2021-01-26 14:26:32 +01:00

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module Accessibility exposing (main)
import Browser
import Color exposing (Color)
import Color.Accessibility as Accessibility
import Element
import Element.Background
import Element.Border
import Element.Font
import Element.Input
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, ColumnStyle, RowStyle)
import Widget.Material as Material exposing (Palette)
type alias Style style msg =
{ style
| primaryButton : ButtonStyle msg
, button : ButtonStyle msg
, row : RowStyle msg
, column : ColumnStyle msg
type MaterialIOTitleColor
= White
| Black
primaryColors : List ( String, Color, MaterialIOTitleColor )
primaryColors =
--, ( "original", Color.rgb255 0x00 0x88 0xCE ) -- #0088ce -- Our own primary color
[ ( "900", Color.rgb255 0x00 0x58 0x98, White ) -- #005898
, ( "800", Color.rgb255 0x00 0x78 0xBA, White ) -- #0078ba
, ( "700", Color.rgb255 0x00 0x89 0xCE, Black ) -- #0089ce -- material.io palette tool primary color
, ( "600", Color.rgb255 0x05 0x9C 0xE2, Black ) -- #059ce2
, ( "500", Color.rgb255 0x08 0xAA 0xF1, Black ) -- #08aaf1
, ( "400", Color.rgb255 0x2C 0xB7 0xF3, Black ) -- #2cb7f3
, ( "300", Color.rgb255 0x51 0xC4 0xF4, Black ) -- #51c4f4
, ( "200", Color.rgb255 0x82 0xD5 0xF8, Black ) -- #82d5f8
, ( "100", Color.rgb255 0xB3 0xE5 0xFA, Black ) -- #b3e5fa
, ( "050", Color.rgb255 0xE1 0xF5 0xFD, Black ) -- #e1f5fd
materialStyle : Style {} msg
materialStyle =
{ primaryButton = Material.containedButton Material.defaultPalette
, button = Material.outlinedButton Material.defaultPalette
, row = Material.row
, column = Material.column
customPalette : Color -> Palette
customPalette primaryColor =
{ primary = primaryColor
, secondary = Color.rgb255 0x03 0xDA 0xC6
, background = Color.rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
, surface = Color.rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
, error = Color.rgb255 0xB0 0x00 0x20
, on =
{ primary = Color.rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
, secondary = Color.rgb255 0x00 0x00 0x00
, background = Color.rgb255 0x00 0x00 0x00
, surface = Color.rgb255 0x00 0x00 0x00
, error = Color.rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
primaryButtonStyle : Color -> ButtonStyle msg
primaryButtonStyle color =
newPalette =
customPalette color
Material.containedButton newPalette
type Model
= IsButtonEnabled Bool
type Msg
= Noop
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( IsButtonEnabled True
, Cmd.none
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Noop ->
( model
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
{-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below.
view : (Msg -> msg) -> Style style msg -> Model -> Element.Element msg
view msgMapper style (IsButtonEnabled isButtonEnabled) =
colorFromMaterialIOTitleColor : MaterialIOTitleColor -> Color
colorFromMaterialIOTitleColor materialIOTitleColor =
case materialIOTitleColor of
White ->
Black ->
elmUiColor : Color -> Element.Color
elmUiColor color =
color |> Color.toRgba |> Element.fromRgb
row : ( String, Color, MaterialIOTitleColor ) -> Element.Element msg
row ( colorCode, color, materialIOTitleColor ) =
materialFontColor =
|> colorFromMaterialIOTitleColor
|> elmUiColor
maximumContrastColor =
Accessibility.maximumContrast color [ Color.white, Color.black ]
|> Maybe.withDefault Color.red
|> elmUiColor
[ Widget.button (primaryButtonStyle color)
{ text = colorCode ++ " - Elm UI Widgets"
, icon = always Element.none
, onPress =
if isButtonEnabled then
|> msgMapper
|> Just
, Element.Input.button
[ Element.Background.color (elmUiColor color)
, Element.padding 8
, Element.Border.rounded 3
{ onPress = Nothing
, label =
Element.row [ Element.spacingXY 10 0 ]
[ Element.el
[ Element.Font.color materialFontColor
, Element.Font.size 16
(Element.text (colorCode ++ " - Material IO"))
, Element.Input.button
[ Element.Background.color (elmUiColor color)
, Element.padding 8
, Element.Border.rounded 3
{ onPress = Nothing
, label =
Element.row [ Element.spacingXY 10 0 ]
[ Element.el
[ Element.Font.color maximumContrastColor
, Element.Font.size 16
(Element.text (colorCode ++ " - Max Contrast"))
|> Widget.row style.row
rows =
List.map row primaryColors
rows |> Widget.column style.column
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = always init
, view = view identity materialStyle >> Element.layout []
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions