tecc dbb6e75810
chore(deps)!: Update to Next.js 12 and other dependencies
Next.js@12: Next.js 12 should provide better performance and stuffs.

.babelrc: .babelrc has been removed to take advantage of Next.js' SWC backend (which offers faster build times) - if the file was still present, Babel would automatically be chosen over SWC.

.yarnclean: Commented out the "images" yarnclean directive, as it was causing issues with Next.js.

next-pwa: next-pwa has been updated, and next.config.js has been updated to use its newer API.

react: React has been updated to React 18. The @types package could not use the latest version due to some issues with the package itself.

rich-markdown-editor: rich-markdown-editor could not be updated due to issues with theming.

BREAKING-CHANGE: Next.js and React have been upgraded to their later versions.
2022-09-05 16:40:28 +02:00

26 lines
741 B

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