from uuid import UUID from auth import AuthBearer, get_current_user from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query from models import Brain, UserIdentity, get_supabase_db from routes.authorizations.brain_authorization import ( RoleEnum, has_brain_authorization, validate_brain_authorization, ) explore_router = APIRouter() @explore_router.get("/explore/", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Explore"]) async def explore_endpoint( brain_id: UUID = Query(..., description="The ID of the brain"), ): """ Retrieve and explore unique user data vectors. """ brain = Brain(id=brain_id) unique_data = brain.get_unique_brain_files() unique_data.sort(key=lambda x: int(x["size"]), reverse=True) return {"documents": unique_data} @explore_router.delete( "/explore/{file_name}/", dependencies=[ Depends(AuthBearer()), Depends(has_brain_authorization(RoleEnum.Owner)), ], tags=["Explore"], ) async def delete_endpoint( file_name: str, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), brain_id: UUID = Query(..., description="The ID of the brain"), ): """ Delete a specific user file by file name. """ brain = Brain(id=brain_id) brain.delete_file_from_brain(file_name) return { "message": f"{file_name} of brain {brain_id} has been deleted by user {}." } @explore_router.get( "/explore/{file_name}/", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Explore"] ) async def download_endpoint( file_name: str, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user) ): """ Download a specific user file by file name. """ # check if user has the right to get the file: add brain_id to the query supabase_db = get_supabase_db() response = supabase_db.get_vectors_by_file_name(file_name) documents = if len(documents) == 0: return {"documents": []} related_brain_id = ( documents[0]["brains_vectors"][0]["brain_id"] if len(documents[0]["brains_vectors"]) != 0 else None ) if related_brain_id is None: raise Exception(f"File {file_name} has no brain_id associated with it") validate_brain_authorization(brain_id=related_brain_id, return {"documents": documents}