create table "public"."models" ( "name" text not null, "price" integer default 1, "max_input" integer default 2000, "max_output" integer default 1000 ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX models_pkey ON public.models USING btree (name); alter table "public"."models" add constraint "models_pkey" PRIMARY KEY using index "models_pkey"; grant delete on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant insert on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant references on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant select on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant trigger on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant truncate on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant update on table "public"."models" to "anon"; grant delete on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant insert on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant references on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant select on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant trigger on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant truncate on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant update on table "public"."models" to "authenticated"; grant delete on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant insert on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant references on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant select on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant trigger on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant truncate on table "public"."models" to "service_role"; grant update on table "public"."models" to "service_role";