2022-01-02 01:13:27 +03:00
from django . db import models
2022-01-02 01:34:23 +03:00
from django . contrib . auth . models import User
2022-01-04 16:47:37 +03:00
from django . core . validators import MaxValueValidator , MinValueValidator , validate_comma_separated_integer_list
from django . db . models . signals import post_save , pre_delete
from django . dispatch import receiver
from pathlib import Path
2022-01-02 01:13:27 +03:00
2022-01-02 01:34:23 +03:00
# Load hparams from .env file
min_satoshis_trade = 10 * 1000
max_satoshis_trade = 500 * 1000
class Order ( models . Model ) :
class Types ( models . IntegerChoices ) :
BUY = 0 , ' BUY '
SELL = 1 , ' SELL '
class Currencies ( models . IntegerChoices ) :
USD = 1 , ' USD '
EUR = 2 , ' EUR '
ETH = 3 , ' ETH '
class Status ( models . TextChoices ) :
WFB = 0 , ' Waiting for bond '
PUB = 1 , ' Published in order book '
DEL = 2 , ' Deleted from order book '
TAK = 3 , ' Taken '
UCA = 4 , ' Unilaterally cancelled '
RET = 5 , ' Returned to order book ' # Probably same as 1 in most cases.
WF2 = 6 , ' Waiting for trade collateral and buyer invoice '
WTC = 7 , ' Waiting only for trade collateral '
WBI = 8 , ' Waiting only for buyer invoice '
EXF = 9 , ' Exchanging fiat / In chat '
CCA = 10 , ' Collaboratively cancelled '
FSE = 11 , ' Fiat sent '
FCO = 12 , ' Fiat confirmed '
SUC = 13 , ' Sucessfully settled '
FAI = 14 , ' Failed lightning network routing '
UPI = 15 , ' Updated invoice '
DIS = 16 , ' In dispute '
MLD = 17 , ' Maker lost dispute '
TLD = 18 , ' Taker lost dispute '
EXP = 19 , ' Expired '
# order info, id = models.CharField(max_length=64, unique=True, null=False)
status = models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( choices = Status . choices , default = Status . WFB )
created_at = models . DateTimeField ( auto_now_add = True )
2022-01-04 13:21:45 +03:00
expires_at = models . DateTimeField ( )
2022-01-02 01:34:23 +03:00
# order details
type = models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( choices = Types . choices , null = False )
currency = models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( choices = Currencies . choices , null = False )
amount = models . DecimalField ( max_digits = 9 , decimal_places = 4 , validators = [ MinValueValidator ( 0.00001 ) ] )
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payment_method = models . CharField ( max_length = 30 , null = False , default = " Not specified " )
premium = models . DecimalField ( max_digits = 5 , decimal_places = 2 , default = 0 , null = True , validators = [ MinValueValidator ( - 100 ) , MaxValueValidator ( 999 ) ] )
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satoshis = models . PositiveBigIntegerField ( null = True , validators = [ MinValueValidator ( min_satoshis_trade ) , MaxValueValidator ( max_satoshis_trade ) ] )
2022-01-02 16:35:31 +03:00
is_explicit = models . BooleanField ( default = False , null = False ) # pricing method. A explicit amount of sats, or a relative premium above/below market.
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2022-01-02 01:34:23 +03:00
# order participants
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maker = models . ForeignKey ( User , related_name = ' maker ' , on_delete = models . CASCADE , null = True , default = None ) # unique = True, a maker can only make one order
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taker = models . ForeignKey ( User , related_name = ' taker ' , on_delete = models . SET_NULL , null = True , default = None ) # unique = True, a taker can only take one order
# order collateral
has_maker_bond = models . BooleanField ( default = False , null = False )
has_taker_bond = models . BooleanField ( default = False , null = False )
has_trade_collat = models . BooleanField ( default = False , null = False )
maker_bond_secret = models . CharField ( max_length = 300 , unique = False , null = True , default = None )
taker_bond_secret = models . CharField ( max_length = 300 , unique = False , null = True , default = None )
trade_collat_secret = models . CharField ( max_length = 300 , unique = False , null = True , default = None )
# buyer payment LN invoice
has_invoice = models . BooleanField ( default = False , null = False ) # has invoice and is valid
invoice = models . CharField ( max_length = 300 , unique = False , null = True , default = None )
2022-01-04 16:47:37 +03:00
class Profile ( models . Model ) :
user = models . OneToOneField ( User , on_delete = models . CASCADE )
# Ratings stored as a comma separated integer list
total_ratings = models . PositiveIntegerField ( null = False , default = 0 )
latest_ratings = models . CharField ( max_length = 999 , null = True , default = None , validators = [ validate_comma_separated_integer_list ] ) # Will only store latest ratings
avg_rating = models . DecimalField ( max_digits = 3 , decimal_places = 1 , default = None , null = True , validators = [ MinValueValidator ( 0 ) , MaxValueValidator ( 100 ) ] )
# Disputes
num_disputes = models . PositiveIntegerField ( null = False , default = 0 )
lost_disputes = models . PositiveIntegerField ( null = False , default = 0 )
# RoboHash
avatar = models . ImageField ( default = " static/assets/avatars/unknown.png " )
@receiver ( post_save , sender = User )
def create_user_profile ( sender , instance , created , * * kwargs ) :
if created :
Profile . objects . create ( user = instance )
@receiver ( post_save , sender = User )
def save_user_profile ( sender , instance , * * kwargs ) :
instance . profile . save ( )
# Move avatar handling from views.py to here
# @receiver(pre_delete, sender=User)
# def _mymodel_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
# avatar_file = Path('frontend', instance.profile.avatar)
# avatar_file.unlink() # Unsafe if avatar does not exist.