Pull symbol_table/value.rs from improved-flattening

This commit is contained in:
Pranav Gaddamadugu 2022-07-10 09:45:53 -07:00
parent 1c88ea938b
commit 6fbf96e12d
2 changed files with 866 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ pub use unary::*;
mod literal;
pub use literal::*;
mod value;
pub use value::*;
/// Expression that evaluates to a value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Expression {

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@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the Leo library.
// The Leo library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The Leo library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the Leo library. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::{GroupLiteral, Identifier, Type};
use leo_ast::{GroupLiteral, Identifier, IntegerType, LiteralExpression, Type};
use leo_errors::{type_name, FlattenError, LeoError, Result};
use leo_span::{Span, Symbol};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use std::{
ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Not},
// Macro for making implementing unary operations over appropriate types easier.
macro_rules! implement_const_unary {
name: $name:ident,
method: $method:ident,
string: $str:expr,
patterns: [$([$type:ident, $m_type:ty]),+]
) => {
name: $name,
patterns: [$([
t: $type,
l: |l: $m_type, span| l.$method().ok_or_else(|| FlattenError::unary_overflow(l, $str, span))
name: $name:ident,
method: $method:ident,
patterns: [$([$type:ident, $m_type:ty]),+]
) => {
name: $name,
patterns: [$([
t: $type,
l: |l: $m_type, _| -> Result<$m_type> { Ok(l.$method()) }
name: $name:ident,
patterns: [$([
t: $type:ident,
l: $logic:expr
) => {
pub(crate) fn $name(self, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
use Value::*;
match self {
$type(v, _) => {
Ok($type($logic(v.into(), span)?, span))
// Unreachable because type checking should have already caught this and errored out.
s => unreachable!("Const operation not supported {}.{}()", type_name(&s), stringify!($name))
// Macro for making implementing binary operations over appropriate types easier.
macro_rules! implement_const_binary {
// for overflowing operations that can overflow
name: $name:ident,
method: $method:ident,
string: $str:expr,
patterns: [$(
// lhs, rhs, out, method left, method right
[$lhs:ident, [$($rhs:ident),+], $out:ident, $m_lhs:ty, $m_rhs:ty]
) => {
name: $name,
patterns: [$([
types: $lhs, [$($rhs),+], $out,
logic: |l: $m_lhs, r: $m_rhs, t, span| l.$method(r).ok_or_else(|| FlattenError::binary_overflow(l, $str, r, t, span))
// for wrapping math operations
name: $name:ident,
method: $method:ident,
patterns: [$(
// lhs, rhs, out, method left, method right, method output
[$lhs:ident, [$($rhs:ident),+], $out:ident, $m_lhs:ty, $m_rhs:ty]
) => {
name: $name,
patterns: [$([
types: $lhs, [$($rhs),+], $out,
logic: |l: $m_lhs, r: $m_rhs, _, _| -> Result<$m_lhs> {Ok(l.$method(r))}
// for cmp operations
name: $name:ident,
method: $method:ident,
string: $str:expr,
patterns: [$(
// lhs, rhs, out, method left, method right, method output
[$lhs:ident, [$($rhs:ident),+], $out:ident, $m_lhs:ty, $m_rhs:ty]
) => {
name: $name,
patterns: [$([
types: $lhs, [$($rhs),+], $out,
logic: |l: $m_lhs, r: $m_rhs, _, _| -> Result<bool> {Ok(l.$method(&r))}
name: $name:ident,
patterns: [$([
types: $lhs:ident, [$($rhs:ident),+], $out:ident,
logic: $logic:expr
) => {
pub(crate) fn $name(self, other: Self, span: Span) -> Result<Self> {
use Value::*;
match (self, other) {
($lhs(types, _), $rhs(rhs, _)) => {
let rhs_type = type_name(&rhs);
let out = $logic(types, rhs.into(), rhs_type, span)?;
Ok($out(out, span))
// Unreachable because type checking should have already caught this and errored out.
(s, o) => unreachable!("Const operation not supported {}.{}({})", type_name(&s), stringify!($name), type_name(&o))
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Value {
Input(Type, Identifier),
Address(String, Span),
Boolean(bool, Span),
Circuit(Identifier, IndexMap<Symbol, Value>),
Field(String, Span),
I8(i8, Span),
I16(i16, Span),
I32(i32, Span),
I64(i64, Span),
I128(i128, Span),
U8(u8, Span),
U16(u16, Span),
U32(u32, Span),
U64(u64, Span),
U128(u128, Span),
Scalar(String, Span),
String(String, Span),
impl Value {
pub(crate) fn is_supported_const_fold_type(&self) -> bool {
use Value::*;
Boolean(_, _)
| I8(_, _)
| I16(_, _)
| I32(_, _)
| I64(_, _)
| I128(_, _)
| U8(_, _)
| U16(_, _)
| U32(_, _)
| U64(_, _)
| U128(_, _)
pub(crate) fn from_u128(type_: Type, value: u128, span: Span) -> Self {
// Should never error since we converted from a start..stop and then back.
match type_ {
Type::IntegerType(int_type) => match int_type {
IntegerType::U8 => Value::U8(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::U16 => Value::U16(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::U32 => Value::U32(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::U64 => Value::U64(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::U128 => Value::U128(value, span),
IntegerType::I8 => Value::I8(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::I16 => Value::I16(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::I32 => Value::I32(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::I64 => Value::I64(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
IntegerType::I128 => Value::I128(value.try_into().unwrap(), span),
_ => unreachable!(),
name: abs,
method: checked_abs,
string: "abs",
patterns: [
[I8, i8],
[I16, i16],
[I32, i32],
[I64, i64],
[I128, i128]
name: abs_wrapped,
method: wrapping_abs,
patterns: [
[I8, i8],
[I16, i16],
[I32, i32],
[I64, i64],
[I128, i128]
name: neg,
method: checked_neg,
string: "neg",
patterns: [
// [Field, Field],
// [Group, Group],
[I8, i8],
[I16, i16],
[I32, i32],
[I64, i64],
[I128, i128]
name: not,
method: not,
patterns: [
[Boolean, bool],
[I8, i8],
[I16, i16],
[I32, i32],
[I64, i64],
[I128, i128],
[U8, u8],
[U16, u16],
[U32, u32],
[U64, u64],
[U128, u128]
name: add,
method: checked_add,
string: "+",
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: add_wrapped,
method: wrapping_add,
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: bitand,
method: bitand,
patterns: [
[Boolean, [Boolean], Boolean, bool, bool],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
name: div,
method: checked_div,
string: "/",
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: div_wrapped,
method: wrapping_div,
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: eq,
method: eq,
string: "==",
patterns: [
[Boolean, [Boolean], Boolean, bool, bool],
[I8, [I8], Boolean, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], Boolean, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], Boolean, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], Boolean, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], Boolean, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], Boolean, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], Boolean, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], Boolean, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], Boolean, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], Boolean, u128, u128]
name: ge,
method: ge,
string: ">=",
patterns: [
[I8, [I8], Boolean, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], Boolean, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], Boolean, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], Boolean, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], Boolean, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], Boolean, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], Boolean, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], Boolean, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], Boolean, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], Boolean, u128, u128]
name: gt,
method: gt,
string: ">",
patterns: [
[I8, [I8], Boolean, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], Boolean, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], Boolean, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], Boolean, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], Boolean, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], Boolean, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], Boolean, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], Boolean, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], Boolean, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], Boolean, u128, u128]
name: le,
method: le,
string: "<=",
patterns: [
[I8, [I8], Boolean, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], Boolean, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], Boolean, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], Boolean, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], Boolean, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], Boolean, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], Boolean, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], Boolean, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], Boolean, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], Boolean, u128, u128]
name: lt,
method: lt,
string: "<",
patterns: [
[I8, [I8], Boolean, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], Boolean, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], Boolean, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], Boolean, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], Boolean, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], Boolean, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], Boolean, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], Boolean, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], Boolean, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], Boolean, u128, u128]
name: mul,
method: checked_mul,
string: "*",
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: mul_wrapped,
method: wrapping_mul,
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: bitor,
method: bitor,
patterns: [
[Boolean, [Boolean], Boolean, bool, bool],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
name: pow,
method: checked_pow,
string: "**",
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: pow_wrapped,
method: wrapping_pow,
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: shl,
method: checked_shl,
string: "<<",
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: shl_wrapped,
method: wrapping_shl,
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: shr,
method: checked_shr,
string: ">>",
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: shr_wrapped,
method: wrapping_shr,
patterns: [
[I8, [U8, U16, U32], I8, i8, u32],
[I16, [U8, U16, U32], I16, i16, u32],
[I32, [U8, U16, U32], I32, i32, u32],
[I64, [U8, U16, U32], I64, i64, u32],
[I128, [U8, U16, U32], I128, i128, u32],
[U8, [U8, U16, U32], U8, u8, u32],
[U16, [U8, U16, U32], U16, u16, u32],
[U32, [U8, U16, U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U8, U16, U32], U64, u64, u32],
[U128, [U8, U16, U32], U128, u128, u32]
name: sub,
method: checked_sub,
string: "-",
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: sub_wrapped,
method: wrapping_sub,
patterns: [
// [Field, [Field], Field, _, _],
// [Group, [Group], Group, _, _],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
//[Scalar, [Scalar], Scalar, _, _],
name: xor,
method: bitxor,
patterns: [
[Boolean, [Boolean], Boolean, bool, bool],
[I8, [I8], I8, i8, i8],
[I16, [I16], I16, i16, i16],
[I32, [I32], I32, i32, i32],
[I64, [I64], I64, i64, i64],
[I128, [I128], I128, i128, i128],
[U8, [U8], U8, u8, u8],
[U16, [U16], U16, u16, u16],
[U32, [U32], U32, u32, u32],
[U64, [U64], U64, u64, u64],
[U128, [U128], U128, u128, u128]
impl Display for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use Value::*;
match self {
Input(type_, ident) => write!(f, "input var {}: {type_}", ident.name),
Address(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
Circuit(val, _) => write!(f, "{}", val.name),
Boolean(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
Field(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
Group(val) => write!(f, "{val}"),
I8(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
I16(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
I32(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
I64(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
I128(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
U8(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
U16(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
U32(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
U64(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
U128(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
Scalar(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
String(val, _) => write!(f, "{val}"),
impl TryFrom<Value> for u128 {
type Error = LeoError;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<&Value> for u128 {
type Error = LeoError;
fn try_from(value: &Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use Value::*;
match value {
I8(val, span) => {
u128::try_from(*val).map_err(|_| FlattenError::loop_has_neg_value(Type::from(value), *span).into())
I16(val, span) => {
u128::try_from(*val).map_err(|_| FlattenError::loop_has_neg_value(Type::from(value), *span).into())
I32(val, span) => {
u128::try_from(*val).map_err(|_| FlattenError::loop_has_neg_value(Type::from(value), *span).into())
I64(val, span) => {
u128::try_from(*val).map_err(|_| FlattenError::loop_has_neg_value(Type::from(value), *span).into())
I128(val, span) => {
u128::try_from(*val).map_err(|_| FlattenError::loop_has_neg_value(Type::from(value), *span).into())
U8(val, _) => Ok(*val as u128),
U16(val, _) => Ok(*val as u128),
U32(val, _) => Ok(*val as u128),
U64(val, _) => Ok(*val as u128),
U128(val, _) => Ok(*val),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl AsRef<Value> for Value {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Self {
impl From<Value> for Type {
fn from(v: Value) -> Self {
impl From<&Value> for Type {
fn from(v: &Value) -> Self {
use Value::*;
match v {
Input(type_, _) => *type_,
Address(_, _) => Type::Address,
Boolean(_, _) => Type::Boolean,
Circuit(ident, _) => Type::Identifier(*ident),
Field(_, _) => Type::Field,
Group(_) => Type::Group,
I8(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::I8),
I16(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::I16),
I32(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::I32),
I64(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::I64),
I128(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::I128),
U8(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::U8),
U16(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::U16),
U32(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::U32),
U64(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::U64),
U128(_, _) => Type::IntegerType(IntegerType::U128),
Scalar(_, _) => Type::Scalar,
String(_, _) => Type::String,
impl From<Value> for LiteralExpression {
fn from(v: Value) -> Self {
use Value::*;
match v {
Input(_, _) => panic!("We need to test if this is hittable"),
Address(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Address(v, span),
Boolean(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Boolean(v, span),
Circuit(ident, values) => {
LiteralExpression::Circuit(ident, values.into_iter().map(|(n, v)| (n, v.into())).collect())
Field(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Field(v, span),
Group(v) => LiteralExpression::Group(v),
I8(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::I8, v.to_string(), span),
I16(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::I16, v.to_string(), span),
I32(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::I32, v.to_string(), span),
I64(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::I64, v.to_string(), span),
I128(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::I128, v.to_string(), span),
U8(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::U8, v.to_string(), span),
U16(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::U16, v.to_string(), span),
U32(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::U32, v.to_string(), span),
U64(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::U64, v.to_string(), span),
U128(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Integer(IntegerType::U128, v.to_string(), span),
Scalar(v, span) => LiteralExpression::Scalar(v, span),
String(v, span) => LiteralExpression::String(v, span),