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// UIPickerView+Rx.swift
2016-10-15 15:38:22 +03:00
// RxCocoa
// Created by Segii Shulga on 5/12/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
#if os(iOS)
import RxSwift
import UIKit
extension Reactive where Base: UIPickerView {
/// Reactive wrapper for `delegate`.
/// For more information take a look at `DelegateProxyType` protocol documentation.
public var delegate: DelegateProxy<UIPickerView, UIPickerViewDelegate> {
return RxPickerViewDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
/// Installs delegate as forwarding delegate on `delegate`.
/// Delegate won't be retained.
/// It enables using normal delegate mechanism with reactive delegate mechanism.
/// - parameter delegate: Delegate object.
/// - returns: Disposable object that can be used to unbind the delegate.
public func setDelegate(_ delegate: UIPickerViewDelegate)
-> Disposable {
return RxPickerViewDelegateProxy.installForwardDelegate(delegate, retainDelegate: false, onProxyForObject: self.base)
Reactive wrapper for `dataSource`.
For more information take a look at `DelegateProxyType` protocol documentation.
public var dataSource: DelegateProxy<UIPickerView, UIPickerViewDataSource> {
return RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy.proxy(for: base)
Reactive wrapper for `delegate` message `pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:`.
public var itemSelected: ControlEvent<(row: Int, component: Int)> {
let source = delegate
.map {
return (row: try castOrThrow(Int.self, $0[1]), component: try castOrThrow(Int.self, $0[2]))
return ControlEvent(events: source)
Reactive wrapper for `delegate` message `pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:`.
It can be only used when one of the `rx.itemTitles, rx.itemAttributedTitles, items(_ source: O)` methods is used to bind observable sequence,
or any other data source conforming to a `ViewDataSourceType` protocol.
.map { ...
- parameter modelType: Type of a Model which bound to the dataSource
public func modelSelected<T>(_ modelType: T.Type) -> ControlEvent<[T]> {
let source = itemSelected.flatMap { [weak view = self.base as UIPickerView] _, component -> Observable<[T]> in
guard let view = view else {
return Observable.empty()
let model: [T] = try (0 ..< view.numberOfComponents).map { component in
let row = view.selectedRow(inComponent: component)
return try view.rx.model(at: IndexPath(row: row, section: component))
return Observable.just(model)
return ControlEvent(events: source)
Binds sequences of elements to picker view rows.
- parameter source: Observable sequence of items.
- parameter titleForRow: Transform between sequence elements and row titles.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unbind.
let items = Observable.just([
"First Item",
"Second Item",
"Third Item"
.bind(to: pickerView.rx.itemTitles) { (row, element) in
return element.title
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
public func itemTitles<Sequence: Swift.Sequence, Source: ObservableType>
(_ source: Source)
-> (_ titleForRow: @escaping (Int, Sequence.Element) -> String?)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
-> Disposable where Source.Element == Sequence {
return { titleForRow in
let adapter = RxStringPickerViewAdapter<Sequence>(titleForRow: titleForRow)
return self.items(adapter: adapter)(source)
Binds sequences of elements to picker view rows.
- parameter source: Observable sequence of items.
- parameter attributedTitleForRow: Transform between sequence elements and row attributed titles.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unbind.
let items = Observable.just([
"First Item",
"Second Item",
"Third Item"
.bind(to: pickerView.rx.itemAttributedTitles) { (row, element) in
return NSAttributedString(string: element.title)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
public func itemAttributedTitles<Sequence: Swift.Sequence, Source: ObservableType>
(_ source: Source)
-> (_ attributedTitleForRow: @escaping (Int, Sequence.Element) -> NSAttributedString?)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
-> Disposable where Source.Element == Sequence {
return { attributedTitleForRow in
let adapter = RxAttributedStringPickerViewAdapter<Sequence>(attributedTitleForRow: attributedTitleForRow)
return self.items(adapter: adapter)(source)
Binds sequences of elements to picker view rows.
- parameter source: Observable sequence of items.
- parameter viewForRow: Transform between sequence elements and row views.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unbind.
let items = Observable.just([
"First Item",
"Second Item",
"Third Item"
.bind(to: pickerView.rx.items) { (row, element, view) in
guard let myView = view as? MyView else {
let view = MyView()
view.configure(with: element)
return view
myView.configure(with: element)
return myView
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
public func items<Sequence: Swift.Sequence, Source: ObservableType>
(_ source: Source)
-> (_ viewForRow: @escaping (Int, Sequence.Element, UIView?) -> UIView)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
-> Disposable where Source.Element == Sequence {
return { viewForRow in
let adapter = RxPickerViewAdapter<Sequence>(viewForRow: viewForRow)
return self.items(adapter: adapter)(source)
2017-07-10 22:32:35 +03:00
Binds sequences of elements to picker view rows using a custom reactive adapter used to perform the transformation.
This method will retain the adapter for as long as the subscription isn't disposed (result `Disposable`
being disposed).
In case `source` observable sequence terminates successfully, the adapter will present latest element
until the subscription isn't disposed.
- parameter adapter: Adapter used to transform elements to picker components.
- parameter source: Observable sequence of items.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unbind.
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
public func items<Source: ObservableType,
Adapter: RxPickerViewDataSourceType & UIPickerViewDataSource & UIPickerViewDelegate>(adapter: Adapter)
2019-04-27 13:28:30 +03:00
-> (_ source: Source)
-> Disposable where Source.Element == Adapter.Element {
return { source in
let delegateSubscription = self.setDelegate(adapter)
let dataSourceSubscription = source.subscribeProxyDataSource(ofObject: self.base, dataSource: adapter, retainDataSource: true, binding: { [weak pickerView = self.base] (_: RxPickerViewDataSourceProxy, event) in
guard let pickerView = pickerView else { return }
adapter.pickerView(pickerView, observedEvent: event)
return Disposables.create(delegateSubscription, dataSourceSubscription)
Synchronous helper method for retrieving a model at indexPath through a reactive data source.
public func model<T>(at indexPath: IndexPath) throws -> T {
let dataSource: SectionedViewDataSourceType = castOrFatalError(self.dataSource.forwardToDelegate(), message: "This method only works in case one of the `rx.itemTitles, rx.itemAttributedTitles, items(_ source: O)` methods was used.")
return castOrFatalError(try dataSource.model(at: indexPath))