auth-undefined: "Authentication undefined" is thrown by the `loadConfig()` function when there's no auth section. Any usage of `config()` must only be executed at runtime.
config/compatibility.yml: Updated the example to reflect how the config actually works.
move-to-server: It feels nicer to have it inside the `server` field.
server: The `server` field will just contain things related to the server. I dunno how to explain it, but it's for that.
useSecureCookies: `server.useSecureCookies` is the equivalent of `COOKIE_SECURE`.
config/compatibility.yml: Add documentation for the new `server` field.
proxyAttachments: `proxyAttachments` is the equivalent of `DIRECT_RESPONSE_ATTACHMENT`.
[...file].ts: Replaced direct usage of `getEnv` with new config system.
getEnvRaw: `getEnvRaw` is essentially the same as `getEnv`, but much more safe as it doesn't automatically convert types - parsing is left to the consuming code.
parseBool: `parseBool` is a much more accepting function for parsing booleans. `true`, `1`, `yes`, and `on` are treated as `true`, and conversely, `false`, `0`, `no`, and `off` are treated as `false`.
144: The version of prosemirror automatically resolved was incompatible with the current editor backend (rich-markdown-editor), so it had to be manually specified in the "resolutions" field of package.json. Fixes#144.
react-17: React 18 is still fairly new and not supported by some libraries. We're sticking with React 17 for now.
resolutions: Typing issues were caused by the downgrade, and as such the project now explicitly uses @types/react@17.0.39.
credentials: S3 credentials can in some cases be detected now, and the workaround for signing URLs should use those detected credentials.
style: Some style stuff from Prettier.
Next.js@12: Next.js 12 should provide better performance and stuffs.
.babelrc: .babelrc has been removed to take advantage of Next.js' SWC backend (which offers faster build times) - if the file was still present, Babel would automatically be chosen over SWC.
.yarnclean: Commented out the "images" yarnclean directive, as it was causing issues with Next.js.
next-pwa: next-pwa has been updated, and next.config.js has been updated to use its newer API.
react: React has been updated to React 18. The @types package could not use the latest version due to some issues with the package itself.
rich-markdown-editor: rich-markdown-editor could not be updated due to issues with theming.
BREAKING-CHANGE: Next.js and React have been upgraded to their later versions.