import asyncio import json from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty from typing import AsyncIterable, Awaitable from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain, LLMChain from langchain.chains.question_answering import load_qa_chain from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain.llms.base import BaseLLM from logger import get_logger from import ChatHistory from import format_chat_history from import get_chat_history from import update_chat_history from import update_message_by_id from supabase.client import Client, create_client from vectorstore.supabase import CustomSupabaseVectorStore from .base import BaseBrainPicking from .prompts.CONDENSE_PROMPT import CONDENSE_QUESTION_PROMPT logger = get_logger(__name__) class QABaseBrainPicking(BaseBrainPicking): """ Base class for the Brain Picking functionality using the Conversational Retrieval Chain (QA) from Langchain. It is not designed to be used directly, but to be subclassed by other classes which use the QA chain. """ def __init__( self, model: str, brain_id: str, chat_id: str, streaming: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "QABaseBrainPicking": # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none """ Initialize the QA BrainPicking class by setting embeddings, supabase client, vector store, language model and chains. :return: QABrainPicking instance """ super().__init__( model=model, brain_id=brain_id, chat_id=chat_id, streaming=streaming, **kwargs, ) @abstractproperty def embeddings(self) -> OpenAIEmbeddings: raise NotImplementedError("This property should be overridden in a subclass.") @property def supabase_client(self) -> Client: return create_client( self.brain_settings.supabase_url, self.brain_settings.supabase_service_key ) @property def vector_store(self) -> CustomSupabaseVectorStore: return CustomSupabaseVectorStore( self.supabase_client, self.embeddings, table_name="vectors", brain_id=self.brain_id, ) @property def question_llm(self): return self._create_llm(model=self.model, streaming=False) @property def doc_llm(self): return self._create_llm( model=self.model, streaming=self.streaming, callbacks=self.callbacks ) @property def question_generator(self) -> LLMChain: return LLMChain(llm=self.question_llm, prompt=CONDENSE_QUESTION_PROMPT) @property def doc_chain(self) -> LLMChain: return load_qa_chain( llm=self.doc_llm, chain_type="stuff" ) # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none @property def qa(self) -> ConversationalRetrievalChain: return ConversationalRetrievalChain( retriever=self.vector_store.as_retriever(), question_generator=self.question_generator, combine_docs_chain=self.doc_chain, # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none verbose=True, ) @abstractmethod def _create_llm(self, model, streaming=False, callbacks=None) -> BaseLLM: """ Determine the language model to be used. :param model: Language model name to be used. :param streaming: Whether to enable streaming of the model :param callbacks: Callbacks to be used for streaming :return: Language model instance """ def _call_chain(self, chain, question, history): """ Call a chain with a given question and history. :param chain: The chain eg QA (ConversationalRetrievalChain) :param question: The user prompt :param history: The chat history from DB :return: The answer. """ return chain( { "question": question, "chat_history": history, } ) def generate_answer(self, question: str) -> ChatHistory: """ Generate an answer to a given question by interacting with the language model. :param question: The question :return: The generated answer. """ transformed_history = [] # Get the history from the database history = get_chat_history(self.chat_id) # Format the chat history into a list of tuples (human, ai) transformed_history = format_chat_history(history) # Generate the model response using the QA chain model_response = self._call_chain(, question, transformed_history) answer = model_response["answer"] # Update chat history chat_answer = update_chat_history( chat_id=self.chat_id, user_message=question, assistant=answer, ) return chat_answer async def _acall_chain(self, chain, question, history): """ Call a chain with a given question and history. :param chain: The chain eg QA (ConversationalRetrievalChain) :param question: The user prompt :param history: The chat history from DB :return: The answer. """ return chain.acall( { "question": question, "chat_history": history, } ) async def generate_stream(self, question: str) -> AsyncIterable: """ Generate a streaming answer to a given question by interacting with the language model. :param question: The question :return: An async iterable which generates the answer. """ history = get_chat_history(self.chat_id) callback = self.callbacks[0] transformed_history = [] # Format the chat history into a list of tuples (human, ai) transformed_history = format_chat_history(history) # Initialize a list to hold the tokens response_tokens = [] # Wrap an awaitable with a event to signal when it's done or an exception is raised. async def wrap_done(fn: Awaitable, event: asyncio.Event): try: await fn except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Caught exception: {e}") finally: event.set() task = asyncio.create_task( wrap_done( # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none, question, transformed_history ), callback.done, # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none ) ) streamed_chat_history = update_chat_history( chat_id=self.chat_id, user_message=question, assistant="", ) # Use the aiter method of the callback to stream the response with server-sent-events async for token in callback.aiter(): # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none"Token: %s", token) # Add the token to the response_tokens list response_tokens.append(token) streamed_chat_history.assistant = token yield f"data: {json.dumps(streamed_chat_history.to_dict())}" await task # Join the tokens to create the assistant's response assistant = "".join(response_tokens) update_message_by_id( message_id=streamed_chat_history.message_id, user_message=question, assistant=assistant, )