from typing import Annotated, List, Optional from uuid import UUID from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Query, Request from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from langchain.embeddings.ollama import OllamaEmbeddings from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings from logger import get_logger from middlewares.auth import AuthBearer, get_current_user from models.settings import BrainSettings, get_supabase_client from models.user_usage import UserUsage from modules.brain.service.brain_service import BrainService from import BrainfulChat from import ChatItem, ChatQuestion from import ( ChatMessageProperties, ChatUpdatableProperties, CreateChatProperties, QuestionAndAnswer, ) from import Chat from import ChatService from modules.notification.service.notification_service import NotificationService from modules.user.entity.user_identity import UserIdentity from packages.utils.telemetry import send_telemetry from vectorstore.supabase import CustomSupabaseVectorStore logger = get_logger(__name__) chat_router = APIRouter() notification_service = NotificationService() brain_service = BrainService() chat_service = ChatService() def init_vector_store(user_id: UUID) -> CustomSupabaseVectorStore: """ Initialize the vector store """ brain_settings = BrainSettings() supabase_client = get_supabase_client() embeddings = None if brain_settings.ollama_api_base_url: embeddings = OllamaEmbeddings( base_url=brain_settings.ollama_api_base_url ) # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none else: embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings() vector_store = CustomSupabaseVectorStore( supabase_client, embeddings, table_name="vectors", user_id=user_id ) return vector_store def get_answer_generator( chat_id: UUID, chat_question: ChatQuestion, brain_id: UUID, current_user: UserIdentity, ): chat_instance = BrainfulChat() chat_instance.validate_authorization(, brain_id=brain_id) user_usage = UserUsage(,, ) vector_store = init_vector_store( # Get History history = chat_service.get_chat_history(chat_id) # Generic brain, metadata_brain = brain_service.find_brain_from_question( brain_id, chat_question.question, current_user, chat_id, history, vector_store ) send_telemetry("question_asked", {"model_name": brain.model}) gpt_answer_generator = chat_instance.get_answer_generator( brain=brain, chat_id=str(chat_id), model=brain.model, temperature=0.1, streaming=True, prompt_id=chat_question.prompt_id,,, ) return gpt_answer_generator @chat_router.get("/chat/healthz", tags=["Health"]) async def healthz(): return {"status": "ok"} # get all chats @chat_router.get("/chat", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"]) async def get_chats(current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user)): """ Retrieve all chats for the current user. - `current_user`: The current authenticated user. - Returns a list of all chats for the user. This endpoint retrieves all the chats associated with the current authenticated user. It returns a list of chat objects containing the chat ID and chat name for each chat. """ chats = chat_service.get_user_chats(str( return {"chats": chats} # delete one chat @chat_router.delete( "/chat/{chat_id}", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"] ) async def delete_chat(chat_id: UUID): """ Delete a specific chat by chat ID. """ notification_service.remove_chat_notifications(chat_id) chat_service.delete_chat_from_db(chat_id) return {"message": f"{chat_id} has been deleted."} # update existing chat metadata @chat_router.put( "/chat/{chat_id}/metadata", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"] ) async def update_chat_metadata_handler( chat_data: ChatUpdatableProperties, chat_id: UUID, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), ): """ Update chat attributes """ chat = chat_service.get_chat_by_id( chat_id # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none ) if str( != chat.user_id: raise HTTPException( status_code=403, # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none detail="You should be the owner of the chat to update it.", # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none ) return chat_service.update_chat(chat_id=chat_id, chat_data=chat_data) # update existing message @chat_router.put( "/chat/{chat_id}/{message_id}", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"] ) async def update_chat_message( chat_message_properties: ChatMessageProperties, chat_id: UUID, message_id: UUID, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), ) : chat = chat_service.get_chat_by_id( chat_id # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none ) if str( != chat.user_id: raise HTTPException( status_code=403, # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none detail="You should be the owner of the chat to update it.", # pyright: ignore reportPrivateUsage=none ) return chat_service.update_chat_message( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, chat_message_properties=chat_message_properties.dict(), ) # create new chat"/chat", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"]) async def create_chat_handler( chat_data: CreateChatProperties, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), ): """ Create a new chat with initial chat messages. """ return chat_service.create_chat(, chat_data=chat_data) # add new question to chat "/chat/{chat_id}/question", dependencies=[ Depends( AuthBearer(), ), ], tags=["Chat"], ) async def create_question_handler( request: Request, chat_question: ChatQuestion, chat_id: UUID, brain_id: Annotated[UUID | None, Query()] = None, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), ): try: f"Creating question for chat {chat_id} with brain {brain_id} of type {type(brain_id)}" ) gpt_answer_generator = get_answer_generator( chat_id, chat_question, brain_id, current_user ) chat_answer = gpt_answer_generator.generate_answer( chat_id, chat_question, save_answer=True ) return chat_answer except HTTPException as e: raise e # stream new question response from chat "/chat/{chat_id}/question/stream", dependencies=[ Depends( AuthBearer(), ), ], tags=["Chat"], ) async def create_stream_question_handler( request: Request, chat_question: ChatQuestion, chat_id: UUID, brain_id: Annotated[UUID | None, Query()] = None, current_user: UserIdentity = Depends(get_current_user), ) -> StreamingResponse: chat_instance = BrainfulChat() chat_instance.validate_authorization(, brain_id=brain_id) user_usage = UserUsage(,, ) f"Creating question for chat {chat_id} with brain {brain_id} of type {type(brain_id)}" ) gpt_answer_generator = get_answer_generator( chat_id, chat_question, brain_id, current_user ) try: return StreamingResponse( gpt_answer_generator.generate_stream( chat_id, chat_question, save_answer=True ), media_type="text/event-stream", ) except HTTPException as e: raise e # get chat history @chat_router.get( "/chat/{chat_id}/history", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"] ) async def get_chat_history_handler( chat_id: UUID, ) -> List[ChatItem]: # TODO: RBAC with current_user return chat_service.get_chat_history_with_notifications(chat_id) "/chat/{chat_id}/question/answer", dependencies=[Depends(AuthBearer())], tags=["Chat"], ) async def add_question_and_answer_handler( chat_id: UUID, question_and_answer: QuestionAndAnswer, ) -> Optional[Chat]: """ Add a new question and anwser to the chat. """ return chat_service.add_question_and_answer(chat_id, question_and_answer)