import os import requests from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Request from logger import get_logger from middlewares.auth import AuthBearer, get_current_user from modules.sync.dto.inputs import SyncsUserInput, SyncUserUpdateInput from modules.sync.service.sync_service import SyncService, SyncUserService from modules.user.entity.user_identity import UserIdentity from msal import PublicClientApplication from .successfull_connection import successfullConnectionPage from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse # Initialize logger logger = get_logger(__name__) # Initialize sync service sync_service = SyncService() sync_user_service = SyncUserService() # Initialize API router azure_sync_router = APIRouter() # Constants CLIENT_ID = os.getenv("SHAREPOINT_CLIENT_ID") AUTHORITY = "" BACKEND_URL = os.getenv("BACKEND_URL", "http://localhost:5050") REDIRECT_URI = f"{BACKEND_URL}/sync/azure/oauth2callback" SCOPE = [ "", "", "", ] "/sync/azure/authorize", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Sync"], ) def authorize_azure( request: Request, name: str, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user) ): """ Authorize Azure sync for the current user. Args: request (Request): The request object. current_user (UserIdentity): The current authenticated user. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the authorization URL. """ client = PublicClientApplication(CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY) logger.debug(f"Authorizing Azure sync for user: {}") state = f"user_id={}" authorization_url = client.get_authorization_request_url( scopes=SCOPE, redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI, state=state ) sync_user_input = SyncsUserInput( user_id=str(, name=name, provider="Azure", credentials={}, state={"state": state}, ) sync_user_service.create_sync_user(sync_user_input) return {"authorization_url": authorization_url} @azure_sync_router.get("/sync/azure/oauth2callback", tags=["Sync"]) def oauth2callback_azure(request: Request): """ Handle OAuth2 callback from Azure. Args: request (Request): The request object. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing a success message. """ client = PublicClientApplication(CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY) state = request.query_params.get("state") state_dict = {"state": state} current_user = state.split("=")[1] # Extract user_id from state logger.debug( f"Handling OAuth2 callback for user: {current_user} with state: {state}" ) sync_user_state = sync_user_service.get_sync_user_by_state(state_dict)"Retrieved sync user state: {sync_user_state}") if state_dict != sync_user_state["state"]: logger.error("Invalid state parameter") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid state parameter") if sync_user_state.get("user_id") != current_user: logger.error("Invalid user") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid user") result = client.acquire_token_by_authorization_code( request.query_params.get("code"), scopes=SCOPE, redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI ) if "access_token" not in result: logger.error("Failed to acquire token") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Failed to acquire token") access_token = result["access_token"] creds = result"Fetched OAuth2 token for user: {current_user}") # Fetch user email from Microsoft Graph API graph_url = "" headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"} response = requests.get(graph_url, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: logger.error("Failed to fetch user profile from Microsoft Graph API") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Failed to fetch user profile") user_info = response.json() user_email = user_info.get("mail") or user_info.get("userPrincipalName")"Retrieved email for user: {current_user} - {user_email}") sync_user_input = SyncUserUpdateInput( credentials=result, state={}, email=user_email ) sync_user_service.update_sync_user(current_user, state_dict, sync_user_input)"Azure sync created successfully for user: {current_user}") return HTMLResponse(successfullConnectionPage)