# Leo Parser [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/leo-parser.svg?color=neon)](https://crates.io/crates/leo-parser) [![Authors](https://img.shields.io/badge/authors-Aleo-orange.svg)](../AUTHORS) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](./LICENSE.md) This directory contains the code to tokenize, lex and parse Leo files to the [Leo AST](./../ast/README.md). ## Tokenizer The tokenizer contains all tokens in Leo. It also decides which tokens are keywords. Meaning that keywords are a subset of tokens. The lexer goes through character by character as bytes, and converts the bytes into the tokens. ### Tokens Bolded ones are also keywords. #### Literals - CommentLine - CommentBlock - StringLit - Ident - Int - **True** - **False** - AddressLit - CharLit #### Symbols - At - Not - And - Or - Eq - NotEq - Lt - LtEq - Gt - GtEq - Add - Minus - Mul - Div - Exp - Assign - AddEq - MinusEq - MulEq - DivEq - ExpEq - LeftParen - RightParen - LeftSquare - RightSquare - LeftCurly - RightCurly - Comma - Dot - DotDot - DotDotDot - Semicolon - Colon - DoubleColon - Question - Arrow - Underscore #### Types - **U8** - **U16** - **U32** - **U64** - **U128** - **I8** - **I16** - **I32** - **I64** - **I128** - **Field** - **Group** - **Bool** - **Address** - **Char** - **BigSelf** #### Words - **Input** - **LittleSelf** - **Import** - **As** - **Circuit** - **Console** - **Const** - **Else** - **For** - **Function** - **If** - **In** - **Let** - **Mut** - **Return** - **Static** - **String** #### Meta - Eof ## Parser The parser converts the tokens to the [Leo AST](./../ast/README.md). The parser is broken down to different files that correspond to different aspects of the AST: - [File](./src/parser/file.rs) - Parses the top level nodes in Leo. - [Types](./src/parser/type_.rs) - Parses the type declarations in Leo. - [Statements](./src/parser/statement.rs) - Parses the different kinds of statements. - [Expressions](./src/parser/expression.rs) - Parses the different kinds of expressions. For more information on those please read the Leo AST README, linked above. ## Grammar Relation All function and token names are as close as possible to the [Leo Grammar](./../grammar/README.md)