import { ChatItem, ChatMessage, ChatMessageItem, Notification, NotificationItem, } from "../../../types"; import { ChatItemWithGroupedNotifications } from "../types"; // Function to create a ChatMessageItem from a message const createChatMessageItem = (message: ChatMessage): ChatMessageItem => ({ item_type: "MESSAGE", body: message, }); // Function to create a NotificationItem from a notification const createNotificationItem = ( notification: Notification ): NotificationItem => ({ item_type: "NOTIFICATION", body: notification, }); // Function to merge chat messages and notifications into a single array const mergeChatMessagesAndNotifications = ( messages: ChatMessage[], notifications: Notification[] ): ChatItem[] => [,, ]; // Function to compare two items by timestamp (message_time or datetime) const compareItemsByTimestamp = (a: ChatItem, b: ChatItem): number => { const timestampA = a.item_type === "MESSAGE" ? a.body.message_time : a.body.datetime; const timestampB = b.item_type === "MESSAGE" ? b.body.message_time : b.body.datetime; return Date.parse(timestampA) - Date.parse(timestampB); }; // Main function to get merged chat messages with reduced notifications using reduce export const getMergedChatMessagesWithDoneStatusNotificationsReduced = ( messages: ChatMessage[], notifications: Notification[] ): ChatItemWithGroupedNotifications[] => { const mergedChatItems = mergeChatMessagesAndNotifications( messages, notifications.filter((notification) => notification.status === "Done") ); mergedChatItems.sort(compareItemsByTimestamp); // Group notifications between messages const groupedChatItemsByNotifications = mergedChatItems.reduce( (result, item) => { if (item.item_type === "MESSAGE") { result.push(item); } else { const lastItem = result[result.length - 1]; if (lastItem !== undefined && lastItem.item_type === "NOTIFICATION") { lastItem.body.push(item.body); } else { result.push({ item_type: "NOTIFICATION", body: [item.body], }); } } return result; }, [] as ChatItemWithGroupedNotifications[] ); return groupedChatItemsByNotifications; };