More misses for Infallible

This commit is contained in:
freak4pc 2020-10-05 19:03:52 +03:00 committed by Shai Mishali
parent e85180a704
commit 66e6bf8ec5
3 changed files with 221 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -73,4 +73,76 @@ extension InfallibleType {
public func bind(onNext: @escaping (Element) -> Void) -> Disposable {
self.subscribe(onNext: onNext)
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `BehaviorRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: BehaviorRelay<Element>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `BehaviorRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: BehaviorRelay<Element?>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `PublishRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: PublishRelay<Element>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `PublishRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: PublishRelay<Element?>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `ReplayRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: ReplayRelay<Element>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }
Creates new subscription and sends elements to `ReplayRelay`.
- parameter relay: Target relay for sequence elements.
- returns: Disposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer from the relay.
public func bind(to relays: ReplayRelay<Element?>...) -> Disposable {
return self.subscribe(onNext: { e in
relays.forEach { $0.accept(e) }

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@ -21,7 +21,24 @@ extension ObservableType {
public func flatMapLatest<Source: ObservableConvertibleType>(_ selector: @escaping (Element) throws -> Source)
-> Observable<Source.Element> {
return FlatMapLatest(source: self.asObservable(), selector: selector)
return FlatMapLatest(source: self.asObservable(), selector: selector)
Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences and then
transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.
It is a combination of `map` + `switchLatest` operator
- seealso: [flatMapLatest operator on](
- parameter selector: A transform function to apply to each element.
- returns: An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source producing an
Observable of Observable sequences and that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received.
public func flatMapLatest<Source: InfallibleType>(_ selector: @escaping (Element) throws -> Source)
-> Infallible<Source.Element> {
return Infallible(flatMapLatest(selector))

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@ -56,6 +56,19 @@ extension InfallibleType {
public static func empty() -> Infallible<Element> {
Returns an infallible sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes.
- seealso: [defer operator on](
- parameter observableFactory: Observable factory function to invoke for each observer that subscribes to the resulting sequence.
- returns: An observable sequence whose observers trigger an invocation of the given observable factory function.
public static func deferred(_ observableFactory: @escaping () throws -> Infallible<Element>)
-> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(.deferred { try observableFactory().asObservable() })
// MARK: - Filter
@ -103,6 +116,76 @@ extension InfallibleType {
// MARK: - Distinct
extension InfallibleType where Element: Comparable {
Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to equality operator.
- seealso: [distinct operator on](
- returns: An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on equality operator, from the source sequence.
public func distinctUntilChanged()
-> Infallible<Element> {
extension InfallibleType {
Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the `keySelector`.
- seealso: [distinct operator on](
- parameter keySelector: A function to compute the comparison key for each element.
- returns: An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence.
public func distinctUntilChanged<Key: Equatable>(_ keySelector: @escaping (Element) throws -> Key)
-> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(self.asObservable().distinctUntilChanged(keySelector, comparer: { $0 == $1 }))
Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the `comparer`.
- seealso: [distinct operator on](
- parameter comparer: Equality comparer for computed key values.
- returns: An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on `comparer`, from the source sequence.
public func distinctUntilChanged(_ comparer: @escaping (Element, Element) throws -> Bool)
-> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(self.asObservable().distinctUntilChanged({ $0 }, comparer: comparer))
Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the keySelector and the comparer.
- seealso: [distinct operator on](
- parameter keySelector: A function to compute the comparison key for each element.
- parameter comparer: Equality comparer for computed key values.
- returns: An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on a computed key value and the comparer, from the source sequence.
public func distinctUntilChanged<K>(_ keySelector: @escaping (Element) throws -> K, comparer: @escaping (K, K) throws -> Bool)
-> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(asObservable().distinctUntilChanged(keySelector, comparer: comparer))
Returns an observable sequence that contains only contiguous elements with distinct values in the provided key path on each object.
- seealso: [distinct operator on](
- returns: An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on equality operator on the provided key path
public func distinctUntilChanged<Property: Equatable>(at keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Property>) ->
Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(asObservable().distinctUntilChanged { $0[keyPath: keyPath] == $1[keyPath: keyPath] })
// MARK: - Throttle
extension InfallibleType {
@ -279,30 +362,52 @@ extension InfallibleType {
Merges elements from all observable sequences from array into a single observable sequence.
Merges elements from all infallible sequences from array into a single infallible sequence.
- seealso: [merge operator on](
- parameter sources: Array of observable sequences to merge.
- returns: The observable sequence that merges the elements of the observable sequences.
- parameter sources: Array of infallible sequences to merge.
- returns: The infallible sequence that merges the elements of the infallible sequences.
public static func merge(_ sources: [Observable<Element>]) -> Infallible<Element> {
public static func merge(_ sources: [Infallible<Element>]) -> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(Observable.merge( { $0.asObservable() }))
Merges elements from all observable sequences into a single observable sequence.
Merges elements from all infallible sequences into a single infallible sequence.
- seealso: [merge operator on](
- parameter sources: Collection of observable sequences to merge.
- returns: The observable sequence that merges the elements of the observable sequences.
- parameter sources: Collection of infallible sequences to merge.
- returns: The infallible sequence that merges the elements of the infallible sequences.
public static func merge(_ sources: Observable<Element>...) -> Infallible<Element> {
public static func merge(_ sources: Infallible<Element>...) -> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(Observable.merge( { $0.asObservable() }))
// MARK: - Do
extension Infallible {
Invokes an action for each event in the infallible sequence, and propagates all observer messages through the result sequence.
- seealso: [do operator on](
- parameter onNext: Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence.
- parameter afterNext: Action to invoke for each element after the observable has passed an onNext event along to its downstream.
- parameter onCompleted: Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.
- parameter afterCompleted: Action to invoke after graceful termination of the observable sequence.
- parameter onSubscribe: Action to invoke before subscribing to source observable sequence.
- parameter onSubscribed: Action to invoke after subscribing to source observable sequence.
- parameter onDispose: Action to invoke after subscription to source observable has been disposed for any reason. It can be either because sequence terminates for some reason or observer subscription being disposed.
- returns: The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied.
public func `do`(onNext: ((Element) throws -> Void)? = nil, afterNext: ((Element) throws -> Void)? = nil, onCompleted: (() throws -> Void)? = nil, afterCompleted: (() throws -> Void)? = nil, onSubscribe: (() -> Void)? = nil, onSubscribed: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDispose: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> Infallible<Element> {
Infallible(asObservable().do(onNext: onNext, afterNext: afterNext, onCompleted: onCompleted, afterCompleted: afterCompleted, onSubscribe: onSubscribe, onSubscribed: onSubscribed, onDispose: onDispose))
// MARK: - Scan
extension InfallibleType {
@ -338,6 +443,24 @@ extension InfallibleType {
// MARK: - Start with
extension InfallibleType {
Prepends a value to an observable sequence.
- seealso: [startWith operator on](
- parameter element: Element to prepend to the specified sequence.
- returns: The source sequence prepended with the specified values.
public func startWith(_ element: Element) -> Infallible<Element> {
// MARK: - Take {
extension InfallibleType {