version: 2.1 commands: setup_environment: description: "Setup environment" parameters: cache_key: type: string default: leo-stable-linux-cache steps: - run: set -e - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Prepare environment and install dependencies command: | export SCCACHE_CACHE_SIZE=200M export WORK_DIR="$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.cache/sccache" export SCCACHE_DIR="$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.cache/sccache" mkdir -p "$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.bin" wget tar -C "$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.bin" -xvf sccache-0.2.13-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz mv $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.bin/sccache-0.2.13-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/sccache $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.bin/sccache export PATH="$PATH:$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.bin" export RUSTC_WRAPPER="sccache" rm -rf "$CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.cargo/registry" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y clang llvm-dev llvm pkg-config xz-utils make libssl-dev libssl-dev - restore_cache: keys: - << parameters.cache_key >> clear_environment: description: "Clear environment" parameters: cache_key: type: string default: leo-stable-linux-cache steps: - run: (sccache -s||true) - run: set +e - save_cache: key: << parameters.cache_key >> paths: - .cache/sccache - .cargo # orbs: # codecov: codecov/codecov@1.2.3 jobs: check-style: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout - setup_environment: cache_key: leo-fmt-cache - run: name: Check style no_output_timeout: 35m command: cargo fmt --all -- --check - clear_environment: cache_key: leo-fmt-cache clippy: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout - setup_environment: cache_key: leo-clippy-cache - run: name: Clippy no_output_timeout: 35m command: cargo clippy --all-features --examples --all --benches - clear_environment: cache_key: leo-clippy-cache # code-cov: # docker: # - image: cimg/rust: # resource_class: xlarge # environment: # RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP: 1 # steps: # - checkout # - setup_environment: # cache_key: leo-codecov-cache # - run: # name: Build and run tests # no_output_timeout: 30m # command: cargo test --all # - run: # name: Install Code Cov Deps # no_output_timeout: 30m # command: | # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get -y install binutils-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev libdw-dev libiberty-dev # - run: # name: Generate Coverage Report # no_output_timeout: 30m # command: | # wget # tar xzf master.tar.gz # cd kcov-master # mkdir build && cd build # cmake .. && make # make install DESTDIR=../../kcov-build # cd ../.. # rm -rf kcov-master # for file in target/debug/deps/*-*; do if [[ "$file" != *\.* ]]; then mkdir -p "target/cov/$(basename $file)"; ./kcov-build/usr/local/bin/kcov --exclude-pattern=/.cargo,/usr/lib --exclude-region='@kcov_skip(start):@kcov_skip(end)' --verify "target/cov/$(basename $file)" "$file"; fi done # steps: # - codecov/upload: # file: {{}} # - persist_to_workspace: # root: ~/ # paths: project/ # - clear_environment: # cache_key: leo-codecov-cache leo-executable: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - checkout - setup_environment: cache_key: leo-executable-cache - run: name: Build and install Leo no_output_timeout: 30m command: cargo install --path . --root . --locked - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/ paths: project/ - clear_environment: cache_key: leo-executable-cache leo-new: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo new command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-init: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo init command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-clean: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo clean command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-setup: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo setup command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-add-remove: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo add & remove command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-check-constraints: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo check constraints for Pedersen Hash command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-login-logout: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo login & logout command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-clone: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo clone command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ leo-publish: docker: - image: cimg/rust:1.53.0 resource_class: xlarge steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/project/ - run: name: leo publish command: | export LEO=/home/circleci/project/project/bin/leo ./project/.circleci/ workflows: version: 2 main-workflow: jobs: - check-style - clippy - leo-executable - leo-new: requires: - leo-executable - leo-init: requires: - leo-executable - leo-clean: requires: - leo-executable - leo-setup: requires: - leo-executable - leo-add-remove: requires: - leo-executable - leo-check-constraints: requires: - leo-executable - leo-login-logout: requires: - leo-executable - leo-clone: requires: - leo-executable - leo-publish: requires: - leo-executable