, pageSize, sharedModel)), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapViewList, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, A2( linked.z, pageSize, _Utils_Tuple2(sharedModel, model)))); }); var update_ = F2( function (msg, _v6) { var sharedModel = _v6.a; var model = _v6.b; if (!msg.$) { var parentMsg = msg.a; var _v4 = A2(parent.ge, parentMsg, sharedModel); var newParentModel = _v4.a; var parentCmd = _v4.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(newParentModel, model), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, parentCmd)); } else { var currentMsg = msg.a; var _v5 = A2( linked.ge, currentMsg, _Utils_Tuple2(sharedModel, model)); var newModel = _v5.a; var cmd = _v5.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(sharedModel, newModel), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, cmd)); } }); var subscriptions_ = function (_v2) { var sharedModel = _v2.a; var model = _v2.b; return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, linked.fV( _Utils_Tuple2(sharedModel, model))), A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, parent.fV(sharedModel)) ])); }; var init_ = function (flags) { var _v0 = parent.eR(flags); var parentModel = _v0.a; var parentCmd = _v0.b; var _v1 = linked.eR(flags); var model = _v1.a; var cmd = _v1.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(parentModel, model), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, parentCmd), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, cmd) ]))); }; return {eR: init_, fV: subscriptions_, ge: update_, z: views_}; }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Types$selected = function (_v0) { var a = _v0.b; return a; }; var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selected = $miyamoen$select_list$Types$selected; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyCurrentValue = function (model) { switch (model.$) { case 0: var value = model.b.F; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(value); case 1: var value = model.b; return value; case 2: var select = model.b; return $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selected(select); default: var value = model.b; return value ? 't' : 'f'; } }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$selectedStories = $elm$core$List$map($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyCurrentValue); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$NewRightColumnTile = 2; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyLabelIs = F2( function (label, model) { switch (model.$) { case 0: var storyLabel = model.a; return _Utils_eq(label, storyLabel); case 1: var storyLabel = model.a; return _Utils_eq(label, storyLabel); case 2: var storyLabel = model.a; return _Utils_eq(label, storyLabel); default: var storyLabel = model.a; return _Utils_eq(label, storyLabel); } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$BoolStoryModel = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 3, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$OptionListStoryModel = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$RangeStoryModel = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$TextStoryModel = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$attempt = F2( function (action, selectList) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, selectList, action(selectList)); }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$enforceRange = F3( function (min, max, value) { var _v0 = _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_cmp(value, min) < 0, _Utils_cmp(value, max) > 0); if (_v0.a) { if (_v0.b) { return value; } else { return min; } } else { if (_v0.b) { return max; } else { return value; } } }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Types$SelectList = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Select$splitWhen = F2( function (predicate, list) { var _v0 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (a, _v1) { var before = _v1.a; var res = _v1.b; var after = _v1.c; if (res.$ === 1) { return predicate(a) ? _Utils_Tuple3( before, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(a), after) : _Utils_Tuple3( A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, before), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, after); } else { return _Utils_Tuple3( before, res, A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, after)); } }), _Utils_Tuple3(_List_Nil, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, _List_Nil), list); var beforeList = _v0.a; var maybe = _v0.b; var afterList = _v0.c; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (target) { return _Utils_Tuple3(beforeList, target, afterList); }, maybe); }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Select$afterIf = F2( function (pred, _v0) { var befor = _v0.a; var a = _v0.b; var after = _v0.c; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (_v1) { var nextBefore = _v1.a; var next = _v1.b; var nextAfter = _v1.c; return A3( $miyamoen$select_list$Types$SelectList, _Utils_ap( nextBefore, A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, befor)), next, $elm$core$List$reverse(nextAfter)); }, A2($miyamoen$select_list$Select$splitWhen, pred, after)); }); var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selectAfterIf = $miyamoen$select_list$Select$afterIf; var $miyamoen$select_list$Select$beforeIf = F2( function (pred, _v0) { var befor = _v0.a; var a = _v0.b; var after = _v0.c; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (_v1) { var nextAfter = _v1.a; var next = _v1.b; var nextBefore = _v1.c; return A3( $miyamoen$select_list$Types$SelectList, $elm$core$List$reverse(nextBefore), next, _Utils_ap( nextAfter, A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, after))); }, A2($miyamoen$select_list$Select$splitWhen, pred, befor)); }); var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selectBeforeIf = $miyamoen$select_list$Select$beforeIf; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storySetValue = F2( function (value, model) { switch (model.$) { case 0: var storyLabel = model.a; var state = model.b; var _v1 = $elm$core$String$toInt(value); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return model; } else { var intValue = _v1.a; return A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$RangeStoryModel, storyLabel, _Utils_update( state, { F: A3($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$enforceRange, state.e7, state.e4, intValue) })); } case 1: var storyLabel = model.a; return A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$TextStoryModel, storyLabel, value); case 2: var storyLabel = model.a; var select = model.b; return A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$OptionListStoryModel, storyLabel, A2( $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$attempt, $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selectAfterIf( $elm$core$Basics$eq(value)), A2( $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$attempt, $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$selectBeforeIf( $elm$core$Basics$eq(value)), select))); default: var storyLabel = model.a; return A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$BoolStoryModel, storyLabel, value === 't'); } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$selectStory = F2( function (label, value) { return $elm$core$List$map( function (story) { return A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyLabelIs, label, story) ? A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storySetValue, value, story) : story; }); }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Types$fromList = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($miyamoen$select_list$Types$SelectList, _List_Nil, x, xs)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$fromList = $miyamoen$select_list$Types$fromList; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyHelp = function (info) { switch (info.$) { case 0: var label = info.a; var unit = info.b.gd; var min = info.b.e7; var max = info.b.e4; var _default = info.b.el; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$RangeStoryModel, label, {e4: max, e7: min, gd: unit, F: _default})); case 1: var label = info.a; var _default = info.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$TextStoryModel, label, _default)); case 2: var label = info.a; var options = info.b; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$OptionListStoryModel(label), $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$fromList(options)); default: var label = info.a; var _default = info.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$BoolStoryModel, label, _default)); } }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$StorySelect = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(12), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.4) ]); var $author$project$Widget$Material$chip = $author$project$Internal$Material$Chip$chip; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Thumb = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultThumb = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(16)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(16)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 1, 1, 1)) ]); var $miyamoen$select_list$Query$beforeLength = function (_v0) { var before = _v0.a; return $elm$core$List$length(before); }; var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$beforeLength = $miyamoen$select_list$Query$beforeLength; var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$index = $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$beforeLength; var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$row = { a: {T: _List_Nil, V: _List_Nil, W: _List_Nil, X: _List_Nil, a8: _List_Nil}, B: _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 0, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$row = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$row; var $author$project$Widget$select = $author$project$Internal$Select$select; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getHeight = function (attrs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, acc) { if (!acc.$) { var x = acc.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { if (attr.$ === 8) { var len = attr.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(len); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getSpacing = F2( function (attrs, _default) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _default, A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, acc) { if (!acc.$) { var x = acc.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 5)) { var _v2 = attr.b; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2(x, y)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getWidth = function (attrs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, acc) { if (!acc.$) { var x = acc.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { if (attr.$ === 7) { var len = attr.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(len); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs); }; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$max = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('max'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$min = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('min'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacingXY = F2( function (x, y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName, x, y), x, y)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$step = function (n) { return A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty, 'step', n); }; var $elm$core$String$toFloat = _String_toFloat; var $elm$core$Basics$abs = function (n) { return (n < 0) ? (-n) : n; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$viewHorizontalThumb = F3( function (factor, thumbAttributes, trackHeight) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackHeight)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion( $elm$core$Basics$round(factor * 10000))) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttr($elm$core$Basics$never), thumbAttributes)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion( $elm$core$Basics$round( $elm$core$Basics$abs(1 - factor) * 10000))) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$viewVerticalThumb = F3( function (factor, thumbAttributes, trackWidth) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackWidth)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion( $elm$core$Basics$round( $elm$core$Basics$abs(1 - factor) * 10000))) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttr($elm$core$Basics$never), thumbAttributes)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion( $elm$core$Basics$round(factor * 10000))) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$slider = F2( function (attributes, input) { var trackWidth = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getWidth(attributes); var trackHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getHeight(attributes); var vertical = function () { var _v8 = _Utils_Tuple2(trackWidth, trackHeight); _v8$3: while (true) { if (_v8.a.$ === 1) { if (_v8.b.$ === 1) { var _v9 = _v8.a; var _v10 = _v8.b; return false; } else { break _v8$3; } } else { if ((!_v8.a.a.$) && (!_v8.b.$)) { switch (_v8.b.a.$) { case 0: var w = _v8.a.a.a; var h = _v8.b.a.a; return _Utils_cmp(h, w) > 0; case 2: return true; default: break _v8$3; } } else { break _v8$3; } } } return false; }(); var factor = (input.F - input.e7) / (input.e4 - input.e7); var _v0 = input.f9; var thumbAttributes = _v0; var height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getHeight(thumbAttributes); var thumbHeightString = function () { if (height.$ === 1) { return '20px'; } else { if (!height.a.$) { var px = height.a.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; } else { return '100%'; } } }(); var width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getWidth(thumbAttributes); var thumbWidthString = function () { if (width.$ === 1) { return '20px'; } else { if (!width.a.$) { var px = width.a.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; } else { return '100%'; } } }(); var className = 'thmb-' + (thumbWidthString + ('-' + thumbHeightString)); var thumbShadowStyle = _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', thumbWidthString), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', thumbHeightString) ]); var _v1 = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getSpacing, attributes, _Utils_Tuple2(5, 5)); var spacingX = _v1.a; var spacingY = _v1.b; return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel(input.b8) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacingXY, spacingX, spacingY), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( function () { if (trackWidth.$ === 1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill; } else { if (!trackWidth.a.$) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink; } else { var x = trackWidth.a; return x; } } }()), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( function () { if (trackHeight.$ === 1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink; } else { if (!trackHeight.a.$) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink; } else { var x = trackHeight.a; return x; } } }()) ]), input.b8, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackWidth)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20), trackHeight)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('input'), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute(input.b8), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$active, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, 'input[type=\"range\"].' + (className + '::-moz-range-thumb'), thumbShadowStyle)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$hover, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, 'input[type=\"range\"].' + (className + '::-webkit-slider-thumb'), thumbShadowStyle)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$focus, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, 'input[type=\"range\"].' + (className + '::-ms-thumb'), thumbShadowStyle)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(className + ' focusable-parent')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput( function (str) { var _v4 = $elm$core$String$toFloat(str); if (_v4.$ === 1) { return input.c5(0); } else { var val = _v4.a; return input.c5(val); } })), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_('range')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$step( function () { var _v5 = input.fQ; if (_v5.$ === 1) { return 'any'; } else { var step = _v5.a; return $elm$core$String$fromFloat(step); } }())), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$min( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(input.e7))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$max( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(input.e4))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(input.F))), vertical ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute, 'orient', 'vertical')) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( vertical ? A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20), trackHeight) : A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackWidth)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( vertical ? A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackWidth) : A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20), trackHeight)) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(_List_Nil)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill, trackWidth)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(20), trackHeight)), _Utils_ap( attributes, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( vertical ? A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$viewVerticalThumb, factor, thumbAttributes, trackWidth) : A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$viewHorizontalThumb, factor, thumbAttributes, trackHeight)) ])))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none) ]))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spaceEvenly = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fM); var $miyamoen$select_list$Types$reverseAppend = F2( function (xs, ys) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$List$cons, ys, xs); }); var $miyamoen$select_list$Types$toList = function (_v0) { var before = _v0.a; var a = _v0.b; var after = _v0.c; return A2( $miyamoen$select_list$Types$reverseAppend, before, A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, after)); }; var $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$toList = $miyamoen$select_list$Types$toList; var $author$project$Internal$List$internalButton = F2( function (style, list) { return A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, function (i) { return $author$project$Internal$Select$selectButton( A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _Utils_ap( style.T, ($elm$core$List$length(list) === 1) ? style.X : ((!i) ? style.V : (_Utils_eq( i, $elm$core$List$length(list) - 1) ? style.W : style.a8))), style.a)); }, list); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Padding = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Spaced = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$extractSpacingAndPadding = function (attrs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, _v0) { var pad = _v0.a; var spacing = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( function () { if (!pad.$) { var x = pad.a; return pad; } else { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 7)) { var _v3 = attr.b; var name = _v3.a; var t = _v3.b; var r = _v3.c; var b = _v3.d; var l = _v3.e; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A5($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Padding, name, t, r, b, l)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }(), function () { if (!spacing.$) { var x = spacing.a; return spacing; } else { if ((attr.$ === 4) && (attr.b.$ === 5)) { var _v6 = attr.b; var name = _v6.a; var x = _v6.b; var y = _v6.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Spaced, name, x, y)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }()); }), _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), attrs); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow = F2( function (attrs, children) { var _v0 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$extractSpacingAndPadding(attrs); var padded = _v0.a; var spaced = _v0.b; if (spaced.$ === 1) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0 + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cn)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); } else { var _v2 = spaced.a; var spaceName = _v2.a; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; var newPadding = function () { if (!padded.$) { var _v5 = padded.a; var name = _v5.a; var t = _v5.b; var r = _v5.c; var b = _v5.d; var l = _v5.e; if ((_Utils_cmp(r, x / 2) > -1) && (_Utils_cmp(b, y / 2) > -1)) { var newTop = t - (y / 2); var newRight = r - (x / 2); var newLeft = l - (x / 2); var newBottom = b - (y / 2); return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingNameFloat, newTop, newRight, newBottom, newLeft), newTop, newRight, newBottom, newLeft))); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }(); if (!newPadding.$) { var pad = newPadding.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0 + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cn)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), _Utils_ap( attrs, _List_fromArray( [pad]))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); } else { var halfY = -(y / 2); var halfX = -(x / 2); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.a0 + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.ac + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cn)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'margin', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(halfY) + ('px' + (' ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(halfX) + 'px'))))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'width', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px)'))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'height', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)'))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle, spaceName, x, y)), _List_Nil))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)) ]))); } } }); var $author$project$Internal$List$wrappedButtonRow = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Internal$List$internalButton( {a: style.a, T: style.B.a.T, V: style.B.a.V, W: style.B.a.W, X: style.B.a.X, a8: style.B.a.a8}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow(style.B.B)); }; var $author$project$Widget$wrappedButtonRow = $author$project$Internal$List$wrappedButtonRow; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyView = F2( function (context, model) { switch (model.$) { case 0: var label = model.a; var unit = model.b.gd; var min = model.b.e7; var max = model.b.e4; var value = model.b.F; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( label + (' (' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(value) + (unit + ')'))))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$slider, _List_Nil, { b8: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden(label), e4: max, e7: min, c5: A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Basics$round, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$String$fromInt, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$StorySelect(label))), fQ: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1.0), f9: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultThumb, F: value }) ])); case 1: var label = model.a; var value = model.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(label)), A2( $author$project$Widget$textInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput(context.cb), { d8: _List_Nil, b8: label, c5: $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$StorySelect(label), fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: value }) ])); case 2: var label = model.a; var options = model.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(label)), A2( $author$project$Widget$wrappedButtonRow, { a: $author$project$Widget$Material$chip(context.cb), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$row }, $author$project$Widget$select( { bH: function (selected) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Tuple$second, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$StorySelect(label)), $elm$core$List$head( A2( $elm$core$List$filter, function (_v1) { var i = _v1.a; return _Utils_eq(selected, i); }, A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (i, opt) { return _Utils_Tuple2(i, opt); }), $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$toList(options))))); }, bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (opt) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: opt }; }, $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$toList(options)), bP: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $miyamoen$select_list$SelectList$index(options)) })) ])); default: var label = model.a; var value = model.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spaceEvenly, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(label)), A2( $author$project$Widget$switch, $author$project$Widget$Material$switch(context.cb), { cp: value, b0: label, bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$StorySelect, label, value ? 'f' : 't')) }) ])); } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyTile = F3( function (title, stories, _v0) { return { eR: function (_v1) { return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyHelp, $elm$core$List$reverse(stories)), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }, fV: $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Platform$Sub$none), ge: F2( function (msg, model) { var story = msg.a; var value = msg.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( A3($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$selectStory, story, value, model), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }), z: F2( function (context, model) { return _List_fromArray( [ { cu: _List_Nil, cw: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyView(context), model)), df: 2, bU: title } ]); }) }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build = function (builder) { return A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$linkGroup, { eR: builder.ai.eR, fV: A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Tuple$second, builder.ai.fV), ge: F2( function (msg, _v0) { var model = _v0.b; return A2(builder.ai.ge, msg, model); }), z: F2( function (context, _v1) { var selectorModel = _v1.a; var model = _v1.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (view) { return A2(view, context, model); }, builder.ai.z( builder.aA( $elm$core$List$reverse( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$selectedStories(selectorModel))))); }) }, A3($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$storyTile, builder.bU, builder.bd, builder.aA)); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$OptionListStory = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 2, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory = F3( function (label, first, options) { return { aI: A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$OptionListStory, label, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, A2($elm$core$List$cons, first, options))), aT: function (optLabel) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, first.b, A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, res) { var key = _v0.a; var optvalue = _v0.b; var _v1 = _Utils_Tuple2( res, _Utils_eq(optLabel, key)); if (!_v1.a.$) { var x = _v1.a.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { if (_v1.b) { var _v2 = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(optvalue); } else { var _v3 = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, A2($elm$core$List$cons, first, options))); } }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$RangeStory = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$rangeStory = F2( function (label, cfg) { return { aI: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$RangeStory, label, cfg), aT: A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$String$toInt, $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault(cfg.el)) }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$TextStory = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory = F2( function (label, _default) { return { aI: A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$TextStory, label, _default), aT: $elm$core$Basics$identity }; }); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile = F2( function (view, tilelist) { return _Utils_update( tilelist, { z: A2( $elm$core$List$append, tilelist.z, _List_fromArray( [view])) }); }); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f = $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill; var $elm$svg$Svg$g = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('g'); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon = F4( function (attributes, nodes, size, coloring) { var sizeAsString = $elm$core$String$fromInt(size); return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _Utils_ap( attributes, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height(sizeAsString), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width(sizeAsString) ])), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$g, _List_fromArray( [ function () { if (!coloring.$) { var color = coloring.a; return $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)); } else { return $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('currentColor'); } }() ]), nodes) ])); }); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p = $elm$svg$Svg$path; var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v = $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox; var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$change_history = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0V0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M12 7.77L18.39 18H5.61L12 7.77M12 4L2 20h20L12 4z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons = F2( function (wrapper, fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( fun, size, wrapper(color)))); }; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always( _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none)), fV: $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Platform$Sub$none), ge: F2( function (_v0, _v1) { return _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }), z: _List_Nil }; var $elm$core$List$repeatHelp = F3( function (result, n, value) { repeatHelp: while (true) { if (n <= 0) { return result; } else { var $temp$result = A2($elm$core$List$cons, value, result), $temp$n = n - 1, $temp$value = value; result = $temp$result; n = $temp$n; value = $temp$value; continue repeatHelp; } } }); var $elm$core$List$repeat = F2( function (n, value) { return A3($elm$core$List$repeatHelp, _List_Nil, n, value); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarX = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fD); var $author$project$Internal$AppBar$tabBar = F2( function (style, m) { return A3( $author$project$Internal$AppBar$internalNav, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.K.a.bU, m.bU), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Internal$Select$selectButton(style.a.K.a.e6), $author$project$Internal$Select$select(m.K))) ]), { a: { v: style.a.v, K: {B: style.a.K.B}, aQ: style.a.aQ }, B: style.B }, m); }); var $author$project$Widget$tabBar = $author$project$Internal$AppBar$tabBar; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Bottom = 2; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignBottom = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(2); var $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$menuTabButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: 18 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: 18 } }, aS: {eg: _List_Nil} }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX ]) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(56)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 90, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 12, 16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignBottom, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( {d2: 2, e$: 0, fv: 0, ga: 0}) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$tabBar = function (palette) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$internalBar, { e6: $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$menuTabButton(palette), bU: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ])) }, palette); }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$tabBar = $author$project$Internal$Material$AppBar$tabBar; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$LeftColumnTile = 3; var $author$project$Page$viewTile = F2( function (title, content) { return { cu: _List_Nil, cw: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(title)), content ])), df: 3, bU: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing }; }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$viewFunctions = function () { var viewTabBar = F9( function (titleString, deviceClass, _v2, openRightSheet, openTopSheet, primaryActions, search, _v3, _v4) { var palette = _v3.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.button', A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(400)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarX ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$tabBar, $author$project$Widget$Material$tabBar(palette), { er: deviceClass, K: { bH: $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (string) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: string }; }, _List_fromArray( ['Home', 'About'])), bP: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0) }, fk: openRightSheet, fl: openTopSheet, fr: A2( $elm$core$List$repeat, primaryActions, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$change_history), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Action' }), aQ: search, bU: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(titleString)) }))); }); var viewMenuBar = F9( function (titleString, deviceClass, openLeftSheet, openRightSheet, openTopSheet, primaryActions, search, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.button', A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(400)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarX ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$menuBar, $author$project$Widget$Material$menuBar(palette), { er: deviceClass, fj: openLeftSheet, fk: openRightSheet, fl: openTopSheet, fr: A2( $elm$core$List$repeat, primaryActions, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$change_history), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Action' }), aQ: search, bU: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(titleString)) }))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewMenuBar, viewTabBar])); }(); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With search', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { d8: _List_Nil, b8: 'Search', c5: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder Text' }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$rangeStory, 'Primary Actions', {el: 3, e4: 5, e7: 0, gd: 'Buttons'}), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With openTopSheet event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With openRightSheet event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With openLeftSheet event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Device Class', _Utils_Tuple2('Phone', 0), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('Tablet', 1), _Utils_Tuple2('Desktop', 2), _Utils_Tuple2('BigDesktop', 3) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Title', 'Title'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$AppBar$viewFunctions))))))))); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Builder = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup = F2( function (config, _v0) { var previous = _v0; var views_ = F2( function (windowSize, _v8) { var previousModel = _v8.a; var model = _v8.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$append, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapViewList, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, A2(previous.z, windowSize, previousModel)), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$mapViewList, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, A2(config.z, windowSize, model))); }); var update_ = F2( function (msg, _v7) { var previousModel = _v7.a; var model = _v7.b; if (!msg.$) { var previousMsg = msg.a; var _v5 = A2(previous.ge, previousMsg, previousModel); var newPreviousModel = _v5.a; var previousCmds = _v5.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(newPreviousModel, model), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, previousCmds)); } else { var currentMsg = msg.a; var _v6 = A2(config.ge, currentMsg, model); var newModel = _v6.a; var cmds = _v6.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(previousModel, newModel), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, cmds)); } }); var subscriptions_ = function (_v3) { var previousModel = _v3.a; var model = _v3.b; return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, config.fV(model)), A2( $elm$core$Platform$Sub$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, previous.fV(previousModel)) ])); }; var init_ = function (flags) { var _v1 = previous.eR(flags); var previousModel = _v1.a; var previousCmds = _v1.b; var _v2 = config.eR(flags); var model = _v2.a; var cmds = _v2.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_Tuple2(previousModel, model), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Previous, previousCmds), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$Current, cmds) ]))); }; return {eR: init_, fV: subscriptions_, ge: update_, z: views_}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$firstGroup = function (config) { return A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, config, { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always( _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none)), fV: $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Platform$Sub$none), ge: F2( function (_v0, m) { return _Utils_Tuple2(m, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }), z: F2( function (_v1, _v2) { return _List_Nil; }) }); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$groupSingleton = function (tile) { return { eR: tile.eR, fV: tile.fV, ge: tile.ge, z: F2( function (pagesize, model) { return $elm$core$List$singleton( A2(tile.gg, pagesize, model)); }) }; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$first = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$groupSingleton, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$firstGroup); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h3 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(48) ]); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$next = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$groupSingleton, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$family = function (families) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily, A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName, 'ff-', families), families)); }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$OneColumn = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 1, a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutAddTile = F2( function (view, layout) { var _v0 = view.df; switch (_v0) { case 0: if (layout.b && (!layout.a.$)) { var items = layout.a.a; var tail = layout.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$OneColumn( A2($elm$core$List$cons, view, items)), tail); } else { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$OneColumn( _List_fromArray( [view])), layout); } case 3: if (layout.b && (layout.a.$ === 1)) { var _v3 = layout.a; var left = _v3.a; var right = _v3.b; var tail = layout.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, A2($elm$core$List$cons, view, left), right), tail); } else { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, _List_fromArray( [view]), _List_Nil), layout); } case 4: return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, _List_fromArray( [view]), _List_Nil), layout); case 1: if (layout.b && (layout.a.$ === 1)) { var _v5 = layout.a; var left = _v5.a; var right = _v5.b; var tail = layout.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, left, A2($elm$core$List$cons, view, right)), tail); } else { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [view])), layout); } default: return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$TwoColumn, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [view])), layout); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach = function (_v0) { var topLeft = _v0.bV; var topRight = _v0.bW; var bottomLeft = _v0.bo; var bottomRight = _v0.bp; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'br-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topLeft) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topRight) + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomLeft) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomRight)))))), 'border-radius', $elm$core$String$fromInt(topLeft) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topRight) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomRight) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomLeft) + 'px')))))))); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$cardColumn = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 16, 12), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.d)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 344, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]), V: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( {bo: 0, bp: 0, bV: 4, bW: 4}) ]), W: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( {bo: 4, bp: 4, bV: 0, bW: 0}) ]), X: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(0) ]) }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(4)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignTop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$cardColumn; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutView = F3( function (palette, _v0, view) { var _v1 = view.bU; if (!_v1.$) { var string = _v1.a; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), string), $author$project$Widget$asItem( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), view.cw)) ]))); } else { return view.cw; } }); var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutRowView = F2( function (palette, row) { if (!row.$) { var items = row.a; return A2( $elm$core$List$map, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutView, palette, _List_Nil), $elm$core$List$reverse(items)); } else { var left = row.a; var right = row.b; return $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion(2)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(32) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutView, palette, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ])), $elm$core$List$reverse(left))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fillPortion(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutView, palette, _List_Nil), $elm$core$List$reverse(right))) ]))); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$sansSerif = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$typeface = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$page = function (_v0) { var config = _v0; return { eR: config.eR, fV: config.fV, ge: config.ge, gg: F3( function (pagesize, dark, model) { var palette = dark ? $author$project$Widget$Material$darkPalette : $author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(32), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(800)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$family( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$typeface('Roboto'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$sansSerif ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.5) ]), $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.aY)), A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutRowView(palette), $elm$core$List$reverse( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$layoutAddTile, _List_Nil, A2( config.z, {c9: pagesize, cb: palette}, model))))); }) }; }; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$FullWidthTile = 0; var $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$static = F2( function (attributes, tileView) { return { eR: function (flags) { return _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }, fV: function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }, ge: F2( function (_v1, m) { return _Utils_Tuple2(m, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }), gg: F2( function (pagesize, _v2) { return { cu: attributes, cw: A2(tileView, pagesize, 0), df: 0, bU: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing }; }) }; }); var $author$project$Page$create = function (config) { return $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$page( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, config.dZ, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$next, config.eo, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$first( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$static, _List_Nil, F2( function (_v0, _v1) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(32) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h3, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(config.bU)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(config.b0))) ])); })))))); }; var $author$project$Page$demo = F3( function (fun, context, model) { return function (body) { return { cu: _List_Nil, cw: body, df: 0, bU: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Interactive Demo') }; }( A2(fun, context, model)); }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$RightSheet = 1; var $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$Queue = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$empty = A2($turboMaCk$queue$Queue$Queue, _List_Nil, _List_Nil); var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$init = {ad: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aP: $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$empty}; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$init = _Utils_Tuple2( { cp: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1), bO: '', bP: 0, bQ: false, ax: $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$init, cm: {cQ: 200, S: 400} }, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$Resized = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$TimePassed = function (a) { return {$: 6, a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$Every = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$time$Time$State = F2( function (taggers, processes) { return {dh: processes, du: taggers}; }); var $elm$time$Time$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$State, $elm$core$Dict$empty, $elm$core$Dict$empty)); var $elm$time$Time$addMySub = F2( function (_v0, state) { var interval = _v0.a; var tagger = _v0.b; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, interval, state); if (_v1.$ === 1) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, _List_fromArray( [tagger]), state); } else { var taggers = _v1.a; return A3( $elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, A2($elm$core$List$cons, tagger, taggers), state); } }); var $elm$time$Time$Name = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$Offset = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$Zone = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 0, a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$time$Time$customZone = $elm$time$Time$Zone; var $elm$time$Time$setInterval = _Time_setInterval; var $elm$core$Process$spawn = _Scheduler_spawn; var $elm$time$Time$spawnHelp = F3( function (router, intervals, processes) { if (!intervals.b) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(processes); } else { var interval = intervals.a; var rest = intervals.b; var spawnTimer = $elm$core$Process$spawn( A2( $elm$time$Time$setInterval, interval, A2($elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, interval))); var spawnRest = function (id) { return A3( $elm$time$Time$spawnHelp, router, rest, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, id, processes)); }; return A2($elm$core$Task$andThen, spawnRest, spawnTimer); } }); var $elm$time$Time$onEffects = F3( function (router, subs, _v0) { var processes = _v0.dh; var rightStep = F3( function (_v6, id, _v7) { var spawns = _v7.a; var existing = _v7.b; var kills = _v7.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( spawns, existing, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v5) { return kills; }, $elm$core$Process$kill(id))); }); var newTaggers = A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$time$Time$addMySub, $elm$core$Dict$empty, subs); var leftStep = F3( function (interval, taggers, _v4) { var spawns = _v4.a; var existing = _v4.b; var kills = _v4.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($elm$core$List$cons, interval, spawns), existing, kills); }); var bothStep = F4( function (interval, taggers, id, _v3) { var spawns = _v3.a; var existing = _v3.b; var kills = _v3.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( spawns, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, id, existing), kills); }); var _v1 = A6( $elm$core$Dict$merge, leftStep, bothStep, rightStep, newTaggers, processes, _Utils_Tuple3( _List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty, $elm$core$Task$succeed(0))); var spawnList = _v1.a; var existingDict = _v1.b; var killTask = _v1.c; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (newProcesses) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$State, newTaggers, newProcesses)); }, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v2) { return A3($elm$time$Time$spawnHelp, router, spawnList, existingDict); }, killTask)); }); var $elm$time$Time$Posix = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$time$Time$millisToPosix = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $elm$time$Time$now = _Time_now($elm$time$Time$millisToPosix); var $elm$time$Time$onSelfMsg = F3( function (router, interval, state) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, interval, state.du); if (_v0.$ === 1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); } else { var taggers = _v0.a; var tellTaggers = function (time) { return $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (tagger) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp, router, tagger(time)); }, taggers)); }; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); }, A2($elm$core$Task$andThen, tellTaggers, $elm$time$Time$now)); } }); var $elm$time$Time$subMap = F2( function (f, _v0) { var interval = _v0.a; var tagger = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$time$Time$Every, interval, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, f, tagger)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Time'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$time$Time$init, $elm$time$Time$onEffects, $elm$time$Time$onSelfMsg, 0, $elm$time$Time$subMap); var $elm$time$Time$subscription = _Platform_leaf('Time'); var $elm$time$Time$every = F2( function (interval, tagger) { return $elm$time$Time$subscription( A2($elm$time$Time$Every, interval, tagger)); }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onResize( F2( function (h, w) { return $author$project$Page$AppBar$Resized( {cQ: h, S: w}); })), A2( $elm$time$Time$every, 50, $elm$core$Basics$always( $author$project$Page$AppBar$TimePassed(50))) ])); }; var $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$queue = F2( function (fl, rl) { if (!fl.b) { return A2( $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$Queue, $elm$core$List$reverse(rl), _List_Nil); } else { return A2($turboMaCk$queue$Queue$Queue, fl, rl); } }); var $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$enqueue = F2( function (a, _v0) { var fl = _v0.a; var rl = _v0.b; return A2( $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$queue, fl, A2($elm$core$List$cons, a, rl)); }); var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insertFor = F3( function (removeIn, a, model) { var _v0 = model.ad; if (_v0.$ === 1) { return _Utils_update( model, { ad: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2(a, removeIn)) }); } else { return _Utils_update( model, { aP: A2( $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$enqueue, _Utils_Tuple2(a, removeIn), model.aP) }); } }); var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insert = $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insertFor(10000); var $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$dequeue = function (_v0) { var fl = _v0.a; var rl = _v0.b; if (!fl.b) { return _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, A2($turboMaCk$queue$Queue$Queue, _List_Nil, _List_Nil)); } else { var head = fl.a; var tail = fl.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(head), A2($turboMaCk$queue$Queue$queue, tail, rl)); } }; var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$dismiss = function (model) { return _Utils_update( model, {ad: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing}); }; var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$timePassed = F2( function (ms, model) { var _v0 = model.ad; if (_v0.$ === 1) { var _v1 = $turboMaCk$queue$Queue$dequeue(model.aP); var c = _v1.a; var queue = _v1.b; return _Utils_update( model, {ad: c, aP: queue}); } else { var _v2 = _v0.a; var removeIn = _v2.b; return (_Utils_cmp(removeIn, ms) < 1) ? $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$dismiss(model) : _Utils_update( model, { ad: A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond( $elm$core$Basics$add(-ms)), model.ad) }); } }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$update = F2( function (msg, model) { switch (msg.$) { case 0: var maybePart = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {cp: maybePart}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 1: var window = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {cm: window}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 2: var _int = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {bP: _int}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { ax: A2($author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insert, 'This is a message', model.ax) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 4: var bool = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {bQ: bool}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 5: var maybeString = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {bO: maybeString}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); default: var sec = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( function () { var _v1 = model.cp; _v1$2: while (true) { if (!_v1.$) { switch (_v1.a) { case 0: var _v2 = _v1.a; return model; case 1: var _v3 = _v1.a; return model; default: break _v1$2; } } else { break _v1$2; } } return _Utils_update( model, { ax: A2($author$project$Widget$Snackbar$timePassed, sec, model.ax) }); }(), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$AddSnackbar = {$: 3}; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$LeftSheet = 0; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$Search = 2; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$SetSearchText = function (a) { return {$: 5, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$SetSelected = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$ShowDialog = function (a) { return {$: 4, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$containedButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: 18 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa), aw: 18 } }, aS: { eg: function (b) { return b.a.a.aS.eg; }( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette)) } }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ])) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).b2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(2)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(12)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(6)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(6)) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa))) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonDisabledOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(0)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.aa))) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$textButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18}, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18} }, aS: { eg: function (b) { return b.a.a.aS.eg; }( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette)) } }, B: function (b) { return b.a.B; }( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette)) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).b2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Dialog$alertDialog = function (palette) { return { a: { bq: { a: { bm: $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$containedButton(palette), b1: $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$textButton(palette) }, B: _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignBottom ]) }, aS: { eg: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 24, fv: 24, ga: 20}) ]) }, bU: { eg: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 24, fv: 24, ga: 20}) ])) } }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 280, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 560, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 182, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.d)) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$alertDialog = $author$project$Internal$Material$Dialog$alertDialog; var $author$project$Widget$button = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Button$button; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton = $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$containedButton; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$container = function (palette) { return _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.aY), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$family( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$typeface('Roboto'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$sansSerif ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.5) ])); }; var $author$project$Internal$Button$textButton = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$button, style, { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: onPress, aS: text }); }); var $author$project$Internal$Dialog$dialog = F2( function (style, _v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var text = _v0.aS; var accept = _v0.bm; var dismiss = _v0.b1; return { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY]), style.cG), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el(style.a.bU.eg)), title)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, style.a.aS.eg, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]), style.a.bq.B), function () { var _v1 = _Utils_Tuple2(accept, dismiss); if (!_v1.a.$) { if (_v1.b.$ === 1) { var acceptButton = _v1.a.a; var _v2 = _v1.b; return $elm$core$List$singleton( A2($author$project$Internal$Button$textButton, style.a.bq.a.bm, acceptButton)); } else { var acceptButton = _v1.a.a; var dismissButton = _v1.b.a; return _List_fromArray( [ A2($author$project$Internal$Button$textButton, style.a.bq.a.b1, dismissButton), A2($author$project$Internal$Button$textButton, style.a.bq.a.bm, acceptButton) ]); } } else { return _List_Nil; } }()) ])), fd: function () { var _v3 = _Utils_Tuple2(accept, dismiss); if (_v3.a.$ === 1) { if (_v3.b.$ === 1) { var _v4 = _v3.a; var _v5 = _v3.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v6 = _v3.a; var onPress = _v3.b.a.bG; return onPress; } } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }() }; }); var $author$project$Widget$dialog = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Dialog$dialog; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementColumn = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { cG: fun(a.cG) }); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementColumn = F2( function (list, a) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementColumn, function (b) { return _Utils_ap(b, list); }, a); }); var $author$project$Widget$Layout$leftSheet = F2( function (style, _v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var onDismiss = _v0.fd; var menu = _v0.K; return { a: A2( $author$project$Internal$List$itemList, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementColumn, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft]), style.dq), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $author$project$Internal$Item$asItem(title), A2($author$project$Internal$Item$selectItem, style.aE, menu))), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(onDismiss) }; }); var $author$project$Widget$Layout$orderModals = function (modals) { return A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [modals.es, modals.e0, modals.fw, modals.gb])); }; var $elm$core$List$takeReverse = F3( function (n, list, kept) { takeReverse: while (true) { if (n <= 0) { return kept; } else { if (!list.b) { return kept; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; var $temp$n = n - 1, $temp$list = xs, $temp$kept = A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, kept); n = $temp$n; list = $temp$list; kept = $temp$kept; continue takeReverse; } } } }); var $elm$core$List$takeTailRec = F2( function (n, list) { return $elm$core$List$reverse( A3($elm$core$List$takeReverse, n, list, _List_Nil)); }); var $elm$core$List$takeFast = F3( function (ctr, n, list) { if (n <= 0) { return _List_Nil; } else { var _v0 = _Utils_Tuple2(n, list); _v0$1: while (true) { _v0$5: while (true) { if (!_v0.b.b) { return list; } else { if (_v0.b.b.b) { switch (_v0.a) { case 1: break _v0$1; case 2: var _v2 = _v0.b; var x = _v2.a; var _v3 = _v2.b; var y = _v3.a; return _List_fromArray( [x, y]); case 3: if (_v0.b.b.b.b) { var _v4 = _v0.b; var x = _v4.a; var _v5 = _v4.b; var y = _v5.a; var _v6 = _v5.b; var z = _v6.a; return _List_fromArray( [x, y, z]); } else { break _v0$5; } default: if (_v0.b.b.b.b && _v0.b.b.b.b.b) { var _v7 = _v0.b; var x = _v7.a; var _v8 = _v7.b; var y = _v8.a; var _v9 = _v8.b; var z = _v9.a; var _v10 = _v9.b; var w = _v10.a; var tl = _v10.b; return (ctr > 1000) ? A2( $elm$core$List$cons, x, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, y, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, z, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, w, A2($elm$core$List$takeTailRec, n - 4, tl))))) : A2( $elm$core$List$cons, x, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, y, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, z, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, w, A3($elm$core$List$takeFast, ctr + 1, n - 4, tl))))); } else { break _v0$5; } } } else { if (_v0.a === 1) { break _v0$1; } else { break _v0$5; } } } } return list; } var _v1 = _v0.b; var x = _v1.a; return _List_fromArray( [x]); } }); var $elm$core$List$take = F2( function (n, list) { return A3($elm$core$List$takeFast, 0, n, list); }); var $author$project$Widget$Layout$partitionActions = function (actions) { return { c3: ($elm$core$List$length(actions) > 4) ? A2($elm$core$List$drop, 2, actions) : (($elm$core$List$length(actions) === 4) ? A2($elm$core$List$drop, 1, actions) : (($elm$core$List$length(actions) === 3) ? actions : A2($elm$core$List$drop, 2, actions))), fr: ($elm$core$List$length(actions) > 4) ? A2($elm$core$List$take, 2, actions) : (($elm$core$List$length(actions) === 4) ? A2($elm$core$List$take, 1, actions) : (($elm$core$List$length(actions) === 3) ? _List_Nil : A2($elm$core$List$take, 2, actions))) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Layout$rightSheet = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onDismiss = _v0.fd; var moreActions = _v0.c3; return { a: A2( $author$project$Internal$List$itemList, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementColumn, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), style.dq), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v1) { var onPress = _v1.bG; var text = _v1.aS; var icon = _v1.bC; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$insetItem, style.eX, { a: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text }); }, moreActions)), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(onDismiss) }; }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$searchFill = function (palette) { return { a: { d8: { a: $author$project$Widget$Material$chip(palette), B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }, aS: { cI: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])) } }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(56)) ])) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementRow = F2( function (list, a) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElementRow, function (b) { return _Utils_ap(b, list); }, a); }); var $author$project$Widget$Layout$searchSheet = F2( function (style, _v0) { var onDismiss = _v0.fd; var search = _v0.aQ; return { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignTop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $author$project$Internal$TextInput$textInput, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, function (record) { return _Utils_update( record, {aS: record.aS}); }, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementRow, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), style)), search)), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(onDismiss) }; }); var $author$project$Internal$Modal$background = function (onDismiss) { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba255, 0, 0, 0, 0.5)) ]), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _List_Nil, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick, $elm$core$List$singleton), onDismiss))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip ]); }; var $author$project$Internal$Modal$singleModal = A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$head, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Maybe$map( function (_v0) { var onDismiss = _v0.fd; var content = _v0.a; return _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Modal$background(onDismiss), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(content) ])); }), $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault(_List_Nil))); var $author$project$Widget$singleModal = $author$project$Internal$Modal$singleModal; var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleWithTextColor = F2( function (c, color) { var newConstrast = 7; var l2 = 1 + ($avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(color).ak * ($noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Accessibility$luminance(color) - 1)); var lighterLuminance = (newConstrast * (l2 + 0.05)) - 0.05; var l1 = 1 + ($avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(c).ak * ($noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Accessibility$luminance(c) - 1)); var darkerLuminance = (l2 + 0.05) - (0.05 / newConstrast); return ((_Utils_cmp(l1, l2) > 0) ? ((((l1 + 0.05) / (l2 + 0.05)) < 7) ? A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToLab, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function (col) { return _Utils_update( col, {Y: 100 * lighterLuminance}); }, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToColor)) : $elm$core$Basics$identity) : ((((l2 + 0.05) / (l1 + 0.05)) < 7) ? A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$colorToLab, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function (col) { return _Utils_update( col, {Y: 100 * darkerLuminance}); }, $noahzgordon$elm_color_extra$Color$Convert$labToColor)) : $elm$core$Basics$identity))(c); }); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$dark = A3($avh4$elm_color$Color$rgb255, 50, 50, 50); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Snackbar$snackbar = function (palette) { return { a: { aE: A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleWithTextColor, palette.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$dark))) ]), $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$textButton(palette)), aS: { a2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 10, 8) ]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$dark)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$dark))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 344, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 6), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(2)) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$snackbar = $author$project$Internal$Material$Snackbar$snackbar; var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$current = function (model) { return A2($elm$core$Maybe$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, model.ad); }; var $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$view = F3( function (style, toMessage, model) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, toMessage, function (_v0) { var text = _v0.aS; var button = _v0.aE; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, style.a.aS.a2, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text))), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $author$project$Internal$Button$textButton(style.a.aE), button)) ])); }), $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$current(model)); }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var snackbar = _v1.ax; var searchText = _v1.bO; var selected = _v1.bP; var showDialog = _v1.bQ; var active = _v1.cp; var titleEl = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h6, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Title')); var snackbarElem = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignBottom, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight ])), A3( $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$view, $author$project$Widget$Material$snackbar(palette), function (text) { return {aE: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: text}; }, snackbar))); var search = {d8: _List_Nil, b8: 'Search', c5: $author$project$Page$AppBar$SetSearchText, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: searchText}; var onDismiss = $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); var menu = { bH: A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Page$AppBar$SetSelected, $elm$core$Maybe$Just), bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (string) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: string }; }, _List_fromArray( ['Home', 'About'])), bP: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(selected) }; var dialog = showDialog ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$Widget$dialog, $author$project$Widget$Material$alertDialog(palette), { bm: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, b1: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$AppBar$ShowDialog(false)), aS: 'Accept' }), aS: 'This is a dialog window', bU: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Dialog') })) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; var deviceClass = 0; var actions = A2( $elm$core$List$repeat, 5, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$change_history), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Action' }); var _v2 = $author$project$Widget$Layout$partitionActions(actions); var primaryActions = _v2.fr; var moreActions = _v2.c3; var modals = $author$project$Widget$Layout$orderModals( { d3: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, es: dialog, e0: _Utils_eq( active, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$Widget$Layout$leftSheet, { aE: $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem(palette), dq: $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette) }, {K: menu, fd: onDismiss, bU: titleEl})) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fw: _Utils_eq( active, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$Widget$Layout$rightSheet, { eX: $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), dq: $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette) }, {c3: moreActions, fd: onDismiss})) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, gb: _Utils_eq( active, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $author$project$Widget$Layout$searchSheet, $author$project$Page$AppBar$searchFill(palette), {fd: onDismiss, aQ: search})) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing }); var nav = ((!deviceClass) || ((deviceClass === 1) || ($elm$core$List$length(menu.bI) > 5))) ? A2( $author$project$Widget$menuBar, $author$project$Widget$Material$menuBar(palette), { er: deviceClass, fj: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0))), fk: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1))), fl: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2))), fr: primaryActions, aQ: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(search), bU: titleEl }) : A2( $author$project$Widget$tabBar, $author$project$Widget$Material$tabBar(palette), { er: deviceClass, K: menu, fk: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$AppBar$ChangedSidebar( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1))), fl: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, fr: primaryActions, aQ: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(search), bU: titleEl }); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$AppBar$container(palette), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(snackbarElem) ]), $author$project$Widget$singleModal(modals), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 200, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 400, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]), _List_fromArray( [ nav, A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$AppBar$AddSnackbar), aS: 'Add Notification' }) ]))); }); var $author$project$Page$AppBar$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$AppBar$init), fV: $author$project$Page$AppBar$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$AppBar$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$AppBar$view) }; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$description = 'The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.'; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$title = 'App Bar'; var $author$project$Page$AppBar$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$AppBar$book, eo: $author$project$Page$AppBar$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$AppBar$description, bU: $author$project$Page$AppBar$title}); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M9 16.2L4.8 12l-1.4 1.4L9 19 21 7l-1.4-1.4L9 16.2z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Widget$Material$iconButton = $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$iconButton; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$outlinedButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18}, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18} }, aS: { eg: $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a.a.aS.eg } }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0) ])) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).b2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.aa, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$outlinedButton = $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$outlinedButton; var $author$project$Widget$Material$textButton = $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$textButton; var $author$project$Widget$iconButton = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Button$iconButton; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Widget$textButton = F2( function (style, _v0) { var text = _v0.aS; var onPress = _v0.bG; var fun = $author$project$Internal$Button$textButton; return A2( fun, style, {bG: onPress, aS: text}); }); var $author$project$Page$Button$viewFunctions = function () { var viewTextButton = F6( function (style, text, _v4, onPress, _v5, _v6) { var palette = _v5.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.textButton', A2( $author$project$Widget$textButton, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY]), style(palette)), {bG: onPress, aS: text})); }); var viewIconButton = F6( function (style, text, icon, onPress, _v2, _v3) { var palette = _v2.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.itemButton', A2( $author$project$Widget$iconButton, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY]), style(palette)), {bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text})); }); var viewButton = F6( function (style, text, icon, onPress, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.button', A2( $author$project$Widget$button, style(palette), {bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text})); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewButton, viewTextButton, viewIconButton])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Button$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Icon', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Label', 'OK'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Contained', $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('Outlined', $author$project$Widget$Material$outlinedButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Text', $author$project$Widget$Material$textButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Chip', $author$project$Widget$Material$chip), _Utils_Tuple2('IconButton', $author$project$Widget$Material$iconButton) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Button$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$Button$init = _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Button$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Button$update = F2( function (msg, model) { switch (msg.$) { case 3: return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 0: var _int = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2(model + _int, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 1: var _int = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( ((model - _int) >= 0) ? (model - _int) : model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$Button$Decrease = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Button$Increase = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Button$Reset = {$: 2}; var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$add = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M19 13h-6v6h-2v-6H5v-2h6V5h2v6h6v2z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Internal$List$column = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$map( function (a) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, {a: 0, T: style.a.T}, $elm$core$Basics$always(a)); }), $author$project$Internal$List$itemList(style)); }; var $author$project$Widget$column = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$List$column; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$column = { a: {T: _List_Nil, V: _List_Nil, W: _List_Nil, X: _List_Nil, a8: _List_Nil}, cG: _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 0, 8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]) }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$column = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$column; var $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElement = F2( function (fun, a) { return _Utils_update( a, { T: fun(a.T) }); }); var $author$project$Widget$Customize$element = F2( function (list, a) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapElement, function (b) { return _Utils_ap(b, list); }, a); }); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$exposure_plus_2 = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0zm0 0h24v24H0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M16.05 16.29l2.86-3.07c.38-.39.72-.79 1.04-1.18.32-.39.59-.78.82-1.17.23-.39.41-.78.54-1.17.13-.39.19-.79.19-1.18 0-.53-.09-1.02-.27-1.46-.18-.44-.44-.81-.78-1.11-.34-.31-.77-.54-1.26-.71-.51-.16-1.08-.24-1.72-.24-.69 0-1.31.11-1.85.32-.54.21-1 .51-1.36.88-.37.37-.65.8-.84 1.3-.18.47-.27.97-.28 1.5h2.14c.01-.31.05-.6.13-.87.09-.29.23-.54.4-.75.18-.21.41-.37.68-.49.27-.12.6-.18.96-.18.31 0 . 0 .22-.03.43-.08.65-.06.22-.15.45-.29.7-.14.25-.32.53-.56.83-.23.3-.52.65-.88 1.03l-4.17 4.55V18H22v-1.71h-5.95zM8 7H6v4H2v2h4v4h2v-4h4v-2H8V7z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h4 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(34), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.25) ]); var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$remove = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M19 13H5v-2h14v2z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Internal$List$row = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$map( function (a) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, {a: 0, T: style.a.T}, $elm$core$Basics$always(a)); }), A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Internal$List$internal(style.a), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row(style.B))); }; var $author$project$Widget$row = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$List$row; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Page$Button$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; var style = { cx: $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), cB: $author$project$Widget$Material$column, cC: $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), cV: $author$project$Widget$Material$iconButton(palette), c8: $author$project$Widget$Material$outlinedButton(palette), bM: $author$project$Widget$Material$row, dv: $author$project$Widget$Material$textButton(palette) }; return A2( $author$project$Widget$column, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, $author$project$Widget$Customize$element( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ])), A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementColumn, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), style.cB)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$column, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, $author$project$Widget$Customize$element( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(128)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(128)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor($author$project$Widget$Material$defaultPalette.bb)) ])), A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementColumn, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(128)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(128)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), A2( $author$project$Widget$iconButton, style.cV, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$exposure_plus_2), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Button$Increase(2)), aS: '+2' }))) ]), style.cx)), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h4, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( $elm$core$String$fromInt(model))))), A2( $author$project$Widget$row, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$mapContent, $author$project$Widget$Customize$element( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ])), A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementRow, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), style.bM)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$row, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementRow, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), style.bM), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$textButton, style.dv, { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Button$Reset), aS: 'Reset' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$button, style.c8, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$remove), bG: (model > 0) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Button$Decrease(1)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Decrease' }) ])), A2( $author$project$Widget$row, A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementRow, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft]), style.bM), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$button, style.cC, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$add), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Button$Increase(1)), aS: 'Increase' }) ])) ])) ])); }); var $author$project$Page$Button$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Button$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Button$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Button$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Button$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Button$description = 'Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.'; var $author$project$Page$Button$title = 'Button'; var $author$project$Page$Button$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Button$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Button$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Button$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Button$title}); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$viewFunctions = function () { var viewDialog = F7( function (style, text, titleString, accept, dismiss, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.dialog', A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), $author$project$Widget$singleModal( $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $author$project$Widget$dialog, style(palette), {bm: accept, b1: dismiss, aS: text, bU: titleString})))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Placeholder Text'))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewDialog])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Dismissible', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Dismiss' }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With accept button', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Ok' }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With title', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Title'), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'If an accept button is given then the window can only be closed manually. Else it can be closed by pressing somewhere outside of it.'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Alert Dialog', $author$project$Widget$Material$alertDialog), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Dialog$viewFunctions))))))); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$IsOpen = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Dialog$init = _Utils_Tuple2(true, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Dialog$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var bool = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2(bool, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$OpenDialog = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$visibility = A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, _List_fromArray( [ $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$v('0 0 24 24') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 0h24v24H0z'), $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$f('none') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$p, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12c1.73 4.39 6 7.5 11 7.5s9.27-3.11 11-7.5c-1.73-4.39-6-7.5-11-7.5zM12 17c-2.76 0-5-2.24-5-5s2.24-5 5-5 5 2.24 5 5-2.24 5-5 5zm0-8c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var isOpen = _v1; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 200, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 400, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]), isOpen ? $author$project$Widget$singleModal( $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $author$project$Widget$dialog, $author$project$Widget$Material$alertDialog(palette), { bm: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(false), aS: 'Ok' }), b1: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(false), aS: 'Dismiss' }), aS: 'This is a dialog window', bU: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Dialog') }))) : _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$visibility), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(true), aS: 'Show Dialog' })); }); var $author$project$Page$Dialog$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Dialog$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Dialog$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Dialog$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Dialog$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Dialog$description = 'Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.'; var $author$project$Page$Dialog$title = 'Dialog'; var $author$project$Page$Dialog$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Dialog$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Dialog$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Dialog$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Dialog$title}); var $author$project$Page$Icon$init = _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Icon$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Icon$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { return _Utils_Tuple2(0, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$antDesignIconsElm = function (fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( fun( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)) ])))); }; }; var $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$Icon = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$defaultAttributes = function (name) { return { d9: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('feather feather-' + name), aw: 24, bc: '', bR: 2, aV: '0 0 24 24' }; }; var $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$makeBuilder = F2( function (name, src) { return { x: $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$defaultAttributes(name), fP: src }; }); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$points = _VirtualDom_attribute('points'); var $elm$svg$Svg$polyline = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('polyline'); var $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$check = A2( $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$makeBuilder, 'check', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$polyline, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$points('20 6 9 17 4 12') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Icon$Icon = F5( function (prefix, name, width, height, paths) { return {cQ: height, L: name, fo: paths, fq: prefix, S: width}; }); var $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Solid$check = A5( $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Icon$Icon, 'fas', 'check', 512, 512, _List_fromArray( ['M173.898 439.404l-166.4-166.4c-9.997-9.997-9.997-26.206 0-36.204l36.203-36.204c9.997-9.998 26.207-9.998 36.204 0L192 312.69 432.095 72.596c9.997-9.997 26.207-9.997 36.204 0l36.203 36.204c9.997 9.997 9.997 26.206 0 36.204l-294.4 294.401c-9.998 9.997-26.207 9.997-36.204-.001z'])); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$clipRule = _VirtualDom_attribute('clip-rule'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fillRule = _VirtualDom_attribute('fill-rule'); var $jasonliang_dev$elm_heroicons$Heroicons$Solid$check = function (attrs) { return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('0 0 20 20'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('currentColor'), attrs)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fillRule('evenodd'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M16.707 5.293a1 1 0 010 1.414l-8 8a1 1 0 01-1.414 0l-4-4a1 1 0 011.414-1.414L8 12.586l7.293-7.293a1 1 0 011.414 0z'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$clipRule('evenodd') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$checkPolygon = '12 5 4 13 0 9 1.5 7.5 4 10 10.5 3.5'; var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class = _VirtualDom_attribute('class'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$style = _VirtualDom_attribute('style'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$version = _VirtualDom_attribute('version'); var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$Internal$iconSVG = F5( function (viewBox, name, options, attributes, children) { var style = function () { var _v2 = options.ds; if (_v2.$ === 1) { return _List_Nil; } else { var s = _v2.a; return _List_fromArray( [s]); } }(); var margin = function () { var _v1 = options.c0; if (_v1.$ === 1) { return _List_Nil; } else { var m = _v1.a; return _List_fromArray( ['margin: ' + m]); } }(); var styles = function () { var _v0 = $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [style, margin])); if (!_v0.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { var lst = _v0; return _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$style( A2($elm$core$String$join, ';', lst)) ]); } }(); return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$version('1.1'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class( A2($elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, 'octicon ' + name, options.d9)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(options.S)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(options.cQ)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox(viewBox) ]), attributes, styles ])), children); }); var $elm$svg$Svg$polygon = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('polygon'); var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$polygonIconWithOptions = F4( function (points, viewBox, octiconName, options) { return A5( $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$Internal$iconSVG, viewBox, octiconName, options, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$polygon, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$points(points), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fillRule(options.bB), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill(options.a_) ]), _List_Nil) ])); }); var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$check = A3($capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$polygonIconWithOptions, $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$checkPolygon, '0 0 12 16', 'check'); var $lemol$ant_design_icons_elm$Ant$Icons$Svg$CheckOutlined$viewWithAttributes = function (attributes) { return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('64 64 896 896') ]), attributes), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M912 190h-69.9c-9.8 0-19.1 4.5-25.1 12.2L404.7 724.5 207 474a32 32 0 00-25.1-12.2H112c-6.7 0-10.4 7.7-6.3 12.9l273.9 347c12.8 16.2 37.4 16.2 50.3 0l488.4-618.9c4.1-5.1.4-12.8-6.3-12.8z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $lemol$ant_design_icons_elm$Ant$Icons$Svg$checkOutlined = $lemol$ant_design_icons_elm$Ant$Icons$Svg$CheckOutlined$viewWithAttributes; var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toAlphaString = function (value) { return A2( $elm$core$String$left, 5, $elm$core$String$fromFloat( A3($elm$core$Basics$clamp, 0, 1, value))); }; var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString = function (value) { return A2( $elm$core$String$left, 5, $elm$core$String$fromFloat( A3($elm$core$Basics$clamp, 0, 255, 255 * value))); }; var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$fill = function (_v0) { var red = _v0.cd; var green = _v0.b3; var blue = _v0.b$; var alpha = _v0.ak; var _v1 = ((0 <= alpha) && (alpha < 1)) ? _Utils_Tuple2( 'rgba', _List_fromArray( [ $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(red), $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(green), $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(blue), $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toAlphaString(alpha) ])) : _Utils_Tuple2( 'rgb', _List_fromArray( [ $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(red), $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(green), $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$toColorString(blue) ])); var colorSpace = _v1.a; var values = _v1.b; return colorSpace + ('(' + (A2($elm$core$String$join, ',', values) + ')')); }; var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$enableBackground = _VirtualDom_attribute('enable-background'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$x = _VirtualDom_attribute('x'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$y = _VirtualDom_attribute('y'); var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$svg = function (size) { return $elm$svg$Svg$svg( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$version('1.1'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$x('0px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$y('0px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('0 0 512 512'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$enableBackground('new 0 0 512 512') ])); }; var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$p = F3( function (d, size, color) { return A2( $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$svg, size, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d(d), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill( $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$fill(color)) ]), _List_Nil) ])); }); var $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$checkmark = $j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$Internal$p('M461.6,109.6l-54.9-43.3c-1.7-1.4-3.8-2.4-6.2-2.4c-2.4,0-4.6,1-6.3,2.5L194.5,323c0,0-78.5-75.5-80.7-77.7c-2.2-2.2-5.1-5.9-9.5-5.9c-4.4,0-6.4,3.1-8.7,5.4c-1.7,1.8-29.7,31.2-43.5,45.8c-0.8,0.9-1.3,1.4-2,2.1c-1.2,1.7-2,3.6-2,5.7c0,2.2,0.8,4,2,5.7l2.8,2.6c0,0,139.3,133.8,141.6,136.1c2.3,2.3,5.1,5.2,9.2,5.2c4,0,7.3-4.3,9.2-6.2L462,121.8c1.2-1.7,2-3.6,2-5.8C464,113.5,463,111.4,461.6,109.6z'); var $pehota$elm_zondicons$Zondicons$checkmark = function (attributes) { return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('0 0 20 20'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('currentColor'), attributes)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M0 11l2-2 5 5L18 3l2 2L7 18z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); }; var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$color = F2( function (value, options) { return _Utils_update( options, {a_: value}); }); var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$defaultOptions = {d9: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, a_: 'black', bB: 'evenodd', cQ: 16, c0: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, ds: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, S: 16}; var $danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$toRgbaString = function (color) { var _v0 = $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(color); var red = _v0.cd; var green = _v0.b3; var blue = _v0.b$; var alpha = _v0.ak; return 'rgba(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(255 * red)) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(255 * green)) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(255 * blue)) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(alpha) + ')'))))))); }; var $danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon = F4( function (viewBox, children, color, size) { var stringSize = $elm$core$String$fromInt(size); var stringColor = $danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$toRgbaString(color); return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width(stringSize), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height(stringSize), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox(viewBox) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$g, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill(stringColor) ]), children) ])); }); var $danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Action$done = A2( $danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Internal$icon, '0 0 48 48', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d('M18 32.34L9.66 24l-2.83 2.83L18 38l24-24-2.83-2.83z') ]), _List_Nil) ])); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmFeather = F2( function (fun, icon) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( fun, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)) ]), icon))); }; }); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmFontawesome = F2( function (fun, icon) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox( '0 0 ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(512) + (' ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(512)))) ]), $elm$core$List$singleton( fun(icon))))); }; }); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmHeroicons = function (fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( fun( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)) ])))); }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmIonicons = function (fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( fun, size, $avh4$elm_color$Color$toRgba(color)))); }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmOcticons = F2( function (_v0, fun) { var withSize = _v0.gj; var withColor = _v0.gi; var defaultOptions = _v0.en; return function (_v1) { var size = _v1.aw; var color = _v1.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( fun( A2( withColor, $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color), A2(withSize, size, defaultOptions))))); }; }); var $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmZondicons = function (fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( fun( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)) ])))); }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Icon$materialIcons = function (fun) { return function (_v0) { var size = _v0.aw; var color = _v0.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( $elm$core$String$fromInt(size)) ]), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2(fun, color, size))))); }; }; var $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$size = F2( function (value, options) { return _Utils_update( options, {cQ: value, S: value}); }); var $elm$svg$Svg$map = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map; var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinecap = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke-linecap'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinejoin = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke-linejoin'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeWidth = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke-width'); var $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$toHtml = F2( function (attributes, _v0) { var src = _v0.fP; var attrs = _v0.x; var strSize = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(attrs.aw); var baseAttributes = _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('none'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height( _Utils_ap(strSize, attrs.bc)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width( _Utils_ap(strSize, attrs.bc)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke('currentColor'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinecap('round'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinejoin('round'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeWidth( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(attrs.bR)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox(attrs.aV) ]); var combinedAttributes = _Utils_ap( function () { var _v1 = attrs.d9; if (!_v1.$) { var c = _v1.a; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class(c), baseAttributes); } else { return baseAttributes; } }(), attributes); return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, combinedAttributes, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$svg$Svg$map($elm$core$Basics$never), src)); }); var $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePath = F2( function (attrs, d) { return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$path, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('currentColor'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$d(d), attrs)), _List_Nil); }); var $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePaths = F2( function (attrs, icon) { var _v0 = icon.fo; if (!_v0.b) { return A2($lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePath, attrs, ''); } else { if (!_v0.b.b) { var only = _v0.a; return A2($lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePath, attrs, only); } else { var secondary = _v0.a; var _v1 = _v0.b; var primary = _v1.a; return A2( $elm$svg$Svg$g, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class('fa-group') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePath, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class('fa-secondary'), attrs), secondary), A2( $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePath, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$class('fa-primary'), attrs), primary) ])); } } }); var $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$viewIcon = $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$Internal$corePaths(_List_Nil); var $author$project$Page$Icon$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v2) { var icon = _v2.a; var text = _v2.b; return A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: icon, bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: text }); }, _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), 'elm-material-icons'), _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$materialIcons($danmarcab$material_icons$Material$Icons$Action$done), 'material-icons'), _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmFeather, $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$toHtml, $feathericons$elm_feather$FeatherIcons$check), 'elm-feather'), _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmFontawesome, $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Svg$viewIcon, $lattyware$elm_fontawesome$FontAwesome$Solid$check), 'elm-fontawesome'), _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmIonicons($j_panasiuk$elm_ionicons$Ionicon$checkmark), 'elm-ionicons'), _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmOcticons, {en: $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$defaultOptions, gi: $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$color, gj: $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$size}, $capitalist$elm_octicons$Octicons$check), 'elm-octicons'), _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmHeroicons($jasonliang_dev$elm_heroicons$Heroicons$Solid$check), 'elm-heroicons'), _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$antDesignIconsElm($lemol$ant_design_icons_elm$Ant$Icons$Svg$checkOutlined), 'ant-design-icons-elm'), _Utils_Tuple2( $author$project$Widget$Icon$elmZondicons($pehota$elm_zondicons$Zondicons$checkmark), 'elm-zondicons') ]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Icon$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Icon$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Icon$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Icon$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Icon$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Icon$description = 'Every icon package on elm-packages is supported.'; var $author$project$Page$Icon$title = 'Icon'; var $author$project$Page$Icon$page = $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$page( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$next, $author$project$Page$Icon$demo, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$first( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$static, _List_Nil, F2( function (_v0, _v1) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(32) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h3, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text($author$project$Page$Icon$title)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text($author$project$Page$Icon$description))) ])); }))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$init = _Utils_Tuple2( {bE: true, cY: false}, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Item$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Item$update = F2( function (msg, model) { if (!msg.$) { var bool = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {bE: bool}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { var bool = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {cY: bool}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$Item$ToggleModal = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$Item$divider = function (style) { return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, style, function (_v0) { var element = _v0.T; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none); }); }; var $author$project$Widget$divider = $author$project$Internal$Item$divider; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedDivider = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedDivider = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedDivider; var $author$project$Internal$Item$fullBleedItem = F2( function (s, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; var icon = _v0.bC; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, s, function (style) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.aS.a2, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text)))), icon(style.a.a.bC) ])), bG: onPress }); }); }); var $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Item$fullBleedItem; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedItem = function (palette) { var i = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetItem(palette); return { a: { a: { a: {bC: i.a.a.a.a, aS: i.a.a.a.aS}, B: i.a.a.B }, b2: i.a.b2, a5: i.a.a5, a8: i.a.a8 }, T: i.T }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$fullBleedItem; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$alt = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('alt'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$src = function (url) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty, 'src', _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(url)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var src = _v0.fP; var description = _v0.b0; var imageAttributes = A2( $elm$core$List$filter, function (a) { switch (a.$) { case 7: return true; case 8: return true; default: return false; } }, attrs); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.eN), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('img'), _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$src(src)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$alt(description)) ]), imageAttributes), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(_List_Nil)) ]))); }); var $author$project$Internal$Item$imageItem = F2( function (s, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var text = _v0.aS; var image = _v0.b7; var content = _v0.a; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, s, function (style) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.b7.T, image), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.aS.a2, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text)))), content(style.a.a.a) ])), bG: onPress }); }); }); var $author$project$Widget$imageItem = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Item$imageItem; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$imageItem = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { a: { a: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 24 }, b7: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)) ]) }, aS: { a2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 16, 8) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'default')) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$imageItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$imageItem; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetDivider = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 72, fv: 0, ga: 0}) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$insetDivider = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetDivider; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$textGray = function (palette) { return A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, 0.77, palette.d); }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetHeader = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { et: $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetDivider(palette).a, bU: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$caption, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$textGray(palette))) ])) }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(12) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 72, fv: 0, ga: 0}) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$insetHeader = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$insetHeader; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$middleDivider = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$lightGray(palette))) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(1)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {d2: 0, e$: 16, fv: 16, ga: 0}) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$middleDivider = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$middleDivider; var $author$project$Internal$Item$multiLineItem = F2( function (s, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.bG; var title = _v0.bU; var text = _v0.aS; var icon = _v0.bC; var content = _v0.a; return A2( $author$project$Internal$Item$toItem, s, function (style) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_eq(onPress, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : style.a8), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a.bC.T, icon(style.a.a.bC.a)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, style.a.a.b0.cG, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, style.a.a.b0.a.bU.a2, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(title))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, style.a.a.b0.a.aS.a2, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text))) ])), content(style.a.a.a) ])), bG: onPress }); }); }); var $author$project$Widget$multiLineItem = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Item$multiLineItem; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$body1 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.5) ]); var $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$body2 = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$letterSpacing(0.25) ]); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$multiLineItem = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { a: { a: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$textGray(palette), aw: 24 }, b0: { a: { aS: { a2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$body2, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))) ])) }, bU: {a2: $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$body1} }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(4) ]) }, bC: { a: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$textGray(palette), aw: 24 }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(24)) ]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) }, b2: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(16) ]), a5: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'cursor', 'default')) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette)))) ])) ]) }, T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(0) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$multiLineItem = $author$project$Internal$Material$Item$multiLineItem; var $author$project$Page$Item$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 800, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 400, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]), model.bE ? $author$project$Widget$singleModal( $elm$core$List$singleton( { a: A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet(palette), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), 'Section 1'), $author$project$Widget$asItem( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Custom Item')), $author$project$Widget$divider( $author$project$Widget$Material$middleDivider(palette)), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: function (_v1) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; }, bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Full Bleed Item' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), 'Section 2'), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), { a: function (_v2) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; }, bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$change_history), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Item with Icon' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$imageItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$imageItem(palette), { a: function (_v3) { var size = _v3.aw; var color = _v3.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(color)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(size) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('1.')); }, b7: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)) ]), {b0: 'Elm logo', fP: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Elm_logo.svg/1024px-Elm_logo.svg.png'}), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Item with Image' }), $author$project$Widget$divider( $author$project$Widget$Material$insetDivider(palette)), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), { a: function (_v4) { var size = _v4.aw; var color = _v4.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(color)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(size) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('2.')); }, bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand(!model.cY)), aS: 'Click Me' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$multiLineItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$multiLineItem(palette), { a: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description. Description.', bU: 'Item' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$imageItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$imageItem(palette), { a: function (_v5) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$switch, $author$project$Widget$Material$switch(palette), { cp: model.cY, b0: 'Click Me', bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand(!model.cY)) }); }, b7: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand(!model.cY)), aS: 'Clickable Item with Switch' }), $author$project$Widget$divider( $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedDivider(palette)) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$expansionItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$expansionItem(palette), { a: _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetHeader(palette), 'Section 3'), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem(palette), { a: function (_v6) { var size = _v6.aw; var color = _v6.a_; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(color)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(size) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('3.')); }, bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Item' }) ]), bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), cY: model.cY, c6: $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand, aS: 'Expandable Item' }), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader(palette), 'Menu') ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$selectItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem(palette), { bH: function (_int) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToogleExpand(_int === 1)); }, bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (bool) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: bool ? 'Expanded' : 'Collapsed' }; }, _List_fromArray( [true, false])), bP: model.cY ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1) : $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0) }) ]))), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToggleModal(false)) })) : _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$visibility), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Item$ToggleModal(true)), aS: 'Show Sheet' })); }); var $author$project$Page$Item$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Item$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Item$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Item$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Item$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Item$description = 'Items can be composed into lists.'; var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$bottomSheet = function (palette) { return { a: { T: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), V: _List_Nil, W: _List_Nil, X: _List_Nil, a8: _List_Nil }, cG: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 0, 8) ])) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$bottomSheet; var $author$project$Page$Item$viewDividerFunctions = function () { var viewButton = F4( function (listStyle, style, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.divider', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Widget$divider( style(palette)), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }), $author$project$Widget$divider( style(palette)), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }), $author$project$Widget$divider( style(palette)) ]))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewButton])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$dividerBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('FullBleedDivider', $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedDivider), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('MiddleDivider', $author$project$Widget$Material$middleDivider), _Utils_Tuple2('InsetDivider', $author$project$Widget$Material$insetDivider) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewDividerFunctions)))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewMExpansionItemFunctions = function () { var viewMultiLineItem = F7( function (listStyle, style, icon, text, isExpanded, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.multiLineItem', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$expansionItem, style(palette), { a: _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }) ]), bC: icon, cY: isExpanded, c6: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), aS: text }), A2( $author$project$Widget$expansionItem, style(palette), { a: _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }) ]), bC: icon, cY: isExpanded, c6: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), aS: text }), A2( $author$project$Widget$expansionItem, style(palette), { a: _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }) ]), bC: icon, cY: isExpanded, c6: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), aS: text }) ])))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewMultiLineItem])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$expansionItemBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'is Expanded', _Utils_Tuple2(true, false), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'Item text'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Icon', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('InsetItem', $author$project$Widget$Material$expansionItem), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewMExpansionItemFunctions))))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewFullBleedItemFunctions = function () { var viewFullBleedItem = F7( function (listStyle, style, text, onPress, icon, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.fullBleedItem', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, style(palette), {bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, style(palette), {bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, style(palette), {bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}) ]))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewFullBleedItem])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$fullBleedItemBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Icon', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'Item text'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('FullBleedItem', $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewFullBleedItemFunctions))))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewHeaderFunctions = function () { var viewButton = F5( function (listStyle, style, text, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.divider', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, style(palette), text), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, style(palette), text), A2( $author$project$Widget$fullBleedItem, $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedItem(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Placeholder' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$headerItem, style(palette), text) ]))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewButton])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$headerBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'Header'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('FullBleedHeader', $author$project$Widget$Material$fullBleedHeader), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('InsetHeader', $author$project$Widget$Material$insetHeader) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewHeaderFunctions))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewInsetItemFunctions = function () { var viewFullBleedItem = F8( function (listStyle, style, text, onPress, icon, content, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.insetItem', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}), A2( $author$project$Widget$insetItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text}) ]))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewFullBleedItem])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$insetItemBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Content', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Icon', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'Item text'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('InsetItem', $author$project$Widget$Material$insetItem), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewInsetItemFunctions)))))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewMultiLineItemFunctions = function () { var viewMultiLineItem = F9( function (listStyle, style, titleText, text, onPress, icon, content, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.multiLineItem', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$multiLineItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text, bU: titleText}), A2( $author$project$Widget$multiLineItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text, bU: titleText}), A2( $author$project$Widget$multiLineItem, style(palette), {a: content, bC: icon, bG: onPress, aS: text, bU: titleText}) ]))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewMultiLineItem])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$multiLineItemBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Content', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With Icon', _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'This text may span over multiple lines. But more then three should be avoided.'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Title', 'Title'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('InsetItem', $author$project$Widget$Material$multiLineItem), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewMultiLineItemFunctions))))))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$viewSelectItemFunctions = function () { var viewMultiLineItem = F7( function (listStyle, style, selected, options, onSelect, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.multiLineItem', A2( $author$project$Widget$itemList, listStyle(palette), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$selectItem, style(palette), {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected}) ])))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewMultiLineItem])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Item$selectItemBook = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Options', _Utils_Tuple2( '3 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: 'Submit' } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '2 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' } ])) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Selected', _Utils_Tuple2( 'Third', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2)), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'Second', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'First', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), _Utils_Tuple2('Nothing or Invalid', $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('InsetItem', $author$project$Widget$Material$selectItem), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Column Style', _Utils_Tuple2('CardColumn', $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('sideSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$sideSheet), _Utils_Tuple2('bottomSheet', $author$project$Widget$Material$bottomSheet), _Utils_Tuple2( 'Column', $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Widget$Material$column)) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Item$viewSelectItemFunctions))))))); var $author$project$Page$Item$title = 'Item'; var $author$project$Page$Item$page = $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$page( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$selectItemBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$expansionItemBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$multiLineItemBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$insetItemBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$fullBleedItemBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$headerBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$nextGroup, $author$project$Page$Item$dividerBook, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$next, $author$project$Page$Item$demo, $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$first( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Tile$static, _List_Nil, F2( function (_v0, _v1) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(32) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$h3, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text($author$project$Page$Item$title)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text($author$project$Page$Item$description))) ])); })))))))))))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveDown = function (y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY(y)); }; var $author$project$Internal$Modal$multiModal = function (list) { if (list.b) { var head = list.a; var tail = list.b; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v1) { var content = _v1.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(content); }, $elm$core$List$reverse(tail)), _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Modal$background(head.fd), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(head.a) ]))); } else { return _List_Nil; } }; var $author$project$Widget$multiModal = $author$project$Internal$Modal$multiModal; var $author$project$Page$Modal$viewFunctions = function () { var viewSingle = F4( function (content, onDismiss, _v2, _v3) { var palette = _v2.cb; var contentEl = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(8) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(content)))))); return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.singleModal', A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), $author$project$Widget$singleModal( _List_fromArray( [ {a: contentEl, fd: onDismiss}, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveDown(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight(10) ]), contentEl), fd: onDismiss }, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveDown(20), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight(20) ]), contentEl), fd: onDismiss } ]))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Placeholder Text'))); }); var viewMulti = F4( function (content, onDismiss, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var contentEl = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(8) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(content)))))); return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.multiModal', A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), $author$project$Widget$multiModal( _List_fromArray( [ {a: contentEl, fd: onDismiss}, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveDown(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight(10) ]), contentEl), fd: onDismiss }, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveDown(20), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveRight(20) ]), contentEl), fd: onDismiss } ]))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Placeholder Text'))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewSingle, viewMulti])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Modal$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Content', 'This is a windows that is in front of everything else. You can allow the user to close it by pressing outside of it or disable this feature.'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Modal$viewFunctions)))); var $author$project$Page$Modal$IsEnabled = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Modal$init = _Utils_Tuple2(true, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Modal$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Modal$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var bool = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2(bool, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$Modal$ToggleModal = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Modal$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var isEnabled = _v1; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 200, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 400, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)) ]), isEnabled ? $author$project$Widget$multiModal( _List_fromArray( [ { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(250)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Click on the area around this box to close it.')))))), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(false) }, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(150)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('This card can not be selected.')))))), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing }, { a: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(300)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(300)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$cardColumn(palette), $elm$core$List$singleton( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, $elm$core$List$singleton( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('This is message is behind the other two')))))), fd: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing } ])) : _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$visibility), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(true), aS: 'Show Modal' })); }); var $author$project$Page$Modal$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Modal$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Modal$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Modal$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Modal$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Modal$description = 'All modal surfaces are interruptive by design – their purpose is to have the user focus on content on a surface that appears in front of all other surfaces.'; var $author$project$Page$Modal$title = 'Modal'; var $author$project$Page$Modal$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Modal$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Modal$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Modal$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Modal$title}); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$toggleButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d), aw: 24 }, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 24 }, a8: { a_: $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d), aw: 24 } }, aS: { eg: _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX]) } }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(24), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.d))) ]) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(48)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(48)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d)))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d)))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonSelectedOpacity, palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A3( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$withShade, palette.o.d, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonSelectedOpacity, A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.d)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.d)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$accessibleTextColor(palette.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleButton = $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$toggleButton; var $author$project$Internal$List$buttonColumn = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Internal$List$internalButton( {a: style.a, T: style.cG.a.T, V: style.cG.a.V, W: style.cG.a.W, X: style.cG.a.X, a8: style.cG.a.a8}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column(style.cG.cG)); }; var $author$project$Widget$buttonColumn = $author$project$Internal$List$buttonColumn; var $author$project$Internal$List$buttonRow = function (style) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $author$project$Internal$List$internalButton( {a: style.a, T: style.B.a.T, V: style.B.a.V, W: style.B.a.W, X: style.B.a.X, a8: style.B.a.a8}), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row(style.B.B)); }; var $author$project$Widget$buttonRow = $author$project$Internal$List$buttonRow; var $author$project$Internal$Select$multiSelect = function (_v0) { var selected = _v0.bP; var options = _v0.bI; var onSelect = _v0.bH; return A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (i, a) { return _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$Set$member, i, selected), { bC: a.bC, bG: onSelect(i), aS: a.aS }); }), options); }; var $author$project$Widget$multiSelect = $author$project$Internal$Select$multiSelect; var $author$project$Internal$Select$toggleButton = F2( function (style, _v0) { var selected = _v0.a; var b = _v0.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _Utils_ap( style.b2, _Utils_ap( _Utils_eq(b.bG, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a5 : (selected ? style.eM : style.a8), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$description(b.aS) ]))), { b8: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.B, b.bC( _Utils_eq(b.bG, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? style.a.a.bC.a5 : (selected ? style.a.a.bC.eM : style.a.a.bC.a8))), bG: b.bG }); }); var $author$project$Internal$List$toggleRow = F2( function (style, list) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.B.B, A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, function (i) { return $author$project$Internal$Select$toggleButton( A2( $author$project$Widget$Customize$elementButton, _Utils_ap( style.B.a.T, ($elm$core$List$length(list) === 1) ? style.B.a.X : ((!i) ? style.B.a.V : (_Utils_eq( i, $elm$core$List$length(list) - 1) ? style.B.a.W : style.B.a.a8))), style.a)); }, list)); }); var $author$project$Widget$toggleRow = $author$project$Internal$List$toggleRow; var $author$project$Internal$Material$List$toggleRow = { a: { T: _List_Nil, V: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( {bo: 2, bp: 0, bV: 2, bW: 0}) ]), W: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( {bo: 0, bp: 2, bV: 0, bW: 2}) ]), X: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(2) ]), a8: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(0) ]) }, B: _List_Nil }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleRow = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$toggleRow; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$viewFunctions = function () { var viewWrappedRow = F8( function (style, selected1, selected2, selected3, options, onSelect, _v6, _v7) { var palette = _v6.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.wrappedButtonRow', A2( $author$project$Widget$wrappedButtonRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$row }, $author$project$Widget$multiSelect( { bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: $elm$core$Set$fromList( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [selected1, selected2, selected3]))) }))); }); var viewTogggleRow = F8( function (style, selected1, selected2, selected3, options, onSelect, _v4, _v5) { var palette = _v4.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.toggleRow', A2( $author$project$Widget$toggleRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleRow }, $author$project$Widget$multiSelect( { bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: $elm$core$Set$fromList( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [selected1, selected2, selected3]))) }))); }); var viewSelectRow = F8( function (style, selected1, selected2, selected3, options, onSelect, _v2, _v3) { var palette = _v2.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.buttonRow ', A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$row }, $author$project$Widget$multiSelect( { bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: $elm$core$Set$fromList( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [selected1, selected2, selected3]))) }))); }); var viewSelectColumn = F8( function (style, selected1, selected2, selected3, options, onSelect, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.buttonColumn', A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonColumn, { a: style(palette), cG: $author$project$Widget$Material$column }, $author$project$Widget$multiSelect( { bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: $elm$core$Set$fromList( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [selected1, selected2, selected3]))) }))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewTogggleRow, viewSelectRow, viewSelectColumn, viewWrappedRow])); }(); var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Options', _Utils_Tuple2( '3 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: 'Submit' } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '2 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' } ])) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Selected Third', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Selected Second', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Selected First', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), false), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Contained', $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('Outlined', $author$project$Widget$Material$outlinedButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Text', $author$project$Widget$Material$textButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Chip', $author$project$Widget$Material$chip), _Utils_Tuple2('IconButton', $author$project$Widget$Material$iconButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Toggle', $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleButton) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$viewFunctions)))))))); var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$Selected = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$init = _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Set$empty, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var selected = _v0; var _int = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2( (A2($elm$core$Set$member, _int, selected) ? $elm$core$Set$remove(_int) : $elm$core$Set$insert(_int))(selected), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$ChangedSelected = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var selected = _v1; return A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonRow, { a: $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleButton(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleRow }, $author$project$Widget$multiSelect( { bH: A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Basics$identity, $elm$core$Maybe$Just), bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_int) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int) }; }, _List_fromArray( [1, 2, 42])), bP: selected })); }); var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$MultiSelect$init), fV: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$MultiSelect$view) }; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$description = 'Select buttons group a set of actions using layout and spacing.'; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$title = 'Multi Select'; var $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$book, eo: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$description, bU: $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$title}); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$currentPassword = F2( function (attrs, pass) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper, { I: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('current-password'), Q: false, w: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode( pass.cg ? 'text' : 'password') }, attrs, {b8: pass.b8, c5: pass.c5, fp: pass.fp, aS: pass.aS}); }); var $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$password = F3( function (input, style, _v0) { var placeholder = _v0.fp; var label = _v0.b8; var text = _v0.aS; var onChange = _v0.c5; var show = _v0.cg; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.B, _List_fromArray( [ A2( input, style.a.db.cH, { b8: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden(label), c5: onChange, fp: placeholder, cg: show, aS: text }) ])); }); var $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$currentPasswordInput = $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$password($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$currentPassword); var $author$project$Widget$currentPasswordInput = $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$currentPasswordInput; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword = F2( function (attrs, pass) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper, { I: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('new-password'), Q: false, w: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode( pass.cg ? 'text' : 'password') }, attrs, {b8: pass.b8, c5: pass.c5, fp: pass.fp, aS: pass.aS}); }); var $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$newPasswordInput = $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$password($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword); var $author$project$Widget$newPasswordInput = $author$project$Internal$PasswordInput$newPasswordInput; var $author$project$Internal$Material$PasswordInput$passwordInput = function (palette) { return { a: { db: { cH: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY ])) } }, B: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$textAndBackground(palette.d), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 8, 0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(4), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, 0.14, palette.o.d))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(4)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(2)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(280)) ])) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$passwordInput = $author$project$Internal$Material$PasswordInput$passwordInput; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$viewFunctions = function () { var viewNewPassword = F6( function (text, placeholder, label, show, _v2, _v3) { var palette = _v2.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.newPasswordInput', A2( $author$project$Widget$newPasswordInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$passwordInput(palette), { b8: label, c5: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), fp: placeholder, cg: show, aS: text })); }); var viewCurrentPassword = F6( function (text, placeholder, label, show, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.currentPasswordInput', A2( $author$project$Widget$currentPasswordInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$passwordInput(palette), { b8: label, c5: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), fp: placeholder, cg: show, aS: text })); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewNewPassword, viewCurrentPassword])); }(); var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Show', _Utils_Tuple2(true, false), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Label', 'Password'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Placeholder', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('password'))), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', '123456789'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$init = _Utils_Tuple2( {aM: '', ba: ''}, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$update = F2( function (msg, model) { if (!msg.$) { var string = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {ba: string}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { var string = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {aM: string}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetNewPasswordInput = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetPasswordInput = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Try filling out these fields using autofill'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spaceEvenly ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Current Password')), A2( $author$project$Widget$currentPasswordInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$passwordInput(palette), {b8: 'Chips', c5: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetPasswordInput, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, cg: false, aS: model.ba}) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spaceEvenly ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('New Password')), A2( $author$project$Widget$newPasswordInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$passwordInput(palette), {b8: 'Chips', c5: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetNewPasswordInput, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, cg: false, aS: model.aM}) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( ((model.aM !== '') && _Utils_eq(model.aM, model.ba)) ? 'Yeay, the two passwords match!' : '') ])); }); var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$PasswordInput$init), fV: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$PasswordInput$view) }; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$description = 'If we want to play nicely with a browser\'s ability to autofill a form, we need to be able to give it a hint about what we\'re expecting.\n \nThe following inputs are very similar to Input.text, but they give the browser a hint to allow autofill to work correctly.'; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$title = 'Password Input'; var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$book, eo: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$description, bU: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$title}); var $elm$svg$Svg$circle = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('circle'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cx = _VirtualDom_attribute('cx'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cy = _VirtualDom_attribute('cy'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$r = _VirtualDom_attribute('r'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDasharray = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke-dasharray'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDashoffset = _VirtualDom_attribute('stroke-dashoffset'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$transform = _VirtualDom_attribute('transform'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$xmlSpace = A2(_VirtualDom_attributeNS, 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', 'xml:space'); var $author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$determinateCircularIcon = F3( function (color, attribs, progress) { var strokeDashoffset = function () { var clampedProgress = A3($elm$core$Basics$clamp, 0, 1, progress); return $elm$core$Basics$round(188 - (188 * clampedProgress)); }(); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, attribs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height('48px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width('48px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('0 0 66 66'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$xmlSpace('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$g, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$circle, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('none'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeWidth('5'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinecap('butt'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cx('33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cy('33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$r('30'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDasharray('188 188'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDashoffset( $elm$core$String$fromInt(strokeDashoffset)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$transform('rotate(-90 33 33)') ]), _List_Nil) ])) ])))); }); var $elm$svg$Svg$animate = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('animate'); var $elm$svg$Svg$animateTransform = $elm$svg$Svg$trustedNode('animateTransform'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$attributeName = _VirtualDom_attribute('attributeName'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$begin = _VirtualDom_attribute('begin'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$dur = _VirtualDom_attribute('dur'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$repeatCount = _VirtualDom_attribute('repeatCount'); var $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$type_ = _VirtualDom_attribute('type'); var $author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$indeterminateCircularIcon = F2( function (color, attribs) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, attribs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$svg$Svg$svg, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$height('48px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$width('48px'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$viewBox('0 0 66 66'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$xmlSpace('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$g, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$animateTransform, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$attributeName('transform'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$type_('rotate'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0 33 33;270 33 33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$begin('0s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$dur('1.4s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('freeze'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$repeatCount('indefinite') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$circle, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('none'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$stroke( $avh4$elm_color$Color$toCssString(color)), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeWidth('5'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeLinecap('square'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cx('33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$cy('33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$r('30'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDasharray('187'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$strokeDashoffset('610') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$svg$Svg$animateTransform, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$attributeName('transform'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$type_('rotate'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('0 33 33;135 33 33;450 33 33'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$begin('0s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$dur('1.4s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('freeze'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$repeatCount('indefinite') ]), _List_Nil), A2( $elm$svg$Svg$animate, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$attributeName('stroke-dashoffset'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$values('187;46.75;187'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$begin('0s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$dur('1.4s'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$fill('freeze'), $elm$svg$Svg$Attributes$repeatCount('indefinite') ]), _List_Nil) ])) ])) ])))); }); var $author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$progressIndicator = function (palette) { return { ev: function (maybeProgress) { if (maybeProgress.$ === 1) { return A2($author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$indeterminateCircularIcon, palette.aa, _List_Nil); } else { var progress = maybeProgress.a; return A3($author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$determinateCircularIcon, palette.aa, _List_Nil, progress); } } }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$progressIndicator = $author$project$Internal$Material$ProgressIndicator$progressIndicator; var $author$project$Internal$ProgressIndicator$circularProgressIndicator = F2( function (style, maybeProgress) { return style.ev(maybeProgress); }); var $author$project$Widget$circularProgressIndicator = $author$project$Internal$ProgressIndicator$circularProgressIndicator; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$viewFunctions = function () { var viewIndicator = F5( function (style, progress, indeterminate, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.circularProgressIndicator', A2( $author$project$Widget$circularProgressIndicator, style(palette), indeterminate(progress / 100))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewIndicator])); }(); var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Indeterminate Indicator', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), $elm$core$Maybe$Just), false), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$rangeStory, 'Progress', {el: 50, e4: 100, e7: 0, gd: '%'}), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('ProgressIndicator', $author$project$Widget$Material$progressIndicator), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$viewFunctions))))); var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$MaybeProgress = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$init = _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var maybeFloat = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2(maybeFloat, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var maybeProgress = _v1; return A2( $author$project$Widget$circularProgressIndicator, $author$project$Widget$Material$progressIndicator(palette), maybeProgress); }); var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$init), fV: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$view) }; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$description = 'Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.'; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$title = 'Progress Indicator'; var $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$book, eo: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$description, bU: $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$title}); var $author$project$Page$Select$viewFunctions = function () { var viewWrappedRow = F6( function (style, selected, options, onSelect, _v6, _v7) { var palette = _v6.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.wrappedButtonRow', A2( $author$project$Widget$wrappedButtonRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$row }, $author$project$Widget$select( {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected}))); }); var viewTogggleRow = F6( function (style, selected, options, onSelect, _v4, _v5) { var palette = _v4.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.toggleRow', A2( $author$project$Widget$toggleRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleRow }, $author$project$Widget$select( {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected}))); }); var viewSelectRow = F6( function (style, selected, options, onSelect, _v2, _v3) { var palette = _v2.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.buttonRow ', A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonRow, { a: style(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$row }, $author$project$Widget$select( {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected}))); }); var viewSelectColumn = F6( function (style, selected, options, onSelect, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.buttonColumn', A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonColumn, { a: style(palette), cG: $author$project$Widget$Material$column }, $author$project$Widget$select( {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected}))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewTogggleRow, viewSelectRow, viewSelectColumn, viewWrappedRow])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Select$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Options', _Utils_Tuple2( '3 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: 'Submit' } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '2 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Submit' } ])) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Selected', _Utils_Tuple2( 'Third', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2)), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'Second', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'First', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), _Utils_Tuple2('Nothing or Invalid', $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Contained', $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('Outlined', $author$project$Widget$Material$outlinedButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Text', $author$project$Widget$Material$textButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Chip', $author$project$Widget$Material$chip), _Utils_Tuple2('IconButton', $author$project$Widget$Material$iconButton), _Utils_Tuple2('Toggle', $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleButton) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Select$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$Select$Selected = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Select$init = _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Select$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Select$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var _int = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(_int), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$Select$ChangedSelected = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Widget$Material$buttonRow = $author$project$Internal$Material$List$toggleRow; var $author$project$Page$Select$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var selected = _v1; return A2( $author$project$Widget$buttonRow, { a: $author$project$Widget$Material$toggleButton(palette), B: $author$project$Widget$Material$buttonRow }, $author$project$Widget$select( { bH: A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Basics$identity, $elm$core$Maybe$Just), bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_int) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int) }; }, _List_fromArray( [1, 2, 42])), bP: selected })); }); var $author$project$Page$Select$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Select$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Select$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Select$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Select$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Select$description = 'Select buttons group a set of actions using layout and spacing.'; var $author$project$Page$Select$title = 'Select'; var $author$project$Page$Select$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Select$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Select$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Select$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Select$title}); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$viewFunctions = function () { var viewSnackbar = F5( function (style, text, button, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Snackbar.view', A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A3( $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$view, style(palette), $elm$core$Basics$identity, A2( $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insert, {aE: button, aS: text}, $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$init)))); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewSnackbar])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Button', _Utils_Tuple2( 'Button with event handler', $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Close' })), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'Eventless Button', $elm$core$Maybe$Just( {bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Close'})), _Utils_Tuple2('None', $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', 'This is a notification that will close after 10 seconds. Additional notifications are being queued.'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Snackbar', $author$project$Widget$Material$snackbar), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Snackbar$viewFunctions))))); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$init = _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Widget$Snackbar$init, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$TimePassed = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return A2( $elm$time$Time$every, 50, $elm$core$Basics$always( $author$project$Page$Snackbar$TimePassed(50))); }; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$update = F2( function (msg, model) { if (msg.$ === 1) { var _int = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2($author$project$Widget$Snackbar$timePassed, _int, model), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { var snack = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$insert, snack, $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$dismiss(model)), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$AddSnackbar = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 200, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 400, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignBottom, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight ])), A3( $author$project$Widget$Snackbar$view, $author$project$Widget$Material$snackbar(palette), function (_v1) { var text = _v1.a; var hasButton = _v1.b; return { aE: hasButton ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Snackbar$AddSnackbar( _Utils_Tuple2('This is another message', false))), aS: 'Add' }) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: text }; }, model)))) ]), A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$column, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Snackbar$AddSnackbar( _Utils_Tuple2('This is a notification. It will disappear after 10 seconds.', false))), aS: 'Add Notification' }), A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$containedButton(palette), { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Snackbar$AddSnackbar( _Utils_Tuple2('You can add another notification if you want.', true))), aS: 'Add Notification with Action' }) ]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Snackbar$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Snackbar$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$description = 'Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.'; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$title = 'Button'; var $author$project$Page$Snackbar$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Snackbar$title}); var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$Column = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$FloatColumn = function (a) { return {$: 2, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$floatColumn = function (_v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var value = _v0.F; var toString = _v0.R; var width = _v0.S; return { a: $author$project$Internal$SortTable$FloatColumn( {R: toString, F: value}), bU: title, S: width }; }; var $author$project$Widget$floatColumn = $author$project$Internal$SortTable$floatColumn; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$IntColumn = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$intColumn = function (_v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var value = _v0.F; var toString = _v0.R; var width = _v0.S; return { a: $author$project$Internal$SortTable$IntColumn( {R: toString, F: value}), bU: title, S: width }; }; var $author$project$Widget$intColumn = $author$project$Internal$SortTable$intColumn; var $author$project$Internal$Material$SortTable$sortTable = function (palette) { return { a: { dR: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_less, em: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), ep: $author$project$Internal$Material$Icon$expand_more, eH: $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$textButton(palette) }, ew: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$sortTable = $author$project$Internal$Material$SortTable$sortTable; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$StringColumn = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$stringColumn = function (_v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var value = _v0.F; var toString = _v0.R; var width = _v0.S; return { a: $author$project$Internal$SortTable$StringColumn( {R: toString, F: value}), bU: title, S: width }; }; var $author$project$Widget$stringColumn = $author$project$Internal$SortTable$stringColumn; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$UnsortableColumn = function (a) { return {$: 3, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$unsortableColumn = function (_v0) { var title = _v0.bU; var toString = _v0.R; var width = _v0.S; return { a: $author$project$Internal$SortTable$UnsortableColumn(toString), bU: title, S: width }; }; var $author$project$Widget$unsortableColumn = $author$project$Internal$SortTable$unsortableColumn; var $elm$core$Maybe$andThen = F2( function (callback, maybeValue) { if (!maybeValue.$) { var value = maybeValue.a; return callback(value); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$InternalColumn = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridPosition = function (a) { return {$: 9, a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridTemplateStyle = function (a) { return {$: 8, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$List$all = F2( function (isOkay, list) { return !A2( $elm$core$List$any, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$core$Basics$not, isOkay), list); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsGrid = 3; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asGrid = 3; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridPosition = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(35); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridTemplate = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(34); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$tableHelper = F2( function (attrs, config) { var onGrid = F3( function (rowLevel, columnLevel, elem) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridPosition, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridPosition( {ed: columnLevel, cQ: 1, bM: rowLevel, S: 1})) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [elem]))); }); var columnWidth = function (col) { if (!col.$) { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.S; } else { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.S; } }; var columnHeader = function (col) { if (!col.$) { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.eH; } else { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.eH; } }; var maybeHeaders = function (headers) { return A2( $elm$core$List$all, $elm$core$Basics$eq($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty), headers) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (col, header) { return A3(onGrid, 1, col + 1, header); }), headers)); }( A2($elm$core$List$map, columnHeader, config.bt)); var add = F3( function (cell, columnConfig, cursor) { if (!columnConfig.$) { var col = columnConfig.a; return _Utils_update( cursor, { cB: cursor.cB + 1, U: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( onGrid, cursor.bM, cursor.cB, A2( col.gg, _Utils_eq(maybeHeaders, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? (cursor.bM - 1) : (cursor.bM - 2), cell)), cursor.U) }); } else { var col = columnConfig.a; return { cB: cursor.cB + 1, U: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( onGrid, cursor.bM, cursor.cB, col.gg(cell)), cursor.U), bM: cursor.bM }; } }); var build = F3( function (columns, rowData, cursor) { var newCursor = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, add(rowData), cursor, columns); return {cB: 1, U: newCursor.U, bM: cursor.bM + 1}; }); var children = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, build(config.bt), { cB: 1, U: _List_Nil, bM: _Utils_eq(maybeHeaders, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? 1 : 2 }, config.ek); var _v0 = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getSpacing, attrs, _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0)); var sX = _v0.a; var sY = _v0.b; var template = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridTemplate, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridTemplateStyle( { bt: A2($elm$core$List$map, columnWidth, config.bt), fz: A2( $elm$core$List$repeat, $elm$core$List$length(config.ek), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content), fN: _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(sX), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(sY)) })); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asGrid, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($elm$core$List$cons, template, attrs)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( function () { if (maybeHeaders.$ === 1) { return children.U; } else { var renderedHeaders = maybeHeaders.a; return _Utils_ap( renderedHeaders, $elm$core$List$reverse(children.U)); } }())); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$table = F2( function (attrs, config) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$tableHelper, attrs, { bt: A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$InternalColumn, config.bt), ek: config.ek }); }); var $author$project$Internal$SortTable$sortTable = F2( function (style, model) { var findTitle = function (list) { findTitle: while (true) { if (!list.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var head = list.a; var tail = list.b; if (_Utils_eq(head.bU, model.ch)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(head.a); } else { var $temp$list = tail; list = $temp$list; continue findTitle; } } } }; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$table, style.ew, { bt: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v1) { var column = _v1; return { eH: A2( $author$project$Internal$Button$button, style.a.eH, { bC: _Utils_eq(column.bU, model.ch) ? (model.b_ ? style.a.dR : style.a.ep) : style.a.em, bG: function () { var _v2 = column.a; if (_v2.$ === 3) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( model.c5(column.bU)); } }(), aS: column.bU }), gg: A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function () { var _v3 = column.a; switch (_v3.$) { case 1: var value = _v3.a.F; var toString = _v3.a.R; return A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, value, toString); case 2: var value = _v3.a.F; var toString = _v3.a.R; return A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, value, toString); case 0: var value = _v3.a.F; var toString = _v3.a.R; return A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, value, toString); default: var toString = _v3.a; return toString; } }(), A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text, A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$List$singleton, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph(_List_Nil)))), S: column.S }; }, model.bt), ek: (model.b_ ? $elm$core$Basics$identity : $elm$core$List$reverse)( A3( $elm$core$Basics$apR, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$andThen, function (c) { switch (c.$) { case 0: var value = c.a.F; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$List$sortBy(value)); case 1: var value = c.a.F; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$List$sortBy(value)); case 2: var value = c.a.F; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$List$sortBy(value)); default: return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }, findTitle(model.bt)), $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault($elm$core$Basics$identity), model.a)) }); }); var $author$project$Widget$sortTable = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$SortTable$sortTable; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$viewFunctions = function () { var viewTable = F7( function (style, content, columns, asc, sortBy, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.sortTable', A2( $author$project$Widget$sortTable, style(palette), { b_: asc, bt: columns, a: content, c5: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), ch: sortBy })); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewTable])); }(); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Sort by', _Utils_Tuple2('Id', 'Id'), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('Name', 'Name'), _Utils_Tuple2('Rating', 'Rating'), _Utils_Tuple2('Hash', 'Hash'), _Utils_Tuple2('None', '') ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Sort ascendingly', _Utils_Tuple2(true, false), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Columns', _Utils_Tuple2( '4 Columns', _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Widget$intColumn( { bU: 'Id', R: function (_int) { return '#' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int); }, F: function ($) { return $.H; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$stringColumn( { bU: 'Name', R: $elm$core$Basics$identity, F: function ($) { return $.L; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$floatColumn( { bU: 'Rating', R: $elm$core$String$fromFloat, F: function ($) { return $.O; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$unsortableColumn( { bU: 'Hash', R: A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function ($) { return $.J; }, $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault('None')), S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }) ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Column', _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Widget$intColumn( { bU: 'Id', R: function (_int) { return '#' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int); }, F: function ($) { return $.H; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }) ])), _Utils_Tuple2('None', _List_Nil) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Content', _Utils_Tuple2( 'Data', _List_fromArray( [ {J: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, H: 1, L: 'Antonio', O: 2.456}, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('45jf'), H: 2, L: 'Ana', O: 1.34 }, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('6fs1'), H: 3, L: 'Alfred', O: 4.22 }, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('k52f'), H: 4, L: 'Thomas', O: 3 } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('None', _List_Nil) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('SortTable', $author$project$Widget$Material$sortTable), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$SortTable$viewFunctions))))))); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$init = _Utils_Tuple2( {b_: true, bU: 'Name'}, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$SortTable$update = F2( function (msg, model) { var string = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2( { b_: _Utils_eq(model.bU, string) ? (!model.b_) : true, bU: string }, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$ChangedSorting = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$SortTable$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Widget$sortTable, $author$project$Widget$Material$sortTable(palette), { b_: model.b_, bt: _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Widget$intColumn( { bU: 'Id', R: function (_int) { return '#' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int); }, F: function ($) { return $.H; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$stringColumn( { bU: 'Name', R: $elm$core$Basics$identity, F: function ($) { return $.L; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$floatColumn( { bU: 'Rating', R: $elm$core$String$fromFloat, F: function ($) { return $.O; }, S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }), $author$project$Widget$unsortableColumn( { bU: 'Hash', R: A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeR, function ($) { return $.J; }, $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault('None')), S: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }) ]), a: _List_fromArray( [ {J: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, H: 1, L: 'Antonio', O: 2.456}, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('45jf'), H: 2, L: 'Ana', O: 1.34 }, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('6fs1'), H: 3, L: 'Alfred', O: 4.22 }, { J: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('k52f'), H: 4, L: 'Thomas', O: 3 } ]), c5: $elm$core$Basics$identity, ch: model.bU }); }); var $author$project$Page$SortTable$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$SortTable$init), fV: $author$project$Page$SortTable$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$SortTable$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$SortTable$view) }; var $author$project$Page$SortTable$description = 'A simple sort table.'; var $author$project$Page$SortTable$title = 'Sort Table'; var $author$project$Page$SortTable$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$SortTable$book, eo: $author$project$Page$SortTable$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$SortTable$description, bU: $author$project$Page$SortTable$title}); var $author$project$Page$Switch$viewFunctions = function () { var viewSwitch = F6( function (style, desc, active, onPress, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.switch', A2( $author$project$Widget$switch, style(palette), {cp: active, b0: desc, bG: onPress})); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewSwitch])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Switch$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'with event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Active', _Utils_Tuple2(true, false), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Description', 'Be Awesome'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Switch', $author$project$Widget$Material$switch), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Switch$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$Switch$IsButtonEnabled = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Switch$init = _Utils_Tuple2(false, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Switch$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Switch$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var buttonEnabled = _v0; return _Utils_Tuple2(!buttonEnabled, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$Switch$ToggledButtonStatus = 0; var $author$project$Page$Switch$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var isButtonEnabled = _v1; return A2( $author$project$Widget$switch, $author$project$Widget$Material$switch(palette), { cp: isButtonEnabled, b0: 'click me', bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0) }); }); var $author$project$Page$Switch$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Switch$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Switch$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Switch$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Switch$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Switch$description = 'Switches toggle the state of a single item on or off.'; var $author$project$Page$Switch$title = 'Switch'; var $author$project$Page$Switch$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Switch$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Switch$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Switch$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Switch$title}); var $author$project$Internal$Material$Tab$tabButton = function (palette) { return { a: { a: { bC: { eM: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18}, a5: { a_: $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette), aw: 18 }, a8: {a_: palette.aa, aw: 18} }, aS: {eg: _List_Nil} }, B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX ]) }, b2: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Widget$Material$Typography$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(48)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 90, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 360, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 12, 16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor(palette.aa)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonPressedOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonFocusOpacity, palette.aa))) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( A2($author$project$Widget$Material$Color$scaleOpacity, $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$buttonHoverOpacity, palette.aa))) ])) ])), eM: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(48)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( {d2: 2, e$: 0, fv: 0, ga: 0}) ]), a5: _Utils_ap( $author$project$Internal$Material$Button$baseButton(palette).a5, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$fromColor( $author$project$Internal$Material$Palette$gray(palette))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseDown(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver(_List_Nil), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$focused(_List_Nil) ])), a8: _List_Nil }; }; var $author$project$Internal$Material$Tab$tab = function (palette) { return { a: { a: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), fX: { a: $author$project$Internal$Material$Tab$tabButton(palette), B: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spaceEvenly, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( $author$project$Widget$Material$Color$shadow(4)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) } }, cG: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(8), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]) }; }; var $author$project$Widget$Material$tab = $author$project$Internal$Material$Tab$tab; var $author$project$Internal$Tab$tab = F2( function (style, _v0) { var tabs = _v0.fX; var content = _v0.a; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, style.cG, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style.a.fX.B, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Internal$Select$selectButton(style.a.fX.a), $author$project$Internal$Select$select(tabs))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, style.a.a, content(tabs.bP)) ])); }); var $author$project$Widget$tab = function () { var fun = $author$project$Internal$Tab$tab; return fun; }(); var $author$project$Page$Tab$viewFunctions = function () { var viewTab = F6( function (style, selected, options, onSelect, _v1, _v2) { var palette = _v1.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.tab', A2( $author$project$Widget$tab, style(palette), { a: function (s) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( function () { _v0$3: while (true) { if (!s.$) { switch (s.a) { case 0: return 'This is Tab 1'; case 1: return 'This is the second tab'; case 2: return 'The thrid and last tab'; default: break _v0$3; } } else { break _v0$3; } } return 'Please select a tab'; }()); }, fX: {bH: onSelect, bI: options, bP: selected} })); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewTab])); }(); var $author$project$Page$Tab$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'With event handler', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Basics$always( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), $elm$core$Basics$always($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Options', _Utils_Tuple2( '3 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: '42' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '42' } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '2 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: '42' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), aS: '' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Option', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: '42' } ])) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Selected', _Utils_Tuple2( 'Third', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(2)), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'Second', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(1)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'First', $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0)), _Utils_Tuple2('Nothing or Invalid', $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Style', _Utils_Tuple2('Tab', $author$project$Widget$Material$tab), _List_Nil), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$Tab$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$Tab$Selected = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Tab$init = _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$Tab$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$Tab$update = F2( function (msg, _v0) { var _int = msg; return _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just(_int), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); }); var $author$project$Page$Tab$ChangedTab = $elm$core$Basics$identity; var $author$project$Page$Tab$view = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; var selected = _v1; return A2( $author$project$Widget$tab, $author$project$Widget$Material$tab(palette), { a: function (s) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( function () { _v2$3: while (true) { if (!s.$) { switch (s.a) { case 0: return 'This is Tab 1'; case 1: return 'This is the second tab'; case 2: return 'The thrid and last tab'; default: break _v2$3; } } else { break _v2$3; } } return 'Please select a tab'; }()); }, fX: { bH: A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, $elm$core$Basics$identity, $elm$core$Maybe$Just), bI: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_int) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), aS: 'Tab ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(_int) }; }, _List_fromArray( [1, 2, 3])), bP: selected } }); }); var $author$project$Page$Tab$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$Tab$init), fV: $author$project$Page$Tab$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$Tab$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$Tab$view) }; var $author$project$Page$Tab$description = 'Tabs organize content across different screens, data sets, and other interactions.'; var $author$project$Page$Tab$title = 'Tab'; var $author$project$Page$Tab$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$Tab$book, eo: $author$project$Page$Tab$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$Tab$description, bU: $author$project$Page$Tab$title}); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$viewFunctions = function () { var viewInput = F6( function (chips, text, placeholder, label, _v0, _v1) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Page$viewTile, 'Widget.currentPasswordInput', A2( $author$project$Widget$textInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput(palette), { d8: chips, b8: label, c5: $elm$core$Basics$always(0), fp: placeholder, aS: text })); }); return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addTile, $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$initStaticTiles, _List_fromArray( [viewInput])); }(); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$book = $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$build( A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Label', 'Name'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$boolStory, 'Placeholder', _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('password'))), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), true), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$Story$textStory, 'Text', '123456789'), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$addStory, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$optionListStory, 'Chips', _Utils_Tuple2( '3 Chips', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Apples' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: '' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: 'Oranges' } ])), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( '2 Chips', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Apples' }, { bC: A2($author$project$Widget$Icon$elmMaterialIcons, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$Types$Color, $icidasset$elm_material_icons$Material$Icons$done), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(0), aS: '' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2( '1 Chips', _List_fromArray( [ { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: 'Apples' } ])), _Utils_Tuple2('None', _List_Nil) ])), A2( $author$project$UIExplorer$Story$book, $elm$core$Maybe$Just('Options'), $author$project$Page$TextInput$viewFunctions)))))); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$init = _Utils_Tuple2( {am: $elm$core$Set$empty, bS: ''}, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$subscriptions = function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none; }; var $author$project$Page$TextInput$update = F2( function (msg, model) { if (!msg.$) { var string = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { am: (A2($elm$core$Set$member, string, model.am) ? $elm$core$Set$remove(string) : $elm$core$Set$insert(string))(model.am) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { var string = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {bS: string}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } }); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$SetTextInput = function (a) { return {$: 1, a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$TextInput$ToggleTextInputChip = function (a) { return {$: 0, a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Dict$diff = F2( function (t1, t2) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldl, F3( function (k, v, t) { return A2($elm$core$Dict$remove, k, t); }), t1, t2); }); var $elm$core$Set$diff = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var dict1 = _v0; var dict2 = _v1; return A2($elm$core$Dict$diff, dict1, dict2); }); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$view = F2( function (_v0, model) { var palette = _v0.cb; return A2( $author$project$Widget$column, $author$project$Widget$Material$column, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $author$project$Widget$textInput, $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput(palette), { d8: A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (string) { return { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$TextInput$ToggleTextInputChip(string)), aS: string }; }, $elm$core$Set$toList(model.am)), b8: 'Chips', c5: $author$project$Page$TextInput$SetTextInput, fp: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, aS: model.bS }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (string) { return A2( $author$project$Widget$button, $author$project$Widget$Material$textInput(palette).a.d8.a, { bC: $elm$core$Basics$always($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none), bG: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$TextInput$ToggleTextInputChip(string)), aS: string }); }, $elm$core$Set$toList( A2( $elm$core$Set$diff, $elm$core$Set$fromList( _List_fromArray( ['A', 'B', 'C'])), model.am)))) ])); }); var $author$project$Page$TextInput$demo = { eR: $elm$core$Basics$always($author$project$Page$TextInput$init), fV: $author$project$Page$TextInput$subscriptions, ge: $author$project$Page$TextInput$update, gg: $author$project$Page$demo($author$project$Page$TextInput$view) }; var $author$project$Page$TextInput$description = 'Text fields let users enter and edit text.'; var $author$project$Page$TextInput$title = 'Text Input'; var $author$project$Page$TextInput$page = $author$project$Page$create( {dZ: $author$project$Page$TextInput$book, eo: $author$project$Page$TextInput$demo, b0: $author$project$Page$TextInput$description, bU: $author$project$Page$TextInput$title}); var $author$project$Main$pages = A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Dialog', $author$project$Page$Dialog$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Icon', $author$project$Page$Icon$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'App Bar', $author$project$Page$AppBar$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Modal', $author$project$Page$Modal$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'ProgressIndicator', $author$project$Page$ProgressIndicator$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Item', $author$project$Page$Item$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Snackbar', $author$project$Page$Snackbar$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Sort Table', $author$project$Page$SortTable$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Text Input', $author$project$Page$TextInput$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Password Input', $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Tab', $author$project$Page$Tab$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Switch', $author$project$Page$Switch$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Multi Select', $author$project$Page$MultiSelect$page, A3( $author$project$UIExplorer$nextPage, 'Select', $author$project$Page$Select$page, A2($author$project$UIExplorer$firstPage, 'Button', $author$project$Page$Button$page))))))))))))))); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$value = _Json_decodeValue; var $author$project$Main$main = A2($author$project$UIExplorer$application, $author$project$Main$config, $author$project$Main$pages); _Platform_export({'Main':{'init':$author$project$Main$main($elm$json$Json$Decode$value)(0)}});}(this));