Krunoslav Zaher fdc194b001
Fixes typos.
2017-08-23 01:10:00 +02:00

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// BlockingObservable+Operators.swift
// RxBlocking
// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 10/19/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
import RxSwift
/// The `MaterializedSequenceResult` enum represents the materialized
/// output of a BlockingObservable.
/// If the sequence terminates successfully, the result is represented
/// by `.completed` with the array of elements.
/// If the sequence terminates with error, the result is represented
/// by `.failed` with both the array of elements and the terminating error.
public enum MaterializedSequenceResult<T> {
case completed(elements: [T])
case failed(elements: [T], error: Error)
extension BlockingObservable {
/// Blocks current thread until sequence terminates.
/// If sequence terminates with error, terminating error will be thrown.
/// - returns: All elements of sequence.
public func toArray() throws -> [E] {
let results = materializeResult()
return try elementsOrThrow(results)
extension BlockingObservable {
/// Blocks current thread until sequence produces first element.
/// If sequence terminates with error before producing first element, terminating error will be thrown.
/// - returns: First element of sequence. If sequence is empty `nil` is returned.
public func first() throws -> E? {
let results = materializeResult(max: 1)
return try elementsOrThrow(results).first
extension BlockingObservable {
/// Blocks current thread until sequence terminates.
/// If sequence terminates with error, terminating error will be thrown.
/// - returns: Last element in the sequence. If sequence is empty `nil` is returned.
public func last() throws -> E? {
let results = materializeResult()
return try elementsOrThrow(results).last
extension BlockingObservable {
/// Blocks current thread until sequence terminates.
/// If sequence terminates with error before producing first element, terminating error will be thrown.
/// - returns: Returns the only element of an sequence, and reports an error if there is not exactly one element in the observable sequence.
public func single() throws -> E? {
return try single { _ in true }
/// Blocks current thread until sequence terminates.
/// If sequence terminates with error before producing first element, terminating error will be thrown.
/// - parameter predicate: A function to test each source element for a condition.
/// - returns: Returns the only element of an sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, and reports an error if there is not exactly one element in the sequence.
public func single(_ predicate: @escaping (E) throws -> Bool) throws -> E? {
let results = materializeResult(max: 2, predicate: predicate)
let elements = try elementsOrThrow(results)
switch elements.count {
case 0:
throw RxError.noElements
case 1:
return elements.first
throw RxError.moreThanOneElement
extension BlockingObservable {
/// Blocks current thread until sequence terminates.
/// The sequence is materialized as a result type capturing how the sequence terminated (completed or error), along with any elements up to that point.
/// - returns: On completion, returns the list of elements in the sequence. On error, returns the list of elements up to that point, along with the error itself.
public func materialize() -> MaterializedSequenceResult<E> {
return materializeResult()
extension BlockingObservable {
fileprivate func materializeResult(max: Int? = nil, predicate: @escaping (E) throws -> Bool = { _ in true }) -> MaterializedSequenceResult<E> {
var elements: [E] = Array<E>()
var error: Swift.Error?
let lock = RunLoopLock(timeout: timeout)
let d = SingleAssignmentDisposable()
defer {
lock.dispatch {
let subscription = self.source.subscribe { event in
if d.isDisposed {
switch event {
case .next(let element):
do {
if try predicate(element) {
if let max = max, elements.count >= max {
} catch (let err) {
error = err
case .error(let err):
error = err
case .completed:
do {
try lock.run()
} catch (let err) {
error = err
if let error = error {
return MaterializedSequenceResult.failed(elements: elements, error: error)
return MaterializedSequenceResult.completed(elements: elements)
fileprivate func elementsOrThrow(_ results: MaterializedSequenceResult<E>) throws -> [E] {
switch results {
case .failed(_, let error):
throw error
case .completed(let elements):
return elements