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This directory contains the code for the AST of a Leo Program.

Node Types

There are several types of nodes in the AST that then have further breakdowns.

All nodes store a Span, which is useful for tracking the lines and columns of where the node was taken from in the Leo Program.


The top level nodes in a Leo Program.


Represents an import statement in a Leo Program. A list of these are stored on the Program. It stores the path to an import and what is being imported.

NOTE: The import does not contain the source code of the imported Leo Program.


A circuit node represents a defined Circuit in a Leo Program. A order preserving map of these are stored on the Program. Contains the Circuit's name, as well as it's members. The members are a function, or a variable. For both of them the Circuit preserves their names.


An annotation node is a decorator that can be applied to a function. Stored on the function themselves despite being a top-level node. The node stores the name of the annotation, as well as any args passed to it.


A function node represents a defined function in a Leo Program. A order preserving map of these are stored on the Program. A function node stores the following information:

  • The annotations applied to the function.
  • An identifier the name of the function.
  • The inputs to the function, both their names and types.
  • The output of the function as a type if it exists.
  • The function body stored as a block statement.

Global Consts

A global const is a bit special and has no special node for itself, but rather is a definition statement. A order preserving map of these are stored on the Program.


The different types in a Leo Program. Types themselves are not a node, but rather just information to be stored on a node.


The address type follows the BIP_0173 format starting with aleo1.


The boolean type consists of two values true and false.


The char type resents a character from the inclusive range [0, 10FFFF].


The field type an unsigned number up to the modulus length of the field.


The group type a set of affine points on the elliptic curve passed.


The integer type represents a range of integer types.


A integer in the inclusive range [0, 255].


A integer in the inclusive range [0, 65535].


A integer in the inclusive range [0, 4294967295].


A integer in the inclusive range [0, 18446744073709551615].


A integer in the inclusive range [0, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455].


A integer in the inclusive range [-128, 127].


A integer in the inclusive range [-32768, 32767].


A integer in the inclusive range [-2147483648, 2147483647].


A integer in the inclusive range [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807].


A integer in the inclusive range [-170141183460469231731687303715884105728, 170141183460469231731687303715884105727].


The array type contains another type, then the number of elements of that type greater than 0.


The tuple type contains n types, where n is greater than or equal to 0.


The circuit type, every circuit represents a different type.


The self type represented by Self and only usable inside a circuit.


The statement level nodes in a Leo Program.

Assignment Statements

Block Statements

Conditional Statements

Console Statements

Definition Statements

Expression Statements

Iteration Statements

Return Statements


The expression nodes in a Leo Program.

ArrayAccess Expressions

ArrayInit Expressions

ArrayInline Expressions

ArrayRangeAccess Expressions

Binary Expressions

Call Expressions

CircuitInit Expressions

CircuitMemberAccess Expressions

CircuitStaticFunctionAccess Expressions

Identifier Expressions

Ternary Expressions

TupleAccess Expressions

TupleInit Expressions

Unary Expressions

Value Expressions