Mamadou DICKO b0514d6149
fix(i18n): update tests for french and spanish (#878)
* add libraries for traslation purposes

* Add button and service for language selection

* add spanish translation on login page

* add spanish translation on upload page

* Add spanish translations for explore page

* Add translations on user page

* Add translations for config page

* Add spanish translations on chat page

* add translations for brain page

* fix GUI and save on local storage

* fix (i18n) init and types

* fix (i18n): typos

* add translation on new brain modal

* add translations on metadata

* Add translations on home page

* fixes types

* fix(frontend-tests): use get by id instead of text


Co-authored-by: Gustavo Maciel <gustavo_m13@outlook.com>
2023-08-07 14:13:41 +02:00

83 lines
2.4 KiB

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