2016-08-02 14:51:04 +02:00

199 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

// validate-headers.swift
// scripts
// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 12/26/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
Validates that all headers are in this standard form
// {file}.swift
// Project
// Created by {Author} on 2/14/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
Only Project is not checked yet, but it will be soon.
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let allowedExtensions = [
let excludedRootPaths = [
let excludePaths = [
func isExtensionIncluded(path: String) -> Bool {
return (allowedExtensions.map { path.hasSuffix($0) }).reduce(false) { $0 || $1 }
let whitespace = NSCharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines()
let identifier = "(?:\\w|\\+|\\_|\\.|-)+"
let fileLine = try RegularExpression(pattern: "// (\(identifier))", options: [])
let projectLine = try RegularExpression(pattern: "// (\(identifier))", options: [])
let createdBy = try RegularExpression(pattern: "// Created by .* on \\d+/\\d+/\\d+\\.", options: [])
let copyrightLine = try RegularExpression(pattern: "// Copyright © (\\d+) Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.", options: [])
func validateRegexMatches(regularExpression: RegularExpression, content: String) -> ([String], Bool) {
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: content.characters.count)
let matches = regularExpression.matches(in: content, options: [], range: range)
if matches.count == 0 {
print("ERROR: line `\(content)` is invalid: \(regularExpression.pattern)")
return ([], false)
for m in matches {
if m.numberOfRanges == 0 || !NSEqualRanges(m.range, range) {
print("ERROR: line `\(content)` is invalid: \(regularExpression.pattern)")
return ([], false)
return (matches[0 ..< matches.count].flatMap { m -> [String] in
return (1 ..< m.numberOfRanges).map { index in
return (content as NSString).substring(with: m.range(at: index))
}, true)
func validateHeader(path: String) throws -> Bool {
let contents = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
let rawLines = contents.components(separatedBy: "\n")
var lines = rawLines.map { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: whitespace) }
if (lines.first ?? "").hasPrefix("#") || (lines.first ?? "").hasPrefix("// This file is autogenerated.") {
lines.remove(at: 0)
if lines.count < 8 {
print("ERROR: Number of lines is less then 8, so the header can't be correct")
return false
for i in 0 ..< 7 {
if !lines[i].hasPrefix("//") {
print("ERROR: Line [\(i + 1)] (\(lines[i])) isn't prefixed with //")
return false
if lines[0] != "//" {
print("ERROR: Line[1] First line should be `//`")
return false
let (parsedFileLine, isValidFilename) = validateRegexMatches(regularExpression: fileLine, content: lines[1])
if !isValidFilename {
print("ERROR: Line[2] Filename line should match `\(fileLine.pattern)`")
return false
let fileNameInFile = parsedFileLine.first ?? ""
if fileNameInFile != (path as NSString).lastPathComponent {
print("ERROR: Line[2] invalid file name `\(fileNameInFile)`, correct content is `\((path as NSString).lastPathComponent)`")
return false
let (_, isValidProject) = validateRegexMatches(regularExpression: projectLine, content: lines[2])
if !isValidProject {
print("ERROR: Line[3] Line not maching \(projectLine.pattern)")
return false
if lines[3] != "//" {
print("ERROR: Line[4] Line should be `//`")
return false
let (_, isValidCreatedBy) = validateRegexMatches(regularExpression: createdBy, content: lines[4])
if !isValidCreatedBy {
print("ERROR: Line[5] Line not matching \(createdBy.pattern)")
return false
let (year, isValidCopyright) = validateRegexMatches(regularExpression: copyrightLine, content: lines[5])
if !isValidCopyright {
print("ERROR: Line[6] Line not matching \(copyrightLine.pattern)")
return false
if year.first == nil || !(2015...2016).contains(Int(year.first!) ?? 0) {
print("ERROR: Line[6] Wrong copyright year \(year.first ?? "?") instead of 2015...2016")
return false
if lines[6] != "//" {
print("ERROR: Line[7] Line not matching \(copyrightLine.pattern)")
return false
if lines[7] != "" {
print("ERROR: Line[8] Should be blank and not `\(lines[7])`")
return false
return true
func verifyAll(root: String) throws -> Bool {
return try fileManager.subpathsOfDirectory(atPath: root).map { file -> Bool in
let excluded = excludePaths.map { file.hasPrefix($0) }.reduce(false) { $0 || $1 }
if excluded {
return true
if !isExtensionIncluded(path: file) {
return true
let isValid = try validateHeader(path: "\(root)/\(file)")
if !isValid {
print(" while Validating '\(root)/\(file)'")
return isValid
}.reduce(true) { $0 && $1 }
let allValid = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: ".").map { rootDir -> Bool in
if excludedRootPaths.contains(rootDir) {
print("Skipping \(rootDir)")
return true
return try verifyAll(root: rootDir)
}.reduce(true) { $0 && $1 }
if !allValid {