# Set up *Attention: to use RoboSats you do not need to run the stack, simply visit the website and that's it! This setup guide is intended for developer contributors and coordinator operators.* # Frontend Development Only Running the full stack is not easy, since RoboSats needs of many services. However, contributing to the frontend development can be done with a minimal setup! ## With Docker You can develop frontend-only features using the mainnet backend of the platform by simply running the sorverign node app locally and the `npm-dev` container. The orchestration in `/nodeapp/docker-compose.yml` will run a Tor proxy and torify all requests, as well as, watch for changes to the frontend source files, build it, and place it in the right `/static/` ```bash cd nodeapp docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up # Press Ctrl+C to exit the process # Check out on your browser ``` You can edit the frontend code in `/frontend/src/` to make the changes you want. Within a few seconds, the `npm-dev` container process will pack the code into the local `main.js`. Visit `` and you will see your changes on the frontend. ## Without Docker *Set up time ~10 min. Tested in Firefox in Ubuntu.* (Does not work in Chromium) ------------------------ 0. `git clone {robosats-project}` 1. `cd robosats/frontend` 2. `npm install` 3. `npm run dev` (leave it running) 4. On another terminal `npm install -g http-server` 5. Then run `http-server "robosats/frontend/static/` 6. Install [Requestly](https://requestly.io/) extension in your browser, it's a lightweight proxy. We want to use it so our browser grabs our local `main.js` instead of the remote. There are many alternatives to Requestly (be aware that Requestly might not respect your privacy. Didn't research it). 7. Pick a RoboSats backend to test the new frontend: e.g. "robosats.onion.moe", or "unsafe.testnet.robosats.com". You can also use the onion services also if you are using Brave or Tor Browser (untested!) 8. Open Requestly extension and add a new redirect rule. Make "{robosats-site}/static/frontend/main.js" redirect to "" and save the changes. ------------------- **You are ready to go!** Edit the frontend code in `/frontend/src/` to make the changes you want. Within a few seconds, the `npm run dev` process will pack the code into the local `main.js`. Visit your selected {robosats-site} and you will see your new awesome frontend! :) Every time you save changes to files in `/frontend/src` you will be able to see them in your browser after a few seconds using force refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R). If you need to edit CSS or other static files in `/frontend/static`, simply add them to Requestly in the same way. i.e: index.css Make "{robosats-site}/static/css/index.css" redirect to "" # Documentation Jekyll Site Only Simply run the de docker-compose within /docs/ in order to watch files, build and serve the Learn RoboSats site locally. ```bash cd docs docker-compose up # press Ctrl+C to exit the process ``` Then visit `` on your browser. Once you save changes on a file it will take around 10s for the site to update (press to force-refresh your browser). # Full Stack Development ## The Easy Way: Docker-compose (-dev containers running on testnet) *Set up time, anywhere between ~45 min and 1 full day (depending on experience, whether you have a copy of the testnet blockchain, etc). Tested in Ubuntu. Spinning up docker for the first time ```bash docker-compose build --no-cache # Install LND python dependencies into local repository docker run --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/usr/src/robosats backend sh generate_grpc.sh docker-compose up -d docker exec -it django-dev python3 manage.py makemigrations api control chat docker exec -it django-dev python3 manage.py migrate docker exec -it django-dev python3 manage.py createsuperuser # Once requested for the new superuser name, make sure to use the same name you have in the .env-sample variable ESCROW_USERNAME. By default 'admin'. docker-compose restart ``` Copy the `.env-sample` file into `.env` and check the environmental variables are right for your development. **All set!** Commands you will need to startup: * Spinning up the docker orchestration: `docker-compose up -d` * Then monitor in a terminal the Django dev docker service `docker attach django-dev` * And the NPM dev docker service `docker attach npm-dev` * You could also just check all services logs `docker-compose logs -f` You will need these commands also often or eventually: * Use `unlock` or `create` your lnd node `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli unlock` * Create p2wkh addresses `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet newaddress p2wkh` * Wallet balance `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet walletbalance` * Connect to peer `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet connect node_id@ip:9735` * Open channel `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet openchannel node_id --local_amt LOCAL_AMT --push_amt PUSH_AMT` * Lock a bond from your own `lnd-dev` node `docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli -network=testnet payinvoice --allow_self_payment` **RoboSats development site should be accessible on**