# Contributing to docs In order to translate the docs to your language, there are several steps to be done. ## Preparing the files In the root folder, go to docs/_pages/docs Create a folder with your language and copy inside the following folders/files - /docs/_pages/`contribute` - /docs/_pages/docs/`00-quick-start` - /docs/_pages/docs/`01-best-practices` - /docs/_pages/docs/`02-features` - /docs/_pages/docs/`03-understand` - /docs/_pages/`home.md` - /docs/_pages/`stats.md` this is how it looks the spanish folder ![spanish expample](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-1.png "spanish folder") Then go to `/docs/_includes/` and make a copy of the improve and wip files, adding at the end of them `xxx_{your language}` ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-2.png) ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-3.png) Go to /docs/_data/ and make a copy of navigation.yml , adding at the end of them `xxx_{your language}` ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image.png) ## Start translation Now go file by file in the folder you created and translate everything In the beginning of most folders you will find this structure ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-5.png) Remember to change the title, the permalink and the sidebar title. This is how it looks once changed, in the permalink, add /{your language}/, and do the same in all links with this structure. ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-6.png) In order to do this quicker and easier, its better to use a find and replace tool. Here is what it looks in VSCode. Go to the magnifying glass icon in the left and use this as a sample. ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-9.png) You can replace all at once, or go one by one ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-11.png) There will be some files that include at the bottom a include for the improve file or the **wip** file Use the same tool to change it quick in all files. ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-12.png) ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-13.png) *** ## Menus ### Header Menu In order to trasnlate the menus, change all the titles and urls in the `/docs/_data/navigation_{your language}.yml` file you copied earlier. Then go to `/docs/_data/convertToJson.js` and change the filename const to your filename ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-15.png) After that,from the root, run node `node .\docs\_data\converToJson.js`, and a json copy will be generated. ### Sidebar In the `/docs/_includes/nav_list` file, add 2 lines changing the language, just like in the picture below. (change all ocurrences of **'es'**). Add a {% endif %} at the end. ![alt text](/docs/contributeDocsImages/image-14.png)