--- title: Telegram --- ## Load a Telegram chat - You can export your Telegram chat history using the [Telegram Desktop](https://desktop.telegram.org/) app. - Go to Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data - Select the chat you want to export - Select the format `Machine-readable JSON` - Click `Export` - Rename the `json` to `.telegram` - Go to [Quivr.app](https://quivr.app/) and upload the file to a brain - You can now search your Telegram chat history! ## Create a telegram bot - Go to [BotFather](https://t.me/botfather) and create a new bot - Copy the token - Go to `/connectors/telegram` and copy-paste the .env.example file - `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` The token you copied from BotFather - `QUIVR_TOKEN` The API Key of Quivr you can find in your profile - `QUIVR_CHAT_ID` Create a new chat in Quivr and copy the ID from the URL - `QUIVR_BRAIN_ID` Copy the id of the brain on which you want to ask question to - `QUIVR_URL` The URL of the **API** of the Quivr instance you want to use Enjoy ! 🎉