version: 2.1 # Notes # - `sccache` was removed because it doesn't actually provide much benefit in CI. Lots of cache misses. # - provides guidance on which directories to cache. # - Incremental builds should be disabled in CI, since they don't provide much benefit. # - Enabling `--only_testnet` feature flag to reduce the amount of time spent building leo-lang, since it's not needed for the test suite. # Rust Version: 1.82.0 # Ensure that this matches the `rust-version` in `Cargo.toml`. # If this is changed, propogate the changes to all places in this file, including the `install-rust` command. # TODO: # - The cache size can accumulate as the dependencies get upgraded. Ideally you want some pruning before the cache gets persisted. # See swatinem/rust-cache for a sensible approach. Unfortunately, we'd have to build this for CircleCI. # - Rust v1.83.0 is coming with some sensible cargo rebuild improvements. We should upgrade to that when it's released. environment: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 RUSTFLAGS: "-D warnings" orbs: windows: circleci/windows@5.0 codecov: codecov/codecov@1.0.2 executors: macos-executor: macos: xcode: "16.0.0" # Use appropriate Xcode version resource_class: m2pro.large linux-executor: docker: - image: "cimg/rust:1.82.0" # Ensure that this matches the `rust-version` in `Cargo.toml`. resource_class: xlarge commands: install-rust: description: "Install Rust (Linux/macOS)" steps: - run: name: Install Rust command: | # If Rust is not installed on the machine, install it if ! command -v rustc &> /dev/null; then curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y source "$HOME/.cargo/env" rustup install 1.82.0 rustup override set 1.82.0 cargo --version --verbose rustc --version fi if [ ! -f "Cargo.lock" ]; then cargo generate-lockfile fi cargo install cargo-mtime install-rust-windows: description: "Install Rust (Windows)" steps: - run: name: Install Rust (Windows) command: | $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" choco uninstall rust Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\\rustup-init.exe" Start-Process "C:\\rustup-init.exe" -ArgumentList '-y' -Wait $Env:Path += ";$Env:USERPROFILE\.cargo\bin" rustup install 1.82.0 rustup default 1.82.0 cargo --version --verbose rustc --version | Out-File -FilePath "rust-version" if (!(Test-Path "Cargo.lock" -PathType Leaf)) { cargo generate-lockfile } cargo install cargo-mtime build-and-test: description: "Build and run tests" steps: - run: name: Build no_output_timeout: 30m command: | cargo-mtime . ~/.cache/mtimes/project.db cargo test --no-run --all --locked --profile ci --features only_testnet - run: name: Run tests no_output_timeout: 30m # The `--verbose` flag is used to check which files are being recompiled. Ideally, this should be none. command: | cargo-mtime . ~/.cache/mtimes/project.db cargo test --all --locked --profile ci --features only_testnet --verbose install_rust_nightly: description: "Install Rust nightly toolchain" steps: - run: rustup toolchain install nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu jobs: test-windows: executor: name: windows/default size: xlarge steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }} - install-rust-windows - run: name: Update Submodules command: git submodule update --init --recursive - build-and-test - save_cache: key: cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} paths: - C:\Users\circleci\.cargo - target test-macos: executor: macos-executor steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }} - install-rust - run: name: Update Submodules command: git submodule update --init --recursive - build-and-test - save_cache: key: cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} paths: - ~/.cargo - target test-linux: executor: linux-executor steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }} - install-rust - run: name: Update Submodules command: git submodule update --init --recursive - build-and-test - save_cache: key: cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} paths: - ~/.cargo - target # TODO: Move code-coverage to CircleCI # code-coverage: # executor: linux-executor # steps: # - checkout # - restore_cache: # keys: # - codecov-cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} # - codecov-cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} # - codecov-cargo-v1-{{ arch }} # - install-rust # - build-and-test # - codecov/upload: # file: { { coverage_report_filepath } } # - save_cache: # key: codecov-cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} # paths: # - ~/.cargo # - target check-style-clippy-docs: executor: linux-executor resource_class: large steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }} - install_rust_nightly - run: name: Update Submodules command: git submodule update --init --recursive - run: name: Check style no_output_timeout: 35m command: cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check - run: name: Clippy no_output_timeout: 35m command: | cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets -- -D warnings cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings - run: name: Build Cargo Docs command: | cargo doc --no-deps --document-private-items --workspace rm -rf ./tests environment: RUSTDOCFLAGS: "--enable-index-page -Zunstable-options" RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP: "1" - save_cache: key: cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} paths: - ~/.cargo - target leo-executable: executor: linux-executor resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }} - cargo-v1-{{ arch }} - run: name: Update Submodules command: git submodule update --init --recursive - run: name: Build and install Leo no_output_timeout: 30m command: cargo install --path . --root . --locked - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/ paths: - project/ - save_cache: key: cargo-v1-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.toml" }}-{{ checksum "Cargo.lock" }} paths: - ~/.cargo - target leo-new: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.82 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo new command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo timeout 30m ./project/.circleci/ leo-clean: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.82 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo clean command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-example: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.82 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo example command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ test-examples: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.82 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: test examples example command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo export EXAMPLES=/home/circleci/project/project/examples ./project/.circleci/ workflows: version: 2 main-workflow: jobs: - test-windows - test-macos - test-linux - check-style-clippy-docs - leo-executable - leo-new: requires: - leo-executable - leo-clean: requires: - leo-executable - leo-example: requires: - leo-executable - test-examples: requires: - leo-executable