-- Create users table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_daily_usage( user_id UUID REFERENCES auth.users (id), email TEXT, date TEXT, daily_requests_count INT, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, date) ); -- Create chats table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chats( chat_id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY, user_id UUID REFERENCES auth.users (id), creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp, history JSONB, chat_name TEXT ); -- Create vector extension CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector; -- Create vectors table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vectors ( id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT, file_sha1 TEXT, metadata JSONB, embedding VECTOR(1536) ); -- Create function to match vectors CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION match_vectors(query_embedding VECTOR(1536), match_count INT, p_brain_id UUID) RETURNS TABLE( id UUID, brain_id UUID, content TEXT, metadata JSONB, embedding VECTOR(1536), similarity FLOAT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ #variable_conflict use_column BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT vectors.id, brains_vectors.brain_id, vectors.content, vectors.metadata, vectors.embedding, 1 - (vectors.embedding <=> query_embedding) AS similarity FROM vectors INNER JOIN brains_vectors ON vectors.id = brains_vectors.vector_id WHERE brains_vectors.brain_id = p_brain_id ORDER BY vectors.embedding <=> query_embedding LIMIT match_count; END; $$; -- Create stats table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stats ( time TIMESTAMP, chat BOOLEAN, embedding BOOLEAN, details TEXT, metadata JSONB, id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY ); -- Create summaries table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summaries ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, document_id UUID REFERENCES vectors(id), content TEXT, metadata JSONB, embedding VECTOR(1536) ); -- Create function to match summaries CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION match_summaries(query_embedding VECTOR(1536), match_count INT, match_threshold FLOAT) RETURNS TABLE( id BIGINT, document_id UUID, content TEXT, metadata JSONB, embedding VECTOR(1536), similarity FLOAT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ #variable_conflict use_column BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT id, document_id, content, metadata, embedding, 1 - (summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding) AS similarity FROM summaries WHERE 1 - (summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold ORDER BY summaries.embedding <=> query_embedding LIMIT match_count; END; $$; -- Create api_keys table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS api_keys( key_id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, user_id UUID REFERENCES auth.users (id), api_key TEXT UNIQUE, creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp, deleted_time TIMESTAMP, is_active BOOLEAN DEFAULT true ); --- Create prompts table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prompts ( id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(255), content TEXT, status VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'private' ); DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'brain_type_enum') THEN -- Create the ENUM type 'brain_type' if it doesn't exist CREATE TYPE brain_type_enum AS ENUM ('doc', 'api'); END IF; END $$; --- Create brains table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brains ( brain_id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT, description TEXT, model TEXT, max_tokens INT, temperature FLOAT, prompt_id UUID REFERENCES prompts(id), last_update TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, brain_type brain_type_enum DEFAULT 'doc' ); -- Create chat_history table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chat_history ( message_id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), chat_id UUID REFERENCES chats(chat_id), user_message TEXT, assistant TEXT, message_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (chat_id, message_id), prompt_id UUID REFERENCES prompts(id), brain_id UUID REFERENCES brains(brain_id) ); -- Create notification table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notifications ( id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, chat_id UUID REFERENCES chats(chat_id), message TEXT, action VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ); -- Create brains X users table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brains_users ( brain_id UUID, user_id UUID, rights VARCHAR(255), default_brain BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY (brain_id, user_id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth.users (id), FOREIGN KEY (brain_id) REFERENCES brains (brain_id) ); -- Create brains X vectors table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brains_vectors ( brain_id UUID, vector_id UUID, file_sha1 TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (brain_id, vector_id), FOREIGN KEY (vector_id) REFERENCES vectors (id), FOREIGN KEY (brain_id) REFERENCES brains (brain_id) ); -- Create brains X vectors table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brain_subscription_invitations ( brain_id UUID, email VARCHAR(255), rights VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (brain_id, email), FOREIGN KEY (brain_id) REFERENCES brains (brain_id) ); --- Create user_identity table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_identity ( user_id UUID PRIMARY KEY, openai_api_key VARCHAR(255) ); -- Create the new table with 6 columns CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS api_brain_definition ( brain_id UUID REFERENCES brains(brain_id), method VARCHAR(255) CHECK (method IN ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE')), url VARCHAR(255), params JSON, search_params JSON, secrets JSON ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_user_email_by_user_id(user_id uuid) RETURNS TABLE (email text) SECURITY definer AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT au.email::text FROM auth.users au WHERE au.id = user_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_user_id_by_user_email(user_email text) RETURNS TABLE (user_id uuid) SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT au.id::uuid FROM auth.users au WHERE au.email = user_email; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations ( name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, executed_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT current_timestamp ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_settings ( user_id UUID PRIMARY KEY, models JSONB DEFAULT '["gpt-3.5-turbo-1106","gpt-4"]'::jsonb, daily_chat_credit INT DEFAULT 300, max_brains INT DEFAULT 30, max_brain_size INT DEFAULT 100000000 ); -- knowledge table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS knowledge ( id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, file_name TEXT, url TEXT, brain_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES brains(brain_id), extension TEXT NOT NULL, CHECK ((file_name IS NOT NULL AND url IS NULL) OR (file_name IS NULL AND url IS NOT NULL)) ); -- knowledge_vectors table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS knowledge_vectors ( knowledge_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES knowledge(id), vector_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES vectors(id), embedding_model TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (knowledge_id, vector_id, embedding_model) ); -- Create the function to add user_id to the onboardings table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_user_onboarding() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO public.onboardings (user_id) VALUES (NEW.id); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY definer; -- Revoke all on function handle_new_user_onboarding() from PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION create_user_onboarding() FROM PUBLIC; -- Drop the trigger if it exists DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS create_user_onboarding_trigger ON auth.users; -- Create the trigger on the insert into the auth.users table CREATE TRIGGER create_user_onboarding_trigger AFTER INSERT ON auth.users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.create_user_onboarding(); -- Create the onboarding table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS onboardings ( user_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES auth.users (id), onboarding_a BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true, onboarding_b1 BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true, onboarding_b2 BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true, onboarding_b3 BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true, creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); -- Stripe settings -- -- Create extension 'wrappers' if it doesn't exist CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS wrappers; -- Create foreign data wrapper 'stripe_wrapper' if it doesn't exist DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.foreign_data_wrappers WHERE foreign_data_wrapper_name = 'stripe_wrapper' ) THEN CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER stripe_wrapper HANDLER stripe_fdw_handler; END IF; END $$; -- Check if the server 'stripe_server' exists before creating it DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname = 'stripe_server') THEN CREATE SERVER stripe_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER stripe_wrapper OPTIONS ( api_key 'your_stripe_api_key' -- Replace with your Stripe API key ); END IF; END $$; -- Create foreign table 'public.customers' if it doesn't exist DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'customers' ) THEN CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.customers ( id text, email text, name text, description text, created timestamp, attrs jsonb ) SERVER stripe_server OPTIONS ( OBJECT 'customers', ROWID_COLUMN 'id' ); END IF; END $$; -- Create table 'users' if it doesn't exist CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.users ( id uuid REFERENCES auth.users NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, email text ); -- Create or replace function 'public.handle_new_user' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.handle_new_user() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO public.users (id, email) VALUES (NEW.id, NEW.email); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- Check if the trigger 'on_auth_user_created' exists before creating it DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname = 'on_auth_user_created') THEN CREATE TRIGGER on_auth_user_created AFTER INSERT ON auth.users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.handle_new_user(); END IF; END $$; insert into storage.buckets (id, name) values ('quivr', 'quivr'); CREATE POLICY "Access Quivr Storage 1jccrwz_0" ON storage.objects FOR INSERT TO anon WITH CHECK (bucket_id = 'quivr'); CREATE POLICY "Access Quivr Storage 1jccrwz_1" ON storage.objects FOR SELECT TO anon USING (bucket_id = 'quivr'); CREATE POLICY "Access Quivr Storage 1jccrwz_2" ON storage.objects FOR UPDATE TO anon USING (bucket_id = 'quivr'); CREATE POLICY "Access Quivr Storage 1jccrwz_3" ON storage.objects FOR DELETE TO anon USING (bucket_id = 'quivr'); -- Create functions for secrets in vault CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_secret(name text, secret text) returns uuid language plpgsql security definer set search_path = public as $$ begin return vault.create_secret(secret, name); end; $$; create or replace function read_secret(secret_name text) returns text language plpgsql security definer set search_path = public as $$ declare secret text; begin select decrypted_secret from vault.decrypted_secrets where name = secret_name into secret; return secret; end; $$; create or replace function delete_secret(secret_name text) returns text language plpgsql security definer set search_path = public as $$ declare deleted_rows int; begin delete from vault.decrypted_secrets where name = secret_name; get diagnostics deleted_rows = row_count; if deleted_rows = 0 then return false; else return true; end if; end; $$; INSERT INTO migrations (name) SELECT '20231128173900_remove_openai_api_key' WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM migrations WHERE name = '20231128173900_remove_openai_api_key' );