# Dayon! [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/RetGal/Dayon.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/RetGal/Dayon) [![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=RetGal_Dayon&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=RetGal_Dayon) Dayon! is an easy to use, cross-platform remote desktop assistance solution. It consists of two parts - one for the assistant and one for the assisted. Both are included in one single package. As quick launch versions for Windows, they are also available as individual binaries. ## Key features - easy setup - no router or network configuration needed on the assisted side - friendly, trilingual user interface - assistant and assisted functionality in same packet - encrypted communication (TLS) - cross-platform - open source - free (as hugs) ## History Dayon! was originally developed by Marc Polizzi back in 2008. With his consent, I have taken over the maintenance and further development of this software in late 2016. I also moved the code base to GitHub, where it can easier be maintained. ## Releases The ![latest version](https://github.com/RetGal/Dayon/releases) is v1.9.1 - released more than ten years after the initial release. This version comes with a new connection protocol, allowing the clipboard to be shared between assisted and assistant. It is most likely the very last version which is bundled with a Java 8 based JRE. ## Website [Deutsch](https://retgal.github.io/Dayon/de_index.html)
[Français](https://retgal.github.io/Dayon/fr_index.html) ## Screen ![Assistant connected](/docs/assistant_connected.jpg?raw=true "Assistant connected") ## Trivia Dayon! means "Come in!" in Visayas - a local Philippine dialect. ## Developers The project can be built with Maven: ``mvn clean package`` or with Ant: ``ant clean build`` Have a look at ``pom.xml`` or ``build.xml`` for details and advanced options. ## Contributors Any feedback and contributions are very welcome. You don't have to be a programmer! For example translations for additional languages would make this app more useful for more earthlings - see: [src/main/java/mpo/dayon/common/babylon/Babylon.properties](https://github.com/RetGal/Dayon/blob/master/src/main/java/mpo/dayon/common/babylon/Babylon.properties) or [docs](https://github.com/RetGal/Dayon/tree/master/docs) Some additional testing, especially on macOS would also be highly appreciated.