2023-05-22 15:18:25 +02:00

177 lines
6.2 KiB

from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, File, HTTPException
import os
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Tuple
from supabase import create_client, Client
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
import shutil
import pypandoc
from llm.summarization import llm_evaluate_summaries
from utils import similarity_search
from utils import CommonsDep
from utils import ChatMessage
from llm.qa import get_qa_llm
from parsers.common import file_already_exists
from parsers.txt import process_txt
from parsers.csv import process_csv
from parsers.docx import process_docx
from parsers.pdf import process_pdf
from parsers.notebook import process_ipnyb
from parsers.markdown import process_markdown
from parsers.powerpoint import process_powerpoint
from parsers.html import process_html
from parsers.epub import process_epub
from parsers.audio import process_audio
from crawl.crawler import CrawlWebsite
from logger import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)
app = FastAPI()
origins = [
async def startup_event():
file_processors = {
".txt": process_txt,
".csv": process_csv,
".md": process_markdown,
".markdown": process_markdown,
".m4a": process_audio,
".mp3": process_audio,
".webm": process_audio,
".mp4": process_audio,
".mpga": process_audio,
".wav": process_audio,
".mpeg": process_audio,
".pdf": process_pdf,
".html": process_html,
".pptx": process_powerpoint,
".docx": process_docx,
".epub": process_epub,
".ipynb": process_ipnyb,
async def filter_file(file: UploadFile, enable_summarization: bool, supabase_client: Client):
if await file_already_exists(supabase_client, file):
return {"message": f"🤔 {file.filename} already exists.", "type": "warning"}
elif file.file._file.tell() < 1:
return {"message": f"{file.filename} is empty.", "type": "error"}
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file.filename)[-1]
if file_extension in file_processors:
await file_processors[file_extension](file, enable_summarization)
return {"message": f"{file.filename} has been uploaded.", "type": "success"}
return {"message": f"{file.filename} is not supported.", "type": "error"}
async def upload_file(commons: CommonsDep, file: UploadFile, enable_summarization: bool = False):
message = await filter_file(file, enable_summarization, commons['supabase'])
return message
async def chat_endpoint(commons: CommonsDep, chat_message: ChatMessage):
history = chat_message.history
qa = get_qa_llm(chat_message)
history.append(("user", chat_message.question))
if chat_message.use_summarization:
# 1. get summaries from the vector store based on question
summaries = similarity_search(
chat_message.question, table='match_summaries')
# 2. evaluate summaries against the question
evaluations = llm_evaluate_summaries(
chat_message.question, summaries, chat_message.model)
# 3. pull in the top documents from summaries
logger.info('Evaluations: %s', evaluations)
if evaluations:
reponse = commons['supabase'].from_('documents').select(
'*').in_('id', values=[e['document_id'] for e in evaluations]).execute()
# 4. use top docs as additional context
additional_context = '---\nAdditional Context={}'.format(
'---\n'.join(data['content'] for data in reponse.data)
) + '\n'
model_response = qa(
{"question": additional_context + chat_message.question})
model_response = qa({"question": chat_message.question})
history.append(("assistant", model_response["answer"]))
return {"history": history}
async def crawl_endpoint(commons: CommonsDep, crawl_website: CrawlWebsite, enable_summarization: bool = False):
file_path, file_name = crawl_website.process()
# Create a SpooledTemporaryFile from the file_path
spooled_file = SpooledTemporaryFile()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, spooled_file)
# Pass the SpooledTemporaryFile to UploadFile
file = UploadFile(file=spooled_file, filename=file_name)
message = await filter_file(file, enable_summarization, commons['supabase'])
return message
async def explore_endpoint(commons: CommonsDep):
response = commons['supabase'].table("documents").select(
"name:metadata->>file_name, size:metadata->>file_size", count="exact").execute()
documents = response.data # Access the data from the response
# Convert each dictionary to a tuple of items, then to a set to remove duplicates, and then back to a dictionary
unique_data = [dict(t) for t in set(tuple(d.items()) for d in documents)]
# Sort the list of documents by size in decreasing order
unique_data.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['size']), reverse=True)
return {"documents": unique_data}
async def delete_endpoint(commons: CommonsDep, file_name: str):
# Cascade delete the summary from the database first, because it has a foreign key constraint
{"metadata->>file_name": file_name}).execute()
{"metadata->>file_name": file_name}).execute()
return {"message": f"{file_name} has been deleted."}
async def download_endpoint(commons: CommonsDep, file_name: str):
response = commons['supabase'].table("documents").select(
"metadata->>file_name, metadata->>file_size, metadata->>file_extension, metadata->>file_url").match({"metadata->>file_name": file_name}).execute()
documents = response.data
# Returns all documents with the same file name
return {"documents": documents}
async def root():
return {"message": "Hello World"}