{ "searchBrain": "Search for a brain", "selectBrain": "Select a brain please", "brainCreated": "Brain created successfully", "newBrain": "Add New Brain", "newBrainTitle": "Add New Brain", "newBrainSubtitle": "Create a new space for your data", "brainName": "Brain name", "brainNamePlaceholder": "E.g. History notes", "brainDescription": "Description", "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "My new brain is about...", "shareBrain": "Share brain {{name}}", "shareBrainUsers": "Users with access", "shareBrainLink": "Click to copy link to share your brain", "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "inviteUsers": "Add new users", "usersInvited": "Users successfully invited", "errorSendingInvitation": "An error occurred while sending invitations", "brainUndefined": "Brain is undefined", "noBrainUsers": "No brainUsers", "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "An error occurred while fetching brain users", "usersWithAccess": "Users with access", "userRoleUpdated": "Updated {{email}} to {{newRole}}", "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Failed updating {{email}} to {{newRole}} ", "userRemoved": "Removed {{email}} from brain", "userRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove {{email}} from brain", "defaultBrain": "Default Brain", "setDefaultBrain": "Set as default brain", "errorCreatingBrain": "Error occurred while creating a brain" }