Alessandro Coglio 29f797efae [ABNF] Add (first draft of) input grammar.
This is the (sub)grammar for input files. It is an initial draft, written based
on the Notion page 'Leo Input File Doc/Spec'. This should be compared with the
currently implemented parser of input (i.e. .in) files.

As the Leo Reference will describe (that part has not been written yet), the
input grammar is based on the lexical grammar, i.e. an input file consists of
tokens, comments, and whitespace. However, only some tokens (compared to the
syntactic grammar for Leo code files) are used, namely the ones reachable from
the `input-file` nonterminal.

Currently (i.e. im this initial version of Leo) `input-type` is (any) `type` and
`input-expression` is just a `literal`, but these may evolve as we extend the
language (e.g. we'll probably disallow circuit types and allow tuple and array
constructions). The intent is that `input-type` will be a subset of `type` and
that `input-expression` will be a subset of `expression`.
2022-04-15 19:54:41 -07:00

23 KiB

Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Aleo Systems Inc. This file is part of the Leo library.

The Leo library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The Leo library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Leo library. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Lexical Grammar

character = %x0-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF   ; Unicode code points decoded from UTF-8

horizontal-tab = %x9   ; <HT>

line-feed = %xA   ; <LF>

carriage-return = %xD   ; <CR>

space = %x20   ; <SP>

double-quote = %x22   ; "

single-quote = %x27   ; '

not-star = %x0-29 / %x2B-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF   ; anything but *

not-star-or-slash = %x0-29 / %x2B-2E / %x30-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF
                    ; anything but * or /

not-line-feed-or-carriage-return = %x0-9 / %xB-C / %xE-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF
                                   ; anything but <LF> or <CR>

not-double-quote-or-backslash = %x0-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF
                                ; anything but " or \

not-single-quote-or-backslash = %x0-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFF
                                ; anything but ' or \

line-terminator = line-feed / carriage-return / carriage-return line-feed

Go to: carriage-return, line-feed;

whitespace = space / horizontal-tab / line-terminator

Go to: horizontal-tab, line-terminator, space;

comment = block-comment / end-of-line-comment

Go to: block-comment, end-of-line-comment;

block-comment = "/*" rest-of-block-comment

Go to: rest-of-block-comment;

rest-of-block-comment = "*" rest-of-block-comment-after-star
                      / not-star rest-of-block-comment

Go to: not-star, rest-of-block-comment-after-star, rest-of-block-comment;

rest-of-block-comment-after-star = "/"
                                 / "*" rest-of-block-comment-after-star
                                 / not-star-or-slash rest-of-block-comment

Go to: not-star-or-slash, rest-of-block-comment-after-star, rest-of-block-comment;

end-of-line-comment = "//" *not-line-feed-or-carriage-return

keyword = %s"address"
        / %s"bool"
        / %s"char"
        / %s"console"
        / %s"const"
        / %s"constant"
        / %s"else"
        / %s"field"
        / %s"for"
        / %s"function"
        / %s"group"
        / %s"i8"
        / %s"i16"
        / %s"i32"
        / %s"i64"
        / %s"i128"
        / %s"if"
        / %s"in"
        / %s"let"
        / %s"public"
        / %s"return"
        / %s"u8"
        / %s"u16"
        / %s"u32"
        / %s"u64"
        / %s"u128"

uppercase-letter = %x41-5A   ; A-Z

lowercase-letter = %x61-7A   ; a-z

letter = uppercase-letter / lowercase-letter

Go to: lowercase-letter, uppercase-letter;

decimal-digit = %x30-39   ; 0-9

octal-digit = %x30-37   ; 0-7

hexadecimal-digit = decimal-digit / "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f"

Go to: decimal-digit;

identifier = letter *( letter / decimal-digit / "_" )
             ; but not a keyword or a boolean literal or aleo1...

Go to: letter;

numeral = 1*decimal-digit

unsigned-literal = numeral ( %s"u8" / %s"u16" / %s"u32" / %s"u64" / %s"u128" )

Go to: numeral;

signed-literal = numeral ( %s"i8" / %s"i16" / %s"i32" / %s"i64" / %s"i128" )

Go to: numeral;

field-literal = numeral %s"field"

Go to: numeral;

product-group-literal = numeral %s"group"

Go to: numeral;

boolean-literal = %s"true" / %s"false"

address-literal = %s"aleo1" 58( lowercase-letter / decimal-digit )

character-literal = single-quote character-literal-element single-quote

Go to: character-literal-element, single-quote;

character-literal-element = not-single-quote-or-backslash
                          / simple-character-escape
                          / ascii-character-escape
                          / unicode-character-escape

Go to: ascii-character-escape, not-single-quote-or-backslash, simple-character-escape, unicode-character-escape;

single-quote-escape = "\" single-quote   ; \'

Go to: single-quote;

double-quote-escape = "\" double-quote   ; \"

Go to: double-quote;

backslash-escape = "\\"

line-feed-escape = %s"\n"

carriage-return-escape = %s"\r"

horizontal-tab-escape = %s"\t"

null-character-escape = "\0"

simple-character-escape = single-quote-escape
                        / double-quote-escape
                        / backslash-escape
                        / line-feed-escape
                        / carriage-return-escape
                        / horizontal-tab-escape
                        / null-character-escape

Go to: backslash-escape, carriage-return-escape, double-quote-escape, horizontal-tab-escape, line-feed-escape, null-character-escape, single-quote-escape;

ascii-character-escape = %s"\x" octal-digit hexadecimal-digit

Go to: hexadecimal-digit, octal-digit;

unicode-character-escape = %s"\u{" 1*6hexadecimal-digit "}"

string-literal = double-quote *string-literal-element double-quote

Go to: double-quote;

string-literal-element = not-double-quote-or-backslash
                       / simple-character-escape
                       / ascii-character-escape
                       / unicode-character-escape

Go to: ascii-character-escape, not-double-quote-or-backslash, simple-character-escape, unicode-character-escape;

integer-literal = unsigned-literal
                / signed-literal

Go to: signed-literal, unsigned-literal;

atomic-literal = integer-literal
               / field-literal
               / product-group-literal
               / boolean-literal
               / address-literal
               / character-literal
               / string-literal

Go to: address-literal, boolean-literal, character-literal, field-literal, integer-literal, product-group-literal, string-literal;

symbol = "!" / "&&" / "||"
       / "==" / "!="
       / "<" / "<=" / ">" / ">="
       / "+" / "-" / "*" / "/" / "**"
       / "="
       / "(" / ")"
       / "[" / "]"
       / "{" / "}"
       / "," / "." / ".." / ";" / ":" / "?"
       / "->" / "_"
       / %s")group"

token = keyword
      / identifier
      / atomic-literal
      / numeral
      / symbol

Go to: atomic-literal, identifier, keyword, numeral, symbol;

lexeme = token / comment / whitespace

Go to: comment, token, whitespace;

Syntactic Grammar

unsigned-type = %s"u8" / %s"u16" / %s"u32" / %s"u64" / %s"u128"

signed-type = %s"i8" / %s"i16" / %s"i32" / %s"i64" / %s"i128"

integer-type = unsigned-type / signed-type

Go to: signed-type, unsigned-type;

field-type = %s"field"

group-type = %s"group"

arithmetic-type = integer-type / field-type / group-type

Go to: field-type, group-type, integer-type;

boolean-type = %s"bool"

address-type = %s"address"

character-type = %s"char"

scalar-type =  boolean-type / arithmetic-type / address-type / character-type

Go to: address-type, arithmetic-type, boolean-type, character-type;

type = scalar-type

Go to: scalar-type;

group-coordinate = ( [ "-" ] numeral ) / "+" / "-" / "_"

Go to: numeral;

affine-group-literal = "(" group-coordinate "," group-coordinate %s")group"

Go to: group-coordinate;

literal = atomic-literal / affine-group-literal

Go to: affine-group-literal, atomic-literal;

group-literal = product-group-literal / affine-group-literal

Go to: affine-group-literal, product-group-literal;

primary-expression = identifier
                   / literal
                   / "(" expression ")"
                   / function-call

Go to: expression, function-call, identifier, literal;

function-call = identifier function-arguments

Go to: function-arguments, identifier;

function-arguments = "(" [ expression *( "," expression ) [ "," ] ] ")"

Go to: expression;

unary-expression = primary-expression
                 / "!" unary-expression
                 / "-" unary-expression

Go to: primary-expression, unary-expression;

exponential-expression = unary-expression
                       / unary-expression "**" exponential-expression

Go to: exponential-expression, unary-expression;

multiplicative-expression = exponential-expression
                          / multiplicative-expression "*" exponential-expression
                          / multiplicative-expression "/" exponential-expression

Go to: exponential-expression, multiplicative-expression;

additive-expression = multiplicative-expression
                    / additive-expression "+" multiplicative-expression
                    / additive-expression "-" multiplicative-expression

Go to: additive-expression, multiplicative-expression;

ordering-expression = additive-expression
                    / additive-expression "<" additive-expression
                    / additive-expression ">" additive-expression
                    / additive-expression "<=" additive-expression
                    / additive-expression ">=" additive-expression

Go to: additive-expression;

equality-expression = ordering-expression
                    / ordering-expression "==" ordering-expression
                    / ordering-expression "!=" ordering-expression

Go to: ordering-expression;

conjunctive-expression = equality-expression
                       / conjunctive-expression "&&" equality-expression

Go to: conjunctive-expression, equality-expression;

disjunctive-expression = conjunctive-expression
                       / disjunctive-expression "||" conjunctive-expression

Go to: conjunctive-expression, disjunctive-expression;

conditional-expression = disjunctive-expression
                       / disjunctive-expression "?" expression ":" expression

Go to: disjunctive-expression, expression;

expression = conditional-expression

Go to: conditional-expression;

statement = return-statement
          / variable-declaration
          / constant-declaration
          / conditional-statement
          / loop-statement
          / assignment-statement
          / console-statement
          / block

Go to: assignment-statement, block, conditional-statement, console-statement, constant-declaration, loop-statement, return-statement, variable-declaration;

block = "{" *statement "}"

return-statement = %s"return" expression ";"

Go to: expression;

variable-declaration = %s"let" identifier ":" type "=" expression ";"

Go to: expression, identifier, type;

constant-declaration = %s"const" identifier ":" type "=" expression ";"

Go to: expression, identifier, type;

branch = %s"if" expression block

Go to: block, expression;

conditional-statement = branch
                      / branch %s"else" block
                      / branch %s"else" conditional-statement

Go to: block, branch, conditional-statement;

loop-statement = %s"for" identifier ":" type
                 %s"in" expression ".." expression

Go to: block, expression, identifier, type;

assignment-operator = "="

assignment-statement = expression assignment-operator expression ";"

Go to: assignment-operator, expression;

console-statement = %s"console" "." console-call ";"

Go to: console-call;

console-call = assert-call
             / print-call

Go to: assert-call, print-call;

assert-call = %s"assert" "(" expression ")"

Go to: expression;

print-function = %s"error" / %s"log"

print-arguments = "(" string-literal  *( "," expression ) [ "," ] ")"

Go to: string-literal;

print-call = print-function print-arguments

Go to: print-arguments, print-function;

function-declaration = %s"function" identifier
                       "(" [ function-parameters ] ")" "->" type

Go to: block, function-parameters, identifier, type;

function-parameters = function-parameter *( "," function-parameter ) [ "," ]

Go to: function-parameter;

function-parameter = [ %s"public" / %s"constant" / %s"const" ] identifier ":" type

Go to: identifier, type;

declaration = function-declaration

Go to: function-declaration;

file = *declaration

Format String Grammar

not-brace = %x0-7A / %x7C / %x7E-10FFFF
            ; codes permitted in string after escapes processed, except { or }

format-string-container = "{}"

format-string-open-brace = "{{"

format-string-close-brace = "}}"

format-string-element = not-brace
                      / format-string-container
                      / format-string-open-brace
                      / format-string-close-brace

Go to: format-string-close-brace, format-string-container, format-string-open-brace, not-brace;

format-string = *format-string-element

Input Grammar

input-type = type

Go to: type;

input-expression = literal

Go to: literal;

input-item = identifier ":" input-type "=" input-expression ";"

Go to: identifier, input-expression, input-type;

input-title = "[" identifier "]"

Go to: identifier;

input-section = input-title *input-item

Go to: input-title;

input-file = *input-section