create table "public"."notion_sync" ( "id" UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() not null, "notion_id" uuid not null, "parent_id" uuid, "is_folder" boolean, "icon" text, "last_modified" timestamp with time zone, "web_view_link" text, "type" text, "name" text, "mime_type" text, "user_id" text ); alter table "public"."notion_sync" enable row level security; alter table "public"."syncs_active" add column if not exists "notification_id" uuid; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX notion_sync_pkey ON public.notion_sync USING btree (id, notion_id); alter table "public"."notion_sync" add constraint "notion_sync_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "notion_sync_pkey"; grant delete on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."notion_sync" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."notion_sync" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."notion_sync" to "service_role"; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX notion_sync_notion_id_key ON public.notion_sync USING btree (notion_id); alter table "public"."notion_sync" add constraint "notion_sync_notion_id_key" UNIQUE using index "notion_sync_notion_id_key";